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Los Angeles: Blood Moon (VtM V20)
❌past logs chapter 12 (6) / ❌🎃🟩ch12-shovel-watch
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 06-Jul-22 11:14 AM
Chapter 12 Location: sabbat camp Players: Alexander, Vincent, Joseph, Diego @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] @Vincent ICEberry @Joseph Park @Diego, Bruiser Rat ST: @David [Sir pain in the Rump] Previous scenes: #❌💀🟩ch12-bad-kids #❌🎃🟩ch12-camp-blood (edited)
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 06-Jul-22 11:25 AM
realhearty 1
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 06-Jul-22 11:33 AM
Forest Lake summer camp is old. The kind of place where when it was opened, the kids that attended would be getiatrics at this point, and the age shows. Rows of cabins with saggin wooden porches and thick layers of paint, layered on paint, stand in dejected silence. Lit by single bare bulbs over the doors, each swarmed with night insects dodging and diving in the artificial light.
A loop of a dirt trail passes the cabins down to a lake and then loops back around to a mess hall and gathering hall. At the furthest end of the loop is a small lake with a couple of jetties that bob and clank in the tide of the lake. In the center of the loop are the long bath buildings, squat and sturdy looking with its half brick walls and windowless expanse of wall. At each end of the building are entrances to the bath houses, one for boys and one for girls with faded signs marking each.
(So players, @Diego, Bruiser Rat @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] @Vincent ICEberry @Joseph Park Give me a idea of where you are, what your doing, and any questions before we get started.
Im not sure, i was told there was some scooby doo action at the old camp.
Diego, Bruiser Rat 06-Jul-22 11:52 AM
(Alexander Montferrier, Diego and NPC Rita are some distance away from the camp, but have it in view. Alexander drove up here in his car, and is beside it. Diego came up to them after being dropped off by a taxi several kms away. They are making their introductions. Vincent was in the camp, sneaking about, placing cameras. A group of sabbat seemed to have been stirred by something, originally Diego's introduction, but I'm not sure he could possible talke louder than a car engine, so we need to look into that) (Joseph, I originally thought so too, but we seemed to have moved here. A simple behind the scenes SMS with the camps location could resolve that)
Vincent ICEberry 06-Jul-22 11:53 AM
Vincent is hiding in the shadows, listening to what the Sabbath say. He holds his pistol ready
Diego, Bruiser Rat 06-Jul-22 11:54 AM
(I say we retcon it to you receiving it, to avoid confusion. Just mention it in your starting post. Should be fine, if the ST is fine with that)
fingerup 1
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 06-Jul-22 11:56 AM
(Nod nod everyone got the memo, and this is where we are. Maybe there was talk without action.)
Joseph Park 06-Jul-22 11:56 AM
Joseph arrived at the meeting place in the computer club and took a far seat at the back of the hall. The waiting was tiring, but it looked like no one was going to come.
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 06-Jul-22 12:26 PM
near the action
The drive into the camp is a good hundred yards from the camp itself and is lightly wooded obscuring sight into the camp itself. The little road is grey gravel that crunches under foot as the vampires plot thier next move.
Diego, Bruiser Rat 06-Jul-22 01:49 PM
Diego looked in the general direction of the camp. - You hear them? - his voice lowered. He looked at the other two kindred in front of him, at the car - Hopefully, they won't see or hear the car. You managed to park it without alerting them, should be safe. So who are you's two? And has Vincent been there for long? (edited)
Alexander Montferrier BOT 06-Jul-22 02:18 PM
"I'm Montferrier, hunting the Sabbat Pack since the beginning of the burnt Elyseums. It was my investigation that allowed us to find them here." His tone was cold, rationnal, almost soldier-like : he was stating the facts. "I enquired the help of Vincent for what was at first a scouting of differents locations in search for clues, but it seems we've found them. He has gone for several minutes now, and will come back with more intel." He showed the woman on the side of the car with his head. "You have counted twenty-eight of them. There is a woman called Megan Clark there, a member of the Lasombra with them."
