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Los Angeles: Blood Moon (VtM V20)
❌past logs chapter 12 (6) / ❌🍕🟩ch12-rose-garden
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 07-Jul-22 06:17 PM
Chapter 12 Location: LA street bar Players: Tash, Matt, Jean-Paul, Adam @!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) @Misha [Mathias]@Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) @Adam ST: - Previous scenes: #❌🌙🟩ch11-hollywood-star #❌🍕🟩ch11-old-pals-new-faces (edited)
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 07-Jul-22 06:20 PM
Next evening both toreadors received a message from Tash. "Hey there! Gonna visit a nice cosy bar out there in the city, wanna meet with a fellow rose? [address]" (edited)
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 07-Jul-22 06:20 PM
@Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas)@Misha [Mathias]
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 07-Jul-22 06:26 PM
"Yeah, I'll be there. Do you want me to pick you up or should we meet there?" Jean-Paul definitely could use the time off to cool his head after his last meeting with Isaac and Ash.
Misha [Mathias] 07-Jul-22 06:27 PM
"I suppose it would be good for me to meet others, so sure. How fancy or casual should I dress? I'm not sure the kind of bar that is." Matt replied quickly.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 07-Jul-22 06:28 PM
Message to Jean-Paul: "I'll be there. Meet you on the spot. thanks!" Message to Matt: "Casual is ok"
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 07-Jul-22 06:30 PM
"Alright" Jean-Paul then proceeded to get dressed with a casual-ish suit, and drove to the place with his white Corvette.
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Misha [Mathias] 07-Jul-22 06:32 PM
"I'll see you there." was all he replied. He took a little time to clean up a little before heading out- and so long as nothing would stop him arrives at the bar soon enough. Matt parked his truck and went to the prove; he had a sort of nervous energy to him as he looked around for Tash. He dressed relatively casual- a black t-shirt, a brown leather jacket, and dark jeans.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 07-Jul-22 06:42 PM
Jean-Paul will make sure to take his sweet time driving there (especially since the car is slow), and will make sure to arrive fashionably late.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 07-Jul-22 06:48 PM
The girl was sitting outside at one of the tables. It was a luxury for her - just to sit there unnoticed, just a nobody for people. Yet. She offered a cup of ice tea and as soon as the waiter's figure removed from the sight she noticed Matt and waived hand to him. Almost right after she saw he car of Jean-Paul's. Not that outstanding in Hollywood, but still very much fancy. Another sign to let him know she's there.
Misha [Mathias] 07-Jul-22 06:51 PM
"Oh-" he relaxed a little as he spotted Tash, smiling and returning a wave before making his way over. "Heyyy. You didn't get me anything? I'm hurt." he joked as he casually invited himself to her table and sat down.
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Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 07-Jul-22 06:54 PM
Jean-Paul will park his car where he can and then walk the rest of the way to the table where he saw Natasha sitting by with a man. He assumed that was the 'Rose' she mentioned in the text. "Bonsoir" He said when he arrived. Firstly he greeted Natasha by kissing her hand, and then he stretched his hand out to Mathias for a handshake. "I'm Jean-Paul, enchanté"
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Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 07-Jul-22 07:01 PM
- Well, sorry, - she chuckled to Matt, - I had no idea you eat after eight in the evening, - Adam didn't tell much about you... Oh! There you go! She was really flattered of Jean's manners, even closed the eyes a little from the kiss feeling on her hand. - Jean-Paul... this is Mathias, a good friend of ours, - she told more of Adam's hum-m... friend is her friend too indeed, - Matt, it's Jean-Paul, - well that was hard to tell the relation so she ended up with, - a movie director on a hunt of a muse, - she grinned.
Misha [Mathias] 07-Jul-22 07:04 PM
Matt would return the handshake and simply introduce himself- "Mathias, Matt is fine too though. A pleasure to meet you, Jean-Paul." He gave a small smile before nodding a bit to what Natasha said to show he was listening. "Huh! I see. And... you thought I'd be a good muse?" he asked her with hum, peeking back to Jean-Paul to see his thoughts.
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Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 07-Jul-22 07:10 PM
Jean-Paul chuckled and then took a seat before saying anything. "I did come to Los Angeles to look for inspiration... but I may have already found my muse" He leaned on the seat. "I've heard a bit about Adam here and there from Mademoiselle Kirov, what relationship do you have with him?"
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Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 07-Jul-22 07:13 PM
She made a funny "ouch" grimace and took a sip of her ice tea. But anyway what did she expect from a talk of toreadors - drama, art and shit. She let them settle it themselves. Sniff each other a little. She put a hand on Jean Paul's knee under the table. (edited)
Misha [Mathias] 07-Jul-22 07:19 PM
"Ohh? Well- how lovely for you, I'm glad you could find one." Matt told Jean-Paul, glancing to Natasha for a moment with a thoughtful expression before looking back. " Oh- hm? We're friends." he stated before asking, " And what's your relationship with her? Is she your muse?" he asked with a tilt of his head.
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Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 07-Jul-22 07:25 PM
Jean-Paul looked at Natasha first and then at Mathias. "Something like that, yes" He nods. "Anyway... I take it you also are from Vegas?"
