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Los Angeles: Blood Moon (VtM V20)
❌ Past Logs Chapters 11 (14) / ❌🌙🟦ch11-rigor-mortis
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 02-Jul-22 10:16 AM
Chapter 11 Location: Evergreen cemetery, Boyle Heights Players: @Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] Agnes Dunsirn @!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) ST: @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] Previous scenes: #❌🌙🟦ch8-a-long-way-to-heaven (edited)
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 02-Jul-22 10:19 AM
The little crew finally arrived in front of the Evergreen cemetery. The main gates were closed, and the rest of the cimetery was barred by a metallic fence.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 02-Jul-22 07:16 PM
Baresco parks across the street, gazing at the Kindred curiously. [Italian] "I have heard about the predecessor of the Family's necromancy. An old Discipline, do you know how to do it?" @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
"The old kindred looked at him. [Italian]"You mean the way of the gravis letro ? No, I do not know of their power of Mortis. Well, I do how to not die from it, but I've not been able to reproduce it. Neither do I know the path of the four humours. But I do know of Nigrimancy." He got out of the car, humming the air, before leaning back into the vehicule, looking at Agnes. [Italian]"If the one girl there can provide us with a living person, speaking her langage, I could use a ritual of mine to speak the Saxon." He looked around, humming the air, as he began to step toward the cemetery, slowly.
ilaliano 1
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 03-Jul-22 03:48 AM
Baresco nods before glancing at Agnes. [Italian] "A shame," he says. "However, I am interested in knowing more about this Nigrimancy. And I'm sure the entire bloody Family as well." He scoffs. He gazes at Agnes. [English] "Do you know how to drive a car? I need you to bring me a mortal, an English speaker preferably." He steps out of the car, looking at the sky. [Italian] "Did I forget to mention that this mortal's father is Kindred? Unfortunately, he vanished along with a very important relic, and someone in the Family doesn't want me to investigate." "They would rather I become a pile of ash." @!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Agnes Dunsirn BOT 03-Jul-22 03:59 AM
- Yes I do. Do you need me to get here someone specific? She didn't yet realized what can happen to this man.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 03-Jul-22 04:15 AM
"No, just anyone who speaks English. It is essential that we do this quick and subtle." @!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes)
Agnes Dunsirn BOT 03-Jul-22 04:16 AM
- You want me to kidnap a person? Just making it clear...
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 03-Jul-22 04:17 AM
"Yes," he says. "Lest our ancient friend here chooses you instead." @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] @!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes)
Agnes Dunsirn BOT 03-Jul-22 04:20 AM
The girl didn't ask any more questions. She was smart enough to know nothing good happens to people got kidnapped. Good she knew the city ok enough to get to the car and drive a little across the place.
- Can you call me when I message you? Meet me at the gate. It will be hard to explain anyone to go inside at night. She was looking for a person who was walking alone close to the semetery area.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 03-Jul-22 04:31 AM
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 03-Jul-22 04:31 AM
"Meet you at the gate? Girl, we are trying to be covert about this." He pinches the bridge of his nose. "Very well, proceed."
[Italian]"So hit me bambino. What has happened in half a millennia. Oh, and where are we exactly ? Great Britain ?"
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 03-Jul-22 04:44 AM
[Italian] "Wars, plague, and more wars. The sort of events to stir up the Shadowlands and its ever thinning Veil." "Far West of the Mediterranean, you stand in the continent of America. North America, to be precise." "In your time, you would call this the New World. It is torn by several Sects, unfortunately." @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
[Italian]"Qué? America? So we are at the end of the world ? And you're talking about sects... What are those ? Is it like the cults of the blood gods ? Or the schism between the Cathare and the Catholic church?"
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 03-Jul-22 05:20 AM
[Italian] "The world is round, somewhat round." He pauses. "Humans have come far and have reached the moon." "As for the Sects, I speak of the Camarilla, Anarchs, and the Sabbat. A few decades before your slumber, the growing dissent of the Neonates and the unavoidable wrath of the Inquisition struck fear in the hearts of Elders." "Thus, Clan Elders have put aside their old hatreds and united, creating the Camarilla in the process. Neonates who still fought for freedom, but understood the need for secrecy are now the Anarch Movement." "Finally, the Sabbat: Kindred who outright rebel against the Elders and their rule, believing that they must fight the Antediluvians and rule mankind." "I suppose you are unaware of the Promise of 1528?" @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] (edited)
He looked at Baresco with a faint smile, seemingly interested in what he was saying, absorbed in the tale. "I don't know of this Promise. How is our Clan now ? We don't meddle with the Sabbat, for we know our Pater, but are we in the Camarilla?"
