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Los Angeles: Blood Moon
❌ Past Logs Chapters 8-12 / ❌🌙🟩ch9-and-you-open-the-door-and-you-step-inside
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 22-Jun-22 12:09 PM
Chapter 9 Location: Beneath the "Blue Lotus" shop, Chinatown Players : @David as Dylan Sean @PainedGemini| Loki ST: @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] Previous Scene #❌🍕🟩ch9-business-only (edited)
David as Dylan Sean 22-Jun-22 12:21 PM
Dylan found that his information on the underground in China Town was pretty sketchy at best. But he had made a agreement, and expanding influence couldn't be a bad thing... right? This had brought him to the Blue Lotus, on a tip from one of his sources.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 22-Jun-22 12:32 PM
He was surrounded by chinese people. Asiatic people, screaming in mandarin, and some in a mix of english and other dialect. Standing in the rear, he could still see the spare ring in the middle of the cave he was introduced into after having given the "word code" to the old grandma at the counter of the seemingly innocent asiatic grocery called the Blue Lotus. It was just a space in the middle of the cave, with some rubble stone on which they had put sand in mass to create a not too rought surface. It was a lie. There was nothing innocent here. Two man were battling one another, as teeth were spurned out, and one of them falled to the ground, the sand being tainted by the blood going out of his nose and mouth. An asiatic thug ascended on the ring, taking the hand of the winner. He had numerous tattoos all around his face, and a profusion of piercing on both his ears, like some kind of ringed texture. He was fit, and yet wore a black and deep red costum.
David as Dylan Sean 22-Jun-22 12:41 PM
Dylan has switched to a white track suit, more casual but expensive none the less. His gold chains and broad shoulders give him a bit of a thuggish look as he winds through the crowd, eyes searching for a person who seems knowledgeable.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 22-Jun-22 02:16 PM
Loki had been told by one of his old buddies from eastside that there was a fight going on in Chinatown. Loki was very vigilant when he got this info, of course, because he had not dealt with a many people in Chinatown, though some of his homeboys did. When he had arrived, he had on a black and white Pendleton that was his most expensive shirt that he had, which it was not that expensive but still, it was his best. He sported slacks that were alright in quality, but they were cheap as well, costed less than the Pendletons, and his shoes were black Cortez’s, his favorite type of shoe. He let his dreads hang, and his denim blue eyes shifted around as he looked in the crowd himself. His physic looked like he was very nimble, or swift, but that was covered by the Pendleton as it was a long sleeve and covered up all of his body, especially if he had it buttoned up. He was a tall fellow, around six feet, not extremely tall, a perfect height for him, so it was easier for him to look over to see what was going on, but other than that, he was keeping to himself, while also observant and also looking for someone that would seem be knowing as well, it would make sense considering. All the while being in and watching the fight that just played out, a brutal blood sport that never died long as there were those that watched.
David as Dylan Sean 22-Jun-22 02:44 PM
A fighter would easily be able to tell dylan was no dandy, his nose has the flatness of being repeatedly broken, his ears a bit cauliflowered and the walk of someone with practiced balance. Dylan will flag down one of the servants asking for a expensive top shelf bourbon. Then when she brings it to him tips her a hundred while asking her who runs the place. (edited)
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 22-Jun-22 03:36 PM
The servant looked at him with a smile, nodding before talking in a perfect english : "Yes, it would be Johnny. You interested in buying?"
Another fight was slowly organizing, as the "pierced-man" began to ask in English and Mandarin : "A prize of 1000 dollars to the one standing after three consecutives fights! Come and bet, it is your time to shine in the Blood Jasmine!"
David as Dylan Sean 22-Jun-22 03:55 PM
Dylan will eye the fight ring. "Depends on what im buying sweetheart, who's the house champion?"