Marguerite Francisca Anjelica Santana BOT 06-Jul-22 02:19 PM
- Yes. I had a chance to roam the area just a little, - she nodded. - My name is Rita.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 06-Jul-22 02:23 PM
He looked at Diego once again. "The Gangrel, can you go search him? Or send a pet ? I don't want to depart the spot in case Vincent needs extraction."
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 06-Jul-22 02:39 PM
(Do any of you have military experience?
Diego, Bruiser Rat 06-Jul-22 02:39 PM
(Diego ex-military)
- I'm not much for animals, - curtly replied the nosferatu. Diego put his backpack and the golf-club bag on the ground, he quickly got a sawed-off shotgun out, punched two cartridges into the barrels and fastened it on the side of the backpack. - I am of a slightly different specialty. And yes. Without explosives, pre-emptive sabotage or over-whelming forces, our best bet it to leave with as much info as we can, but unnoticed, lest they move to a different location. Just as quickly, he opened the golf club bag and got a hunting rifle out. After putting the now empty bag into the backpack, Diego put it back on. - And if I have found you, so will the Gangrel, if Vince directed him here. Rita, you've been around the place. A redhead by the name of Balle. Big bite wound across the face. Seen anyone like that? (edited)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 06-Jul-22 02:52 PM
(Hunting experience)
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 06-Jul-22 03:13 PM
(@Joseph Park we can skip all that, you got message 30 min ago and just arrived.)
Joseph Park 06-Jul-22 03:21 PM
It was not difficult to find the specified place. The wilderness was still nicer than the urban jungle. Joseph carefully approached the gathering of relatives and quietly said. - Hello everyone. Joseph Park. Gangrel. What are we looking for here? (edited)
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 06-Jul-22 03:28 PM
As if on que, the sound of a explosion cause the tree tops to rattle in convulsive force. Those of you with military experience guess, hand grenade. To everyone else its still an alarming boom. The night goes silent, birds.and bugs all shocked into nothingness, only the creak of the trees, and the whisper of the wind. Then cheers and hoots from the direction of the explosion.
Joseph Park 06-Jul-22 03:35 PM
- Are we at the training ground? - Joseph asked in surprise, - or are these the terrorists? Sabbat? (edited)
Diego, Bruiser Rat 06-Jul-22 03:46 PM
Diego was about to get suspisious of the gangrel and ask how long has he been in town, when the explosions made him duck in instinct. - Oh fuck. Hand grenades? - his voice lowered to a whisper. - These fucks have access to military stock? Fuck. Diego checked his rifle and looked at the gangrel. - Briefing: that's Sabbat. Almost thirty of them, with military armaments, by the sound of it. The guy in the mask - Montefer or something. He hunts Sabbat, apparently. The missus' name's Rita. She was first to find Sabbat here, somehow. Me - Diego. I'm going in there to see if my clanmate hasn't been blown to pieces by an effing hand grenade. He looked at Montferrier. - If Vince comes back alone, let him send me a message. I'll keep the phone on silent, but in hand. Monty, ask Joe how long he's been in town. And kindly look away. I'm shy. [Obfuscate 2] Next post: (edited)
Joseph Park 06-Jul-22 03:55 PM
Joseph took out his rifle and checked for ammo. - Previously, I only shot at animals, but if anything, I have claws.
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 06-Jul-22 04:33 PM
Rita looks at the bunch of you. "Its 20 meat heads, and the cheer section. Even if they are holding Kalishnikovs, i doubt they could use them." She shakes her head. "I doubt you have enough ammo for that many kindred any way. Lets just scout things out instead of trying to hit the beaches of normandy."
