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Los Angeles: Blood Moon (VtM V20)
❌ Past Logs Chapters 11 (14) / ❌💀🟩ch11-new-contacts-in-the-book
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 02-Jul-22 01:50 PM
Chapter 11 Location: close to the Tower Players: Alexander Montferrier, Vincent Iceberry, Joseph Park @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] @Vincent ICEberry @Joseph Park ST: @!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) Previous scenes: #❌💀🟩⭐ch11-maddness-spices #❌💀🟩ch11-smugglers-blood-doesnt-smell (edited)
Alexander Montferrier BOT 02-Jul-22 01:52 PM
Alexander was waiting on the side of the tower, in his car, mask still on, waiting for the Nosferatu to come. In max volume, it was possible to hear it from outside : Running up that hill, but by Placebo.
Vincent ICEberry 02-Jul-22 02:06 PM
Vincent went out of the tower. Away from the smug Roxanne who seemed to know all his lustful deeds and thoughts. Away from the Smoothface Alex with his precious tailored fashionable suit. Away from the idiot who hunted usual animals and wanted to hunt the Lupines. And away from the Lunatic who he didn't even talk to, but it seems there was no need for. He stopped by the car and opened the door. - It's me, Vince. G'night, Alexander. What's the deal?
Alexander Montferrier BOT 02-Jul-22 02:11 PM
He looked at him, always beneath the mask. "I feel like you're good at your job, since you're the only one who managed to get something tangible about the Sabbat pack. I've got their adresses. And you seem discrete. You up to look around the locations?" His voice was a bit more warm, less coldish, a bit more relaxed maybe.
Vincent ICEberry 02-Jul-22 02:16 PM
- Hmmm. I can. But I don't wanna turn into a meat statue. Or be interrogated and then torn apart into pieces. What's my profit off it? Vincent smiled, showing a row of sharp teeth
Alexander Montferrier BOT 02-Jul-22 02:22 PM
"You can show the two pretty face how much good at their job you are than them. And get useful intel to sell." He cracked his knuckles on the wheel.
Vincent ICEberry 02-Jul-22 02:32 PM
- Huh, you're well aware of how it aches, but I still don't see my profit. Would be stupid to ask you to teach me your magic. I heard the crazies, the warlocks and the aesthetics can see the world differently. Better. Deeper. Stronger. I think this will let me become a better spy. If you don't possess such kind of power, well, nevermind, we'll square later
Alexander Montferrier BOT 02-Jul-22 02:38 PM
"I like that. I'll teach you how to see better, and even how to distingish auras and souls if you wish. But in exchange, you're in this with me until we've found the monsters."
Vincent ICEberry 02-Jul-22 02:45 PM
- Gotcha, boss, let's find them. But I gotta say, I ain't a shooter, only a little bit of a fighter, but that's it. What I shine at is computers. Wanna some cash?
zemlerojka 2
Alexander Montferrier BOT 02-Jul-22 03:32 PM
"… Why not. I’ve got a handaxe in the back, as well as a shotgun and some stakes. I hope we will not have to use them." He began to drive as he talked, going to the first address.
Vincent ICEberry 02-Jul-22 03:58 PM
- Yeah, me too. Got any additional info on that address?
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 02-Jul-22 04:01 PM
(Not the Megan house, the other locations I’ve located in the notebook)
Alexander Montferrier BOT 02-Jul-22 04:29 PM
"What have you discovered for now ? I need to think about all of this with your intel."
Vincent ICEberry 02-Jul-22 05:01 PM
- Not so much... Was occupied with my own matters
Alexander Montferrier BOT 03-Jul-22 03:32 AM
"The house, I don't know more of it. But there is this summer camp. A regular one, but not functionning for four years now. Legal and financial issues." He tapped the wheel as he steered his way into LA straight to the house. "They surely are squatting there. Or in the house. Either way, how do you want to do that? I park on the side, look around with my powers, and let you go in?" The Nosferatu... If he could get a picture I could... "If you see cheerleaders, or jocks, it's the stuff we're looking for. But wary, for they manipulate darkness at their will. If you find them... Try to get a picture. I could trace them after that. You got a camera?"
