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Los Angeles: Blood Moon (VtM V20)
❌past logs chapter 12 (6) / ❌💀🟩ch12-history-lessons
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 28-Jun-22 07:55 AM
Chapter 12 Location: tbd Players: Alex & Sebastian @Unknown @Sebastian Grey Previous scenes: #❌💀🟩⭐ch10-shepherds-of-the-lost-souls # (edited)
(here's the place for your noddist talks)
Sebastian Grey 01-Jul-22 02:27 AM
Standing in his studio, Sebastian picks up his cell phone (because you just can't get by without one of those, no matter how much you try to be a traditionalist and a romantic; Sebastian dreams of a day when someone finally makes a properly Gothic-looking model instead of the loathsomely sleek versions that seem to be all anyone manufactures so far) and dials the number he's acquired. "Hello, Ms. Santana?" he says when someone picks up. "My name is Sebastian Grey. Forgive me for my forwardness in calling you without having been properly introduced, but a mutual acquaintance recommended you as something of an authority on, ah, esoteric matters best not named over the phone...?" (edited)
Marguerite Francisca Anjelica Santana BOT 05-Jul-22 07:50 PM
- Hello mister Grey. Well I'm flattered someone recommended me. Where can I meet with you? It's there anything you want me to know prior to our meeting?
Sebastian Grey 05-Jul-22 10:17 PM
"I would be happy to offer the modest hospitality of my studio for our meeting," Sebastian says. He provides the address and directions to his studio in Venice Beach.
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 06-Jul-22 09:23 AM
- Thank you Mister Grey. I'll be there, - she dropped the call and in about half an hour there was a knock at the door.
Sebastian Grey 06-Jul-22 11:12 AM
Sebastian opens the door and bows his head politely. "Ms. Santana?" he says. "How kind of you to join me on such short notice. Please, come in!" He makes an inviting gesture into a comfortable-but-not-opulent studio apartment that is not so much in a state of artful disarray as a thoroughly anal-retentive person's best imitation of artful disarray, every pencil and sketch covered canvas on a stand placed and position with the utmost care to not seem too symmetrical or orderly.
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!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 07-Jul-22 08:29 AM
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Marguerite Francisca Anjelica Santana BOT 07-Jul-22 10:28 AM
Rita was a rather unique woman. Tall, almost 6 feet, dressed in black - jeans, a blouse and boots with wide rubber soles. Her face portrayed Spanish blood and was adorned with a rather long raven nose, which did not diminish her attractiveness at her about 30 years old look. A lot of occult jewelry adorned her neck and hands, in her ears there were many different earrings and even one ring pierced her lower lip. On the neck, right in the middle, there was a tattoo in the form of a man made of lines and a circle, as in rock art. - Thank you for the chance to see LA's creative minds, - she smiled lightly and stepped in. Looking around she smiled a bit more, - It is a nice place you have, mister Gray. Are you the one working in there?
Sebastian Grey 07-Jul-22 10:48 AM
"Indeed, madame, I am an artist by trade," Sebastian says. He pulls out a chair and invites her to sit down by a small table. "It is my work, in fact, which led me to approach you... But first, may I offer you a refreshment?" He takes two crystal glasses and a decanter from the counter and places them on the table. The coppery smell is one no vampire could mistake. "Fresh from the vein no more than a few hours ago, and guaranteed to be free of contamination," he assures her. "I make sure that my herd takes very good care of themselves."
Marguerite Francisca Anjelica Santana BOT 07-Jul-22 11:06 AM
- Of course, - she nodded. The sight of black eyes was chained to Sebastian's face. She tried to hide the sympathy and didn't ask any questions. It was not polite after all. She took a glass. It was noticeable she is hungry, but also weird to have this state while doing business. - Thank you.