Joseph Park 06-Jul-22 04:47 PM
- Scouting? Also a good option. - Joseph hid the weapon and "turned on" night vision for a better view, - I will carefully make my way forward and try to find out how many of them, what they are armed with and what they are doing there. If I don't come back after 30 minutes, then something went wrong.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 06-Jul-22 08:00 PM
The Tremere was silent, even after the explosion. He visibly was thinking, as he began to crack some of his fingers and looked at the forest then at the two Gangrel and Nosferatu. When he talked, his voice was more rich, more filled with emotion. One was predominantly in it : focus. "I don’t think you understand Park. If they spot you, you die. They surely have Brujah and other. You will not stand against four of them, imagine ten." He took out the shotgun and began to load, as he extended his senses of sight toward the camp, wary of anything coming close. "If they just spot us here, we can only get out in a rush, and there your rifle can come handy. Why don’t you stay here and let Diego do what we can’t : being invisible." He took out a gun from a satchel and looked at Rita before asking with a sarcastic tone: "Do you even need weapons?"
😎 2
Joseph Park 07-Jul-22 03:41 AM
- Okay, - Joseph took out his rifle again, - I'll be on your back.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 07-Jul-22 03:41 AM
Alexander nodded approvingly.
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 07-Jul-22 07:00 AM
Rita gives Alexander a confident smirk. "Only to reach that spot in the middle back when it itches.... and it doesn't itch."
Alexander Montferrier BOT 07-Jul-22 08:01 AM
"So you’re a Gangrel is it ? You‘he been in L.A since long ?"
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 07-Jul-22 08:01 AM
@Joseph Park
Joseph Park 07-Jul-22 08:30 AM
- I'm from Woodland Hills. I was engaged in hunting. Like camping. Only recently became a vampire. The Sire sent me to the Prince. Prince to the Sheriff. Sheriff came here to solve problems with Sabbat.
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 07-Jul-22 10:38 AM
"Fodder, great." Rita says with a dismissive glance at the Gangrel.
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 08-Jul-22 07:36 AM
The three of you can hear hoots and hollering from the camp with occasional pops of a rifle, shooting at God knows what. Then everything gets quiet ominously. Rita scowls and looks at the two. "Screw this, lets go see if this cluster is slavagable." Then she just starts up the path, her only consideration for stealth being that she keeps low and slow. To the hunter in you she sounds like a freight train. @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] @Joseph Park (edited)
Joseph Park 08-Jul-22 07:49 AM
Looking at this lady's attempt to behave inconspicuously, Joseph laughed softly and followed her. He walked carefully behind. On the one hand, if they are noticed, then he will be able to remain unnoticed, and on the other, if a fight starts, he will be able to start shooting from cover. (edited)
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 08-Jul-22 08:02 AM
The gravel road is long, the only nod to security is a metal gate that swings across the road, the pad lock shattered and pole bent where it was driven through. Up ahead you can see that the lights in the camp are on, cabins lit by bare bulbs and service structures sitting in the glow of tall utility lights. Shapes of people... no vampires.. sabbat vampires... dart around the buildings in chaotic blood fueled frolic.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 08-Jul-22 08:49 AM
The Tremere facepalmed himself, before looking at the two going there silently. He began to advance silently, keeping them on sight, but staying hidden even from them. His handaxe was still in his hand, and the shotgun in his back holster.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 08-Jul-22 09:39 AM
They’re so fucked if something happened. It’s just the best way to die.
Joseph Park 08-Jul-22 11:23 AM
Joseph followed behind, waiting for the command to act. Who are they, is it Sabbat? Demons disguised as humans? Just vampires who chose a different path? Perhaps they were forced to be like this by force or magic? Questions that Joseph doesn't have an answer to. All he has now is a bunch of dangerous vampires and too few bullets.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jul-22 05:22 AM
@David [Sir pain in the Rump] do we go to #❌🎃🟩ch12-camp-blood ? (edited)
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 11-Jul-22 01:39 PM
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] @Joseph Park Guys would it be too confusing to go back to here until we integrate the groups a little more? Rayne is gonna yell at me lol (edited)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 11-Jul-22 01:42 PM
(no prob at all)
David [Sir pain in the Rump]
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] @Joseph Park Guys would it be too confusing to go back to here until we integrate the groups a little more? Rayne is gonna yell at me lol (edited)
Joseph Park 11-Jul-22 01:56 PM
(I don't mind. The main thing is not to get lost by themselves.)