Misha [Mathias] 07-Jul-22 07:37 PM
"Yep, though uh- don't ask me any questions about that place, I didn't get out and about much." Matt let out an light chuckle as he rubbed his neck. " How about you? Where are you from, and how long have you been in Los Angeles?"
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 07-Jul-22 07:40 PM
"I'm from the City of Lights... and I've been in LA for exactly... twelve days" He chuckles. "I came here really recently too, so I'm technically still getting to know the city" He was still surprised to hear that Mathias wasn't going out much in Vegas, considering his clan... but he wasn't going to judge.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 07-Jul-22 07:41 PM
- Why didn't you go out much anyway?! - Tash was also curious from Matt. It was Las Vegas! A place you never sit at home. (edited)
Misha [Mathias] 07-Jul-22 07:46 PM
"I see! I heard Paris is lovely, must be a big cultural different though." he put a hand on his cheek in thought then shrugged it off. "Ah- either way, I hope you like it here." Matt said with a smile. At the question he looked back to Tash. "Hm? Oh- I just didn't feel like it. Was too distracted by work or other matters." he said a touch dismissively. (edited)
Speak of the devil, or something. A very tall, alarmingly thin guy strolled into the venue having been glancing at his phone. He ducked a little bit under the door way. His skin was swarthy brown, contrasted with vibrant green eyes lined with kohl, but despite these features, he looked pretty rough. His face was very angular and gaunt, with heavy dark circles under his eyes. His cheeks had faint scars coming up from the corners of his lips in the remnants of a glasgow smile. He was all skin and bones, apparent even though the white strappy villain-esque lab coat covered up most of his body. His hair was in a tangled messy black mohawk. And under the sleeves of his coat and between the tears in his black jeans peeked some strange red sigils of some sort. In spite of his uncanny appearance, the way he carried himself gave off a certain Devilish Charm. Adam was in the process of putting a cigarette in his lips, and flashed a smile at the group that was just a little bit too... carnivorous. A chair was grabbed as he walked past it, immediately spun around and straddled backwards as he slid up next to Matt. "Sup."
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 07-Jul-22 07:52 PM
- Adam! - She grinned and rapidly stood up to hug him. That was a long time... long enough time for her not seeing him so she was way happy to meet again. Especially in such a company. (edited)
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 07-Jul-22 07:54 PM
Jean-Paul was paying attention to the conversation between Mathias and Natasha and then he saw that figure approaching. He just kept looking until it was... well, here. And then Tash hugged him, saying his name. "Ah, so you're the infamous Adam..." He stood up to greet Adam, waiting for the hug to be over.
Misha [Mathias] 07-Jul-22 07:56 PM
Matt blinked then perked up a bit as Adam showed up. "Ah- she called you here too? If I knew I would've driven you." he chuckled and gave the way-too-thin man a bright smile.
"Infamous you say? My ears were ringing, what have you heard? All bad things, I hope." He chuckled, returning Tash's hug, which was easier with him being down to her height level. Once that hug separated he draped an arm around Matt's shoulders for a quick side-hug. "Aww. I had a driver, but it wasn't as fun as it woulda been with you." Since Jean-Paul was waiting for a proper greeting, Adam took a drag from the cigarette and gave him a grin. "Anyway, yes, and whom might you be, my good chap?" The 'proper' language seemed to be used in playful irony.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 07-Jul-22 08:00 PM
"I'm Jean-Paul... and I actually haven't heard anything about you, Natasha made sure to only tell me your name" He chuckled. "Either way, it's nice to meet you" He stretched his hand out for a handshake.
"Ah, damn, I was looking forward to infamy." He pouted. "Pleasure to meet you too." Rather than shake Jean-Paul's hand, Adam dropped wooden yo-yo into it. "How do you guys know each other?"
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Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 07-Jul-22 08:04 PM
Jean-Paul will just take his hand back, a bit disappointed at the lack of a handshake, but, he won't say anything. He decided to just let Natasha tell Adam how they met.
Misha [Mathias] 07-Jul-22 08:04 PM
Matt was quiet too for now to listen, letting Jean-Paul and Adam talk.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 07-Jul-22 08:05 PM
She returned to her place and texted Adam: "We would need to talk. I have lots of local news. P.S. Don't judge J-P for his intensions, he's a good boi. Just can not accept the truth. You'll understand, just wait." - We met in The Last Round. Nothing too fancy, but appeared to be a pleasurable meeting indeed, - she smiled. (edited)
Adam waited a while to check his phone just so it wasn't too obvious. "The Last Round? What's that?" He glanced at the message now, then put the phone back in his pocket. "Did all three of you meet at once?"
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 07-Jul-22 08:15 PM
"Last Round is a bar owned by some other Anarchs of the city... but we met because I thought Tash was stalking me" He laughed a bit. "But, uh, this is the first time I'm seeing Matt"
Misha [Mathias] 07-Jul-22 08:21 PM
Matt nodded to what Jean-Paul said. "Mhm. Natasha thought it'd be good for me to meet more folk." he said before quirking his brows at the other Toreador. "Hold on. Stalking you? Why would you think that?"
