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Los Angeles: Blood Moon
❌ Past Logs Chapters 8-12 / ❌🍕🟩ch10-another-round-another-round
Billy O’Riley (Ash) 23-Jun-22 10:31 PM
Chapter 10 Location: Ash & Daniels Cigar Bar, LA Hills Outskirts Players : @Billy O’Riley (Ash) @Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) @Oliver Walker (Ryder) @Andante [Volg] ST: None Previous Scene #❌🎃🟩ch9-a-friendly-reunion #🎃🟩ch13-first-patient #❌💀🟩сh9-a-sacred-place #❌🌙🟩ch9-sing-this-corrosion-to-me (edited)
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 23-Jun-22 10:52 PM
Billy came to work a bit late this evening, after all she had to get driven here from further out in the city and hadn’t quite accounted for traffic since she really never used a car. As she entered the bar, her bright green blue eyes flit across to note the people there. Today she wore the same jeans from yesterday and a white tanktop with two three buttons down the front that showed off their tattoos scrawled on her body. A beautiful canvas of black ink that intertwined into thick Celtic nots and Norse imagery ran along her arm to make an eye catching sleeve. The ink tapered into a more elegant deprivation of a snake and plant imagery along the half of her back that was visible, showing the use of fine thin penmanship. She did not stop to allow people to admire her, however, as she moved briskly to the back, her duffle bag slung over her shoulder as usual. She tied her mess of bright red curls into a piney tail with a black scrunchy fished from the debris of the bag. In the back room she quickly pulled on her collared shirt from the stack in the drawer, and then tied her apron round her waist after plucking it from the coat rack. With one last look over in the mirror she quickly rushed toward the bar. She was late, after all.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 24-Jun-22 12:20 AM
Michael entered the bar about half an hour later unlike the first time had entered the bar he and managed to find sometime to get somewhat cleaned up, his hair was tied back in a small ponytail and he had managed to atleast have time to trim and shape his facial hair. He wore a simple two toned white and black T-shirt, a chain which he kept tucked into the T-shirt, a dark denim long sleeved shirt which he had buttoned only half way and a pair of boot cut dark denim jeans. He also carried a satchel with him that he had slung over his right shoulder. As he entered he quickly scanned the bar hoping against hope not to see the woman who had caused him a great amount of issues on his first visit. Not noticing her, he clutched his satchel and made a b-line straight for the bar. Much more successfully this time without having to carry a large box of books. He glanced around hoping to spot Billy, he could have sworn she had said to come back tonight. He walked over to the bar placing his satchel down and taking one last look in the mirror behind the bar. He gave himself one quick sniff to make sure he actually didn't smell like travelling and panick attacks tonight, happy with his appearance he patiently drummed his fingers on the bar top.
Oliver Walker (Ryder) 24-Jun-22 12:47 AM
A man walks inside. He wears a tweed suit and moves with a hunched over posture. His long wavy hair hanging low as he looks around before he straightens up and willing a slight smile onto his face, he then begins moving towards the bar. As he sits down he folds up his suit jacket and hangs it off of the back of the chair. As he gets settled in he gives a polite smile and nod to the other patron at the bar. "Evening." (edited)
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 24-Jun-22 12:55 AM
The redheaded man's fingers tap nervously on the bar after having moved from the steady drum beat they had been rhythmically sounding on the wood. His attention seemed to be drawn to behind the bar as he looked like a meerkat popping his head up continuously to see if he could catch who he was looking for. But when spoken to by his new neighbour at the bar, the man quickly shot him a glance almost as if feeling him out before smiling back. "Evening pal, what's the craic?" (edited)
Oliver Walker (Ryder) 24-Jun-22 01:16 AM
The man looks confused as he thinks about what craic means. Using context clues he assumes it means what's up, and answers as such. "Nothing much, how's about yourself?"
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 24-Jun-22 03:23 AM
Responding with a large toothy grin, Michael beams said smile at the man. He nods approvingly. "Good man yerself! Nat much meself fella. Just stopped in see a girl im sweet on ya know the craic. What aba you mate just lookin a drink an' a wee smoke?" (edited)
Lucille BOT 24-Jun-22 06:57 AM
The woman in front of them wore a barista apron with written "I don’t cook, I don’t clean, I only do caffeine." She looked at them with a tired look, but smiled nonetheless. "What will it be for you, gentlemen ?" As she saw Billy coming back, she presented a tired fist toward her, her elbow paused on the counter in a tired posture, her other fist under her chin."