Sebastian Grey 07-Jul-22 12:37 PM
Sebastian sips from his own glass, then dabs his lips with a neat handkerchief. It's paper, much to his annoyance. One day he has promised himself he'll be able to afford nothing but silk, but as things stand he doesn't have the budget to replace them after ever meal. And of course, these particular stains just won't come out of silk. "You see," he says, "I was lately comissioned to paint a series of portraits depicting certain scenes from the Caine mythos - his slaying of Abel, and his later encounter with Lilith. Nothing overt or revealing, of course, as they will be on public display... but I would still like to imbue the motif with some subtle touches that will lend especial meaning to the initiated, yet go unnoticed by the broader masses. This is, after all, the central legend of our cladestine society, whether one interprets it literally or as mere folklore. "Alas, I am a humble dabbler in the studies of the arcane, my knowledge only cursory. I could not possibly do the subject justice. I was hoping that you, being a local authority on this matters, could serve as my consultant - give me, as it were, a few ideas for suitable themes to weave into the composition to lend it that proper... impact. I would, of course, be greatly in your debt..." (edited)
Marguerite Francisca Anjelica Santana BOT 07-Jul-22 07:25 PM
She chuckled quietly, put the very tip of the long black nail of her pinkie finger to the blood, tasted it a little and then made a sip with the expression of pleasure and a little relief. - I am not local... Just passing by LA. About your request... It depends on your real goal. I don't think you want to know all the historical cabbalistic, Jewish and other tradition about these characters? - She started to sound a little bit like a university professor, someone who has public speaking and entertaining experience, - You just need the details that will be understood, right? Who is your client then? Who do you send your message to? To those knowing history a lot, digging out the truth, or the Kindred in general? To remind them what they are... She made a little mysterious pause and added with a chuckle. - As you can see I am not good about details, - if course that was a joke but referred to the amount of all-kind-of stuff in her outfit and looks. (edited)
Sebastian Grey 08-Jul-22 03:19 AM
"Mmm." The scar tissue around Sebastian's mouth strains in an effort at a smile. "Let us say, for someone who has studied the matter. For example, if it is mentioned anywhere that the first murder weapon had any sort of unusual shape, I could incorporate that detail, while the uninitiated would only see a rock. If there are any esoteric references to Abel's habits and character, or to Lilith's appearance, I could weave that into the composition in a way that gave it an additional dimension. Even to those who did not know the lore, it would grant a certain depth - a true work of art, after all, should have its share of secrets and mysteries." He shrugs easily. "As for the client, I could tell you her name, but it is really not important. I very much fear she wanted me to merely dust off a few lacklustre portraits of the subject. But, pah! She should have hired some street sketch artist, then. From me, she will have artistic vision whether she knows she wants it or not!"
Marguerite Francisca Anjelica Santana BOT 08-Jul-22 10:18 AM
“Oh,” she waved her hand slightly, “I don't mean the name of your customer, of course. This is your personal agreement, I'm talking about how good experts you would like to touch. - I worked with the auctioneers quite a lot. And I will say this. It is much easier to put the meaning for a wider audience than to attract the attention of someone especially connected, - she smiled fangs, - in the end, the plots that we are discussing now are just part of a lullaby for humanity and for our kind. This has not been proven by anyone. And even more so, I should mention that the true belief in this may raise unnecessary questions regarding the enemy sect. I think you know better than me. Of course, she was referring to the fact that the legend of Cain is certainly only supported by the Sabbat. But not the Camarilla. Do you really want to make more sense of the fact that legends are true? Or just decorate with more familiar fairy-tale objects? With the last option, I can definitely help. I'm afraid the first one will be a little beyond my... permissions. She took out a cigarette and raised an eyebrow questioningly. - Do you mind? By the way, you don't smoke, do you? (edited)
Sebastian Grey 08-Jul-22 02:32 PM
"By all means," Sebastian says. He chuckles dryly. "To tell you the truth, I was not even aware that it was a possibility. Can we still absorb nicotine through inhalation? I suppose that is just another mystery to add to the list..." He stares thoughtfully into space for a moment. "I hear what you say, about such work inviting questions of... problematic faith," he says. "But what true artist denies the call of his muse for fear of causing controversy? I can, of course, promise you that your name need never be associated with the affair, should you prefer it that way..."
