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Los Angeles: Blood Moon (VtM V20)
❌past logs chapter 12 (6) / ❌🎃🟩ch12-something-wicked-this-way-comes
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 05-Jul-22 01:31 PM
Chapter 12 Location: confession Players: @Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) ST: @David [Sir pain in the Rump]
(@Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) what does your Church look like?)
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 05-Jul-22 05:47 PM
The church looks like its clearly under renovations the outside of the Church looks unkept and in a state of neglect, the grass is over grown and the bushes and hedges need a good trim. Infact if that wasnt enough of a clue the church is under refurbishment there is a sign on the door stating such but also that normal services and functions are still available such as mass and confession. Inside the church it would be a completely different story as the inside would look alot better than the outside, some covers cover the front pews and there is the smell of fresh paint, theres a ladder here and there and a couple of tins of paint stacked next to it. This would clearly look like a place undergoing a fresh coat of paint. There would be a large crucifix hanging over the Altar and the aisles are dotted wih a multitude of catholic iconography as are the walls. (edited)
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David [Sir pain in the Rump] 05-Jul-22 07:29 PM
Angelique doesnt fit her name. The woman is as far from angelic as can be imagined. You think she might be in her 60s, but hard living might have aged her prematurely. She is a black woman with a weathered face and very few teeth that make her lips pucker up as if she has to concentrate to keep her mouth closed, and makes a wet smack when she speaks. You know she lives on disability and welfare, though your pretty sure her only disability is her inability to resist the crack cocaine. She lives in the Gutter-berg projects a few blocks away and comes to midnight mass on the regular, though probably just as a place to go when shes tweeking all night, and tonight she is really agitated, even more than ussual, you xan see she has red welts on her face through the screen that seperates the confessionals.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 05-Jul-22 08:21 PM
Michael glances through the screen as he sighs. It can never be some hot 20 something year old, looking for forgiveness for her sinful boob job can it? over here dealing with Mrs Cracky McCrackinson. at least she's not claiming to see the baby jesus in a power rangers costume tonight. I would offer confession but she may need Detox more. Ah fuck it, let's hear it. The Priest crosses himself as he stares straight ahead. "Goodevening my child..." old crone looks older than the fecker on the cross. "How long has it been since your last confession?" The priest keeps his official tone. (edited)
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 05-Jul-22 08:31 PM
@David [Sir pain in the Rump]
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
@David [Sir pain in the Rump]
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 05-Jul-22 09:10 PM
She scratches one of the red welts on her face and leans close to the screen her eyes more white than than pupil. "Fuck.. i don't know.. like a few days.. fuck... " She looks at her phone, her face underlit for a moment. "3 days.. yeah.. i .. " She backs away from the screen face falling into the shadow of the booth as she wraps her arms around herself protectively. You've seen her tweeked out before, this is different, she seems scared. "Do it matter fadda?"
David [Sir pain in the Rump]
She scratches one of the red welts on her face and leans close to the screen her eyes more white than than pupil. "Fuck.. i don't know.. like a few days.. fuck... " She looks at her phone, her face underlit for a moment. "3 days.. yeah.. i .. " She backs away from the screen face falling into the shadow of the booth as she wraps her arms around herself protectively. You've seen her tweeked out before, this is different, she seems scared. "Do it matter fadda?"
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 05-Jul-22 09:37 PM
Michael's brow furrows as he leans back slightly from the shutter watching the woman something was definitely wrong. "Right, Angelique yer not comin' after tryin' some new gear are yer? Whats the matter girl? Everythin' alright? Ya look a wee bit ill? Not picked up anything have ya?" The priest looked rather concerned as he stared at the woman through the screen. "Listen feck the religious shite fa' a second. Dae yer need a doctor? Want me to get an ambulance fa' yer? Can't have ya doin the sideways shuffle on the floor like last week."
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
Michael's brow furrows as he leans back slightly from the shutter watching the woman something was definitely wrong. "Right, Angelique yer not comin' after tryin' some new gear are yer? Whats the matter girl? Everythin' alright? Ya look a wee bit ill? Not picked up anything have ya?" The priest looked rather concerned as he stared at the woman through the screen. "Listen feck the religious shite fa' a second. Dae yer need a doctor? Want me to get an ambulance fa' yer? Can't have ya doin the sideways shuffle on the floor like last week."