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 11-Jul-22 02:07 PM
Rita motions toward a high peaked building meant to have some sort of native american themeing, pillars carved as totems, teepees and arrows on the signs decorating the front. 'Forest Lake Pow-wow Pavillion' It appears that the entire structure is screened in, to allow open air without the bugs, but currently wooden panels have been put up to secure the structure.
Joseph Park
(I don't mind. The main thing is not to get lost by themselves.)
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 11-Jul-22 02:19 PM
Joseph reaches deep, drawing his beast up and to the forefront reaching out through his primal side to touch and compell the lesser beasts of nearby forest animals, commanding them to heed his call. To those around him he crouches low and lets out a high pitched squeel through his nostils, cutting and starting it in a decidedly rat like manner. The whole display seems painfully loud in the frw moments it takes to make, but doesnt seem to alarm anyone.
David [Sir pain in the Rump]
Joseph reaches deep, drawing his beast up and to the forefront reaching out through his primal side to touch and compell the lesser beasts of nearby forest animals, commanding them to heed his call. To those around him he crouches low and lets out a high pitched squeel through his nostils, cutting and starting it in a decidedly rat like manner. The whole display seems painfully loud in the frw moments it takes to make, but doesnt seem to alarm anyone.
Joseph Park 11-Jul-22 02:23 PM
Remember what the sire said, Joseph told himself. You're a beast. The beast is inside every living being. Call him and talk to him as an equal. Rats...a small fluffy army of chaos. Now they have become my eyes and ears. It's time to ask them what happened here.
Use Feral Whispers on Rats
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 12-Jul-22 08:13 AM
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Alexander Montferrier BOT 12-Jul-22 09:13 AM
Alexander stood still, looking at what was doing Joseph with interest, but not showing it much. They can really talk to the beasts... Jesus Christ. He then looked around for an easy target ; a kindred isolating from the rest of the pack.
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 12-Jul-22 09:44 AM
It doesnt take long before the sound of underbrush starts to grow, first faint then louder, not alarmingly loud, yet alarming in a way inly the sound of a hundred rats scurying towards you in the pitch black woods. You lose sight of the group near the bathhouses, as they head away toward the lake.
Joseph Park 12-Jul-22 10:02 AM
Taking the stored food out of his bag, he decided to appease the rats. After that, Joseph began to ask his little friends about what had happened here. (edited)
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 12-Jul-22 12:04 PM
Rita looks uncomfortably at the mon of rats thats materializes out of the night. "I hate it when they do that..." She kicks a rat that crosses her foot.
Joseph Park 12-Jul-22 12:20 PM
- Hey, miss. Go easy on them. They are not to blame for anything. They are our allies, and the enemy is there, - Joseph whispered indignantly.
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 13-Jul-22 02:58 PM
Rita gives you a dark look before stepping down on one with a crunch. The others take a moment before scattering into the night even as @Joseph Park starts to speak woth them. "Lets do something productive @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]" she says testily pointing toward the pow-wow pavilion "are you comeing Gangrel?" She snaps
Joseph Park 13-Jul-22 03:02 PM
Joseph glared at Rita. He was still poorly versed in clans and politics, but now he understood why his Sire spoke so unflatteringly about the Tremers. Joseph silently followed the others, clutching a rifle in his hands and thinking about an "accidental" shot in the back in the event of a fight.
😹 1
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 13-Jul-22 04:10 PM
Rita pushes into the woods and a trail becomes apparent. The trio follows it along the perimeter of the camp and is able to approach the pow-wow from the back side un noticed.
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 13-Jul-22 04:39 PM
Rita stops and stands up suddenly straight head turning north toward the water. To the two hunters it looks like a deer suddenly hearing a sound in the distance. "What the hell is that..." She rushes toward the corner of the building, dashing up to the next building and looking down toward the beach and its contingent of new sabbat, and old sabbat.
Joseph Park 13-Jul-22 04:40 PM
Joseph follows her, trying not to draw attention.