Marguerite Francisca Anjelica Santana BOT 08-Jul-22 06:13 PM
Rita smoked. The light appeared on the tip of the cigarette by itself, without any lighter. Tremere smiled. - No, of course we can't fully enjoy it as much as before, but my ghouls were forced to adopt my bad habit in order to… huh… make my life easier. The girl was thoughtfully silent for some time thinking about something. - You definitely have your own unique charm, Mr. Grey, - Rita admitted, - but I'm afraid you don't understand the full danger of what you are getting into. Given that it can serve both of us - I'll tell you what you can add to your paintings. Something that only the initiated can see. BUT on the condition that our clan can perform a ritual on them. Nothing special for you or your client in terms of consequences, but for the Pyramid it can make a big difference. Let's just say... We will be able to track those who are particularly interested in your given work. I'm sure some of those who really believe will want to have it for themselves sooner or later. In the worst case, they will try to get to you or to me, but this is unlikely. If you agree, I will ask for these finished paintings for a couple of days at the Chantry for the ritual. What do you think? You are not obliged to hunt indifferent, but it would be extremely interesting for me. Looks like I'll have to stay in LA for a bit.
Sebastian Grey 09-Jul-22 05:02 AM
Sebastian hesitates. This, he feels quite strongly, is a terrible idea. An idea that will almost certainly come back to bite him in his malformed derriere. The sensible thing to do would be to politely decline. But being sensible was never really his strong suit, he feels the completion of his work calling on him, and anyway... the idea of his work literally being magic is a thrilling one. And what, after all, is immortality without thrills? "Such a delightfully dangerous notion," he says. "Yes... let this be a secret collaboration, between my art and your magic. We have an agreement, then?"
Marguerite Francisca Anjelica Santana BOT 09-Jul-22 11:28 AM
It was noticeable that Rita understood the whole threat that could hang over both of them. - The House and the Clan will be informed, don't even doubt about it, - she explained, she needed to explain, - because I do it for it first and foremost. But I hope you won't inform anyone anything about our deal, - the Tremere added, looking into Gray's eyes. He clearly felt the influence of supernatural power, it was not hidden, it was not secret, on the contrary, it was made in such a way that he was in the know of what she had just done. It was as if some small lock had clicked in Sebastian's mind, blocking certain possibilities. Who knows for how long... (edited)
Sebastian Grey 09-Jul-22 12:21 PM
Sebastian shivers, and for a moment he is silent. If his heart could beat, it would be thundering; if his lungs could breathe, he would be gasping. As it is, he only sits there, a faint, spasmic clenching of his fingers the only outward sign of how suddenly and shockingly his mind has been violated. When he speaks, however, his voice is calm, and his ruined face is as expressionless as ever. "Ah, Ms. Santana, you wound me," he says. "There was no need for such... drastic measures to guarantee my discretion. Still, I... understand... the urge towards caution."
Marguerite Francisca Anjelica Santana BOT 09-Jul-22 01:07 PM
- I am sorry mister Grey. It is made out of good will. Sometimes information can be taken without our wish, - she slightly smiled just with her lips in an excusing manner. - Let's start with the easy, - she smiled more frank, - What do you know about Caine and Lilith at all? Well, except of average christian Old Testament?