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 05-Jul-22 09:45 PM
She looks like she is considering it for a moment before shaking her head. "No.. i ... do you believe in evil?" She shutters again her face out of sight, suddenly very still. "Like.. real evil.. i mean i know the whole.. satan shit.. but like..." She doesnt complete the thought just letting the sentence hang as she squeezes herslef a little more.
David [Sir pain in the Rump]
She looks like she is considering it for a moment before shaking her head. "No.. i ... do you believe in evil?" She shutters again her face out of sight, suddenly very still. "Like.. real evil.. i mean i know the whole.. satan shit.. but like..." She doesnt complete the thought just letting the sentence hang as she squeezes herslef a little more.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 05-Jul-22 11:57 PM
The priest frowned at the suggestion. "Aye...I...think I do aye..." the Irishman leaned forward towards the shutter trying to glimpse the woman. "Angelique wa exactly...what are you talkin' about? wha' have yer seen?...whats happened?" looking increasingly concerned Michael again looked for any signs the woman would be more conherent.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
The priest frowned at the suggestion. "Aye...I...think I do aye..." the Irishman leaned forward towards the shutter trying to glimpse the woman. "Angelique wa exactly...what are you talkin' about? wha' have yer seen?...whats happened?" looking increasingly concerned Michael again looked for any signs the woman would be more conherent.
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 06-Jul-22 06:26 AM
"I keep having this dream..." She pulls her legs up on the wooden seat. "Theres this girl... she lives on the fourth floor, with her momma... its not my dream, but its a dream.." She shakes her head as if clearing a though like a etch-a-sketch. "Not my dream." She says with force as if maybe she needs convincing. "Simone.. she.. i see her sleeping.. in her room.. sleeping the plastic bed for babies.. liittle kids.. too small." She leans forward some the top of her face still in shadow only her mouth and some of her nose showing in the light. "She tastes sweet... cocobut oil and kids body wash... bubbles.... " She pulls back forcefully her back thudding the wall of the confessional. "Fadder, what is happening!?" She sobs her whole shadow heaving in the dim light. (edited)
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 06-Jul-22 04:50 PM
@Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
David [Sir pain in the Rump]
"I keep having this dream..." She pulls her legs up on the wooden seat. "Theres this girl... she lives on the fourth floor, with her momma... its not my dream, but its a dream.." She shakes her head as if clearing a though like a etch-a-sketch. "Not my dream." She says with force as if maybe she needs convincing. "Simone.. she.. i see her sleeping.. in her room.. sleeping the plastic bed for babies.. liittle kids.. too small." She leans forward some the top of her face still in shadow only her mouth and some of her nose showing in the light. "She tastes sweet... cocobut oil and kids body wash... bubbles.... " She pulls back forcefully her back thudding the wall of the confessional. "Fadder, what is happening!?" She sobs her whole shadow heaving in the dim light. (edited)
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 06-Jul-22 05:08 PM
The priest brow furrows as the woman continues her story, re-telling her dream as he studies her intently. "Fourth's not yerr dream, then whose it it dae yer know, any clues?" The man continues to watch her struggle with her the visions of the dream that now invade her mind. "Dae yer get the feeling this is gonna or already happen'd when yer picturin' this Angie? dae yer know her name?" His face twisted into a look of horrific disgust as she described the taste of Simone. "Yer wha?...Angelique...I...hey don't do that! Yer'll hurt yerself." The Priest shouts at the sudden Jerking back as he shifts looking through the shutter trying to see into the shadows of the confession box. His hand pressing to the shutter. "Here, yer'll be alright...I'm sure I can help yer out somehow, listen I know it's hard but anythin' else ya remember anythin' might be a clue ta' get this outta yer head?" Eyes searched the shadows for her. (edited)
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
The priest brow furrows as the woman continues her story, re-telling her dream as he studies her intently. "Fourth's not yerr dream, then whose it it dae yer know, any clues?" The man continues to watch her struggle with her the visions of the dream that now invade her mind. "Dae yer get the feeling this is gonna or already happen'd when yer picturin' this Angie? dae yer know her name?" His face twisted into a look of horrific disgust as she described the taste of Simone. "Yer wha?...Angelique...I...hey don't do that! Yer'll hurt yerself." The Priest shouts at the sudden Jerking back as he shifts looking through the shutter trying to see into the shadows of the confession box. His hand pressing to the shutter. "Here, yer'll be alright...I'm sure I can help yer out somehow, listen I know it's hard but anythin' else ya remember anythin' might be a clue ta' get this outta yer head?" Eyes searched the shadows for her. (edited)
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 06-Jul-22 06:06 PM
She shakes her head in the shadows. "No.. i mean.. ive seen her... i... i dont know... i dont know her name.. but.. this dream." She gets very still. "I want to hurt her. I want. I don't know waht I want. The dream.. he wants her.. i have never.. i wouldnt.. " The sentence trail off. "Do you believe in evil fader?" She whispers childlike from the shadows.
