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Los Angeles: Blood Moon
❌ Past Logs Chapters 8-12 / ❌-🍕🟩ch10-of-sinners-and-saints
Andante [Volg] 24-Jun-22 05:42 PM
Chapter 10 Location: Ash & Daniels Cigar Bar, LA Hills Outskirts Players : @Andante [Volg] @Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) ST: None Previous Scene: #❌🍕🟩ch10-another-round-another-round
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 24-Jun-22 06:08 PM
Michael enters the room slightly sheepishly he finds the nearest seat and sits himself down as quick as he can glancing around the quite pleasant room...well it is when you're not unconscious. He clears his throat and smiles politely. "I think I'll leave the wee cigar and such till after yer have spoken to me sir, if yer don't mind. I believe yer wishin' ta' speak ta' me Billy already gave me a wee heads up."
Andante [Volg] 24-Jun-22 06:21 PM
Volg sits down at the chair next to the table, and motions for the priest to take a seat wherever he feels. Now, Billy and other Kindred who are used to being around things like this, probably don't pay much heed to it, but, the general impression that Volg gives off with his motions, facial features and mannerisms might remind the Irishman of Balle somewhat. Though, unlike the clear cut signs of a predator that she gives off, being in the vicinity of the bar's Owner when he's extra serious is more akin to being near a very large dog. Calm in the moment, but you can never be sure what will provoke it to bite, there is maybe even a pressure that is eventually broken by the peculiar accent-painted gruff voice cutting through the silence. "As you wish. I do not intend to keep you very long, and I also don't intend to be unreasonable. I'll cut to the chase if you don't mind. The person at the sight of whom you fainted last you visited is something of an instigator of conflicts and a serious danger to my employees. You seemed to recognise her. Now, I understand that certainly, nobody faints from remembering all the pleasant times shared with someone so if the experience is too traumatic to recall I won't push you any further." While giving his speech, idly, the man's hands slide over to one of the medal racks, where he gently brushes one of the worn medals with his hand, a wistful look in his eyes. "However, I understand also that you have taken a liking to the establishment and uh, some of the personnel. And, it's specifically the personnel's life that may be in danger, and any information or insight you may provide about this Balle person, may be of great help to keep her and this place safe. This isn't an order, or a threat, simply a request." (edited)
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 24-Jun-22 08:18 PM
The man places his hands between his knees fumbling with them clearly sweating as Volg asks him to recount the past experience he had within his establishment and the unpleasant individual that patronised it even if for a moment. He nods at the man's words his eyes shifting slightly throughout the room, seemingly looking for cameras or visable mics in the area. He speaks more subdue than normal as if not funny comfortable discussing the situation. "I...understand...completely sir. I also understand tha' we both have a wee shared interest in a certain lass that works in yer employ here and 'er safety." He pauses still looking at his hands as he plays with them. "However...I'd like us ta' be honest wid each other here. Why are yer interested in wha I think? An how I know her? Surely you might know all yer need to aba her. Billy told me ta' get me supernatural shite straight. may I ask wha' she's mentioned aba' me?" He looks up from his hands staring them man straight in his eyes. There's no sense of anger or aggressiveness in his stare more that he is resigned to his fate whatever it was and didn't too much care one way or another. He gave a slight nod to the medal rack. "Nice medals by the way, all they gave me was a conviction." He straightened up slightly his hands slowly moved to his knees as he finished playing with them. (edited)
Andante [Volg] 25-Jun-22 03:01 AM
(hi sorry was asleep, back now, just gotta turn PC on)
Andante [Volg] 25-Jun-22 03:25 AM
In contrast to the nervousness of the priest, Volg is entirely still, as he had already let go of the medal he was holding before. He's not staring at Michael, but he's certainly looking at him, monitoring him almost. "I'm afraid yesterday was the first time I saw her. I know her name, several people telling me she's 'dangerous' and that you passed out at the sight of her. And that she's taken an in interest in my employee, an interest I'm none too fond of." Upon hearing the word "supernatural" the Gangrel's head tilts slightly, also akin to how a big dog would act. "She told me she likes you and doesn't want me to hurt you. I'm sure you know the reputation this bar has, I'm hardly afraid to let uncouth customers out of my establishment via violent means, most of the patrons are here for that spectacle, some even hire people to cause shit here so they can see them thrown out. It's a bit annoying, but it gets the business rolling. As for the supernatural, Billy has some oddities and an interest in that, I'm more concerned about the shotgun that was fired at me 2 days back. Not that I needed to be told that she likes you..." Volg slightly nods his head to a ceiling corner "...there's CCTV in the bar, here too. Doesn't record audio. I'm not sure if she knew about it, I rarely let people inside this office. She might think I'm upset because of that, and I suppose that's not a concern without merit, but you stopped before you passed a threshold. Had you not, well maybe I could understand her concerns about my hurting you, I don't like it when people mess with what's mine, and this is my living space. So I really don't appreciate when people become disrespectful of it." For a moment, it may seem like a bite may occur and the bear has been poked enough, but the tone shifts back to a calm one. "But ultimately I give Billy more slack than most people, and you stopped. So we'll forget about that."
