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Los Angeles: Blood Moon
❌ Past Logs Chapters 8-12 / ❌💀🟩ch10-sewer-imigrants
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 27-Jun-22 02:35 AM
Chapter 10 Location: Sewers Players: Robert Meechum @Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum ST: @!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) Previous scenes: -
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 27-Jun-22 07:55 AM
A lone figure plodded through the the muck and grime of the Los Angeles sewers. Unassuming, hooded and masked. He marveled for a moment just how much of the country you could travel to by sewer. 'Maybe I'll try out the Paris Crypts someday', he thought to himself. But for now, he was on the lam, seeking shelter amongst Kindred spirits. He'd managed to contact another Primogen shortly after Las Vegas had gone to shit, and hopefully, his contact would be nearby...
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 27-Jun-22 11:54 AM
Weird creaking started to hear. As soon as Robert stood on something like a little wire, the dimmed light started to shine. And the louder was the sound. In a free moments a little pack of rats started to appear within the Nosferatu's sight.
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 27-Jun-22 01:48 PM
Rob knelt down, looking one of the rats in the eyes, a particularly big, ugly thing, damn near the size of a cat, patchy fur, mangey and scabrous. He roused his blood and let out a few little squeaks at the big fucker. Come here. Speak to me.
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 28-Jun-22 02:43 AM
Big black button eyes of the furry creature stopped at Robert's face. - Follow, follow... - he heard from her. and the pack echoed in the most weird squeaking, - follow, follow!
Los Аngeles StoryTeller
Big black button eyes of the furry creature stopped at Robert's face. - Follow, follow... - he heard from her. and the pack echoed in the most weird squeaking, - follow, follow!
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 28-Jun-22 02:45 AM
Roberts gash of a mouth grinned. I follow, you lead!
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 28-Jun-22 05:45 AM
The rats moved their dishevelled, clumsy bodies and chop-chop ran by the long corridor. The run was long. Civil communications changed to older ones, and the rats still were running. After good twenty minutes of wandering the corridors deeper into the darkness, Robert stood into something slightly familiar. Same dimmed lights lit the way. Some noise c were heard. This place was inhabited, If not by vampires then definitely with rats, bugs and god knows what other animals. There were several doors around and rats stopped crowding and fussing close.
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 28-Jun-22 06:03 AM
Where-where is king-boss he asked the rats.
He was happy to be back in an inhabited Warrens again. Las Vegas had been an uphill battle for a whole lot of nothing, I spite of his best efforts. He could feel the eyes of his clansmen crawling like so many skittering bugs along his back. It was good to be home.
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Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 28-Jun-22 08:43 PM
The biggest and the fattest rat came to one of the doors and scratched a little with her clumsy and clawy paws. No one answered but maybe the door was not closed at all.
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 28-Jun-22 11:27 PM
Robert pushed the door open, but didn't enter right away, first calling into the room, "Helloooo? Door's open, coming inside."
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 30-Jun-22 02:58 PM
The room was... Or at least seemed small. Very dark lot just with a few burning candles in the table. There were no people here. Not alive at least as what Robert could notice at the moment was a dinner of the dead installation. Four skeletons dresses for a family dinner and some dried rats on their plates. One chair was free.
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Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 01-Jul-22 02:22 AM
Rob snickered, lowering himself down into the seat. "Don't mind if I do."
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 01-Jul-22 04:08 AM
@Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum
Gary Golden BOT 01-Jul-22 04:09 AM
- Of course they don't mind. They're absolutely dead, - creaking low chuckling appeared at the side revealing a tall Nosferatu's figure in nice official costume but jacket. - Good you made it, Mister Meechum.
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 01-Jul-22 04:28 AM
"Good to be here, Mr...?"
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 01-Jul-22 04:49 AM
- Gary Golden. Primogen of the clan Nosferatu in Los Angeles, - crackled the voice. Gary offered Robert a handshake. - I love that little installation. Reminds me that life and un-life is still pretty fragile.
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 01-Jul-22 05:30 AM
Robert snorted and snickered as he shook the Primo's hand. "Right, Gary Golden, suuuure you are...." Robert's chuckling trailed off after a moment. "Oh my god, you're Gary Golden." he said, star struck. "Oh my god, you're Gary Golden!!"