Sebastian Grey 10-Jul-22 12:47 AM
"Mmm." Sebastian taps his fingertips against each other thoughtfully. "Very little, I'm afraid. I know that Caine was supposedly cursed with vampirism for the first murder, and that he and his childer built a great city. For some transgression against him, he cursed them, each after their nature." He snorts. "Well, to be specific, my sire claimed that he only cursed twelve of them - our own noble progenitor he instead blessed with the ability to always appreciate beauty and thus hold the Beast at bay. I am sure each bloodline has a similar self-serving version... but regardless, God ultimately brought the Flood down on Caine's city, and there he disappears from the legend. "As for Lilith, I know even less of her, only that she suffered from her own divine banishment and that for a time, she and Caine sought each other out for companionship among exiles... but that they were not, ultimately, able to see eye to eye."
hyena 1
Marguerite Francisca Anjelica Santana BOT 11-Jul-22 04:18 PM
- Well the legends get pretty inaccurate and messy. Especially when it considers Vampire religious lore. Mesopotamian and Judaic mythology, Christian, just pure fantasies and different interpretation... It is all badly mixed. It is the same as trying to mix... - She thought how to put it in his good understanding, and exhaled, - Expressionism and realism. Nothing good can get out of it. Not on average and done by unprofessional hand. That probably could twitch the perfectionist part of Sebastian so hard... But she continued. - But the ones who believe just seems don't see that terrible daub trying to interpret it in their own convenient way. So we can start with the Brothers... Caine, Abel. Biblical figures. The "worst" there is the ferral, inner trait that was let out. Beast connected...
Sebastian Grey 12-Jul-22 03:02 AM
Sebastian's lips pull back from his teeth and his fangs extend without him meaning for them to. Trembling with effort, he forces them to retract again, giving off a faint growl.
Marguerite Francisca Anjelica Santana BOT 13-Jul-22 12:02 AM
- Oh... I see... You also don't like the messy and incomplete, - she inhaled the bitter smoke and gestured towards the torri smiling, - I like you guys. You get so easily emotional about stuff huh... So. If it is about the killing of Abel - it should be a beast in human thing. It was always there. It is always there. And the God, the Father doesn't accept that. Which is kind of shitty, - she chuckled ironically like she was telling a story of some unfortunate relatives of hers. Freely, with irony and compassion. - So some of our kind believe there's no need to return to humanity as such remove everything you have from a human, embrace fully your feral nature, - she smoked again like she was remembering someone specific. - Not only towards human, but also towards vampires. Brothers... Sisters. SO the Curse as it is is just the way to get the real nature of the beast of a vampire, In the new shape. Reborn, renewed and... as they think - more perfect.
Sebastian Grey 13-Jul-22 02:31 AM
Sebastian nods slowly, ill at ease. Why did he almost lose his composure? Was it just because the Beast was mentioned, or was there more to it? Marguerite has already proven that she's not above meddling with his mind... Still, it should not come as a surprise that eldritch lore might not be entirely comfortable to learn. He tries to steady himself. "So Caine represents a rejection of humanity and a return to the ways of the beasts of the field?" he says. "Mmm. That is quite different from the stern, dignified patriarch we usually envision..."
Marguerite Francisca Anjelica Santana BOT 13-Jul-22 11:18 AM
- It's how... - she wanted to say Noddist but stopped herself, - those admiring him see him, not only is a beast but the one who does not reject it at all, the one with the knowledge and endless researcher eagerness, but can use any methods at all to get to the maximum of his powers. She chuckled. - Damn I feel uncomfortable even telling you that. I've... I've known a few of these and I cannot say I liked it. At all. The reckless search for knowledge can be acceptable in some cases but not all of them. (edited)
Sebastian Grey 13-Jul-22 01:48 PM
"Well..." Sebastian rubs his scarred cheek with a gloved finger. "I suppose that is a balance that both scholars and artists must strike. For both, the freedom to ask any question and explore any avenue is paramount... but what of those paths that lead to savagery, to the destruction of the very foundation of art and scholarship alike? Must the freethinker, in order to have true integrity, invite his own ignoble end? I confess, I would very much like for the answer to be 'no'... but..." He shakes his head, not willing to continue down that trail of thought. "So that is Caine," he says. "What of Lilith? Does she, too, represent something inherent in our condition?"
