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Los Angeles: Blood Moon
❌ Past Logs Chapters 8-12 / ❌💀🟩⭐ch10-shepherds-of-the-lost-souls
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 23-Jun-22 09:03 PM
Chapter 10 Location: Starting in thea main office of LOS ANGELES TRANSPORTATION INC. Players: Rox, Alex, ... you're welcome to join @Shadsea@!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) @Vincent Iceberry ST: @!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) Previous scenes: #❌🌙🟩ch9-dont-go-around-tonight (edited)
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 23-Jun-22 11:27 PM
Next night started for Roxanne with working stiff. A lot to do, papers to fill. She did have some people working for her. But really covering everything was, as it seems, impossible. Shepherd sat with open folders of docs. She finally put them to safe and finished with her multitasking. She was thinking of the situation. They missed the important sabbat member to interrogate. Probably Diego is right. They need lists. More of that - they need lists of all Kindred legally allowed on the streets as well as their retainers for the masquerade safety. That's a real load of work to do. She started with the ironic message to Diego. "It's Shepherd. How can I meet Gary?"
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 23-Jun-22 11:27 PM
@Diego, Bruiser Rat
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 23-Jun-22 11:30 PM
As Roxanne did paperwork Alex was there to help. Mostly with organization since he had no clue how finance and legalism worked. When the call was rung he passed the phone over to Rox before going back to sorting things.
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 23-Jun-22 11:34 PM
- Diego wanted to count the sheep, so why won't we just start with counting the Rats, - she made an ironic grin, - so you have thoughts how to collect them all together?
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 23-Jun-22 11:36 PM
Straightening his red blazer Alex shrugged as he looked at the phone. In a paranoid state he asked. "I have an idea... But is the phone on hold?"
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 23-Jun-22 11:38 PM
- I'm sending a message.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 23-Jun-22 11:40 PM
"Ok good... Anyways my idea is to have an elysium event or something and then tally the heads of the Kindred that actually listen to the message."
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 24-Jun-22 01:02 AM
- Not everyone will come. Not everyone will be able to come. Any other ideas? - She bumped into her working chair and put her feet on the table.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 24-Jun-22 01:03 AM
"Mmm fair... I got no other ideas." He gave a sigh and rubbed his face before taking his flask out of his jacket and sipping on it.
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 24-Jun-22 01:14 AM
- Okay. I see. Well, thinking is not your strong side that's for sure, - she told with irony, she was not happy he didn't have any ideas to offer. - We can connect with the primogen first. They know their clan popularity for sure. That's my idea.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 24-Jun-22 01:16 AM
"Yeah the only thing good I can do is charismatic stuff and being really good looking. The rest of that is stuff I suck at." He gave a little laugh before sitting down in his spot. "That sounds like a good idea."
Diego, Bruiser Rat 24-Jun-22 03:36 AM
A message came in from Diego's number.
Told Gary u want meet. He'll get in touch
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 24-Jun-22 03:47 AM
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 24-Jun-22 04:25 AM
- Well ok... I only know the Primo of Mlkavian and yours... Gangrels don't have one, - she shrouded, - well that might be the issue though, - Brujas don't have the primo. I even suspect it's only me and Frederick who's here except if anarchs. We need to keep track on the list, - she made a list of everyone she knew. - Maybe you should then contact your Primo? Oh and roses needed to choose one at the moment.
She sent the message to Alister Grout.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 24-Jun-22 04:35 AM
"On it!" Alex would begin messaging Strauss.
From: Alexander Kennedy To: Maximilian Strauss Sorry to darken your doorstep but me and Roxanne are doing some "accounting work" and figuring out the population numbers... Would you mind if we speak to you?
Maximillian Strauss BOT 24-Jun-22 05:04 AM
The answer took some time. Regent seems to be not really keen on tech.
You need to know wo lives there or there's another question?
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 24-Jun-22 05:05 AM
Just how many of us there are and all that info just so we can investigate easier.