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Gary Golden BOT 01-Jul-22 05:32 AM
- That's weird, - he shook hand speaking absolutely calm, - never knew I have fans, - he chuckled again, - please leave my hand on me, will ya, - he asked In a humorous matter.
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 01-Jul-22 05:41 AM
"Yessir, Mr. Golden, sorry. It's just.. I'm your biggest fan, I can't believe you're here, alive! Well...un alive, BUT STILL!" Rob is absolutely fan girling right now, all ego forgotten, grinning literally ear to ear. "Oooh, I can't believe this, Under Nevada Skies is the best movie ever, who the fuck is Citizen Kane? It was absolutely CRIMINAL that the Academy snubbed you for that roll."
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Gary Golden BOT 01-Jul-22 05:51 AM
- Yeah. That Gary Golden is dead,... boss. Dead like these empty corpses. I'm touched. Just don't cry, okay?
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 01-Jul-22 05:54 AM
"No promises."
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Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 01-Jul-22 06:21 AM
He pulled his hand back getting free from Robert's grip and looked at the bus arrival with ironic expectation. - So what exactly brought you here... Colleague Primo?
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 01-Jul-22 07:05 AM
Rob's grin faded and his mood became dour. "Sabbat have taken Las Vegas. Tower's fallen, the Anarchs aren't much more than terrorists there now. I managed to get my Brood out of the city, and we've all gone our separate ways. My way brought me here "
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 01-Jul-22 07:13 AM
- Shit, - Gary crackled, - good you made it out of there. Don't want to scare you boss, but we lost three rats so far maybe will lose more. I would love to see LaCroix's face in the hot coals but not in a price of our blood... He shrouded.
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 01-Jul-22 01:04 PM
"What's wrong with LaCroix? Heard he was a bit of a ponce, but otherwise fairly easy to bully into leaving his court alone."
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 01-Jul-22 10:15 PM
- "Leaving alone" doesn't always work when you're on the Prince's position. Especially when sabbat is on the run. Anarchs gain power. Again. Not I would be telling anything Nines and his boys are too bad, but they're still can be disturbing at some point. He laughed quietly. - But let's go straight to our situation, boss... You plan to settle here, aren't you?
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 02-Jul-22 02:48 AM
"Most likely, yeah. Can't go back to Chicago, my Brood's scattered from Las Vegas... LA seems as good a place as any."
Gary Golden BOT 02-Jul-22 02:52 AM
- Nice to hear that. You wanna stay with us underground or you have a fancy apartment on the top already?
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 02-Jul-22 01:24 PM
"I'd prefer to stay underground for the most part, but I got plans to get something up top as well."
Gary Golden឵ BOT 02-Jul-22 03:48 PM
- Okay then. Follow me. I guess we have some free cave for you to inhabit, he-he... Don't mind the rats, - he chuckled.
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 02-Jul-22 03:49 PM
"Rats are a plus, aren't they?" he snickers, following along.
Gary Golden BOT 02-Jul-22 05:42 PM
- Oh they always are, - crackled Gary and led to one of the typical LA nossie apartmants. Dark, but safe. - There you can feel like at home. You have our contacts. Anything else, boss?
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 02-Jul-22 07:13 PM
"One thing. Any idea where I can get a computer?"
"And after that... got any work you need doing?"
Gary Golden BOT 02-Jul-22 09:39 PM
- Oh, we have a lot of work, especially our livestock just reduced by three. Maybe even four. But I'd first go to Mitnick. Computers it's his part, he-he-he...
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 03-Jul-22 12:15 AM
"Will do, Mr.Golden." *Rob tossed his bag in the ground."
Gary Golden BOT 03-Jul-22 03:16 AM
- I think you'll manage your residence here. Good night... Boss. He literally disappeared letting Robert alone in the room. Very basic furniture, bed, table, a free chairs...
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 03-Jul-22 04:24 AM
Rob made himself comfy in one of the chairs, putting his feet up on the table, reclining with his hands behind his head. He grinned. It was good to be home.
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[Recap: Driven from his Warrens so shortly after reclaiming them, the former Nosferatu Primogen of Las Vegas has fled the Sabbat after getting his Brood to relative safety. They have all gone their separate ways, and Rob finds himself in Los Angeles. He seems content, even pleased with the sudden downgrade in court influence, happy to be another active agent again. He met Gary Golden and had himself a little fan girl seizure, after whicj, he was given a place to stay.] (edited)
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