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 24-Jun-22 06:57 AM
@Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) @Oliver Walker (Ryder) @Billy O’Riley (Ash)
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 24-Jun-22 08:11 AM
The woman wasn’t at the bar initially. That’s because she was in the kitchen. The kitchen doors swung open as Billy stepped out, balancing a tray in one hand and two plates in the other as she quickly beelined to the other patrons that had been sat at the tables. The food was expertly made, ranging from sautéed mushrooms and goat cheese to pig ear with onions that still sizzled on the plate. As she made her way past the aromas wafted over the the other men as it tantalized and teased. Although the food was not full course sized, it did look delicious. Billy deposited each plate with a smile and a few passing words before returning to the bar, wiping her hands on the towel along the folded apron line around her waist. Her eyes quickly caught the gesture and the men, giving a little fist bump to her colleague as she stepped past to stop in-front of Michael with a wide smile. The woman breathing a bit heavy and her hair a touch unkempt as she looked to have been whipped up into a work frenzy prior to this. “Righ’ so…emm I need t’ have a werd with ya real quick before mah boss does. It’s pertainin’ t’ yesterday. “ She said in a bit of a low tone.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 24-Jun-22 11:05 AM
Watching as she left the kitchen Michael had a small smile on his face as soon as he saw her though he didn't turn away from the man he was now talking with only when Lucille came up and asked for their orders. "Errr....I'm guessin' whiskey right? Any Bushmills or tha' now?" As soon as Billy walked over Michael's expression would brighten even more beaming a large smile her way, which would soon turn into a confused expression when she mentioned that her boss wanted to speak to him. "Er...Dead on. Did I break sumthin' when I passed out or tha'? Is tha' why or is this the thing aba the office? Wait he hasn't got no cameras in there now has he?...or is this the knifey thing 'coz I said it was fine no harm done sure." He looked slightly concerned, more about his mention to the office than the other two incidents when he spoke.
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 24-Jun-22 12:08 PM
The woman gave a quiet apology as she was interrupting, but the mild politeness quickly went away. Billy blinked twice at him brow furrowed, mouth slightly ajar as if speechless for a moment. “Nay.” She said pointedly as if he had said something stupid before crumbling into a softer laughter with a smile, “Yer fine, just come with me. “ she said before moving toward the back, not checking to see if he was following.
Oliver Walker (Ryder) 24-Jun-22 12:51 PM
Hearing that the manager wants to speak with the patron he was talking to, he shoots the man a small casual salute as he says a goodbye. "Ope, good luck, bud."
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 24-Jun-22 04:16 PM
raising his eyebrows slightly in a suprised look Michael follows behind Billy quietly, he glances behind him to the gentleman at the bar returning the salute. "Sure, be grand mate!" Giving him a large confident smile. He turns back around the smile quickly fades to a slightly concerned frown as he follows Billy.
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 24-Jun-22 04:38 PM
Once around the corner, out of earshot Billy turned around. Her expression was serious though not overly worried. “Right, so as I’ve told ya before, I like mah boss and the last thing I want to see is either of you fightin’. He’s given me a stable job, respect, and protection from the nastier parts of everythin’. He’s concerned about yer reaction from that Balle lady that came in the other day. He’s not liable to start anythin’ so long as you don’t make yerself a problem. Get yer supernatural shite straight lest ya be known as a Narc, aye? You know what happens to narcs. “ she sternly warned. She stopped with a sigh, looking him over and then giving a light smile, “Michael, I like ya, so please don’t get smart and come back in one piece. “
It was as if the woman was giving a pepetalk to the man for meeting her father.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 24-Jun-22 05:11 PM
Tilting his head slightly with a somewhat puzzled look on his face, he nods slowly. "Okay why would I be fightin' yer boss though? He gave me a free drink...I know more of it ended up on the bar than I woulda' like but still. Why's he so concerned about what feelin's I get offa' people?....hang supernatural shite? Why would he be askin' about tha? Sure I only told yerself aba' tha' as of late." The man stood silently for a moment, slightly glum looking at the floor. "Aye I know wha' happens ta' touts" he puts to fingers to his head, making a trigger motion with his thumb. He looked put slightly noticing the silly which recieved a slight lift in his expression. "I like ya too Billy, I promise I don't intend on doin' anything of the sort." He gives the woman a cheery smile though his eyes still expressed a degree of concern.
