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Los Angeles: Blood Moon (VtM V20)
❌past logs chapter 13 (4) / ❌🌙🟩ch13-she-knows
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jul-22 03:22 PM
Chapter 13 Location: Hollywood nightclub Players: @Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) a ST: @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] Previous scenes: #❌🌙🟩ch13-a-sight-to-see-twice
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 09-Jul-22 03:28 PM
Jean-Paul was in extasy. It was his first time that he was so fulfilled, in a landscape of flesh, pleasure and blood. He only had to lick, to kiss, to pierce to hear a delicious moan, a symphony of pleasure, as the delicious substance ran in him. The perfect scene of deligth, and he was in the center of the spotlight. The actor, the realisator, the scenarist, he was them all, and he could feel his mind wonder, fully drowned in the pleasure. And that's when he saw. He saw a blonde figure looking at him, having pulled the curtain, as he was biting one of his séides. Cassiopea. The pleasure of knowing that she looked at him while doing that, that it meant danger was total. Intoxicating. And yet, he saw her look, horrified, as she dissapeared. He knew what it meant. Masquerade breach.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 09-Jul-22 03:42 PM
A sense of dread came over Jean-Paul as soon as he saw Cassiopeia. He instantly was removed from his amusement in the feeding... he had to think fast. He called upon the powers of his blood to charm her as much as he could, and looked into her eyes, with a seductive smile, and said. "Come here, my dear... and join me... you know you want to"
Cassiopeia BOT 09-Jul-22 03:58 PM
She looked at him with a loving expression. She was visibly tempted, as she began to walk toward him, and reaching to unstrap her bikini. Realisation arose as she was two steps in. She looked at him with first a slow comprehension, and then terror. "I... I trusted you! You're just one of them aren't you ? A damned one ?" She was talking with fierce rage and anger, and also sadness.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 09-Jul-22 04:02 PM
"Okay... can we... get these people out of here first? I understand how you're feeling, and I will talk to you, but they don't need to be here" He will motion for the people to get out and keep her on his sight.
And he's going to keep Awe active too, just in case. Full blood pool, might as well take advantage of it.
Cassiopeia BOT 09-Jul-22 04:09 PM
The people began to look at her, getting their clothes up as she continued to look at him in fury. Something was wrong. She was unaffected. "What have you done to them? You've bitten them. I saw it." She was trembling, and yet, roamed around, none caring about the people around. "How... That was the good feeling? Hey, he bite us ?"
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 09-Jul-22 04:11 PM
Some people were visibly wary of what she said, as they slowly began to look around, some dismissing it and going, others stopping a bit.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 09-Jul-22 04:14 PM
"As if a bite would make you feel that good, ha!" He put on his shirt and then placed his arm over Cass' shoulder and tried to drag her out of there. "Please, can we please talk in private? Just give me a chance to explain myself and you'll understand" He'll whisper to her.
Cassiopeia BOT 09-Jul-22 04:22 PM
She was still tensed, but nodded calmly, gripping her bum bag with her left hand, as she followed him.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 09-Jul-22 04:23 PM
Jean-Paul took her to a private booth and took a deep breath when he got there. "Okay... so... how are you feeling now? Any better?" He knew he wasn't. This could go terribly wrong still. And he knew that if this escalated to a fight he was fucked.
Cassiopeia BOT 09-Jul-22 04:31 PM
"What are you?" She looked at him, wary, and with a confused look.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 09-Jul-22 04:34 PM
"What are you?" Jean-Paul returned the question, hoping to hear what she thought of herself first.
Cassiopeia BOT 09-Jul-22 04:35 PM
"Someone who doesn't fucking bite people, and use powers to seduce me!" She was panting after saying that, her eyes slowly and slowly looking at him, eyeing toward his crotch.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 09-Jul-22 04:38 PM
"And I'm someone who just does this kind of thing because he has to, because someone forced this condition on me... I didn't choose to do this, hell, I hate the fact that I have to do this kind of thing... but I was afraid of you... and I didn't want to hurt you"
Cassiopeia BOT 09-Jul-22 04:48 PM
"It is true ? And yet, you are here, doing this kind of stuff? Explain it to me, I can try to understand. I just... I just want to comprehend you." She relaxed a bit, as she looked at his eyes.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 09-Jul-22 04:51 PM
"It's... because I have no choice... if I don't have blood, I'm going to become out of control and it's going to be worse for... basically everyone... I don't want to hurt people, so I just do it in a way that's enjoyable for the others as well"
Cassiopeia BOT 10-Jul-22 06:08 AM
"... I can't believe what you're saying to me... And I... I feel like you're a danger, and yet you seem really innocent. But there are ones like you that are evil, right ?"