Vincent ICEberry 03-Jul-22 03:37 AM
- I think I've got some wireless cameras with me. The peak of the modern technology. Wait, you said "cheerleaders or jocks"? Their females dress like that?
ohmyy 1
Alexander Montferrier BOT 03-Jul-22 04:27 AM
"They've been shovelheaded as a sport team. I think that makes them more easy to get, but more daring. It's a damn Buffy against vampire show for them."
Vincent ICEberry 03-Jul-22 05:15 AM
- Sport team? LOL. And mortals never found out? By the way, I would like to hunt.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 03-Jul-22 08:14 AM
"I could give you some of my blood now if you wish. Or we can stop on the road. How do you usually do this ?"
Vincent ICEberry 03-Jul-22 08:17 AM
- Usually I just stalk loners being invisible. Don't have any particular preferences yet. Maybe women, they taste better. Ummmmm, are you really sure I need to drink your blood?
Alexander Montferrier BOT 03-Jul-22 09:07 AM
"If you really wish to learn the power of far sight and aura reading, you don't really have a choice. You don't have the power in your blood yet."
Vincent ICEberry 03-Jul-22 09:39 AM
- Oh, well... Okay. Let's do it. Will I gain this ability instantly? Like I put on the glasses?
Alexander Montferrier BOT 03-Jul-22 10:42 AM
"No, it takes time, where you will need to try to learn with me. If you're really good, maybe you will develop it instantly. It's not exact science."
Vincent ICEberry 03-Jul-22 10:42 AM
- Oh, okay. Let's do it. How many drinks do I need?
Alexander Montferrier BOT 03-Jul-22 10:49 AM
"... The more you drink on someone proficient in those powers, the more you are to develop a right resonnance, to have your blood attuned to those powers. But if I feed you too much, I'll need to grab a drink before going. And I don't want that right now, nor teach you right away..." What can I do... But in the same time, having my blood in him could help me protect his ass. "I'll give you a sip right now, so maybe with luck you'll be able to devellop it. If you don't succeed, I'll give you more later." He handed up his wrist, presenting him to Vincent.
Vincent ICEberry 03-Jul-22 11:00 AM
Vincent hesitated for a moment. He remembered what he was taught about the blood bond. Emotional tie, huh? Well, just don't do it more than twice in like two weeks and that's it. Obtaining a new power is cool and shit, but you're like... Being forced to be his friend. And he won't be yours... Maybe give him yours. Think about it - you do the job for him, you risk your ass, AND you slowly become his slave? (edited)
- I don't know, man... My Sire taught me that drinking the other Kindred's blood slowly makes you their slave. And noone would want that, wouldn't they?
Alexander Montferrier BOT 03-Jul-22 11:11 AM
He didn't knew. What a bastard, I should be more carefull. I could have blood bonded him. A sigh emanated from beneath the mask. "I thought you knew, Vincent. I'm sorry to not have warn you about it. Yes, three drinks, and you're a slave to the giver. Emotionnaly. One is harmless, but still, it caries mystical powers." He looked outside, putting out the window his left hand, and cracking those fingers with his thumbs. "I'll understand if you want to revise our aggrement. It's your right, and I would not be upset if you depart now."
Vincent ICEberry 03-Jul-22 11:15 AM
- I would just want it to be mutual. Because you know, I risk my ass and become... Bonded to you. Yeah, I get the cool power, but... Let's say with this first drink you put metaphorical handcuffs on me. And if I don't get this power this night, I'll have to drink again your blood and put on a metaphorical collar. Let's just do it together. I like you, but don't wanna be in a disadvantage after doing a risky job for you. (edited)
hyena 1
Alexander Montferrier BOT 03-Jul-22 11:16 AM
The car stopped in a hard break.
Alexander stayed silent at first, looking at his hand on the steering wheel. He advanced his left hand to his right, before taking his right thumb between his left thumb and his left index, and pulling on it. Crack.