πŸ‘€ 1
David [Sir pain in the Rump]
She shakes her head in the shadows. "No.. i mean.. ive seen her... i... i dont know... i dont know her name.. but.. this dream." She gets very still. "I want to hurt her. I want. I don't know waht I want. The dream.. he wants her.. i have never.. i wouldnt.. " The sentence trail off. "Do you believe in evil fader?" She whispers childlike from the shadows.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 06-Jul-22 11:53 PM
The priest stays at the shutter looking into the dark recesses of the booth. "Yer've seen her...what aba' the dream...Angelique?" Starting to feel uneasy Michael stares at the dark shape now perfectly still. He leans back slightly away from the window. His accent becomes less prounced as he speaks clearly. "You wanna hurt her?...why would you wanna hurt a chi...who wants her Angie?...whose he?...your gonna have to tell me wh..." The mans brow furrows as he's asked the same question again. His blue eyes narrow slightly as he hears the childlike whispering from the back of the box. "Yes...I believe in evil... now who is this?" (edited)
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
The priest stays at the shutter looking into the dark recesses of the booth. "Yer've seen her...what aba' the dream...Angelique?" Starting to feel uneasy Michael stares at the dark shape now perfectly still. He leans back slightly away from the window. His accent becomes less prounced as he speaks clearly. "You wanna hurt her?...why would you wanna hurt a chi...who wants her Angie?...whose he?...your gonna have to tell me wh..." The mans brow furrows as he's asked the same question again. His blue eyes narrow slightly as he hears the childlike whispering from the back of the box. "Yes...I believe in evil... now who is this?" (edited)
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 07-Jul-22 06:54 AM
She coughs a little, her shadow heaving like a dog who got into the litter box. "I don't want to hurt her.. we want to..." She leans forward and you hear her retch again back convulsing. As what little she has in her stomach is deposited onto the confeasional floor you find yourself staring at the angry welts on the back of her neck. "Good... you should... because evil believes in you." If you couldn't see the woman, you would have believed the voice from someone else. The tenor and tone so drasticslly different from the woman in front of you.
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 08-Jul-22 05:46 PM
@Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) (don't worry, its almost over, and you dont have to follow up on it.
David [Sir pain in the Rump]
@Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) (don't worry, its almost over, and you dont have to follow up on it.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 09-Jul-22 05:31 AM
(No your good man I'm just down south have crappy Internet and have been drinking with Finnish people. Will reply soon don't worry actually enjoying it)
David [Sir pain in the Rump]
She coughs a little, her shadow heaving like a dog who got into the litter box. "I don't want to hurt her.. we want to..." She leans forward and you hear her retch again back convulsing. As what little she has in her stomach is deposited onto the confeasional floor you find yourself staring at the angry welts on the back of her neck. "Good... you should... because evil believes in you." If you couldn't see the woman, you would have believed the voice from someone else. The tenor and tone so drasticslly different from the woman in front of you.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 09-Jul-22 06:55 AM
The priest tried to get a glimpse of the woman as she heaves. "Whose we?...who is this?" Michael now transfixed on the scene infront of him watches intently his eyes fixed on the welts on the back other woman's neck trying not to notice that she had spewed up her guts onto his church. "I've been face to face with evil...I've seen just how wicked evil can be...taking an old defenseless woman is nothing, I ain't impressed. Yer a fuckin' Choir boy compared to wha' I've seen." His accent coming back pronounced as ever he begins the rites of exorcism as he crosses himself. " In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, under the protection of the archangels Michael and Gabriel. I compel you in the name of our lord give me your name."