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 07-Jul-22 08:22 PM
"Because on the night before I met her I met someone who was stalking me... and then she was like there, trying to hide, looking at me... I was worried she was doing the same thing"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 07-Jul-22 08:24 PM
- Well you wouldn't see me... On average, - she shook her shoulders hinting to obfuscate.
"Oh, Anarchs, huh? I see." He snickered and took a drag from the cigarette. "Wow, Natasha facilitating meetings of the blooded. How very precocious. So who was stalking you?"
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 07-Jul-22 08:31 PM
"Not sure yet, but I need to gather some information to solve that problem... peacefully, if all goes well"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 07-Jul-22 08:34 PM
- Well that's what means to be famous. There's always someone who want to make love with you, eat you or kill you. She made another sip of tea. (edited)
Misha [Mathias] 07-Jul-22 08:36 PM
"I'm glad I'm not famous, I don't think I could handle that. Well, besides that first part." he joked with a small laugh. "Though uh- having a stalker sounds awful, sorry you gotta deal with that."
Adam smirked at Matt and winked. "You don't have to be famous for that." After waving over a bartender to pour him some whiskey, Adam rested his arms atop the frame of the chair he was straddling. "Yeah, well let me know if you need any help. I was the sheriff of Las Vegas not too long ago."
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 07-Jul-22 08:39 PM
"Yeah, I know someone who has a stalker that wants to kill them... it's much more tough... and it's not like I'm super famous yet" He shrugged. "The Sheriff, huh? Interesting... but I already have the aid of the Baron of Hollywood on this one, thanks"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 07-Jul-22 08:41 PM
- So-o who is not drinking tonight? - She asked as she saw Adam is ordering a drink.
Misha [Mathias] 07-Jul-22 08:42 PM
Matt returned a sheepish smirk to Adam before looking back to the others. "I'm ah- good without a drink."
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 07-Jul-22 08:49 PM
"I won't be drinking, I suppose"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 07-Jul-22 08:53 PM
She leaned to the back of her seat: - From what I heard you're so not much of a template to your little communities, - she chuckled taking to all of the company and turned to Juan-Paul. - You wanted to talk to Adam... Well, here he is. If you want it more private, I can easily organize that, - she smiled, looking at Adam. (edited)
"You make it sound like you're my pimp." Adam side-eyed Tasha deviously.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 07-Jul-22 08:58 PM
- Aren't I, - she told only with her lips and a smirk.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 07-Jul-22 09:00 PM
"Yeah, so, uh..." Jean-Paul cleared his throat. He had no idea how his suggestions would be received at all, but... well. "I want to make a deal with you..."
Misha [Mathias] 07-Jul-22 09:02 PM
Matt let out a huff of amusement at the pimp exchange, then looked between them as Jean-Paul spoke up. "Is it ah- a deal I should step out for? I could go mingle with some drunk folk." he offered.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 07-Jul-22 09:03 PM
She rolled her eyes a little clearly showing the idea will not work. Someone just didn't want to listen...
Adam received his glass and raised it briefly. "Ah, a deal? I'm all ears. Not literally, that'd be weird." He gave Matt a slight shrug. "That's up to Jean here I guess. Personally I don't mind."
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Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 07-Jul-22 09:17 PM
"Nah, Matt can stay" Jean-Paul shrugged about that. "It's about Tash... I'm, well.... worried that she'll lose her looks if she remains blood bound to you, so... I was thinking that, maybe, just maybe... we could, like, keep things the way they are, except, you stop feeding her your blood, and I do that instead?"
Adam raised a brow and rolled his hand under his chin. "With all due respect, I literally just met you and know nothing but your name, so... that's a pretty bold request."
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 07-Jul-22 09:51 PM
"I am aware of that... but Natasha knows me... she can vouch for me, if she wishes, and I don't want to interfere with any... arrangements you might have, and I am willing to offer something in return"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 07-Jul-22 09:55 PM
That was a time Natasha felt like a goods. Expensive, required goods. She didn't talk, it was all for Adam to decide and she was sure she would never give her away even like that.
"Yeah? Like what." He indulged, his long brown fingers splayed under his jaw and the general aura of an irritated cat.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 07-Jul-22 10:04 PM
"Like getting you in touch with the Baron of Hollywood, for example... or owing you a favor, if you prefer... I just want to make it clear that I don't want to 'own' her, I don't like to own ghouls... I'm an Anarch, I just really want to make sure that... well, no way of saying this without making it sound bad, but, I don't want her to contract your clan's innate bad looks"
Adam barked a short laugh and leaned back, then took a swig from his whiskey. "I can meet the Baron on my own I'm sure. Look Kitten, lemme axe you something." He leaned over Jean-Paul, looming just a little as he pointed at him with the hand wielding his cigarette. Not threateningly, just a bit less concerned about etiquette. "Do you know what blood bonds do to mortals?"