theart 1
Vincent ICEberry 03-Jul-22 11:25 AM
Vincent felt nervous. The Warlocks were definitely the Jews of the Kindred world and he just took all the Alexander's profit from the deal - Listen, it's me who is going there. Let's bond each other and I can teach you to talk to the animals. (edited)
Alexander Montferrier BOT 03-Jul-22 11:27 AM
I can't... I can't let... I CAN'T. WHO IS HE. Calm, calm yourself, calm yourself. He is just a normal one, he don't want to abuse you. Alexander still looked at his fingers, before beginning to pull on his right index. Crack.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 03-Jul-22 11:38 AM
He turned to Vincent. His voice was cold, and a bit shacking, as filled with emotion. "I will not drink from you. I don't know you. If you wish, I can help you with occult shit." He reached a hand toward him, clenching his fist. "But never insinuate again that I could be that kind of bastard. I will never enslave a human." Alexander realised as he looked at Vincent. He was not human. Neither of them were. They were just monsters, faking their life. Faking to be alive, to have emotions. His heart pained, and he felt a cold and nauseous feeling rising up from his stomach. He raised his head, sighing, and then groaning. His hand toward Vincent became a proposal of handschake. His tone became more warm, less controlled. "Vincent. I'll watch your ass, you'll watch mine. We work together on this case, and I'll work with you another time." He slowly reached toward his mask, putting it out, liberating flocks of dark messy hairs, and pretty gruesome face : emaciated, sleepy bags under the eyes, and cracked lips. His eyes were creepy, and yet, he seemed sincere. Emotions were burning inside his dark eyes, and he put on the side his mask. "Let's become good partners, and maybe later, with time, we'll consider to go further."
Vincent ICEberry 03-Jul-22 11:44 AM
- Yeah. No need to rush. We're both from the clans infamous for being bastards. Let's see if we can be the good apples from the bad batches Young Nosferatu smiled broadly and shook the Alexander's hand
Alexander Montferrier BOT 03-Jul-22 11:45 AM
A drop of blood ran on the left cheek of the Tremere, as he shook the hand. "Yeah, let's do that."
He turn on the engine again, departing toward the house.
Vincent ICEberry 03-Jul-22 11:50 AM
Vincent was deeply moved by the sight of a blood drop running down the Warlock's face. What's wrong with this guy? Are the other Tremere such maggots, the dude cried after hearing an honest speech? Or he was just upset he failed to blood bond somebody?
realhearty 1
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 03-Jul-22 04:40 PM
The area was deserted. The squat buildings looked very flimsy and ready to fall down, put together. The gates were still open half, crickets chattered very loud and some late evening birds were still there with their rare songs. High trees hid this place from the eyes and it seemed to be a pretty good hideout for... well, for anyone.
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 04-Jul-22 12:22 PM
Sniffing a bit around they noticed another low building and v very dimmed light next to it. The building seemed to be a huge washroom, a building with almost no windows. Coming safely closer they could hear voices. Multiple, laughing, telling stories...
Alexander Montferrier BOT 04-Jul-22 12:34 PM
The Tremere extended his senses, trying to understand what they were talking about, as he approached a bit, but yet stayed away. He whispered to Vincent : "Ready to go and see ?"
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 04-Jul-22 12:55 PM
With the sharpened senses Montferrier could hear at least six different voices and the laughing of about four more. The talk was interesting vampire-wise. First there were just the stories, something about sport, girls, and then there was mentioned "when I got that hunger I drank two... I saw some were running from you, ahahah! That is was fun. I never felt so good in chasing!"
Alexander Montferrier BOT 04-Jul-22 01:30 PM
"Fuck. It’s them. They are… ten of them. That’s shitty. You know a fighter in your brood ?"
Alexander Montferrier BOT 04-Jul-22 01:48 PM
"Fuck, we need everyone."
Vincent ICEberry 04-Jul-22 06:03 PM
- Yeah, Diego is a good fighter. But... Can we take them out one by one? Don't you have battle ghouls for that kind of shit? They would just stake them during the day and that's it
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 05-Jul-22 04:33 AM
Vince's phone persistently buzzed. Number is unknown @Joseph Park
Vincent ICEberry 05-Jul-22 04:34 AM
- Fuck, who the hell is calling.... Vincent went back to the road and answered the phone, making an excusing look at Montferrier (edited)
Joseph Park 05-Jul-22 04:48 AM
- Good night. Joseph Park. Gangrel. I've been given your number here. The sheriff said that I could help to inspect possible places where Sabbat keeps its stocks of combustible substances.
Vincent ICEberry 05-Jul-22 04:54 AM
How the fuck would I know about this shit... Okay, if Sheriff said that, I'm gonna show off *Vincent looked around searching for the Warlock. Is he around or he is still watching the Sabbies? * - Listen, I'm kinda busy right now. You can meet me at the bar opposite the computer club (edited)
Joseph Park 05-Jul-22 04:57 AM
- No problem, I'll be waiting for you there. I think you'll recognize me right away. I'll take a far place so as not to attract attention.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 05-Jul-22 05:07 AM
"The more we wait, the more they can spread their horrid affliction. Tell to this Gangrel to come armed, and maybe to Diego also. I’ll text the Sheriff. We meet all at this computer place ? And for me, I will take watch here to be sure they don’t go anywhere."