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
The priest tried to get a glimpse of the woman as she heaves. "Whose we?...who is this?" Michael now transfixed on the scene infront of him watches intently his eyes fixed on the welts on the back other woman's neck trying not to notice that she had spewed up her guts onto his church. "I've been face to face with evil...I've seen just how wicked evil can be...taking an old defenseless woman is nothing, I ain't impressed. Yer a fuckin' Choir boy compared to wha' I've seen." His accent coming back pronounced as ever he begins the rites of exorcism as he crosses himself. " In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, under the protection of the archangels Michael and Gabriel. I compel you in the name of our lord give me your name."
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 09-Jul-22 12:51 PM
A pathetic sob answers your conviction. The sound of a grown person reduced to little more than a mewling babe. You look down and see she has collapsed into the floor of the booth. "Father Michael, is everything ok in there?" The voice of Ester seems like its from another universe at this point, and snaps you back into a woder world, not just the tiny cubicle of the confessional. "I heard a noise, do you need help?"
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 09-Jul-22 01:14 PM
The priest's brow furrows as he gets up opening the curtain to his half of the cubical moving swiftly to open the other side of confessional booth he looks down staring his eyes widened. "Angie!....Jesus christ." He quickly moves into the booth picking her up slinging her arm over his shoulder. He lifts her up. "I don't need no help sure. Mind the sick there lass, I might'a stepped in it me self. Come on let's get yer outta here." The priest walks her out of the booth over to one of the pews. He sets her down gently on the bench. He kneels down and lifts her head up. "You alright? everything alright with yerself? Anything yer wanna tell me Angelique, about what yer might 'ave been involved in last couple 'a days, them welts look nasty." (edited)
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 09-Jul-22 01:44 PM
Esther (thats the right spelling) gasps and hovers as you haul Angelique out of the cobfessional, once you get the woman situated Esther goes to inspect the mess. Angelique seems dazed and confused. "Fadder? I.. what do you mean? I have been at the store... the new neighbors.. they brought roaches.. not that there wasnt none before.. just theres so many more... i hadda get bug bombs since the lazy land lord dont do shit about it.. " She scratches the welt on her nose hard enough to draw blood. "They bite you when yer sleepin.. little nasty fuckers.. damn.. im sorry fadder.. i shouldnt be cussin in church..." She looks aroubd as if realizing that she was in church.
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 11-Jul-22 08:34 AM
@Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 11-Jul-22 05:10 PM
Michael looks over to Ester as he sets the woman on the bench, kneeling down infront of her he tries to bring her round by lifting her chin slightly as he clicks his fingers in front of her face as he glances at Ester inspecting the confessional booth. "Believe me that' aint the way I'm plannin' on confession goin' all the time. Can yer grab me a glass a water or somethin' for this one. We can clean tha' up later sure." The Priest then turns his full attention to Angelique. "Here Angie I don't know aba' you but this sure doesn't look like a seven eleven ta' me. Tha' explains the welts. But not the shite yer where sayin' in there." He waves his hand as she apologises about swearing. "I don't think that's the worse thing yer said in this place ta'night these neighbours anythin' weird aba' them. Anyone yer dumped in ta' recently a lil bit off ta' yer? Coz I aint gonna lie here, ya gave me a lil' scare there."
@David [Sir pain in the Rump]
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
@David [Sir pain in the Rump]
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 12-Jul-22 08:20 AM
From the confessional Esther- "Yes of course Father, i'll... Oh dear Lord!" She gasps and as you look toward her she jumps back hands clutched at her chest. "Hit.. i need a hit... i need a hit..." Angelique says rocking in the pew eyes clentched close as if opening them would force her to see the unseeable. (edited)
David [Sir pain in the Rump]
From the confessional Esther- "Yes of course Father, i'll... Oh dear Lord!" She gasps and as you look toward her she jumps back hands clutched at her chest. "Hit.. i need a hit... i need a hit..." Angelique says rocking in the pew eyes clentched close as if opening them would force her to see the unseeable. (edited)
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 12-Jul-22 07:57 PM
Michael's brow furrows as he sees Ester jump back clutching herself, his attention drawn from the old woman. "What's the matter with ya? Not seen someone boke up their lunch before, yer alright Ester?" The priest glances at Angelique still kneeling infront of her, slightly annoyed at the womans insistence on getting high. "Ya not think gettin' another hit mighta' gotcha' into this mess in the first place? What's the matter with yer? Keep then eyes open for me, don't need ya goin' arse over tit again."