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 08-Jul-22 08:54 AM
"Of course I do, especially if it's a full blood bond, which is not what I plan to do"
He sighed and took a drag from the cigarette, leaning back a bit. "What if looks weren't all that matters in this world?" He looked down to Tash and raised a pierced eyebrow. "Do you want his blood instead of mine?"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 03:20 PM
"Instead" ringed in her head and she felt how painful it started to pull inside of her chest like someone was about to tear off the roots, of the plant grown into her heart. - No, - she sighed off the word. It was obvious. The blood ties... Even if she could see the good profit there was anxiety in her eyes.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 03:22 PM
"Well... then... forget I suggested it" He shrugged. "If she doesn't want it, then there's no point in this"
Adam watched Natasha with curiosity, not anger or threat, and tilted his head slightly. He turned back to Jean-Paul and exhaled some smoke. "You do realize the implications of you asking this the first time we've ever met, right?"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 03:34 PM
Natasha's eyes were filled with confusion. She understood that she simply could not do otherwise, but she did not want to offend Jean-Paul. She looked at him with a look full of desperate remorse and started to talk really messy. - It's not what you think. I... It's harder than it looks. I don't even know how this can work.” She gulped nervously, feeling her strong heart beat nervously from the whole situation. - I just don't want to offend you or... - she turned to Adam, looking for support, - I understand why this is asked, I would like the... issue... solved, but as soon as I start thinking about it, it hurts me physically. I don't expect you to stand up for me to change something, to try, but... She took a long breath and closed her eyes so as not to panic. - It's just... It's all my fault. You both want the best for me, and I don't know how I can repay both of you for that without causing problems.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 03:40 PM
"I understand" He nodded at Natasha. It was part of the blood bond. But he cared for her, so he decided it was better to just not push the matter too much. "The implication, Adam, is that I have built a strong connection with your ghoul over these past few nights, and I began to care for her, that is all there is to this... she is simply remarkable, in a way I had not expected I'd meet someone, which is why I said earlier that I consider her my muse"
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"No, the implication, is that you are expecting me to trust a stranger with something precious to me that could be used against me. You may be less of an asshole than Arnoux but anyone who's remotely smarter than a broomstick would behave more politely than Arnoux to get their way." He put the cigarette back in his lips and glanced over to the Other Rose. "Hey. Matt. Would you be up for giving Tash your blood so she doesn't end up being hideous like me?" Adam asked casually, draping an arm lazily over the frame of his chair.
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Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 03:50 PM
"I guess I could have suggested that in the first place... but for some reason it didn't come to my mind... either way, the effect ends up being the same... like I said, I don't want to own her"
"So you say. And that may indeed be the truth. But do I know that?"
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 03:54 PM
"If you want to know more about me, you ask Natasha, she can tell you all that she knows... I have been honest about things all the time with her... although I did hide the fact that I am the Baron's ward, I was afraid she'd be looking to sell that information"
Adam literally facepalmed. "I. Okay. So you ARE capable of acknowledging that people can deceive others to their own benefit."
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 03:57 PM
"That's obvious, but I'm trying to prove to you that that's not what I'm doing, I even said that I don't want to do that thing anymore... I mean... what are you trying to prove now?"
"How are you trying to prove that?!" He tossed his hands out. "You've started your very first interaction with me ever by asking if you can give my ghoul your blood! For fuck's sake dude, either you're literally bullshitting me right now or you are incapable of putting yourself into my shoes for a minute."
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 04:02 PM
Adam's offer and solution was amazing. She also could not come to that solution, but now she just could notice this amazing freak of hers IS a genius indeed. She sighed in a little relief. - Why don't you just have a drink, - that sounded way strange from khm... a ghoul, but still, - and just start knowing each other better then talk business. I am sorry I triggered that talk. (edited)
Misha [Mathias] 10-Jul-22 04:05 PM
Matt looked to the side, a thoughtful expression as he listened to all the vampire politics. When asked the question he gave a small shrug then nod, but was quiet to let them talk. Though, since Adam seemed to be getting upset he put a hand on the taller man's shoulder and squeezed it gently.
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Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 04:07 PM
"There's no more business to talk about though..." He scratches the back of his head. "I get your point... in your situation I'd be suspicious too, but I already gave up on trying to convincing you, Tash doesn't want that, and that's what matters to me, her feelings about this... I only asked you this because of my feelings towards her... but I understand you may not believe it, and I apologize for starting the conversation like this" He took a deep breath. "Again, I will not bring that up again"
Adam did ease up a little when Matt squeezed his shoulder. He eyed Jean-Paul as he spoke, but by the end of it, Adam's demeanor had subsided again and he took another drag from the cigarette. "Okay then, that's all I wanted to hear you say. I will have a drink. But not because you told me to." Adam flagged down another bartender to refill his whiskey. "Tash you really bring all the boys to the yard, huh?"
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Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 04:16 PM
Oh she could tell a lot. For example that she's not the only one hanging out with boys around, and that's far, far from all the boys, and that he will occasionally need to meet every and each one too. But instead she just grabbed her cold tea and made a sip when her other hand fingers found Jean-Paul's palm. Her hand was cold and a little wet from being worried about how it all goes. She knew Adam liked her too much to share. So did she, but they needed to get through it occasionally from time to time. - Don't you want to know what is going on around me? - She answered with a question more calm. (edited)
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 04:19 PM
Jean-Paul just stayed silent, but when he felt Natasha's fingers reaching his hand, he intertwined his own fingers with hers. His hand was obviously cold, since he didn't have blush of life activated, but, it did help him relax, with her there.