"We cannot let these monsters roaming free. They shall be purged from existence."
He took out his phone and texted Roxanne. "Contact with the Sabbat. T’en fellow. If you come, you have all of them on a plate. Price : 5 bottle of blood, and shotgun on any potential traitor Tremere in them."
He looked at Vincent. "I’m telling the price to the Sheriff Sheperd for the intel. You want anything ? She can provide bottles of blood. It’s justice that you share the reward with me." He smiled to him widely. He enjoyed it, the search for Sabbat, the danger and the idea of making the Sheriff pay.
Vincent ICEberry 05-Jul-22 05:32 AM
Oh yeah. Wait, her blood? Weeeeeeelllllll, this might be interesting... Do I want a night with her instead though?.... - I'll name my price in private chat with her... Okay, I'll call in everyone.
vlip1 1
Alexander Montferrier BOT 05-Jul-22 05:36 AM
"Ok, but I can't promess you she will agree to your terms mate. If she... Don't give you anything, come to me, and I'll give you something for your troubles." Montferrier put one the mask, before looking at his phone, and going slowly back to the car. "I can trust you with meeting with the others and keep me updated as you travel here?"
Vincent ICEberry 05-Jul-22 05:46 AM
- Yes. And you know, since you're so smart... I'll have the same reward as you. No way you'll wish for something silly like a violent revenge hatefuck all the night long, right? (edited)
Vincent ICEberry 05-Jul-22 05:55 AM
@Joseph Park @Diego, Bruiser Rat An SMS comes to your phones Arm the fuck up and come to the comp club "M@tr1X", I'll be there. We got some punks to wreck. And grab a gun for me too (edited)
Alexander Montferrier BOT 05-Jul-22 06:00 AM
"I've done enough hatefuck for a eternity I think. But I would need to hate first, and I only have pity for my ennemies."
He smiled beneath his mask.
hyena 2
The only person I would hate now... It trully is her, but I would never fuck her again that's for sure.
hyena 2
Vincent ICEberry
@Joseph Park @Diego, Bruiser Rat An SMS comes to your phones Arm the fuck up and come to the comp club "M@tr1X", I'll be there. We got some punks to wreck. And grab a gun for me too (edited)
Joseph Park 05-Jul-22 06:18 AM
SMS I have a rifle, a knife and claws. I think that's enough.
hyena 1
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 05-Jul-22 06:19 AM
"only ten?! You told it's a football team"
Alexander Montferrier BOT 05-Jul-22 06:20 AM
"From what I've heard, ten. There could be more."
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 05-Jul-22 06:22 AM
"I can't risk with 'probably 10'."
"Step away and find out for sure"
Alexander Montferrier BOT 05-Jul-22 06:27 AM
"The Sheriff wants more evidence. Vincent, can you go look and come back ? I'll wait for you in the car."
Vincent ICEberry 05-Jul-22 06:28 AM
- Crap. Okay. Gangrel and Diego are on the way to the club. I'm going in. If I don't come back... Well, show this bitch a sunny beach, alright? broad but sad smile
Alexander Montferrier BOT 05-Jul-22 06:30 AM
"No problem. But you will come back because you're good and they're nothing."
downey 1
kun 2
He raised his hand for a check.
Vincent ICEberry 05-Jul-22 06:32 AM
Vincent goes into darkness and vanishes in the shadows
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 05-Jul-22 06:33 AM
[end scene]
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 05-Jul-22 06:41 AM
Vincent ICEberry 05-Jul-22 06:46 AM
RECAP Vincent and Montferrier meet outside the tower and go the Sabbats lair. On the way they almost make a deal and Montferrier almost blood bonds Vincent, but the latter changes his mind and they make a friendship pact instead. Montferrier negotiates with Rox and she asks them to scout the place more thouroughly. Vincent calls Joseph the Gangrel and his clanmate Diego to arm up and help him fight the Sabbath. Then he stalks into night to place wireless cameras and count the enemies (edited)
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