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 13-Jul-22 05:51 PM
You guys can see what is occuring at the beach, maybe not really hear but you can see it.
Joseph Park 13-Jul-22 06:06 PM
Joseph's thoughts turned to the current problems. If there was a moment when you need to run for reinforcements, then this is it. - Looks like it's time to get out of here, - Joseph whispered.
fingerup 2
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 13-Jul-22 06:14 PM
(Sure if you thi k you should hear then you hear
Alexander Montferrier BOT 13-Jul-22 06:15 PM
Alexander nodded as he heard Joseph. "This whole operation is jeopardize. Let's get out, and wait for the Nosferatus."
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 13-Jul-22 06:22 PM
Rita looks conflicted looking back at the two of you in a manner that makes you skin crawl, as if weighing you value and worth versus pressing on, before nodding. "Yes, we should leave, the two of you wouldn't survive a confrontation." She turns back toward the road.
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 13-Jul-22 06:42 PM
As you cut back toward the road you get a good look between the pow-wow and the cantina and spot a charter bus tucked between the buildings
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 14-Jul-22 06:31 AM
Alexander Montferrier BOT 14-Jul-22 09:30 AM
Alexander stopped for a moment. He was hesitant, and he tried to hear if the bus was currently with the engine turning. If I create a diversion, maybe they could not get the Nosferatu. And without a huge transportation source, they’ll be stuck here for a bit.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 14-Jul-22 10:44 AM
Seeing that the bus was closed, he continued toward his car, taking the shotgun on his side, and turning in the engine.
"I’ll wait for the Nosferatu. Go on foot if it don’t suits you." As he said that, he began to charge the shotgun, expending his sight to try to see if anyone was approaching them.
Joseph Park 14-Jul-22 11:08 AM
. - Why the hell do you want a shotgun? Think big. Their wheels are not endless, and if you cut the battery, then they will not go far. If you give me cover, I'll take care of it. At least my claws are good for something, - Joseph whispered. (edited)
Alexander Montferrier BOT 14-Jul-22 11:25 AM
"Go for it but as soon as they come, run here. I’ll wait until the last moment."
Joseph Park 14-Jul-22 12:52 PM
I hide my rifle. Spend 1 bp and release Claws. Joseph extended his claws as he sneaked up on the bus. First, he blew all the wheels, including the spare tire, and then he began to fiddle with the battery, rendering it unusable. (edited)
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 14-Jul-22 03:05 PM
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] @Joseph Park The door is only held in place by a hydrolic that is easy to push open. The inside is a mess, clothes, sports gear and what looks to be blood is thrown all over.
Diego, Bruiser Rat 15-Jul-22 03:51 AM
Previous: Montferrier keen eyes saw deep into the surrounding shadows, and he had little trouble spotting Diego again. The Warlock saw one of the tree shadows in the direction of the camp expel a hooded figure. And easily recognizable silhouette of one of the Nosferatu. The figure was walking briskly, loading shells into the sawed-off shotgun. Closer to the car, the mental fog surrounding the figure dissipated fully, just as the Nos nodded to the Tremere. - Has he been back? - asked Diego, his eyes jumping from the car, to Montferrier, to the surrounding wood canopy. He quickly pulled out his phone to check. Montferrier hear the nosferatu curse under his breath. - Where the hell is that kid..? Where are the others? (edited)
Alexander Montferrier BOT 15-Jul-22 04:36 AM
"We’ve been waiting for you and Vincent. The Gangrel is creating a diversion and a way of delaying the Sabbat invasion by breaking their car." He was on the driver seat, on hand on the wheel, the other seemingly on the gear shift but really in the shotgun. "The Lasombra on the beach is trouble. A lot of them. We need more intel and more help. You got anything seen ? You’ve been the most close to them."