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
Michael's brow furrows as he sees Ester jump back clutching herself, his attention drawn from the old woman. "What's the matter with ya? Not seen someone boke up their lunch before, yer alright Ester?" The priest glances at Angelique still kneeling infront of her, slightly annoyed at the womans insistence on getting high. "Ya not think gettin' another hit mighta' gotcha' into this mess in the first place? What's the matter with yer? Keep then eyes open for me, don't need ya goin' arse over tit again."
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 13-Jul-22 08:15 AM
Esther shakes her head at you. "Its nothing Father.. nothing at all.." While she says this she points with her eyes at the confessional before glanceing back at the old woman to see if she is watching. Angelique is not. "Ill go get some gloves and supplies..." Esther darts away in her floaty fast walk that barely moves her skirts. Angelique keeps her eyes closed, screwed tight against the light. "H'aint had none, h'aint had none.. need a hit.. need it bad.." She pulls her knees up to her chest and wraps her arms around them protectivly.
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 15-Jul-22 07:13 PM
@Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
David [Sir pain in the Rump]
Esther shakes her head at you. "Its nothing Father.. nothing at all.." While she says this she points with her eyes at the confessional before glanceing back at the old woman to see if she is watching. Angelique is not. "Ill go get some gloves and supplies..." Esther darts away in her floaty fast walk that barely moves her skirts. Angelique keeps her eyes closed, screwed tight against the light. "H'aint had none, h'aint had none.. need a hit.. need it bad.." She pulls her knees up to her chest and wraps her arms around them protectivly.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 15-Jul-22 07:53 PM
Michael looks over at Ester as she speaks, his eyes shift glancing behind her as he gave her a single nod subtly. He Stares at the confessional box his eyes transfixed to what had Ester so concerned. Standing up away from the old woman the Priest places a hand gently on her shoulder. "you just stay right there, will ya. I'll be right back, we will get you some help then." Not even bothering to turn as he spoke Michael walked towards the confessional booth that Angelique had thrown up in as he approached he glanced over his shoulder making sure she remained in the same paralyzed state she was in. He cautiously walked up and peered in.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
Michael looks over at Ester as she speaks, his eyes shift glancing behind her as he gave her a single nod subtly. He Stares at the confessional box his eyes transfixed to what had Ester so concerned. Standing up away from the old woman the Priest places a hand gently on her shoulder. "you just stay right there, will ya. I'll be right back, we will get you some help then." Not even bothering to turn as he spoke Michael walked towards the confessional booth that Angelique had thrown up in as he approached he glanced over his shoulder making sure she remained in the same paralyzed state she was in. He cautiously walked up and peered in.
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 15-Jul-22 09:51 PM
The vomit is mostly bile, wet and thin with the acidic smell, but the alarming part is the bug.. no the roach.. one the size of a mans first knuckle submerged in the bile. You hear the sound of foot steps, and glance back tonsee angelique rushing toward the doors at thw front of the church.