He looks over the Priest at this last sentence "Did you serve, Michael? These medals aren't precisely mine, taken from other soldiers. Far as my leadership is concerned, I died in combat, used that opportunity to escape the old country." (edited)
@Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 25-Jun-22 05:39 AM
When Vlog spoke of the woman again Michael seemed to stare past him a distant vacant expression almost emotionally void except for the tapping hand on his knee. "I gotta' feelin' from her I've only really felt once before, gave me...visions, flashbacks. Maybe she's associated with them, I dunno I honestly...there's somethin' goin' on and if it's anythin' like last time it needs to be stopped." His eyes trial back to the man's gaze from their distant stare. "Aye...she told me no fightin' either. Well if yer see me goin' head over tit again in this bar when a stranger walks in ya may take it as a sign the delinquents connected ta' tha' other one somehow." Michael sits back slightly his eyes narrowing at the mention of the attempted hit on Vlog. "So the two are connected yer reckon then? Yer get shot at an' then they walk in yer bar like no one's business. Brash ta' say the least." Michael looks up at the mention of the CCTV as he listens to Vlog speak all he thinks to himself is I feckin' knew it. before looking back down at Vlog. "Huh? Yes well...I'm proud of meself too...very...proud, for stoppin'" not the first time my life's been saved by a wee frisk first an' won't be the last. He nodded as he thought to himself. "Noted sir." Giving a nod, dipping his head as he did. "That's very much appriecated." The man looked back up with a slight conflicted look on his face. He paid particular note to the Vlogs last sentence. He sighed, remaining silent for a couple of moments before he chuckled to himself. He held one hand up as he leaned forward slightly he reached behind his back he pulled something from his Jeans pulling it from behind his back slowly. He held it up and gently threw it over to Vlog he would be able to see it was a wooden stake. "I dunno whether by tellin' me tha' yer expected me to charge yer like so ravin' lunatic fanatic screechin' 'Deus Vult.' But I ain't like tha' same way I don't think yer some demon from the depths of look after Billy, yer a shite demon if that's the case." Glancing at the medals once more he smiles slightly. "I Don't think yer can really call it servin' more...being young enough an' stupid enough ta' think those who got me into tha' shite... fought for the same cause I thought I was for. Paramilitaries sir, dissidents."