Diego, Bruiser Rat 15-Jul-22 05:07 AM
- You saw him too? - Diego asked with a note of annoyance. - Guess it makes me being in there quite pointless and redundant, cause I didn't find Vince and it got me noticed. Good news, def not him in that crater. Bad news... fuck. The gunrunner stuck the now loaded shotgun to the side of the backpack again, and instead took the hunting rifle off his shoulder. Before Monferrier could object, Diego climbed on top of the car and got down on one knee, rifle at the ready. - Listen up. Some info I will share once we're surely out of here, - Diego physically felt the pleasant heat of blood in his muscles wasting away, and the stiffness of his wounds was coming back. He tried to give himself some stretches. - They're resting place is at the bathhouses, but I doubt they will stay in this camp for long now they know we were here. They are very well supplied with blood, saw lots of blood bags. The stickers say it’s all from someplace called "Royal Victoria". And they also bought sixty or so phones, prepaid. Enough to coordinate a lot of troops. But in terms of arms they have been scraping by so far. Scrounging for whatever works. But we can’t be sure of what’s on that yaght. I tried to catch its name on the side, maybe we could try and track it later. - Diego was scanning the surroundings for enemies or friends. - They have a veritable collection of freaks on that yaght. The one who spotted me seems to be a flesh crafter - made himself a weird third eye. Definitely also a Nos and a Gangrel in there. The big Lasombra called himself Leon of the … hmm… O-squid-dad, or some shit. There’s bound to be info on him. The cowboys I got to race for a bit. Something tells me they are much better with guns, than they are in strength. (edited)
Joseph Park 15-Jul-22 05:22 AM
. Returning after the diversion, Joseph greeted an unfamiliar vampire with his clawed hand. - They're not going anywhere now. We can arrange a fire and burn all their resources, - he whispered enthusiastically. (edited)
Alexander Montferrier BOT 15-Jul-22 05:52 AM
Alexander just stood quiet, not reacting, as he looked at the periphery. He seemed to not even listen to what Joseph had to say, seemingly lost in his thought, but it was hard with the mask to tell.
Joseph Park
. Returning after the diversion, Joseph greeted an unfamiliar vampire with his clawed hand. - They're not going anywhere now. We can arrange a fire and burn all their resources, - he whispered enthusiastically. (edited)
Diego, Bruiser Rat 15-Jul-22 05:58 AM
- Hey, Joe. Nice to see others found you trustworthy, - Diego nodded to him. - We can't afford to go back in there. The sabbat are spreading out from the docks and there are a bunch more in the woods. And there are no irreplaceable resources in the camp, as far as I have seen. We need to get everyone in this damn car, get out and be ready to track them to their next location. Diego checked the phone again. Still no response. - I just hope the kid is intact enough to get back here. Don't wanna hafta explain it to his ol' man. He pointed the rifle in some specific direction. - Left an incapacitated showelhead in one of huts. Thought of bringing in a prisoner, but in his state and with his heritage, he'd be useless. (edited)
Joseph Park 15-Jul-22 06:03 AM
. - I'm afraid our little friends didn't see anything unusual. Maybe your friend has already left here? Considering how many of them there are on the shore, we'd better stay in the shadows too, - Joseph said.
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 15-Jul-22 07:55 AM
Rita looks around the small group. "We should leave, we arn't that far from the camp, if the nosferatu hasn't turned up yet, we can't risk the group and the information for one straggler.." She looks back toward the now maniacal sounds of shouting and hollering as the group of sabbat works itself up into a killing frenzy.
Vincent ICEberry 15-Jul-22 08:24 AM
Vincent was hurrying away from the Sabbath to the Montferrier's car. He had a lot to say to his allies. He went further, turned on his phone and called Alexander, hiding the screen under the hood so he wouldn't be spotted
Alexander Montferrier BOT 15-Jul-22 08:37 AM
Alexander grunted as he extended a fist out of the car, and began to crack his index with his thumb. Crack. "I think I made myself clear, I don't leave a partner behind. He will return, and then we'll get o-." Interrupted by a buzz, he took the phone he had layed on the front of the driver cab and brought it to his ear, without saying a word.