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 24-Jun-22 05:33 PM
“It concerns him cause that lady is related to the reason why there are shotgun holes in the walls. It’ll make sense when he starts chattin’” she explained and nodded in approval at his reaction. “Good.” She replied before popping onto her tippy toes to plant a quick peck on his lips. “Now quit lookin’ so worried, I’ll get ya drink.” She resumed pleasantly as she dropped back to her heals and turned back toward the main room.
Andante [Volg] 24-Jun-22 05:39 PM
Probably sometime at this point, the person in question would come into the bar, having seemingly been on an errand of sorts. Dressed as usual in his white suit, blue coat, and his hair slicked back, the door of the bar being extra tall to accommodate his huge frame comfortably. As he enters he notices the Irishman at the bar, and gives Billy a glance, upon receiving an affirmative sign of any kind, he will stride next to the priest. "Mr. Michael, I assume you've been filled in a little. If you'd be so kind as to follow me to my office. Grab a cigar on the way, on the house." With those simple words the bar's owner will make his way towards the stairs to the upstairs study.
(and I'll make a new scene, no matter how short, for the sake of the people here having their own conversation)
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Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 24-Jun-22 05:46 PM
Upon seeing her boss, Billy a smile and a thumbs up before continuing her work, turning her attention to the new face st the bar. “Evenin’ sir, name’s Billy, how can I help ya tonight?” She asked @Oliver Walker (Ryder)
Oliver Walker (Ryder) 24-Jun-22 06:49 PM
Perks up as someone comes back over towards him, adjusting his posture and smiling. "Evening Billy, I'm Oliver. Can I get a vodka soda, in a short glass, please?" @Billy O’Riley (Ash) (edited)
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 24-Jun-22 07:08 PM
The woman gave a curt nod and quickly moved, pulling out a chilled glass and a Lime Pernod Richard from a mini fridge tucked away with drinks. With several swift, fluid motions, the woman poured the drink, and slid the glass over, tucking a lime slice onto the edge. “Enjoy.” She said with a smile. She was in her element.
Oliver Walker (Ryder) 24-Jun-22 07:11 PM
Oliver takes the lime and squeezes it over the drink, then drops it in and takes a sip before continuing. "Thanks, I'll go ahead and start a tab." He hands his card over to Billy.
@Billy O’Riley (Ash)
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 24-Jun-22 07:32 PM
The woman smiled and takes the card, “Certainly, Oliver.” After starting the tab, Billy walks back over, “Will ya be interested in having a smoke with yer drink?”
Oliver Walker (Ryder) 24-Jun-22 07:39 PM
The man quickly shakes his head a little bit quicker than one would usually. "Oh no, thank you though. I'll be sticking to drinks. How has business been tonight, anything interesting going on?" His response sounds a bit rehearsed. @Billy O’Riley (Ash)
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 24-Jun-22 09:34 PM
The woman gave a nodded and replied, “Business is goin’ well, have the regulars and then some folk who wanted some food. Interesting is that we have new wall decorations!” She gave a smile as she sarcastically motioned to the holes in the walls made from shotgun blasts. “What brough’ ya here?” She asked warmly
Oliver Walker (Ryder) 24-Jun-22 10:55 PM
"Oh, just needed to relax since it was a long day. I sure hope everybody is ok, who was here when that happened?" He has a concerned expression at the mention of said "decorations" being a new addition.
@Billy O’Riley (Ash)
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 24-Jun-22 11:42 PM
“Mah boss n’ one of my coworkers, everyone’s fine though. Don’t worry. Makes fer an interesting’ talkin’ point.” Billy explained light heartedly. “Interested in gettin’ an comfort food? “ she asked, sliding over a a menu.
Lucille BOT 25-Jun-22 06:09 AM
The woman with the dark ponytail was suddenly very interested in washing glasses and the counter as they spoke about it.
Oliver Walker (Ryder) 25-Jun-22 02:16 PM
He looks relieved upon hearing that everyone is fine. He looks down at the menu, mulling over the options before deciding. "I'll just take some chicken and fries, thanks." He says as he passes over the menu.
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 25-Jun-22 05:11 PM
“No problem, I’ll cook that up fer ya.” She replied before disappearing into the kitchen to cook some chicken. She would not be returning for a while, cooking took time .