hyena 1
@Andante [Volg]
Andante [Volg] 25-Jun-22 05:51 AM
Volg chuckles at the deus vult comment, or at least, you can only assume that's what that noise was. "Freedom fighters, eh? Was drafted myself, didn't have much of a choice. Doesn't make much difference when you're out in the field though, does it." The man cracks his neck a little "The person who discharged the shotgun works for me now, the other 3 in the attack ran off worse for wear, she identified Balle as one of the people she used to be under. I don't reckon the connection, I'm unfortunately very solidly aware of it. But, if it is as you say and you don't know the person specifically, but simply got an impression of her that reminded you of trauma, I suppose I don't have much else to bother you about. If you have any information you think could be useful, I'll welcome it." Volg loosely nods at the doorway, indicating to the Priest he may leave if he pleases, but then pauses for a second, picks up and throws the Stake back to him. "You're free to return to more pleasant company. Though a word of advice, be careful where you reveal your, uh, let's call them esoteric interests. Some will not take to them as calm as I, and for some it's a duty to make sure they stay 'esoteric'. " (edited)
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 25-Jun-22 06:25 AM
He shrugs again looking giving a slight smile. "I'd like to be remembered as such, but you're right it doesn't...especially when you make mistakes." Tilting his head slightly Michael listens to him, thinking of anything that could help. "So yer woman down there, she's...she was in league with tha bitch then. They are actually targetin' yerselves. She's some balls on her. No not specifically but doesn't mean she's not connected ta' the same ones I'm tryna find. Seems she has the same kinda attitude. If yer are lookin' for help...I dunno if he'd willin' ta' work with yer directly but maybe Billy, Alexander Montferrier, I've been studyin' him yersee, rumours about the city he's here. Legend in the hunter him at her an her wee friends could be a good shout. Also erm...if...yer need, I...well rudimentary stuff at the moment...I can make explosives. I know weird right?" Standing back up the man makes his way to the door catching the stake and placing it back in his belt as he gives Vlog a wink and a nod. "Well I'll make sure of that an' I'll keep it to meself about your wee issue with gettin a tan. There's a few folks that would be rather pissed with me leavin yerself alive...well un...alive, well yenno what I mean. So I'm sure we have a mutual understanding of...we don't say shite. Aye?"
kun 1
Andante [Volg] 25-Jun-22 06:34 AM
Volg's mouth extends in a smile that looks more like a snarl at the mention of explosives "I do love the Irish. Doubt the explosives be much help here though, for now this is a defensive situation, and I don't intend to blow my own bar up. I'll check about the Montferrier,but some hunters are fanatical, some understand the whole "bigger fish" concept. You seem like the latter, I've had to deal with a former a few decades back, I'll pass you some advice he'd probably have found useful back then, having the stake is great, but actually getting the toothpick in can prove challenging" The smile dissipates somewhat as his eyes slowly wander to the trophy rack where they fix on a specific emblem, one torn and burnt beyond recognition. "...and deadly. People on my side aren't taking this all that seriously for now, a staple in this society. I'd love to direct someone more driven, the problem is I don't exactly know the location. As for the woman downstairs, they're not given much choice but to work or die. I'm not saying you should trust her, but she could have ran off with the rest of em', she didn't, even though she was more at the risk of dying than any of them at that moment." The big man thinks for a moment "Guess you could say that she was young and stupid enough to think those who got her into that shit fought for the same cause she did, and that she didn't have much choice in the matter after a certain point." (edited)
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 25-Jun-22 01:14 PM
Michael nods opening the door to the office as he does. "We try it's easy ta' be loveable with neighbours like ours. Well sure if yer find out where they are, ya won't have to worry aba' just blowin' the bloody doors off am I right?" He seems to acknowledge the comment about what he seems to be and the advice given to him. "Well...nah, sure all else fails pop a firecracker down the trouser leg and watch em do the Charleston yenno." Staring at him for a moment as he talks of his new employee down stairs who tried to shotgun him, he stubly nods. "Huh...funny how tha' works ain't it...Good evening sir." With that he steps out the door closing it behind him gently.
Andante [Volg] 25-Jun-22 01:27 PM
Scene Recap:
Andante [Volg] 25-Jun-22 01:58 PM
Michael and Volg have a conversation where they go over respecting each other's "occupations"(Hunter for Michael) and "status"(Vampire for Volg) without losing their shit at each other, discuss Balle, discuss their military pasts, discuss the importance of considering checking places you're trying to get down and dirty for CCTV and discuss the practical difficulties of actually staking a vampire. They came to a mutual understanding. Certainly some masquerade breaches occured, but it's only a breach if it's found out. (edited)
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