Adam didn't seem to really mind her hand-holding with the Frenchie in spite of their initial clash, he just drank his whiskey. "Well, if that's the only business there was then don't feel obligated to hang out with me or something." He shrugged loosely.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 04:30 PM
"I didn't actually want to meet you because of business... business is not really in my blood, Natasha invited me here to meet Mathias, and, I enjoy meeting people, so... let's try to give the night another shot?"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 04:31 PM
- I actually wanted to show you Camarilla toreadors don't bite... Figuratively... I just feel one more phrase - an you all start fighting. So... - She raised her free hand in a peaceful manner and shot up. (edited)
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 04:38 PM
"I hope not... I'm not good at fighting... and I didn't even bring my bodyguard this time"
"Ah, right, you were invited here for him..." He gestured vaguely. "I suppose I crashed the party. I wasn't aware you wanted to meet me at all... so if it wasn't because of business, what was it?"
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 04:51 PM
"Because I like meeting new people... besides, Tash did tell me I should try meeting people from the Camarilla, which is something I have been avoiding since my embrace"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 04:57 PM
The girl stood up leaving the guys yet talk but headed to the cashier to talk about something.
"Why's that? In Las Vegas the Anarchs assassinated the Prince, is that gunna be a problem here too?" He grinned.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 05:03 PM
"I feel like it's more likely that the Prince tries to assassinate one of the Barons here, given the city's history"
"Excuse me" He will stand up and walk to Natasha. "If you think it's better that I leave so you can talk with him... I can do that, we can meet at another time" He will say that when he gets close enough. "I caused enough of a mess as it is"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 05:08 PM
She was buying some kind of energy drink in a fancy tin. As Jean Paul followed, she raised her brow. - No, no... Don't be such a chicken, open your mouth and talk, - she gave the instruction. Of course he could just refuse.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 05:11 PM
"Not saying this because of me, I just don't want to ruin your night or your reunion with Adam... because I feel like I kind of did that a bit already" He sighed. "Sorry, by the way... and I'll stay if you want"
Adam quirked a brow. "Well, guess I'll be meeting the Prince eventually. So I'll determine that possibility for myself." He sighed faintly and just gave Matt a friendly, reassuring smile as the two left the table briefly.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 05:22 PM
- Just go back and talk. You'll see yourself if you want to stay or leave. She nodded, slid her hand over his sleeve but didn't return yet, had something to do here. (edited)
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 05:25 PM
Jean-Paul just nodded. "Let me know if you need help over there" After that he went back to the table and to a seat. "Sorry about that... I've seen his Tower, it's big, modern, but... it's too corporate"
"I haven't seen it but I'm not really into corporations, so..." Adam just made a thumbs down motion.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 05:28 PM
"It definitely could use an artistic touch... but I guess the fact that it's located so close to the Last Round makes it interesting"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 05:32 PM
She disappeared not for long but returned with the same can in hands. She came really close to Adam so he could smell the very familiar nice scent from the inside. - I thought you need it... - She hugged him a little passing the drink.
At first Adam seemed skeptical of being handed an energy drink, but once he smelled it, he gripped the can immediately. "Ah. Thank you, Tash." Adam barely returned the hug before he downed the contents and savored it. He did rub his mouth with the back of his palm a bit before continuing. "The Last Round is... a bar?"
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 05:36 PM
"It's a bar and also where Nines is, he's... another Baron, who I didn't meet yet, but it's surprisingly close to the Prince's tower"
"What's his demeanor like?"
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 05:38 PM
"I haven't met either of them, so I don't know... I do hope I'll get to meet Nines at some point though"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 05:38 PM
She was really glad she was able to figure out the thing. - Why don't you just go there and find out?
"Well, I should probably meet the Prince first but I'm down for meeting a Baron after if their territories overlap..." Adam shrugged.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 05:40 PM
- I only have contacts of a local harpy... Who's of a Prince's breed.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 05:41 PM
"Overlap is a nice way to put it" He chuckled. "Ah, so you met with that... guy" He almost said another word, but, managed to control himself. "How did that go?"
"What's this harpy? Do tell."
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 05:53 PM
- Dylan Sean, Ventrue. Well built, self-confident, counts me as a pawn, good we didn't end up fighting, but I thought you guys don't like political shit. So I think we're even at the moment, - she shrugged. - I am not sure yet if he's a good ally.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 05:55 PM
"He's not" Jean-Paul says with some annoyance, thinking back to what he heard from Velvet Velour. "Be careful around him, especially since you're a ghoul"
"Ah, a Ventrue harpy, and a Ventrue Prince. Sounds like a recipe for frustration and loathing."
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 06:02 PM
- Well, come o-on, I didn't have he expression the prince in LV was bad. Probably the opposite. Too... insecure.
"He was okay. But a Ventrue harpy?" Adam pretended to gag.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 06:05 PM
"I don't know, I just got a bad vibe from Dylan the moment I met him... a guy who organizes illegal fights is probably willing to do anything"
"Well, wait, are they like, Fight Club fights?"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 06:09 PM
- Well... You probably can not blame a man just for his way of getting the money... I just know about the dog fights, - she wrinkled her nose.