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 22-Jun-22 08:04 PM
It was in the back of his head, that Loki thought to himself that he could have done stuff like this. Pit fighting, it’s how he got his start when he got his old gang’s attention. He had to scrap. So while he was watching this, he realized that he could join and do this. So he was contemplating if he wanted to do something like this on the side where he could potentially make some extra cash. No doubt, it was dangerous, but he knew it would not be a bad idea. He watched as people were making bets, but he decided to kick back and see how the next fight would go.
👍 2
David as Dylan Sean 23-Jun-22 07:12 AM
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 23-Jun-22 07:52 AM
The woman looked at him with a bright smile; yet a bit wicked. Her eye were dark, and he could almost look at his own reflection in her eyes. "It's the man in balck in red, the Scarlet Dragon. He only battles the most powerful on the rings, when they have their hopes all up. And he makes them fall from their pride, for he only lives in the sky." All around them, the crownd was growing more and more restless, as some began to bet, and a black man rose up on the ring, half of his face covered in ritual scarification, scales like.
David as Dylan Sean 23-Jun-22 07:57 AM
Dylan nods. "I see... " he will give her a wink "well keep an eye out for me tonight and ill make sure its worth your while." He will give her a light slap on the backside before walking toward the ring bourbon held in one hand. He will come to a stop next to @PainedGemini| Loki eye on the upcoming fight. "Dude looks like a double dragon reject. Bet he cant take a punch.." He says with a smirk at the dragon scale face, casually to man next to him, not really specifically to him.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 23-Jun-22 09:03 AM
@PainedGemini| Loki
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 23-Jun-22 10:44 AM
He was looking at the ritual scarification on the black man’s face. Observing the patterns that they seemed to be in, he was more taking a note knowing that the patterns could potentially be anything, and it would be something he would have to research later, for now he was interested to see how he did in a fight. He looked strong enough, but as he learned a while back sometimes dudes are big for nothing, he was curious to see. His eyes were taken off of the fighter and they look to the man next to him, taking note of his more expensive tracksuit, gold chains, and any other expensive piece of ware on him. He listened to the guy’s comment and kind of chuckled, he said to the man, “Maybe, knew some dudes that were big for nuthin’.” He was being honest, that was how he felt, but the reality was when it was two big dudes fighting, that would leave it up to chance. It would be about who can sling fists better, who was quicker, and who packed more of a punch. So he was curious to see how this was going to go. “Either way, looks like an ass kickin’ about to happen.”
PainedGemini| Loki 23-Jun-22 10:45 AM
( @David as Dylan Sean )
PainedGemini| Loki
( @David as Dylan Sean )
David as Dylan Sean 23-Jun-22 01:31 PM
"Maybe, maybe not. You a gambling man?" Dylan will turn toward the man actually looking at him finally. He will pause a moment and offer a calloused hand. "Dylan..."
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 23-Jun-22 01:34 PM
He shook it up with the man, giving him a grin and responding, “Loki… and not all the time man.” He looked to see how it was going to go, he only had a few dollars, not really gambling money, more of buy something from the store and return home type of money. “Let’s see who’s the lucky winners this round though.”
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 23-Jun-22 02:12 PM
The dragon man looked at the scene around him, a determined look as he extended his fingers slowly. His muscles seemed to be really developped, and yet, he was not bigger than the asiatic man in front of him. He was shaved, leaving no place free from the scaly surface carvings. "I'll tell you what. I'll get ya in only one punch. I bet a hundred on that."
The asian man looked at him, passing his hand in his hairs, tiying them up behind his head, before slowly raising his palm, faced toward the black dragon.
PainedGemini| Loki
( @David as Dylan Sean )
David as Dylan Sean 23-Jun-22 03:40 PM
"If someone wins for luck, then they dont deserve it. If you ask me Loki, discipline leads to skill, skill leads to victory. See how cocky he is? Id break his nose and just fight him with blurred vision. Hundred probably isnt worth the purse.."