Marguerite Francisca Anjelica Santana BOT 13-Jul-22 05:57 PM
Tremere smiled and made another drag from a cigarette. - Of course, my friend. Are you Jewish? - She asked without any sub-senses. - You see... In different cultures her image is non-canonical. Christians totally banned her maybe because of the "ex-wife" difficulties, - she chuckled, - or maybe because of their own patriarchal wrath she became a ghost or even more often a demon (good one for an ex wife, hu-uh?) when she left Adam... - Santana seemed to like the talk very much as it was definitely within her interest circle, the spanish was smiling wide and ferral. - Anyway, in OUR culture she is often a representation of suffering, salvation and being reborn. On the big contrast to the humanity legends. I am not that much of a feminist, but I just like to laugh from where all of it is coming from, - she chuckled again. - She is just the, - she clicked with her fingers, - bright light that disappeared and made a good start to those who seek the true power of our new existence. Well, it is much more complicated from what I am telling you. But I hope you can catch up with understanding. She smiled.
Sebastian Grey 14-Jul-22 04:11 AM
"Jewish?" Sebastian snorts with surprise. "Who knows? I was orphaned at a young age, and no one ever told me my parents' faith, if they had one. But I'm inclined to doubt it, all things considered." He rubs his chin. "So she is the soul that strives for the heights, even as God would seek to keep her chained to the soil?" he says. "While Caine seeks his wisdom in the depths of the feral, rejecting God's demand for him to be civilised. Two rebels, but straining against their bonds in opposite directions... I suppose I can see why they did not get along. The one thing a true revolutionary hates more than the authority is another revolutionary with opposite ideals, hmm?"
Marguerite Francisca Anjelica Santana BOT 14-Jul-22 04:14 AM
- Well... That's God who made him like that. So, I think at some point it is fair to use this condition, - she smiled, - but... Well... Yes. Something like that. And about your blood question - we can always check, - she smirked and letting a cigarette in her lips offered Sebastian her open palm to get his hand on it if he wanted to see some magic.
Sebastian Grey 14-Jul-22 04:31 AM
Well, he's come this far, so he might as well get the full treatment. Sebastian tentatively places his hand on hers.
Marguerite Francisca Anjelica Santana BOT 14-Jul-22 05:25 AM
With her free hand she made a fast slight move over Sebastian's palm. Pointy pinky black nail cut a little wound and with a soft touch she took just a drop on the finger. Fast, almost painless. One could not even notice which... could be dangerous thing to miss. Her index and middle finger carefully took the cigarette and she tried the blood drop with her tongue. A strange grimace close to pain showed on her face with her fangs letting out and she bit her ring on the lower lip. Hunger. That's what Toreador saw In her. Uncorrectable craving for blood no matter she just had some. A few seconds she tried the blood, while her black eyes were trying to find out the emotions on Sebastian's face. Still was hard due to his past heavy injury. And then she spoke. Fast and quiet. - Oh, definitivamente tienes raíces españolas mayores de los ancestros... - and then added normally, - you definitely have elder Spanish roots from the ancestors. So logically you're kind of a heir of the Catholics... And you're of the young blood as Kindred, - she smiled, - just a few years... Interesting, - she returned a cigarette to her mouth, - May I ask? - She didn't continue the question as it was obviously about his face and embrace. And she still held his hand. Professional look of Sebastian found something interesting. She did have black nails and "makeup", but there was no paint, cover or anything like actual makeup on the flesh. Like she was born like that. (edited)
Sebastian Grey 14-Jul-22 12:21 PM
Sebastian runs a finger down his ravaged cheek. "Well..." he says. "As you no doubt have guessed, the accident that robbed me of my parents was the same that put its mark on this... ill-fated visage. I grew up in foster care... There was no remaining family, at least none that would claim me. And since the mirror showed me nothing but ugliness... I, perhaps perversely, conceived a love of beauty. First, I studied it. Then, with clumsy hands, I began to create it. As an adult, I found myself in the enviable position of being able to sell it. All the same, I was keenly aware that my creations were mere... apprentice works, the fruits of a talent that would take longer to blossom than a mere man's age." He smiles his excuse of a smile. "And then... I was approached with an offer of many lifetimes. A chance to perfect my craft. Needless to say, after I overcame my initial fear, I needed little coaxing." He chuckles dryly. "I am still mistaken for a Nosferatu by some. No. My Blood is that of the Rose. But of course there are things the Blood cannot alter." He tilts his head. "I think that you, Ms. Santana, is also not quite what you seem. Perhaps about you, as well... people are sometimes mistaken?"