Misha [Mathias] 10-Jul-22 06:10 PM
Matt was listening quietly, putting a hand on his cheek in thought as they talked about the prince. "Right, I have to introduce myself at some point..." he pondered outloud to himself. Hearing dog fights he furrowed his brows. "He sets up what? That's awful!"
"Dog fights?" Adam leaned forward at that, momentarily a little elevated. "No fuck that guy. Where does he have them? What's his name?"
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 06:11 PM
"I don't know how they are, I only heard him mentioning them at the Vesuvius when I was talking to Velvet Velour... it was enough to disgust me" He shakes his head. "But dog fights? This... is too much"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 06:12 PM
- Oh come on! You sound like you're saints! - She frowned.
Adam frowned back at her. "Hey, I'm a shitty degenerate person, but even I would never condone animal cruelty."
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Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 06:14 PM
"Well... I wouldn't say I'm a saint... but, the most harm I did to anyone was on a movie I directed, and it was all with fake blood"
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Misha [Mathias] 10-Jul-22 06:16 PM
"I haven't done anything half as terrible as dog fighting." Matt huffed and leaned back. With Sanctity he does have a certain innocent, pure vibe around him that might back up those words.
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Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 06:22 PM
"Anyway, do make sure to let me know how your visit to the Prince goes... I have no plans of visiting him, but I guess I'd like to know how he is"
"Well, Matt you and I could go together if you want."
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 06:25 PM
- What about me? - She asked pretty quietly.
Misha [Mathias] 10-Jul-22 06:25 PM
"Hm? Oh uh- yeah, sure we can. Do we need to like, set up a meeting? How would we do that? You've er, moved cities more times than I have." he asked Adam with a light chuckle as he rubbed his neck.
"Yes, Tash, of course you can come." Adam took a swig from the whiskey. "Well I've really only moved twice now, and in Vegas it was admittedly kinda hard to figure out how to get to Elysium. But, I'll try popping in like I did there and if I have trouble maybe I'll ask someone in this Last Round place."
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 06:32 PM
"I don't think there has been a proper Elysium here in a while, or a place where you can meet other kindred... but it should be funny seeing you asking about the Prince over there... shame I won't be there to see it" He chuckles.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 06:33 PM
- Why? You can just go and see him yourself.
"How is there a harpy and no proper Elysium? This town may need a new harpy." Adam grinned.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 06:37 PM
"It's simple... the town is an Anarch town, and the Camarilla is still trying to take it over... if you stay with them... good luck, I guess"
Adam shrugged. "Not a guarantee, but in the last city I lived in the Anarchs weren't really where I wanted to be."
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 07:00 PM
"Well, each city has their own particularities... so to speak... the Camarilla is not the dominant the sect around here"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 07:04 PM
- It just means they do something wrong, - she added absolutely being convinced, - it is not the guilt of the system. It's about those who are in it.
Adam clicked his tongue and pointed at Natasha. "Power corrupts. If the Anarchs have power they're not immune to corruption."
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 07:08 PM
"The point is, the city's been Anarch for a hundred years, so the Camarilla is small because they're still trying to take it over"
"Right but I'm not asking why it's small."
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 07:09 PM
- Wrong politics, - she rolled her eyes.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 07:10 PM
"No, I said that because Natasha said they were doing something wrong... that's not really it" He shrugs. "Anyway, enough about this, can you actually taste the drinks you have?"
"Ah, okay. Fair enough." Adam shrugged. "Yup I sure can." He demonstrated by downing another swig.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 07:11 PM
The girl grinned and asked another ice tea. - DO you plan on opening a bar of yours, Adam?
"I'm not really an entrepreneur... But I do still have that Brew I can pawn to someone since Dom left before I could offer to him."
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 07:13 PM
"Opening a bar doesn't sound like a bad idea... maybe I should do that after I make my last movie, and change my name to... yeah, I haven't thought about that yet"
"Well if you open a bar and want some beer that Kindred can drink and taste hit me up."
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Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 07:15 PM
- Well... You're not enterpreneur. I am. If you need to sell the shit of course. We can always find the person behind the business. IF... you need.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 07:17 PM
"What if we open a bar together, Tash?" Jean-Paul suggests with a hand on his chin, thinking. "I think it wouldn't be the worst idea I've had"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 07:19 PM
She shook her head with the chuckle and looked at Adam in the expression of 'Deja vu'. Just seems a level or a few better. Makes her smile ironically. Still up to him to decide.
Adam shrugged a little at her look. "Tash, you can open a business if you want as long as I'm involved somehow. I may not be an entrepreneur but, I still wanna know what's going on."
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 07:25 PM
"I don't see why you can't be involved... but, I do have a question, can kindred get really drunk, or can they just drink? Because if they get drunk... I might need to hire a Brujah to act as a guard"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 07:27 PM
Well that last question made her laugh loud. - I think out brilliant chemist can enlighten you on that question. And then she responded to Adam. - Of course you will! - She shrouded, - I don't think I personally might be there to look at all the stuff. It is just business after all. No need to work. You need to rule and supply. (edited)
"Well, first of all, yes, we can get drunk." He laughed slightly as well. "Not from drinking alcohol-normally, only from drinking mortals affected by things. However, my brew is special. It's an alcoholic beverage for kindred and yes it can get them drunk, and yes you will probably want a bouncer."