David [Sir pain in the Rump]
The vomit is mostly bile, wet and thin with the acidic smell, but the alarming part is the bug.. no the roach.. one the size of a mans first knuckle submerged in the bile. You hear the sound of foot steps, and glance back tonsee angelique rushing toward the doors at thw front of the church.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 16-Jul-22 12:07 AM
The priest stared down at the vomit, he gulped feeling slightly sickened himself. Usually being able to find a witty comment or comeback he was speechless. That's when he heard the sound of footsteps looking over his shoulder he saw the haggered woman making an uncharacteristically fast B-line for the door. "Oh no yer fucking don't Angie! Come here!" The Priest turns quickly picking a Bible up from the pews as he rushes to intercept Angelique. "I ain't gonna playin' find the Crackhead in LA angelique..." (edited)
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 16-Jul-22 12:12 PM
Michael sprinted down the outer aisles past the pews his focus on the woman as she ran for the door the bible still in hand he thought screw it, crouching priest, hidden Crackhead time. The Priest changed direction darting over the pews towards the woman like some Chinese martial arts movie gracefully maneuvering or leaping from one to another as he closed in on her. As he chased after her a small smile grew across his face. I've missed this...huh, most fun I've had in a church since...well, never mind. Eye on the prize. As he leaped to the last pew he springboarded towards Angelique, flying through the air as he lunged at her. "JESUS JUMP ATTACK!" He announced like some strange street fighter character as he flew at her. The priest caught her in the side as he took her to the ground holding her around the waist as he rolled with her before they came to a stop he looked over slightly shaking his head to clear the cobwebs, "Now I done seen everything when I see an irishman fly." He looked over at Angelique. "You back with us or ya gonna keep runnin' coz woman I've apparently got the power of God and anime on my side." (edited)
🀣 1
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
Michael sprinted down the outer aisles past the pews his focus on the woman as she ran for the door the bible still in hand he thought screw it, crouching priest, hidden Crackhead time. The Priest changed direction darting over the pews towards the woman like some Chinese martial arts movie gracefully maneuvering or leaping from one to another as he closed in on her. As he chased after her a small smile grew across his face. I've missed this...huh, most fun I've had in a church since...well, never mind. Eye on the prize. As he leaped to the last pew he springboarded towards Angelique, flying through the air as he lunged at her. "JESUS JUMP ATTACK!" He announced like some strange street fighter character as he flew at her. The priest caught her in the side as he took her to the ground holding her around the waist as he rolled with her before they came to a stop he looked over slightly shaking his head to clear the cobwebs, "Now I done seen everything when I see an irishman fly." He looked over at Angelique. "You back with us or ya gonna keep runnin' coz woman I've apparently got the power of God and anime on my side." (edited)
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 16-Jul-22 01:26 PM
The flying tackle folds the woman in two... sideways. As the father disengages himself from the tangle, he can see he might have over done it.. her arm is broken for sure and her eye is already swelling. The worse part of the wreckage is the silence, she doesnt make a vocalization, just rapid breathing. "Father O'Brien!! What happened!?" You look and see Esther holding the cleaning tub, green elbow gloves on.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 16-Jul-22 03:00 PM
The Priest froze his head sunk into his knock as if he was a child caught fighting with a younger sibling his head slowly turned as he noticed Ester cleaning products in hand. He glanced back to the now slightly damaged parishioner before glancing back to the volunteer. "So yenno when they say don't try this at home before wwe starts...maybe they should include churches too...kinda had a bit of...accident. But you've seen the exorcist right? Woman muttering 'bout eating babies and the Priest always gets it in those movies...through the window or steeple...not today Satan wasn't about to have her run out half stark raving." He glances down at the barely conscious woman. "But maybe we save the cleaning 'till later...Ester...honey, could you be so kind to bring me a bag of Ice...and bandages...and some plasters...and, yenno what just bring me the first aid kit." He crawls over to the Angelique to check on her and keep her airway clear.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
The Priest froze his head sunk into his knock as if he was a child caught fighting with a younger sibling his head slowly turned as he noticed Ester cleaning products in hand. He glanced back to the now slightly damaged parishioner before glancing back to the volunteer. "So yenno when they say don't try this at home before wwe starts...maybe they should include churches too...kinda had a bit of...accident. But you've seen the exorcist right? Woman muttering 'bout eating babies and the Priest always gets it in those movies...through the window or steeple...not today Satan wasn't about to have her run out half stark raving." He glances down at the barely conscious woman. "But maybe we save the cleaning 'till later...Ester...honey, could you be so kind to bring me a bag of Ice...and bandages...and some plasters...and, yenno what just bring me the first aid kit." He crawls over to the Angelique to check on her and keep her airway clear.
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 16-Jul-22 03:03 PM
(you have any medicine?
David [Sir pain in the Rump]
(you have any medicine?