Marguerite Francisca Anjelica Santana BOT 14-Jul-22 12:24 PM
She listened carefully, nodding at his interesting revelations, but at the end she raised her nice brow and let his hand free. - Mistaken? Ah... I am not sure what exactly do you mean Mister Grey. (edited)
Sebastian Grey 14-Jul-22 02:25 PM
_ _Sebastian shrugs leisurely. ”My trade is turning nature into art,” he says. ”That gives me a knack for telling them apart. Most of the time, on a woman’s face, it is art that seeks to resemble nature. But your striking looks, Ms. Santana, are an interesting inversion. With you, it is nature that masquerades itself as art. You are not wearing a single drop of cosmetics, I think… yet you appear skilfully painted. Is that another application of your arts?” (edited)
Marguerite Francisca Anjelica Santana BOT 14-Jul-22 02:35 PM
- A-ah, these ones, - she smiled retracting her fangs, - just another way of a good specialist serving House and Clan Tremere. She finished a cigarette and lit another one with no lighter again. Probably that much smoking wouldn't make her any good be Rita just a mortal. - It happened that I don't change my style for years. And I was sick spending too much time on makeup. My time is very expensive for several reasons, so sometimes even "silly" requests like this one can make my un-life easier. But you have a really good eye on defining the thing. Rare person of ours could have.
Sebastian Grey 15-Jul-22 03:48 AM
"I see," Sebastian says slowly. "A quite impressive feat - most regard it as a fact of our condition that each sunset restores us to our original state. Would you permit me to ask how drastic the alterations can be made?" He gestures to his face. "I am sure I don't need to tell you that I have a... personal interest in such possibilities..." (edited)
Marguerite Francisca Anjelica Santana BOT 15-Jul-22 11:54 AM
Tremere shrouded. - Ou-uf. Well, if you want a Tremere making that, there might be a nasty price. I mean the one like you need... A "supply", a real face you'd use. The one would use. As far as I know how this case may work is literally getting someone's face, - her voice got more cold but she understood she spoke business from the clan's position. - And if course it will be a pretty big boon.
Sebastian Grey 15-Jul-22 01:53 PM
"Of course..." Sebastian nods slowly. "Everything has a price, and nothing is more costly than beauty. I must ponder this carefully." He stretches his lips in something like a smile, returning to business. "Thank you for attending to me this night," he says. "It has been most... informative. When the paintings are ready, I will lend them to you for your purposes, as we discussed." (edited)
Marguerite Francisca Anjelica Santana BOT 15-Jul-22 01:58 PM
The girl smiled. - Of course, glad to be here, you have a nice approach to what I saw. So... I hope you figure out the right decision about your looks. Good nigh, mister Grey.
Sebastian Grey 15-Jul-22 03:55 PM
Sebastian met with Marguerite Santana and learned some arcane Noddist lore about Caine and Lilith to incorporate in his upcoming paintings. In return, he promised to give the Tremere temporary access to the paintings in order to cast spells on them to track those showing an especial interest in the subject, and was Dominated into being unable to speak of this arrangement. He also learned that the Tremere are capable of letting people exchange faces, giving him much to think about in regards to his own deformed visage.
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