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 07:33 PM
"I'll pay a visit to the Last Round to hire someone... don't want to risk any Masquerade breaches in my future business"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 07:33 PM
- Spoken like true camarilla, - she added very quietly and narrowed her eyes.
Adam stiffled a snort and glanced between Tash and Jean-Paul.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 07:34 PM
"Because Anarchs don't care about the Masquerade?"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 07:35 PM
- It's more complicated as far as I know, but it's more of the order then the chaos and freedom thing, if you know what I mean.
"To be fair in Vegas they sure as hell didn't."
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Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 07:36 PM
"Vegas isn't LA... I'll take you to meet Isaac if you want, maybe that will change your mind"
Adam shrugged. "I'm not saying it is, just speaking based off what I know. I didn't know any Anarchs when I was in Chicago so Vegas was my first introduction to them. If you wanna introduce me to this Isaac person I won't say no. I'm all about fostering healthy relationships." He grinned, a little bit impishly.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 07:40 PM
"Sure, I'll take you there, but I assume you want to say hi to your Prince first, so let me know when"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 07:41 PM
- Are you sure you don't want o join us and pay ventrue a visit?
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 07:41 PM
"Ah... another night, maybe, but like... pending towards a no"
"Hey, keep your friend's close and your enemies closer." Adam winked. "But yes, I do need to introduce myself to the Prince first at least. You want my contact info?"
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 07:47 PM
"Sure" Jean-Paul grabs his phone to put the info in. "And you can have mine too, for when you want to meet Isaac"
"Send me a text so I have it." Adam said, prattling his number.
Misha [Mathias] 10-Jul-22 07:52 PM
"Oh uh- I guess I better er, share mine too." he casually pulled out a nice flip phone with a charm attached, waiting for him to send Adam a text before saying his number as well.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 07:53 PM
Jean-Paul will send a text to both Adam and Mathias when he got both the numbers. "By the way, Matt, have you... ever done any acting, by any chance?"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 07:56 PM
@Adam - About the Prince. I think we can just try and break in. Not literally but the building is a corporate so there has to be someone who could let us know what to do. I guess...
Misha [Mathias] 10-Jul-22 07:56 PM
"On a daily basis," Matt answered in a joking tone before answering properly, "But uh, no. The most I've acted is uh- you know, putting on different masks for different folks. Why do you ask?" he tilted his head at Jean-Paul. (edited)
"That was my thinking as well." He nodded, taking a swig from his drink.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 07:59 PM
"Just wondering, you do have a face that would look good on the big screen..." He shrugged. "If all goes well, I'll work on a movie soon, maybe you can get a cameo there?"
"I have acting experience." Adam mentioned, ashing his cigarette lightly.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 08:07 PM
Tash made an ironic smile. - He actually does. But I guess any cameras will end up masquerade breach unless you're playing a Muslim girl, - she laughed.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 08:08 PM
"Well... we can always say it's really good makeup"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 08:09 PM
- I... am not sure it works like that. But there are some options... I guess... I hope...
"No they won't. I can be on camera. But also yeah I mean, it's a film. With special effects."
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 08:10 PM
She just kept silent about the fact no movie could hide the dread of a true nosferatu face.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 08:11 PM
"Huh... interesting... you can actually be on camera? Like, it doesn't show your actual form?"
"I have some tricks up my sleeve." He grinned.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 08:12 PM
"Well, if you act better than my weird stalker... which shouldn't be hard... I wouldn't mind actually giving you an audition"
Misha [Mathias] 10-Jul-22 08:13 PM
"I wouldn't mind being a cameo or something." Matt would've chipper in. At the mention of being on camera he quirked his brows at Adam, then let out a small 'ah' as he remembered something. "What ah, sort of movies do you make anyway?" he asked.
"Can't make any promises." Adam said, finishing his drink. His tone makes it really hard to tell if he's joking or not. It's right on the cusp of sarcastic and convincing. "But yeah, my experience happens to be in ah, Adult entertainment, which granted there's plenty of around Hollywood, but I assume that's not your craft."
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 08:16 PM
- Oh my... You can be an actor double... kh... okay I... won't tell that... She became a little red and stopped talking.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 08:18 PM
"Ah... no" He gritted his teeth. "Although there are sex scenes in my movies, that's not what they are about... I made a few Indie movies back in France, one was called 'Héritier de l'Angoisse'... they probably weren't dubbed to English, but, they're mostly drama"
"Are they like, art-house films?"
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 08:20 PM
"So far, yes... but I'm aiming higher, that's why I'm here in LA"
"Well, I like art-house." He shrugged. "What are you actually aiming for exactly?"
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 08:22 PM
"Something ground-breaking... like... something that will be better than the Godfather, Pulp Fiction, 2001... something that will be critically acclaimed and mark my name in History... something that will make Stanley Kubrick and Ridley Scott look like amateurs"
Adam raised a brow and rubbed his scruffy jaw. "Uh... Hmmm... that's quite a lofty expectation, yeah. Do you have the budget and talent for that kind of thing?"