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 26-Jun-22 03:39 AM
(Yurppp sorry its my birthday so I'm between drinking and posting lol)
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Michael appeared coming down the stairs from Vlogs office, he didn't seem fazed, or angry or indeed anything just a small smile as he nodded to himself. He looked up as he made his way towards the bar and his stool at the bar he had now picked out as his spot. Once reaching it he would hop up onto it and his head would slowly turn as he silently stared at Lucille, the same small smile on his face but his eyes instead of their usual happy glint of life had a dull, colder look about them.
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 26-Jun-22 08:36 AM
Billy would eventually return with a clean cut of chicken that had been beautifully browned and then glazed. It smelled wonderful. In a small basket it paper were fries that had been air fried and looked to have been smattered in a spice and salt, it almost wouldn’t need anything to dip in, though ketchup was provided. She placed the plate down with a fork and knife rolled in a napkin. “Enjoy, Sir.” She chimed with a smile The woman looked over to Michael and quirked a brow, “You alright’ ? Can I get’cha somethin’ t’ drink?” Hiding their relationship in front of the other customer
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 26-Jun-22 11:32 AM
Michael turns his head slightly his eyes still glued on Lucille. "A double whiskey preferably irish, two ice cubes, a coaster too please" His eyes slowly shifted trailing over to Billy were they became bright and sparkled the cold stare disappearing in an instant, he stumbled over his words as if he hadn't realised who he was talking to when placing his order. "Huh?...oh hi, what's the craic...erm, just a double please if yer would, be so kind, thanks Billy." The man's boyish demeanor returning as he gave her a genuine warm smile after he ordered as he drummed two fingers on the bar.
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 26-Jun-22 11:48 AM
“I know she’s pret’y but try not t’ stare too hard.” Billy smiled and shot him a wink, “Makin’ up fer the one ya didn’t finish yesterday, aye?” She mused. The woman moved quick, pulling out a regular glass and the bottle of liquor. She started pouring with one hand and deftly passed it to the other as she plucked two ice cubes for the drink. Ambidextrous and adept at her job, she didn’t waste a drop, placing down the glass on a coaster. She gave a gentle sarcastic jab, “I don’t have a clover t’ make it Irish though.”
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 26-Jun-22 12:21 PM
Michael smiled at the comment the smile quickly fading as he glanced back over at the woman. "Not the reason I'm starin' Billy but sure I getcha' point, it's impolite an' I'd hate ta' be impolite." He shifted his focus to Billy leaving forward and smiling warmly as she prepared his drink. "Aye, that's it, no one to ruin me time now. So you work away sure, hopefully I'll get more in me gob than Last time." After the drink was expertly set down infront of him, the irishman picked it up swirling the ice and the whiskey round the glass abit. He winked back at her. "Awk, sure holdin' it in me hand makes it Irish enough, no need for the clover. I'm lucky enough." He nods at the woman before raising raising glass in the air. "Slainte" he said as he took the first sip.
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 26-Jun-22 01:08 PM
Billy inclined her head as he gave her a cheers, “Aye, as lucky as ya are, this time ‘round you’ll be needin’ t’ start a tab. “ she gently reminded as she turned around to grab a menu for the food and placed it next to the Irish man. “Kitchen’s open today.” She said.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 26-Jun-22 01:25 PM
Michael took a sip of the drink before placing it back down snickering. "You're so kind ta' remind me sure, well seein' as it's on the big man himself ya may as well get yerself something too. Consider it started." Picking up the menu he glanced at Billy a cheeky smile forming to the side of his mouth. "Aye? So willin' ta' cook for me? Surely hopin' this isn't some scheme now ta' have me food poisoned and be rid of me?" He laughed taking another sip of the whiskey. "I think ill go for a wee steak sandwich if yer wouldn't mind, me dear."
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 26-Jun-22 01:36 PM
“If I wanted ya gone, I wouldn’t be subtle.” She chuckled as she tightened her scrunchy. Her smile broadened with tilt of the head at being called ‘me dear’ but she otherwise said nothing. Starting the tab and taking the menu, the woman gave a nod and slipped back into the kitchen. She didn’t bother to ask how the steak would be cooked, she had no intentions of ever cooking something medium, let alone well done. “I’ll be a minute. Don’t be a stranger to the other patrons now.” She called over her shoulder and went off to cook.
Oliver Walker (Ryder) 26-Jun-22 04:30 PM
Oliver leans over to the other patron, whispering to him. "Are you alright? You looked a bit off after you came back, do you need help? I recognized that look from my work, you can talk to me while they aren't here."