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 23-Jun-22 03:49 PM
Loki looked to Dylan, him scratching his chin, and considering what was being said. If he was a sucker, he would immediately bet for the man who had that much confidence. Loki was not going to say anything inflammatory, but he did comment saying, “Homes got a lotta confidence, I’ll give him that. It’s like watchin’ shit talk at a press conference or some shit.” He knew that fighters loved to talk shit, especially if it was for show. The fact that he was betting on himself showed a level of confidence that Loki would not have.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill
Loki looked to Dylan, him scratching his chin, and considering what was being said. If he was a sucker, he would immediately bet for the man who had that much confidence. Loki was not going to say anything inflammatory, but he did comment saying, “Homes got a lotta confidence, I’ll give him that. It’s like watchin’ shit talk at a press conference or some shit.” He knew that fighters loved to talk shit, especially if it was for show. The fact that he was betting on himself showed a level of confidence that Loki would not have.
David as Dylan Sean 23-Jun-22 03:56 PM
Dylan laughs lightly. "Confidence, is definitly laudable my friend. But there won't be any comercial sponsors here, and the prize is the same if you knock someone out in one punch or twenty. Its just inefficient... so wich one of them is the challeneger? Isnt it a take all comers thing?"
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 23-Jun-22 04:09 PM
“Kinda why it’s a little ridiculous ain’ it.” He was speaking in regards to there being no sponsors and the cash prize being the same. He would join, but he needed to regain himself before doing so. Him saying, “I think that’s what I heard, but shit, no doubt they got some heavy hitters and shit. I wanna see who’s gonna be good at slingin’.” In the back of Loki’s head, he was wondering where the scaly scarred guy came from. Whether he was from the city, from out of town, out of state, or even out if country. He was intrigued in seeing what he had to offer, for a while Loki was doing street fighting, mainly when he was fifteen to about nineteen. They would always get into a brawl with rivals trying to push in, but this was how it always started. It was always gradual with gangs. Started with tagging up spots, then brawls, then stabbings, and then a shooting at a function kicks off the war.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill
“Kinda why it’s a little ridiculous ain’ it.” He was speaking in regards to there being no sponsors and the cash prize being the same. He would join, but he needed to regain himself before doing so. Him saying, “I think that’s what I heard, but shit, no doubt they got some heavy hitters and shit. I wanna see who’s gonna be good at slingin’.” In the back of Loki’s head, he was wondering where the scaly scarred guy came from. Whether he was from the city, from out of town, out of state, or even out if country. He was intrigued in seeing what he had to offer, for a while Loki was doing street fighting, mainly when he was fifteen to about nineteen. They would always get into a brawl with rivals trying to push in, but this was how it always started. It was always gradual with gangs. Started with tagging up spots, then brawls, then stabbings, and then a shooting at a function kicks off the war.
David as Dylan Sean 23-Jun-22 05:48 PM
"This place probably pulls in a decent haul a night. My operstion should do better.. the asians arnt known for being good sports about sharing their markets..." He watches the ring as if making a meassure of the men.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 24-Jun-22 03:22 AM
“You run one of these?” Loki’s curiosity was peaked as he looked at the ring before them. He must think it would be lucrative to run an operation like this, especially if it was more professional than just a back room. Though, his gang never really ran this type of operation, it was most dealing, fencing at flee markets, and chop shops. So it was interesting to meet someone who had insight on to how to run an operation.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 24-Jun-22 06:50 AM
The two men began the fight in a flash. The dragon jumped around the martial artist, as one searched the perfect spot to land his one punch, the others teased him with jabs and blow directly at him. Slowly, the dragon looked a bit affected, slowed as the bald became bold. The uppercut was in his jaw directly, almost instantly as he was propulsed out of the ground and felt out of the ring, on the crowd below. The dragon roared, and the people, his new fans came to follow him. The sound was intoxicating, brutal and primitive. Satisfying.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill
“You run one of these?” Loki’s curiosity was peaked as he looked at the ring before them. He must think it would be lucrative to run an operation like this, especially if it was more professional than just a back room. Though, his gang never really ran this type of operation, it was most dealing, fencing at flee markets, and chop shops. So it was interesting to meet someone who had insight on to how to run an operation.