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 16-Jul-22 03:28 PM
(Not a scooby doo, that's why he thought better of it and asked for the full first aid kit as it comes with instructions and he does have academics and intelligence and a spec in booksmart to follow the instructions lol)
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
(Not a scooby doo, that's why he thought better of it and asked for the full first aid kit as it comes with instructions and he does have academics and intelligence and a spec in booksmart to follow the instructions lol)
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 16-Jul-22 04:33 PM
"You fool!" Esther snap rushing over after setting the cleaning tub down and peeling her gloves off. She drops down and checks the womans pulse. "Excorsist.. good Lord. Were you yelling anime nonsense?" She shakes her head and looks at the arm that's bent in a place there isnt a joint. "She needs a ambulance."
zemlerojka 1
David [Sir pain in the Rump]
"You fool!" Esther snap rushing over after setting the cleaning tub down and peeling her gloves off. She drops down and checks the womans pulse. "Excorsist.. good Lord. Were you yelling anime nonsense?" She shakes her head and looks at the arm that's bent in a place there isnt a joint. "She needs a ambulance."
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 16-Jul-22 11:26 PM
Michael blinked at the woman a for a few minutes like a scowled child. "That's a tiny bit harsh don't ya think given the circumstances." He watched on as Ester checked her over. "Soooo...want me to get the first aid box?" At her criticism his finger raised up as if wishing to speak in a classroom "Firstly...Exorcist yes...evil exists whether ya like it or not otherworldly and mortal. Secondly, yer shoulda heard her in there, ya woulda supersoaked her with holy water....and thirdly...yes...yes I was. Is there something wrong with quoting anime when battling Satan?...or maybe...performing a flying cross body on a needy member of the local community..." The priests voice going quiter as he spoke understanding he may have been slightly over zealous. He looks at the woman whose arm is bent in an odd way as Ester speaks, slightly sulking and mumbling almost like a child. "She needs Jesus." (edited)
😹 1
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
Michael blinked at the woman a for a few minutes like a scowled child. "That's a tiny bit harsh don't ya think given the circumstances." He watched on as Ester checked her over. "Soooo...want me to get the first aid box?" At her criticism his finger raised up as if wishing to speak in a classroom "Firstly...Exorcist yes...evil exists whether ya like it or not otherworldly and mortal. Secondly, yer shoulda heard her in there, ya woulda supersoaked her with holy water....and thirdly...yes...yes I was. Is there something wrong with quoting anime when battling Satan?...or maybe...performing a flying cross body on a needy member of the local community..." The priests voice going quiter as he spoke understanding he may have been slightly over zealous. He looks at the woman whose arm is bent in an odd way as Ester speaks, slightly sulking and mumbling almost like a child. "She needs Jesus." (edited)
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 17-Jul-22 01:16 PM
Esther shakes her head at you. "Yes please get the first aid, and call an ambulance. I think it's not so bad.." She scowls at the arm. (Do you want to try and do anything before the ambulance gets there or anything?
David [Sir pain in the Rump]
Esther shakes her head at you. "Yes please get the first aid, and call an ambulance. I think it's not so bad.." She scowls at the arm. (Do you want to try and do anything before the ambulance gets there or anything?
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 17-Jul-22 02:59 PM
The Priest gives a small salute before rushing away grabbing a first aid kit from the Kitchen and returning back to the two woman like a golden retriever with a stick placing it down next to Ester. He pulls out his cell and dials 911. Speaking to them for a couple of minutes he eventually gets round to the awkward part. "Well yeah so what happened was...she's still breathing" He gives a thumbs up to Ester. "Her arms badly bent...unless she's double jointed which I don't think she is. Yes, yes...well, she was hit...a religious object fell on know what these old churches are like, anyway the address and details." The priest gave over the address of the church and Angeliques name and hung up. "Sooo...this could of went better, Ester you know the area right? Fourth floor, little girl and her mother, girls called Simone...and these new neighbours of hers. Think they all must be in the building Angie stays in, wouldn't happen to want to come along and do some digging with me would you?...something smells fishy and I'm not referring to Angie for a change."
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
The Priest gives a small salute before rushing away grabbing a first aid kit from the Kitchen and returning back to the two woman like a golden retriever with a stick placing it down next to Ester. He pulls out his cell and dials 911. Speaking to them for a couple of minutes he eventually gets round to the awkward part. "Well yeah so what happened was...she's still breathing" He gives a thumbs up to Ester. "Her arms badly bent...unless she's double jointed which I don't think she is. Yes, yes...well, she was hit...a religious object fell on know what these old churches are like, anyway the address and details." The priest gave over the address of the church and Angeliques name and hung up. "Sooo...this could of went better, Ester you know the area right? Fourth floor, little girl and her mother, girls called Simone...and these new neighbours of hers. Think they all must be in the building Angie stays in, wouldn't happen to want to come along and do some digging with me would you?...something smells fishy and I'm not referring to Angie for a change."