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 26-Jun-22 05:24 PM
Michael smiles and laughs a little. "Well I know that by now." He gives a slight gesture to his chest. He enjoys a moment relaxing watching her smile begone she exits towards the kitchen. "Don't yer worry sure I'm sure yer'll do it just fine sure." Grinning as she leaves for the kitchen. Upon the other Patron speaking to him again, Michael turns his head slightly, raising his eyebrow, he smiles at Oliver. "Aye...I've...I've alotta baggage there fella, it comes across in me looks sometimes. But not ta' worry I won't be goin' barmy on ya. Its just...wha' job do yer do pal?"
Oliver Walker (Ryder) 26-Jun-22 05:43 PM
"I'm a psychologist. I provide therapy to people with a lot of baggage. If there's anything my job entails it is discretion, no need to worry about me calling you 'barmy'." To punctuate his statement, he holds out a business card saying, Dr. Oliver Walker, PsyD along with an email address, phone number, and business location listed. (edited)
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 26-Jun-22 05:54 PM
Michael takes the card looking at Oliver before looking back down at the card frowning slightly. "Mate it's not pleasant...and I don't wanna be troublin' anyone else with the shite I've seen. Listen this is all covered under tha' client, doctor privilege right? Can't be tellin' people...if I do come an' see yer." He tucks the card away into his pocket before the doctor can reply. (edited)
hyena 1
Oliver Walker (Ryder) 26-Jun-22 07:42 PM
"Yes, everything you tell me during an appointment would be covered under Psychotherapist-Patient Privilege under California Evidence Code 1014. No need to worry about discretion. I can also tell you that, while I appreciate you not wanting to burden me with your troubles, I didn't go down this career path to have my emotional state worried about. I will be alright." He says this all with a reassuring smile and a nod.
Oliver Walker (Ryder) 26-Jun-22 08:01 PM
@Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 27-Jun-22 05:50 AM
He looked Oliver over for moment as he remained silent before after a few minutes nodding his head. "Aye, I'll give it a go sure. See how much it'll help...but word of warnin' Doc. First mention of any of tha' Freud crap and bring me ma into it ill be deckin' ya, we savvy? I can come see ya tomorrow if it suits."
Oliver Walker (Ryder) 27-Jun-22 07:28 PM
Smiles as he hears the affirmative from Michael. "Great, I look forward to your appointment. As far as Frued goes, while he paved the way, there is no need to worry."
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 28-Jun-22 01:00 AM
Michael gives him a brief nod before picking up his drink ans taking a sip. "All I know mate got your work cut out for ya!" He swirls his drink around looking into the glass as he did watching the ice cubes. "Have may clients do yer or am I the only one huh?"
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 28-Jun-22 10:57 AM
@Oliver Walker (Ryder)
Oliver Walker (Ryder) 28-Jun-22 06:05 PM
Oliver chuckles slightly at the question. "I've seen a couple, but I am pretty new to town. I practiced in Ohio before moving here, so it isn't that I'm completely green!" He says as he takes a sip of his own drink. @Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 29-Jun-22 12:45 PM
Michael blinks at the mention of Ohio and looks blankly at Oliver. "Whats an Ohio? I mean I've heard of it before but...well never been through there meself, always fly over the middle part. Heard its got nice corn though...but so has Tipperary and their still arsehole."
@Oliver Walker (Ryder)
Oliver Walker (Ryder) 29-Jun-22 08:40 PM
"Oh, you really haven't missed much, looking down at the fields is literally all of Ohio. Corn is nice and all, but if it is all you got, maybe not the most interesting place. I'm very excited to be in a place with a personality, even if it can be a bit extreme at times, haha!" Oliver begins gesticulating more as he becomes comfortable, the liquor begining to make socialization more smooth. @Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 29-Jun-22 09:22 PM
A few minutes passed, and Billy would return with a plate of a sandwich with medium rare steak neatly sliced on the toasted and buttered bread. Melted cheese and onions lay on top. To the side was some lettuce and cooked peppers to be added to taste. In a small basket we’re fries, and a note. The note had Billy’s new number in it. She would have a large grin on her face as she looked to the men, “Glad you lot are enjoyin’ yerselves. Let me know if I can get ya any drinks or anythin’ t’ smoke.”