David as Dylan Sean 24-Jun-22 07:10 AM
Dylan looks over at Loki. "I enjoy the spectacle. The money isnt terrible either when the local boss doesn't want too big a cut...." He turns back to the fight as it climaxes. "He's not terrible, but i think i could take him... you practice and of the martial pursuits?"
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 24-Jun-22 05:25 PM
Dylan looks over at Loki. "I enjoy the spectacle. The money isnt terrible either when the local boss doesn't want too big a cut...." He turns back to the fight as it climaxes. "He's not terrible, but i think i could take him... you practice and of the martial pursuits?"
@David as Dylan Sean - jump Loki nodded to Dylan, giving a smirk loving the spectacle himself, he was understanding what he was talking about. Him then saying to the man, “I did a lot back when I was a kid.” He scratched his chin and sighed, following up with, “That’s been a hot minute though.”
David as Dylan Sean 24-Jun-22 06:06 PM
@PainedGemini| Loki @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] "I make a little here and there hosting events. Theres all sorts of ways to make money. Maybe you want to pick up a little cash in the open events?" Dylan starts to take off his track suit jack and then unclasps his chains and calls the server over. When she arrives he drops the chains on the tray and drapes the jacket over one arm. "I think i will see if i can take the purse from the cocky.genyleman. mind waiting?"
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 24-Jun-22 06:10 PM
“I might be interested.” He said, as he thought it would be a good side gig for him, a lot of what he did were side gigs, there were no really main hustles for him. So he would not mind earning a little extra cash. When he saw Dylan call the server over, and heard his question, he responded, “Nah, I don’ mind bro, when you get back we can exchange info, keep in contact.” He figured if nothing else, it would be useful to have Dylan’s information to keep in contact with him.
David as Dylan Sean 24-Jun-22 08:21 PM
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] Dylan give Loki and grin and a wink before striding toward the ring. "Hey! I'll take a grand on this guy!" He shouts at the scaled man while pointing at himself woth both thumbs.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 25-Jun-22 06:05 AM
The man uppon seeing David smiled even more, before handing high his hands, roaring with satisfaction. The whole scene was almost frentic, as the mood was more and more delirious and eager for violence. The man on the ground was still not moving and yet was being dragged out of the ring as Dylan stepped on it. "You're the second, and not the last to fall! I'm the black Dragon. Who are you?" The black man looked at him with a large smile, before pointing at him with his hand.
David as Dylan Sean 25-Jun-22 12:33 PM
Dylan climbs into the ring, and steps over the downed man. "Im the guy about to mop the ring with the dragon." He will say loud enough for the crowd to hear. He rolls his shoulders, he is cut with heavy shoulders and upper body. He sets himself and faces the black dragon. He snickers a moment. "Oh i get it.. black dragon! Thats hilarious." (Lets turn on fortitude and pump stam by 1) @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
David as Dylan Sean 26-Jun-22 06:29 PM
The petty jibe produces results and the black dragon lives up to his name dashing like a great striking serpent toward the pale man. But Dylan had already ran through the fight in his head, the scaled man would use the same strike to kick combo, it was efficient and he performed it well. Dylan just weaved under the punch getting in close and laying in a pair of lightning fast gut punches before catching the risinging leg and just continueing its travel up and over slamming the dragon to his back with a thud and the crack of the black mans head on the uneven ring. Dylan backs away with a pearly grin to the crowd and a downward thumb over the man. (edited)
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 27-Jun-22 06:25 AM
The man gathered up, a bruised smile, smeared with blood. He seemed content of the figth, and yet impressed by the man in front of him ; *all powerfull, all migthy. * "You didn't even break a sweat. And are not panting a bit. You're really that good, ain't you?" He coughed, before gulping and looking at him, raising his arms up. "Come at me, don't sell the skin of the dragon before killing it."