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 03-Jul-22 08:42 AM
[Italian] "I see," he pauses. "Are you aware of our Clan extinguishing the Cappodicians, brought on by Augustus' Diablerie upon Cappodicious? Or so the rumor goes." "As far as I know, the Promise of 1528 is the assurance of non-interference of both Giovanni and Camarilla into each other's affairs. I also speculate that it was the Camarilla's acknowledgement of Giovanni as a Clan." "Presently, our Clan holds Venice and thrives in its investments of resources. Financially and supernaturally." "We are an Independent Clan who sometimes offer services to one of the Sects. After all, it is in our very nature to kill and a vengeful Wraith is inevitable." @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
The Kindred laughed. "I was embraced for the very purpose of killing the last Cappadoces. So it's over? We've taken up their place as one of the great clan ? Great!" He exulted, the fist in the air, as he kneeled on the ground. "WE WON!" he shouted." He stood up after a bit, and a tear of blood was at the verge of his right eye. "It really is good news, Baresco. But how is it that... We have ennemies ?"
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 03-Jul-22 11:18 AM
Baresco frowns. "One of the great clans? Yes. However, there is a disturbing reemergence of necromancer Kindred in the Sabbat. They call themselves 'The Harbinger of Skulls' and they are old and vengeful." "They are as knowledgeable in Necromancy, if not more. They are elusive and perhaps few in numbers, which is why they are troublesome to deal with." "I speculate that they are the few Cappodicians who fled from their destruction into the Shadowlands . They have the appearance of corpses, if not the hideous face of a skull, after all." @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
"So the battle is not over yet. I still shall bring them to their knees." He looked at Baresco, before advancing toward him, arms opened wide. If this last one would allow it, he would take him in his arms, hugging strongly. And whisper : "I'm so happy to know that there is more to kill."
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 03-Jul-22 11:25 AM
Pity falls upon the Giovanni's face as he approaches for the embrace. He whispers back: "The more you kill, the less you become."
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
"Until none stays, but dust." He hugged him, silently, before letting him go. "Let's enter this place, we've got Wraith to subdue."
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 03-Jul-22 12:51 PM
@Coffee [Baresco Giovanni]
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 03-Jul-22 07:40 PM
Baresco sighs. "Let's go," he would follow the Kindred's lead. "Much of my time has been spent in the sharpening of my ability in investigation. I haven't got the time to practice Necromancy." "I can neither summon nor compel a Wraith. I do, however, bargain with them to compensate." @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
He approached the fence, before jumping over it like it was nothing. "You will show me, I'm curious to see how you do."
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 04-Jul-22 05:33 AM
Baresco attempts to discern whether or not he can do the same to the fence. "Results may vary," he chuckles.
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 04-Jul-22 06:07 AM
Using mundane means, Baresco will try to approach whoever is at the gates. @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 04-Jul-22 12:08 PM
As Baresco began to approach, his phone rang.
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 05-Jul-22 12:45 AM
@Coffee [Baresco Giovanni]
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 05-Jul-22 05:25 AM
Baresco curses as he answers his phone. "Hello?"
Agnes Dunsirn BOT 05-Jul-22 05:27 AM
"I've been attached. I don't know who's that but he was in the car. Long story. I'm at the bus stop. Help me... " She spoke in a very quiet voice.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 05-Jul-22 05:51 AM
Baresco curses silently and waves at the Kindred beyond the fence with a troubled look on his face. "Where are you now?" @!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes)
The vampire dissapeared in the night, walking further and further, not stopping himself.
Agnes Dunsirn BOT 05-Jul-22 05:55 AM
She tried to explain her direction as well as possible. "I maybe could return, I'm just afraid he may find me..."
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 05-Jul-22 05:56 AM
"You are with two...superhuman men, I highly doubt your stalker can stand a chance against us."
Agnes Dunsirn BOT 05-Jul-22 06:08 AM
Baresco just heard a loud Agnes's scream.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 05-Jul-22 06:15 AM
Silence, but soon, the screams could be heard from afar.
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 05-Jul-22 06:16 AM
@Coffee [Baresco Giovanni]
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 05-Jul-22 06:19 AM
Baresco moves his phone away from his ear with an annoyed look on his face. He calculates what sort of trouble he would get if he were to leave the Dunsirn to her fate. @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] (Is there a way for me to track her ass?)
hyena 1
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 05-Jul-22 06:20 AM
YOU could go tozqrd the screaming)
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 05-Jul-22 06:23 AM
Baresco secures his phone in his pocket before rushing towards the general direction of the source. "All Dunsirn's are loud, and it's surprising that her father vanished without a sound," he mutters. He scans the vicinity as he hastily moves over towards the source of hte scream. @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
hyena 1
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 05-Jul-22 08:58 AM
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 05-Jul-22 09:01 AM
@Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] (will you make a recap?)
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 05-Jul-22 08:00 PM
================ After delivering the Elder Kindred to the cemetery, Baresco receives a phone call from Agnes. The woman is in trouble and is near the area. Reluctantly, he rushes towarsd the source of the scream.
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