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 15-Jul-22 09:12 AM
Rita just gives Alexander a caustic look. "In that case, you can stay and wait for him, but ill be taking your car if you want to wait neophyte. "
Joseph Park 15-Jul-22 09:25 AM
. Abandoning your allies sounds wrong, Joseph thought to himself. Since he's here, we can wait for him. - I'll stay with you. If anything, we'll dump together, - Joseph said with a smile.
Diego, Bruiser Rat 15-Jul-22 10:06 AM
As Montferrier picked up the phone, Diego picked up the conversation. - "I'll be taking your car", - Diego repeated after her, trying to imitate the tone. - Way to try and undermine your own clanmate in front of kindred of other clans. Do you need some ammo for the road and maybe a friendly pat on the back to send you on your way? I'm sure I could provide the former and Joe over there could provide the latter. If asked nicely and with consideration for one's future. After all, it's not like there are reasons not to get in arguments with rats, right? Now, there was something Diego knew for certain not to do, when you're about to start arguing with a Tremere, same as it is with Ventrue. You don't look 'em fuckers in the eye. - And besides, I happen to have taken point on this lovely car's roof. So I will need it for a while longer. If mister in the mask don't mind. (edited)
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 15-Jul-22 10:16 AM
Rita looks to the nosferaru on the roof. "Im glad you agree that Alexander is out of line. Your welcome to cling to the roof if you like but ill be taking my leave." She walks around the car and pulls open the driver side.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 15-Jul-22 11:09 AM
"I don’t like the idea of you compromising a mission of the Chantry. Vincent is essential to the success of this mission, and you managed to came alone here. You can always leave alone, but I don’t think the Regent will appreciate this cowardice." He continued to look at the tree line, having took the phone a bit out of his mouth as he said that.
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 15-Jul-22 11:34 AM
"Get in the passenger seat Alexander. We are leaving. With or without these others." She points like commanding a child. The sound from the tree line gets louder you can all hear running and shouting in the woods.
Alexander Montferrier
Alexander grunted as he extended a fist out of the car, and began to crack his index with his thumb. Crack. "I think I made myself clear, I don't leave a partner behind. He will return, and then we'll get o-." Interrupted by a buzz, he took the phone he had layed on the front of the driver cab and brought it to his ear, without saying a word.
Vincent ICEberry 15-Jul-22 11:37 AM
- Hey, warlock, I've searched that place and things are really bad for us. Where are you?
Alexander Montferrier BOT 15-Jul-22 11:42 AM
"Same place Vincent. Hurry up."
Vincent ICEberry 15-Jul-22 11:48 AM
- I hear them chasing Diego... Wait for me please!
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 15-Jul-22 11:51 AM
Rita taps the roof of the car by Diego. "Hey rat!"
Alexander Montferrier BOT 15-Jul-22 11:53 AM
"He’s coming in a instant." Alexander stretched his fist and began to crack his fingers with his thumb, as he extended his other hand in front of him and looked at his fingers. He talked in the phone : "We’ve got a Sheperd here too."
"I’ll try my best."
Diego, Bruiser Rat 15-Jul-22 12:05 PM
- I'm sure your broom would get you back to the city safer and faster than this car, which happens to not even be yours, miss. I assume that's how you got here, - Diego did the bare minimum to hide his contempt. At the same time, he was tensing up, and lowered his rifle a bit, freeing up the buttstock of the rifle for potential "diplomatic resolutions" of this situation. - This is a dangerous place, - he said opaquely. - With Vincent in the car, chances of all of this finishing well for everyone here will grow exponentially. Trust me on this. Diego turned a bit to the side and actually jumped off the car, landing on bent knees. Comfortably disappearing out of sight behind on the other side of the car from Rita. (edited)
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 15-Jul-22 12:17 PM
Rita reaches down and grabs Alexanders collar roughly. "Im finished argueing." Her other hand reaches out over the car and a gout of blue flame pours forth from her palm like a flame thrower bathing the brush and trees of the forest lone in hellish flame. She moves her hand back and forth spreading the blaze as far as it will reach to either side. "Alexander, move over or i will make you."