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David as Dylan Sean 27-Jun-22 12:52 PM
"Slay the dragon indeed.." Even as the words are out of his mouth he is on the move dylan presses the attack with a flurry of testing jabs and hooks. "I can teach you... the breath control... the fitness... its attainable..." He says as he throws a haymaker to break the dragons guard that the dark skinned man easily deflects.
👀 1
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David as Dylan Sean 27-Jun-22 02:39 PM
Dylan realizes his mistake just as the Dragon exploits it. The dragon turns into the haymaker, grabbing the arm and wrist continuing the momemtum and turning it into a over shoulder throw that would have blacked out a living man with the force his back hits the ring. The dragon doesnt let go of the arm twisting it painfully as he drops a massive axe kick onto Dylans chest.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 27-Jun-22 03:37 PM
The massive axe kick exploded on the sand, as it was deviated by a palm punch to his calf. The sand bursted on the crowd, which was going more and more frentic. BLACK DRAGON, BLACK DRAGON. The Dragon turned on himself on his pivot foot and kicked him nonetheless in the ribs. He could feel some of them cracking as he was pushed some meters away. *And an other part, more and more forcefull praying in unission a growing litanie : * SLAY HIM, WHITE KNIGHT. SLAY THE DRAGON. The Dragon looked at him with a tired smirk, visibly happy of what was going one. They both were exhausted, pained in the flesh, and yet, they were both standing, again. Ready for the final blow.
David as Dylan Sean 27-Jun-22 04:01 PM
Dylan digs deep, this had gone on longer than he wanted, and the opponent was skilled. But Dylan didnt breath, didnt tire, and his opponent did. Dylan wouldn't underestimate the dragon again. Dylan leaps into action almost as.soon as he's on his feet feinting in with a flurry of blows, purposly leaving one guard low to bait out a swing, at first he things the bait not produce results but the Dragon goes for it, a big cross hook to go over the lower guard. Turning his hand out he catches the swing spinning under the blow, holding the trapped arm high as he lays into the Dragons ribs with blow after blow, the sound of fist smacking muscle loud in the suddenly quiet crowd. Dylan feels his opponent losing strength and simple steps back before putting a arm out and giving the Dragon a shove that sends yhe nearly unconcious man to stumble then fall.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 27-Jun-22 04:08 PM
And stumble the man did, as he tried to stay conscious. He let out a hand in the air before pointing at Dylan with his fist. "Nice slay, knight." His eyes rolled his his orbits, as he felt incounscious.
PainedGemini| Loki 27-Jun-22 04:09 PM
(Been a little busy, I’ll respond rn)
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 27-Jun-22 04:17 PM
Loki seemed impressed, it had been a while since he had seen an actual pit fight, not the type of thing that was on television, he was talking the real deal thing like back when he was still making a name for himself. He looked around to everyone else’s reaction, but all he was able to get out was a simple, “Damn.” That had been his reaction this entire fight, what else was there to say? It was extremely intense and fast paced, his type of thing, but sometimes watching someone get rocked like that makes you just say, damn.
hyena 1
David as Dylan Sean 28-Jun-22 06:50 AM
@PainedGemini| Loki @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] Dylan barely even acknowledges the crowd, simply bowing in each direction before walking out of the ring toward where the server and Loki are standing. He will wipe his brow before putting back on his jacket and jewlery. "I told you I could take him." He will say to Loki with a smirk.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 28-Jun-22 10:00 AM
He nodded seemingly still impressed that Dylan had walked in with a vengeance and cracked the dude. That deserved his respect if nothing else, so he said to Dylan while looking back into the ring, “That’s wassup homeboy, on that fool like white on rice.” He said to Dylan, wondering long that guy was going to be out for, he has seen people get slumped like that before, but get up after a few moments. So he did not know if he was going to get up in a few minutes or an hour. “Dude’s gonna have a major concussion at the very least.”