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 08:48 AM
"Just like humans, there are good and there are bad humans... I'm not saying I'm a good person, that's not for me to judge... but there is evil and good everywhere"
Cassiopeia BOT 10-Jul-22 01:06 PM
"I... I don't know what to do with all of this, I..." She looked at him, uncertain. "I..." She took her head into her hands, covering her eyes as she curled up on herserlf, in intense conflict.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 01:13 PM
Jean-Paul came closer to her. "I have told you nothing but the truth so far... I think you already know what to do with all this..." He placed his hand over her head, caressing it softly, running his fingers through her hair. "Join me, and I'll show you the truth of the world, without all the bias that these people told you over and over..."
Cassiopeia BOT 10-Jul-22 01:17 PM
"What do you mean join you?" Her head was still in her hands.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 01:42 PM
"I do not wish to turn you into one of us, if that is what you are thinking... I would never do that to someone... this is a curse... what I meant is that I want you to willingly come with me wherever I go, so you can experience this dark world as it truly is"
Cassiopeia BOT 11-Jul-22 10:21 AM
"Will I be in danger ? Or is it a trap ? How could I trust you ?"
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 11-Jul-22 10:33 AM
"You had every chance to kill me so far, you've seen me at my most vulnerable... and I have shared so much about me with you, which means I trust you... I'm just asking you to do the same for me"
Cassiopeia BOT 11-Jul-22 12:41 PM
"I'll do Jean-Paul. Show me your world."
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 11-Jul-22 01:32 PM
"Why don't we go somewhere else? Somewhere that we can enjoy ourselves more than in such a public place?"
Cassiopeia BOT 11-Jul-22 01:43 PM
"If it is what it takes, show me."
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 11-Jul-22 01:53 PM
After getting dressed appropriately, Jean-Paul will take her to his car, and drive to a fancy hotel to get them a private room. Or at least that's his intention.
Cassiopeia BOT 11-Jul-22 02:59 PM
She is suspicious, obviously, but she aggree to what he do, quietly.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 11-Jul-22 03:02 PM
"I've shared a lot about me... can you tell me a bit about yourself as well?"
Cassiopeia BOT 11-Jul-22 03:25 PM
"I don't think you've shared a lot knowing what I saw. So what do you want to show me, to make me understand your damned condition?"
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 11-Jul-22 04:06 PM
"That will take much more than just one night, and more than just words" He will approach her slowly. "I want to show you something else tonight... I want to show that there are good things here, despite the curse" He will caress her cheek, if she allows him to.
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 12-Jul-22 09:21 PM
The door roughly opened and the very, very familiar head with crasily dyed hair appeared in the air gap. "So that's how you're looking for your inspiration?! I should have known! I am just another toy to you! Same as that blondish slut!!!" If tat was a play - that would be her best role indeed. Her face turned a little red and she was almost crying.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 12-Jul-22 10:05 PM
Just what Jean-Paul needed. His crazy stalker. When he though he was going to finally be able to solve the problem of the hunter. "Explain to me in detail why you would be a toy to me if I don't even know you GODDAMN NAME" For the first time Jean-Paul got annoyed with that woman. "You're a terrible actress who has been chasing me ever since I arrived at this city, and all you did was threaten me to try to get a role in a movie that I haven't even started working on yet..." With blush of life activated, his face is clearly getting red with anger. He doesn't have a lot of intimidation, but he is pissed. "Now please get out of here before I call the police on you, or my bodyguard, and they'll have every reason in the world to kick you out, BECAUSE YOU JUST BROKE A GODDAMN DOOR!"
hyena 2
realhearty 2
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 12-Jul-22 10:44 PM
"My goddamn name is Gloria McDonald! And I just don't want o see that bitch around you!" She turned to Cassiopea. "Did you hear me?! Et outta here and leave my boyfriend alone!!!" Then she turned to Jean-Paul again, lowering tone. "You just need to get into your mood again. I am sorry I broke the door but you made me! Why are you doing this to me, darling?"