Maximillian Strauss BOT 24-Jun-22 05:07 AM
Just you, me, Valerie and Alexander
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 24-Jun-22 05:11 AM
Thank you, my Regent... also I swear we had a 5th? Creepy skinny goth kid that somehow made me look like a decent member of society? Oh well I guess that's something to ask about next time we meet... See you later.
With the texting over Alex began scribbling as he explained. "Ok so the only Tremere in the city are me, Valerie, Maximilian Strauss, and 'Ugly Alex'."
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Roxanne Shepherd BOT 24-Jun-22 07:00 PM
- Ok. Done with tremere then, - she smiled, - I should really respect your clan for making everything so meticulously. Makes things work easy I guess... She obviously romanticised some parts of "magic" clan. - So we are about to-o-o speak to the Nosferatus and Malks, - she sighed, - How many toreadors do you know?
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 24-Jun-22 07:41 PM
"Yeah... Its weird though because I swear we had a 5th Tremere. A real disgustingly horny goth kid that made me look chaste... Anyways yeah 4 tremere." He'd tap on the desk as he expains "3 that are anarchs... and like 1 or 2 that are Camarilla."
hyena 1
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 24-Jun-22 09:50 PM
- Maybe he was just passing through? Do you have that often in your clan?
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 25-Jun-22 02:01 AM
"Sometimes but not often. That or I'm growing crazy and I'm imagining kindred that don't exist."
Vincent Iceberry 27-Jun-22 06:26 AM
Vincent has done some research and already knew that one of the Sheriffs resided in the LA transport company. Nice building, good security, a lot of money. He remembered about Luca, Gary mentioned him in the SMS. Damn, what would the Lunatic be useful for? Be annoying then snap out and kill everyone in sight? But the elder said this, need to obey. Vincent, in his usual Mask of the Thousand faces, pulled out his phone and wrote an SMS to @Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum
Im in LA transp.INC. We meet here for the Sheriff biz. I'll be here, waiting 4 u
Then he entered the building, suppressing an urge to go invisible and enter through the back door. He reminded himself to be calm, correct and do not react to provocations that were surely prepared for him
troll 1
Vincent Iceberry 27-Jun-22 07:00 AM
Having no problem with receptionist, Vincent came up to the office. The night city could be clearly seen through the windows. There were two Kindred - he knew both of them. Alex and... Roxanne - Good night. What's the business you needed me for?
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 27-Jun-22 11:46 AM
- Ah... Vincent. Long time no see, - could sound like offence but it was not the purpose, - yes, we were about to talk to Gary, but for some reason I guess he sent... you?
hyena 1
Vincent Iceberry 27-Jun-22 01:17 PM
Vincent barely managed to get a grip - Shit, gonna need another night with that hooker... Guess I'll have to find another one resembling this bitch... * - Looks like my Primogen just hasn't got time for you, guys, lmao. So you'll have to deal only with my bored ass, and no, Alex, I'm speaking metaphorically, and only. *Ahahaha, suck it, paperwork dwellers
hyena 1
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 27-Jun-22 01:26 PM
(shit didn't notice this scene) Crossing his legs Alex continued to sit with Roxanne as he eyed Vincent. "Oh so Gary won't show up, a shame..." he'd look through the paperwork with Rox as he snidely remarks "Sorry you aren't my type, Vincent. So I won't deal with you in that way."
Vincent Iceberry 27-Jun-22 01:47 PM
- Phew, man, that's a relief! I was told you don't miss not even a single skirt, but also the trousers. Okay, what's your deal, you don't want me to stain your pretty carpets too long, right?
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 28-Jun-22 01:42 AM
- Fortunately we don't have carpets here, - she added seriously, spreading her arms in a showing gesture, - We have an agreement with the nosferatu clan. I have. TO make sure we're in less trouble, we need to know how many and who of the Kindred are legit in Las Vegas. Also I would require the list and photos of all the ghouls, I guess. As they can break the masquerade too. So, that is the question: how many of you ratsuckers are in the city? - She grinned looking Vince in the face. Not offensive but more of from her wish to urge him again.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 28-Jun-22 01:44 AM
"Las Vegas?" Alex tilted his head as he asked. "Don't you mean Los Angeles, darling?"