David as Dylan Sean 28-Jun-22 10:18 AM
Dylan grins at Loki. "Im willing to bet hes had worse. " He pulls at his ring finger, loki can see its been impacted and it cracks as it straightens into the soclet. His eye has a cut under it, but it doesnt bleed. "That kick was brutal." He rubs his ribs on one side gingerly.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 28-Jun-22 09:12 PM
He nodded, scratching his chin. “I bet, I felt that shit up here.” He looked to be lost in thought for a moment, but quickly remembered what he was going to talk about. He said to Dylan, “Ey man, I gotta bounce real soon, but I wanted to get your info and shit before I do.”
David as Dylan Sean 29-Jun-22 07:09 AM
"Yes of course." He produces a card 'Dylan Sean, Sean Investments Group' with phone and email information. "Though.." he turns the card over and writes an address on the back ".. i hold nightly events here, of you want to test yourself and make a little money...' (edited)
@PainedGemini| Loki
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 29-Jun-22 07:12 AM
The man in scales was rapidly disposed, brought away by the staff to be healed. The asian man in red and black, with pierced ears looked at the crowd, rising once more. "If the white knight is ready, he can battle once more, and grab the prize of the Dragon. But not the mere black one, the Scarlet one." As he said that, the crowd cheered, as he began to roam the ring, arms raised. He brought his mic to his mouth once more : "Or he could forfait his prize."
David as Dylan Sean 29-Jun-22 08:31 AM
Dylan look at the stage and waves a dismissive hand. "I've taken my measure of the warriors here. They were found lacking." He will say loudly, pandering to the crowd.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 29-Jun-22 11:38 AM
"Once again, all try to rise to me, but none is brave enough to battle the undefeated. But what more to expect from the white knight?" A laugh went through the crowd. The Beast inside him growled. It didn't like the allure of all of this.
He could feel a disturbing look on him, like as he was being watched. And why was this man provoking him like that ? @David as Dylan Sean
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 29-Jun-22 11:48 AM
He had accepted the card from Dylan with a nod, putting it in his pocket, but then it turned into a after match shit talking contest. Loki would actually kick back for a little longer, just to see how this would play out.
David as Dylan Sean 29-Jun-22 11:50 AM
Dylam will just smile. "By the standard set im undefeated as well. Is that how you keep your title, you make the challenegers fight a gauntlet first?" He will turn back toward the ring questioningly.
David as Dylan Sean 29-Jun-22 02:07 PM
He will hold his side in pain as he talks.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 29-Jun-22 07:02 PM
He was welcomed with a large smile. "You're right, white knight !" He clapped his hands, squeezing them together, showing off his palm tatoos and hands tatoos, mimicking claws. "Tell us a place and date, and we'll see who of you or me is worthy!"
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David as Dylan Sean 29-Jun-22 08:45 PM
"Soon, master Dragon, though buisness before pleasure." He will smile at the crowd, and give Loki a nod before heading toward the Red Dragon to speak less openly.
David as Dylan Sean 30-Jun-22 07:03 AM
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] He stops at the edge of the ring and motions to the Red Dragon to approach. "Are you the master of this place? He asks once the RD approaches.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 30-Jun-22 07:05 AM
The man bowed toward him. "I am the ruler of this lair indeed." He jumped next to Dylan with a smile, looking at him in a inquisitive way. "You talked about buisness, why don’t your friend and you come to my office ?"
David as Dylan Sean 30-Jun-22 07:11 AM
Dylan gives Loki a glance. "I've only just met him tonight. But you and I have a mutual interest, and possibly mutual buisness oportunitues." He will say following the RD to where ever he leads.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 30-Jun-22 07:19 AM
"If he is who I think he is… I think he can interest me too. I’ll let you the choice, my office is behind this door, the door at the end of the corridor." He began to walk toward the door.
David as Dylan Sean 30-Jun-22 09:00 AM
Dylan will give a second glance, more interested this time. "Im not opposed.." He will follow the dragon toward his office. "Im Dylan Sean. Im interested in expanding my.. our buisness into china town, a overlapping venture. A oportunity for those who wish to prove themselves against the best, to do so against a wider more diverse set of foes.... and for those looking to make a paycheck, more opportunities to do so..."