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 12-Jul-22 10:52 PM
"I must have thrown rocks on the cross" Jean-Paul whispers to himself. He will just try to grab his phone and send a message to Isaac texting the address of the hotel and the number of the room he's in. "I'm really sorry, Cassiopeia, I guess I should have told you that I have stalker who is obsessed with me... and apparently she's even willing to do breaking and entering because of her obsession"
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 13-Jul-22 12:59 AM
"Why are you apologising to her?! You should do that to me!" Gloria seemed really not getting why is he do mean to her.
Cassiopeia BOT 13-Jul-22 01:26 AM
"You are indeed in a danger. I see a bit more about what’s happening to you. Is she like you ?" She rises from the bed, staring intensely at the woman.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 13-Jul-22 01:43 AM
@Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas)
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 13-Jul-22 07:36 AM
A part of Jean-Paul really wanted to start going on about how much this woman was nothing like him... but his first rant was probably enough. He just shook his head. "No, she's not, she's... I honestly don't know who she is"
Cassiopeia BOT 13-Jul-22 08:01 AM
Cass forwarded toward the woman. "Girl, get out. He's not liking you, and you're visibly nothing to his eyes. Find someone who cares about you, not just an god to worship."
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 13-Jul-22 10:34 AM
"Tell me more what he likes bitch and I will throw throw you out!" Gloria really was ins mood to start a catfight... More of that - win it because of some bitch was a border to her love - she'll regret that. The crazy took the closest bottle and cracked it at the table. "I don't want to see your near Jean Paul, if you don't understand, it will be your biggest mistake to regret!" She moved forward with the intention of... Well good knows what... (edited)
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 13-Jul-22 11:24 AM
While they were distracted with each other, Jean-Paul sent the text to Isaac. 'Got a situation at [address], need help. Send someone please' He will then walk towards the door and watch the two for a moment, trying to think of how to proceed.
Cassiopeia BOT 13-Jul-22 01:02 PM
"You fuck-.." She stopped herself talking. She was visibly frustrated, and angry at the woman in front of her, but she was also conflicted about what she needed to do. Recognizing something in her. She looked at Jean-Paul, silent.
"I'll take my leave then. I'm sorry to have put you in discomfort, miss and mister." She smiled fakely, as she took her handbag and begin to depart.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 13-Jul-22 01:15 PM
"Hold on a minute, you didn't put me in a situation of discomfort, Cass, if anything, it's Gloria who did, and she should remove herself from here, she committed two crimes already, and she should leave before she gets herself into more trouble... you can stay"
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 13-Jul-22 01:18 PM
The yes of Gloria got like two huge plates. "No she can't!" Like the crazy could decide at all, She got to the blond one to try and cut her with the broken bottle.
Cassiopeia BOT 13-Jul-22 01:28 PM
Cass swiftly grabbed her hand, and disarmed her. She headbutted the crazy fan, who was stunned and got back a bit. Jean-Paul could see a bit of blood leaking from her arm, where the bottle hit. She took two steps back. "No, no, I... I don't want to fight."
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 13-Jul-22 01:29 PM
"I want this bitch out!!!" - Gloria screamed when got disarmed and still tried to scratch or bite her competitor.
Cassiopeia BOT 13-Jul-22 01:29 PM
She ran away at this occasion.
Cassiopeia BOT 13-Jul-22 01:49 PM
In front of her was Jean-Paul. She tried to push him on the side, while the crazy one was stabbing her in the back.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 13-Jul-22 02:09 PM
"STOP DOING THIS. RIGHT. FUCKING. NOW" Jean-Paul is going to spend some blood to raise his stamina to try to change places with Cassiopeia and kick his stalker away (buffing strength to 3)
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 13-Jul-22 04:06 PM
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 13-Jul-22 10:25 PM
Jean-Paul was feeding, was suddenly interrupted by Cassiopeia, the hunter, and he had to take extreme measures, according to his views, and tried to entrance and awe her. He failed, but still managed to convince her he's not pure evil, and got her to go to a hotel with him. When he was about to get somewhere with Cassiopeia, he was again rudely interrupted by his stalker, who he finally discovered the name of, and they had a weird fight. Gloria tried to kill Cassiopeia, Jean-Paul tried to kick Gloria away, but failed, and...
realhearty 1
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