Billy O’Riley (Ash) 29-Jun-22 09:28 PM
@Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 30-Jun-22 02:35 PM
Michael looked over as Billy walked back in from the kitchen his eyes went from her to the plate to her again then to the plate. He put his finger up to Oliver. "Now thats a feed right there boy!" He would wait for the plate to be placed down infont of him looking curiously at the note before picking it up. Opening it, looking at it. Suspiciously looking at Oliver to check he wasn't readying it then nodded and placed it in his top pocket." He then looked at the mountain of food before he was just about to tuck in he stopped crossing himself praying a second before tucking in he looked up slightly three chips hanging out of his mouth. "Don't take anything from that...last time I didn't I got heart burn so now I do." He continued eating.
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 30-Jun-22 03:14 PM
Billy couldn’t help but snicker at his statement with a raised eyebrow, “Aye, sure thing, father.” She jibed before chucking again and sighing, “Glad ya like it.” She glanced over at Oliver, “Hows about yer food, everythin’ alrigh’?” She asked
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 30-Jun-22 06:52 PM
Michael looks up from his meal still chewing at a steak sandwich like a pitbull at the mention of the word 'father' nudging his head slightly over at Oliver before shaking it, a muffled "I'm off the clock." Coming through the sandwich.
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 30-Jun-22 07:31 PM
Billy couldn’t help but chortle as she watched Micheal. A smile pressed on her face, her lids in a half lull and eyebrows pitched as she bit her lower lip in an attempt to hide her growing grin. The way she looked at him would make you think she was looking at some dreamy hunk pulling some suave seductive moves, rather a goofy man in a T-shirt scarfing down food with minimal table manners.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 30-Jun-22 08:39 PM
The man kept eating. He could feel eyes burning into him. He looked up again his slightly blank and unaware expression as he looked at Billy. He slowly placed the sandwich down back on the plate becoming self conscious. He felt around his face clearly thinking she must be staring as some sort of sauce or stain on his face. When he found none he realised she was staring at him. His eyes that had preciously been staring at her slightly confused looking for clues of where he had managed to get food over him now shot down to the plate. An embarrassed red glow started to appear on his cheeks as he glanced up to see if she was still watching before the fell back down towards the plate as he picked a few chips up not willing to waste them. (edited)
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 01-Jul-22 01:45 AM
She giggled at bit more at his initial reaction before giving a light tut as he placed down the food. “Don’t let me stop ya from enjoying’ mah cookin’. Really, I take it as a compliment.” She playfully noted, the smile playing on her lips. She watched, glowing with a fascinated, content smile to the point where her face was starting to hurt, “If ya want I can leave ya to yer food.” She offered
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 01-Jul-22 05:42 PM
MIchael looked at her tilting his head slightly like a lost puppy before nodding picking up the sandwich but still staring at her as he ain't it. Nod in a more reserved tone even dapping his face with a napkin. "Its...a...really good yenno' yer an amazing cook have ta' say." He went back to eating still occasionally looking up with a brief smile like a child, however when she offered to leave him be the man frowned, he slowly withdrew what was left of the sandwich away from his mouth. "Why would I wan' tha'? Yer the best lookin' thing in the bar beside the food!" He smiled laughing slightly before going back to eating, finishing the sandwich and chips in a matter of minutes. He Happily looking up at her, drumming his fingers on the bar. (edited)
Billy O’Riley (Ash) 01-Jul-22 09:20 PM
@Oliver Walker (Ryder)
Oliver Walker (Ryder) 01-Jul-22 09:28 PM
Oliver gets back to eating his food and drinking his drink. Trying his best not to intrude on the other two flirting. His eyes would open slightly wider at hearing him referred to as father, but relax when he mentions work. He would continue trying his best not to ruin their moment, generally looking the other way and acting oblivious.
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 01-Jul-22 10:11 PM
Billy chucked and replied, "Ah, I'll be here all night." Dipping her head in appreciation before stepping back with a quirked eyebrow but not feeding more into his puppy love. "Another round?" she asked (end)
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Billy O’Riley (Ash) 02-Jul-22 02:16 AM
==== Summary Billy, Michael and Oliver interact in the bar. Billy pulls Michael aside to prepare him for a discussions with Volg, eluding to an awareness of greater, more dangerous world. Despite the tense situation, everyone returns to the bar in one piece I’m time to have some food and another round of drinks. Durring this time, Michael agrees to meet with Oliver as a therapist, and Billy gives the priest her number. In the end, it’s a tame meeting.
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