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 30-Jun-22 09:12 AM
A waitress show Loki the door where Dylan and the Chinese man are headed. "You’re expected too."
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 30-Jun-22 10:00 AM
Loki was intrigued to say the very least, but he did not hesitate by pondering what he should do, that sort of thing. He followed, him giving the waitress a nod as he made his way towards that door. He gave the Chinese man and Dylan a nod not taking too long to catch up with them. He looked to the Dragon and said to him, “Ey, the name’s Loki from Eastside, my homeboys told me about the event tonight.” He gave a quick and brief description of where he heard it and who he was. He was curious to see what was in store to say the very least.
David as Dylan Sean 30-Jun-22 11:00 AM
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] @PainedGemini| Loki Dylan will give the banger a little side eye, not really part of his plan to drag along random people into gis hopefully fruitful criminal endeavours. "Alright.. " though its clearly less than alright. He puts on a smile and remember to hold his ribs.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 30-Jun-22 04:41 PM
The man in red listened to his explanations, as he moves through the crowd toward the door. They all entered it, as he led them through a dark corridor, with a blinking light. Four metallic doors on each side, all closed. Some faint noise could be heard behind. He opened the door in front of them, revealing a metallic desk, and three chairs in front of it. On the wall, shelves with alcool and glasses. He showed them the chairs, before heading to the drinks : "What do you take ?"
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 30-Jun-22 04:41 PM
@PainedGemini| Loki @David as Dylan Sean
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
@PainedGemini| Loki @David as Dylan Sean
David as Dylan Sean 30-Jun-22 04:54 PM
Dylan eyes the bottles. "Bourbon, neat. Please."
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 30-Jun-22 09:38 PM
"I'll have bourbon as well." He said before scratching his chin and looking around the office. He was being quiet as he wanted to let the man and Dylan speak first even. He had the feeling his spiel was different than Dylan's thing.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 01-Jul-22 03:15 AM
The host took three glasses, and a huge crystal bottle of bourbon. "Good choice, it’s a Maker’s Mark." He poured everything in front of them, the three glasses aligned. The door opened. "Huang, the corporate are here, it’s urgent." The drinks continued to be poured, as Huang looked at them with a faint smile. "I’ll be back in few minutes, I’m truly sorry for the inconvenience."
David as Dylan Sean 01-Jul-22 09:20 AM
Empty private office...?
David as Dylan Sean 01-Jul-22 09:26 PM
Dylan will offer @PainedGemini| Loki $200 for any info he gets in the future about the Red Dragon or china town, before taking his leave.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 01-Jul-22 09:28 PM
He accepts the offer, and looked around himself before getting up and making his way out, slinking into the night.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 02-Jul-22 09:37 AM
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 02-Jul-22 09:54 AM
As Loki and Dylan got out, they could feel a shiver running down their spin. They both had this feeling that they escaped something. But what, it was to be find.
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 02-Jul-22 11:18 AM
@David as Dylan Sean@PainedGemini| Loki woud you do a recap please?
David as Dylan Sean 02-Jul-22 12:31 PM
Dylan goes to a underground fight in China Town, to get a feel for the criminal element there in an attempt to further Balles goals of expanding influence. While there he meets @PainedGemini| Loki and carries on a conversation while the 'Black Dragon' beats up a man. He finds out that Loki used to do backyard fights and invites him to one of Dylans organized fights. Finally Dylan goes to take up the challenge of the black dragon and proves capable of defeating the warrior, to make a splash and draw attention to better have leverage in further dealings with china towns criminals. After the fight he is challeneged to another fight by the 'Red Dragon' wich he declines. After some banter eith the red dragon he and loki are invited back to a private office by the red dragon. Without explaination the red dragon leaves and dismisses them. Both leave with a supernatural feeling that they escaped a dangerous situation..
realhearty 2
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