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 18-Jul-22 07:43 AM
She gives you a incredulous look. "You want to go to the Gutenbergs?.. " She covers her concern by turning her attention to the woman. "We go where the Lord leads... yes ill go with you if you want." She says quietly
David [Sir pain in the Rump]
She gives you a incredulous look. "You want to go to the Gutenbergs?.. " She covers her concern by turning her attention to the woman. "We go where the Lord leads... yes ill go with you if you want." She says quietly
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 18-Jul-22 09:28 PM
The Priest tilts his head slightly The guten what? before nodding his head "Aye, the Gluttenbergs....Guten...Bergs, yeah I just want to check up on them. See if anything weirds happened over the past couple of evenings." Michael nods though he doesnt smile, he had too may questions in his head for that. He looked over at the woman as muttering under his breath barely audible to Ester "Well I hope he aint leading us into a trap..." He taps her shoulder "so guess i'm paying for the get well soon card and the flowers...and the medical bill?"
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
The Priest tilts his head slightly The guten what? before nodding his head "Aye, the Gluttenbergs....Guten...Bergs, yeah I just want to check up on them. See if anything weirds happened over the past couple of evenings." Michael nods though he doesnt smile, he had too may questions in his head for that. He looked over at the woman as muttering under his breath barely audible to Ester "Well I hope he aint leading us into a trap..." He taps her shoulder "so guess i'm paying for the get well soon card and the flowers...and the medical bill?"
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 19-Jul-22 09:00 AM
Esther shrugs. "Im sure the diocese has insurance, but there might be a few queations." She shakes her head again. "If He.." she glances up "is leading us.. father then it would be where we are suposed to be going right?" She solds. The ambulance comes and loads Angelique up and takes her away. Esther tells them something about her having a accident. You can imagine that its not her first visit to the ER. You would know the Gutter-berg is a high rise projects four brutalist cement structures 15 floors high. The place was known for its trun over.. not people moving out, if a night went by with out a fatal shooting it was a miracle, and thats only using shooting as a metric. A couple of gangs had territories that overlapped at the slum and so it was a war zone most nights.
David [Sir pain in the Rump]
Esther shrugs. "Im sure the diocese has insurance, but there might be a few queations." She shakes her head again. "If He.." she glances up "is leading us.. father then it would be where we are suposed to be going right?" She solds. The ambulance comes and loads Angelique up and takes her away. Esther tells them something about her having a accident. You can imagine that its not her first visit to the ER. You would know the Gutter-berg is a high rise projects four brutalist cement structures 15 floors high. The place was known for its trun over.. not people moving out, if a night went by with out a fatal shooting it was a miracle, and thats only using shooting as a metric. A couple of gangs had territories that overlapped at the slum and so it was a war zone most nights.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 19-Jul-22 11:51 PM
Michael nods, pursing his lips as he does. "Yeah, I've answered questions before. I'm sure I've got the hang of it by now." As she speaks Michael looks over at Esther, not the usual look in his eyes, there was no glint but more of a melancholic as he responds. "I question that myself." He let's out a deep sigh. "Well he put you in my path and if that's his way of saying I need a compass, I'm more glad to have you along for the journey." He tries to lift a smile which only comes out as half raised. As the paramedics come Michael would assist in anyway he could, he would assist Esther with the clean up before making his way to the Crypt where he had a small workstation set up and kept his armory as he prepared to head out towards the high-rises.
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 20-Jul-22 07:12 AM
---- End Scene ----
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 21-Jul-22 10:43 AM
[please make a recap]
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 21-Jul-22 11:52 AM
@Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 21-Jul-22 03:44 PM
Michael takes confession for the evening Mass when Angelique a regular parishioner from the rougher side of town walks in to recieve confession. Something is clearly wrong from Michael's perspective as Angelique begins to elaborate on her visions, the tone shifts as suspected possession is believed as the Priest tries stop the the woman from leaving but apparently has watched to much anime and accidentally injures the woman. Lucky Esther is on hand to help.
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 21-Jul-22 04:00 PM
@Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) {injured?? omg } (edited)
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