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 15-Jul-22 12:32 PM
@Vincent ICEberry You come dashing out of the woods 30 yards down as she looses flame onto the under brush.
Vincent ICEberry 15-Jul-22 12:34 PM
Vincent sees a flame and recoils but still runs to the car
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 15-Jul-22 12:36 PM
Alexander eyes go wild at the sight of the flame and he put the car into gear, his only thought to flee, and the car being the most efficient and easy method to do so. With a curse rita grabs the roof of the car jumping a foot up to the rim of the open door as the wheels squeel and the car jumps into escape.
Diego, Bruiser Rat 15-Jul-22 12:59 PM
Diego instinctively ducked behind the car seeing the flames, before pulling out the shotgun and pressing it... against the tire. - Fuck off with the flames, lady! Either we wait and calm the fuck down, or I will blow our tire and we... - but then Diego saw it. Saw Montferrier locking up with the same uncontrollable terror each of the Kindred experienced at least once. Saw him grab the wheel so hard the pale skin of his hands turned blue. The flames... backfired. The second wheels started turning, Diego grabbed the underside of the bumper and, with a loud growl, had at it with all his strength. But not pushing or pulling it. Lifting it, trying to break the contact the tires had with the ground, before all that horsepower mowed him down. - JOEGETIN! - hissed Diego, smudging together words, feeling horrible pain in his left arm. Through half closed eyes he suddenly saw Vincent jump into view. But he didn't have the strength to scream at him. He held on for as long as he could, and when he could no longer, seeing that the rest of the group will not be able to get away, let go. (edited)
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 15-Jul-22 01:06 PM
@Joseph Park and @Vincent ICEberry find themselves standing near a blazing inferno. The sounds of the sabbat in the woods are drowned out in the. Crackle of burning wood. (edited)
Joseph Park 15-Jul-22 01:11 PM
. Joseph assessed the situation. The situation turned out to be extremely bad. - She abandoned us. Let's leave before all Sabbat come running here, - Joseph persistently called Kindred who remained with him.
Diego, Bruiser Rat 15-Jul-22 01:21 PM
Diego looked at the quickly disappearing car. - You're right, - he said at a half-whisper. - But different direction from the car. With luck, they'll focus on it. He looked at Vince. He had a lot to say to Vince, but he'd be more comfortable saying it to him at a safer place. - Let's move.
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 15-Jul-22 01:22 PM
(So is there a working plan?
Vincent ICEberry 15-Jul-22 01:33 PM
- Yes! Ruuuun! All the blood into legs!
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 15-Jul-22 01:34 PM
David [Sir pain in the Rump] 15-Jul-22 02:02 PM
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] @Joseph Park Can i get recaps here when you both get a moment.
Joseph Park 15-Jul-22 02:02 PM
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 15-Jul-22 02:36 PM
(can't really right now, it would be bad)
Diego, Bruiser Rat 15-Jul-22 04:05 PM
Recap (Diego): Diego arrived in time to see a sort of a scouting party on the borders of the camp. Here he met Alexander Montferrier and Joseph Park for the first time, as well as Rita the Tremere. Vincent had already set out into the camp to scout. Diego didn't linger for long, because of a loud sound of a frag grenade going off from the camp. The gunrunner rushed inside, to make sure his clanmate was safe. Upon returning, Diego saw that the situation at the entrance was deteriorating fast. Rita was demanding, in no uncertain terms, for them to leave, and Vincent wasn't back yet. When Montferrier, Joseph and Diego proved uncooperative, with Montferrier in particular proving to be unreasonably reliable for a Tremere, Rita tried to Dominate Diego, and when that failed - scare everyone into submission by demonstrating her warlock powers. Unfortunately, Montferrier proved to be least prepared in the moment. He fell into Rotshreck and in panic drove off. Diego tried to stop the car for long enough for everyone to hop in, including Vincent who'd just came in, but in the he had to either jump on or let go. And he let go, staying with the rest.
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