Vincent Iceberry 28-Jun-22 01:58 AM
- Ummmmm, me, Gary, Mitnick, Barabus, Diego, Bertram Tung, Imalia and... Selma... (edited)
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 28-Jun-22 02:02 AM
- Seven? Wow... That's a lotta rats... - "Just like in the Snow white lol".
Vincent Iceberry 28-Jun-22 02:05 AM
- Wanna be the one? Haha. So, that's it? What did you need the poor Lunatic for? Just ask the neonates about how many clanmates they've got in the city? When they barely know our society and each other?
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 28-Jun-22 02:07 AM
- You don't see the real emotions when you discuss such things on the phone. Also Are there any troubling ones in your clan? Someone to pay special attention to?
Vincent Iceberry 28-Jun-22 02:12 AM
- I haven't seen Selma for a while now... Chris told me the Anarchs think she betrayed us, but I don't believe Selma would do it...
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 28-Jun-22 02:14 AM
- Betrayed? Huh... So you're looking for her at all? The girl raised her brow and looked at Alex. "Come on, help me, it is hard to be the only smart ass here", - she thought.
Vincent Iceberry 28-Jun-22 02:15 AM
- Yes, I heard Diego is looking for her, but I haven't seen him either since we found the Lunatic
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 28-Jun-22 02:17 AM
"Odd... So we have a Runaway Rat on the loose?" he'd grab some blood and sipped from it. "Gonna be real hard to find with all that obfuscate... Did she leave anything behind? Any left over stuff in her side of the warren or anything?"
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
Diego, Bruiser Rat 28-Jun-22 08:10 AM
((diego has been keeping it real quiet, since this is clan business. It's basically between him, Mitnick and Gary right now))
Vincent Iceberry 28-Jun-22 08:19 AM
- Dunno, Alex, don't have a habit of going through someone's dirty laundry. I would only let Gary and my Sire go through mine. Besides, I don't think the runaway person would leave anything behind. Like what do you expect to see there? A goodbye note saying "Hey I'm off to Sabbat, guys, thanks for everything, and Vincent, thanks for GTA San Andreas and telling all the cheat codes"?
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Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 28-Jun-22 10:22 PM
"I don't know, when people leave they always accidentally leave Something behind. Not something as big as a goodbye not but usually something small enough to give a hint."
Vincent Iceberry 29-Jun-22 01:35 AM
- Okay, I'll check it out and tell you. Anything else? Were there any new Sabbath attacks?
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 29-Jun-22 10:58 AM
- None I got reported or seen, but if you're interested to help in any of this matters, I will let you know how. It is also the reason why we wanted to see the more Kindred in person as possible. We need to know who is ready to assist. And find the current Cam problems at max.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 29-Jun-22 11:05 AM
"Exactly. Currently we already have the numbers for Brujah and Tremere but now we have the numbers for the Nosferatu. Thank you so much Vincent. Do you have anything else to report?"
Vincent Iceberry 29-Jun-22 11:11 AM
- Yeah, I was told the Lunatic must come too. So it must be about some kind of scouting job? Seems like we have a Kindred in a city who can manipulate flesh like a goddamn sculptor or something. Wouldn't wanna meet him.
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 29-Jun-22 09:10 PM
((can someone make a recap on this part?))
Vincent Iceberry 30-Jun-22 01:08 AM
Recap: The two headed Sheriff (Rox and Alex) comes up with an idea to count the Kindred... By just asking them, how many clanmates they've got. Vincent comes in and now Sheriff knows about Nosferatu, Tremere and Brujah. Vincent is asked about the runaway Selma, but he doesn't know anything about her. To be continued... (edited)
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