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 08:26 PM
"The talent, I believe I do... the budget, I'll get with enough networking, Isaac Abraams is into the movie industry, so he's going to help me get in contact with producers and actors to make this happen... but none of that matters if I don't find what matters the most..." He leans on his seat, taking a deep breath. "Inspiration"
Adam's palms pressed together in front of his lips for a moment, and he inhaled slightly, but hesitated. "Well. Good luck. Hope it works out for you. I guess hit me up if you need me."
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 08:32 PM
"I will, thanks" He nods. "Lots of problems for me to deal with... and all I wanted was to have a peaceful existence here"
"You uh... came to Los Angeles, for a peaceful existence?"
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 08:35 PM
"Not Los Angeles, Hollywood... but then I have a stalker, a hunter who wanted kill Ash... and somehow, I, Jean-Paul, who have been just living my life this whole time, have to deal with these stuff suddenly"
"Sweetie Hollywood is in Los Angeles. Also, you came to Hollywood for a peaceful existence? Who's Ash?"
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 08:43 PM
"Another Toreador, he's Isaac's childe, and he owns a club called Asp Hole... sorry, I'm talking too much, ah, by the way, Matt, Isaac has sent out invitations to every Toreador for a Soiree he's having, not sure if you got it, but if you want to be there, I'll let him know so he can invite you as well"
Misha [Mathias] 10-Jul-22 08:44 PM
Matt blinked at the offer. "Oh! Um. Yes, I should be there. It's be good to meet more of my family." he said with a small smile.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 08:46 PM
"I'll let him know, just give me your address and then you can receive a proper invitation"
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"Hey, Tash... what's the Ugly situation in this city?"
Misha [Mathias] 10-Jul-22 08:51 PM
"Oh, right. Let me..." he took out a tiny notepad with a pen from a pocket, scribbling down his address before offering the ripped out paper.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 08:52 PM
He took the piece of paper and nodded. "I'll text him about it when I get home, when we get there I'll make sure to introduce you to the people I know"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 08:52 PM
- What do you mean exactly?
"Where's my clan at?"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 09:04 PM
- Huh... Ask Robbie... - She grinned, - that I have no idea of.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 09:06 PM
- Akela... Robert... LA big ugly boss?..
"Wait, Robbie from Las Vegas? Did he come here?"
Misha [Mathias] 10-Jul-22 09:07 PM
Matt nodded to Jean-Paul. "Sounds great. I ah, have never been to a Toreador gathering, but I assume there's no such thing as 'too fancy', right?" he smirked.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 09:08 PM
"Not fancy... but extravagant is more appropriate... as long as it looks good" He chuckles.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 09:19 PM
- Robert paid me a visit... - she smirked, - seems I do have fans after all.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 09:20 PM
"In regards to your clan... I heard they're staying around Hollywood too, though that's about it"
Misha [Mathias] 10-Jul-22 09:21 PM
Matt processed what Natasha said and perked up. "Oh. I'm glad to hear that he's moved too- I liked him." he hummed.
"Well, doesn't help until I know the names of some figures here that I can bother." He shrugged, taking a drag from the cigarette. "But, yeah, glad to hear Robbie's around, I can just text him then."
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 09:31 PM
"Well... surely the Prince will tell you some of the names, right?"
"We'll see. Depends on if the Prince is an asshole or not."
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 09:38 PM
Jean-Paul just smiles at that, but stays quiet.
Misha [Mathias] 10-Jul-22 09:51 PM
Matt let out an amused huff at that, leaning back a bit more. "Even if he doesn't tell you I'm sure a few of your rats can, no?" he half-joked with a small nudge.
"I don't have any rats of my own." He said, feigning a sniffle. "But, well, I'll figure it out don't worry. I'm a pretty resourceful guy I think."
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 10:13 PM
- Well, I guess we can go visit the Prince or just have some more business unless you want to discuss anything.
"I'm ready to go find the Prince."
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 10:19 PM
"Well then... have a good night, you three" He said you three, but he was looking at Natasha.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 10-Jul-22 10:22 PM
She came closer to kiss him a tender good bye and whispered at his ear. - Don't worry, we'll meet soon enough, - She winked, - you know my number. Call when you need.
Misha [Mathias] 10-Jul-22 10:23 PM
"Oh right, ah- have a lovely night, Jean-Paul." he said with a small nod. " I'll see you around~"
Adam rolled his eyes at their exchange and stood up, offering a bony elbow out to Matthew somewhat hypocritically.
Jean-Paul du Toit BOT 10-Jul-22 10:25 PM
"I will definitely call you soon" He whispered back. "I just need to get less busy" He then turned to the other two. "Have a good one" He said and stood up, heading to his car.
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 10-Jul-22 11:29 PM
[End scene] (edited)
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 10-Jul-22 11:37 PM
Tash offered Jean-Paul and Matt meet to see how two sect toreadors communicate. Adam joined them. They changed contacts and their knowledge about Prince, Harpy, Isaac, Ash, where the Tower and Last Round are, talked a bit about the possibility to get into the movie Jean-Paul is about to make and about the bar Adam could provide booze. Then amarilla decided to go visit the Prince.
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