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Los Angeles: Blood Moon
❌ Past Logs Chapters 8-15 / ❌🍕🟩ch9-dread-what-walks-the-halls-of-olympus
David as Dylan Sean 21-Jun-22 07:11 AM
Chapter 9 Olympus Resort and Hotel: Players: @David as Dylan Sean @Sebastian Grey ST: whoever shows up
David as Dylan Sean 21-Jun-22 07:20 AM
The Olympus has seen better days. Built in the gilded era it is a monument to decadence and wealth, fallen into disrepair. It at one time stood outside the LA city limits, a retreat from the hustle and bustle, but has slowly been enveloped by the ever expanding blight of LA. These nights find it isolated with fences and a wall from the low income community that sprung up like mushrooms aroubd its glory. Clear signs of renovations can be seen everywhere, even at night, and the neighbor requires security to patrol against looters. The resort is done in art deco, that shines through the years, beautiful clean lines, stylized faces of Greco-Roman gods look down from the main enterance, and dried fointains and reflecting pools line the drive up to the main entrance.
David as Dylan Sean 21-Jun-22 07:31 AM
Dylan would be waiting for @Sebastian Grey in the grand hall standing next to a bubblong fountain featuring Perseus in a action pose spear raised to throw at the figure on the fountain directly opposite, maybe Hector, or some other warrior from the odyssey, its hard to tell as the head is missing. A fit young man in a blue track suit who introduces himself as Robert will guide Sebastian to where Dylan has posed himself theatrically looking down into the fointain one foot up on the edge of the cistern.
Sebastian Grey 21-Jun-22 11:47 AM
Sebastian enters, a camera stand carried over his shoulder and a sketch pad under his opposite arm. He gently sets down his burden to greet the master of the house. "Ah, Mr. Sean, good evening," he says. He looks around, his scarred face hard to read. "I can certainly see why you wished this location to provide the backdrop to your portrait. It offers a most unique ambience."
Sebastian Grey
Sebastian enters, a camera stand carried over his shoulder and a sketch pad under his opposite arm. He gently sets down his burden to greet the master of the house. "Ah, Mr. Sean, good evening," he says. He looks around, his scarred face hard to read. "I can certainly see why you wished this location to provide the backdrop to your portrait. It offers a most unique ambience."
David as Dylan Sean 21-Jun-22 01:16 PM
Dylan turns with a smile. "I love this place, my grandfather would tell me stories about the place in the hey day, we would come and sneak in and eat lunch in the garden." He smiles whistfully. He politely tries to not stare, but ends up either not looking at your face or looking away suddenly when caught. Striding over he will offer a big calloused hand to shake.
Sebastian Grey 22-Jun-22 01:26 AM
Sebastian notices the discomfort, but he's sadly used to that sort of thing and tries not to let it bother him. He shakes Dylan's hand cordially enough. "And now you own it?" he says. "A childhood dream come true?"
Sebastian Grey
Sebastian notices the discomfort, but he's sadly used to that sort of thing and tries not to let it bother him. He shakes Dylan's hand cordially enough. "And now you own it?" he says. "A childhood dream come true?"
David as Dylan Sean 22-Jun-22 07:17 AM
Dylan laughs honestly. "If i had known the place needed this much work, i might have left it to memory." Dylan throws a arm around Sebastiáns shoulder and starts him toward the back of the hall. "Are you from LA??
Sebastian Grey 22-Jun-22 10:45 AM
Sebastian walks along without complaint. "I am, yes," he says. "My parents were among the multitudes that come here with dreams of stardom in their eyes. Alas, many are called but few are chosen. Then again, they might have amounted to something eventually, but their lives were cut short. A car accident, you see. I was the only survivor, and as you have no doubt noticed I did not escape... whole." He sighs philosophically. "I sometimes think that their deaths might, in some respects, have been a mercy. If I had been able to create only a single significant artwork in my life, I cannot imagine how it would have felt to see it so rudely vandalised."
Sebastian Grey
Sebastian walks along without complaint. "I am, yes," he says. "My parents were among the multitudes that come here with dreams of stardom in their eyes. Alas, many are called but few are chosen. Then again, they might have amounted to something eventually, but their lives were cut short. A car accident, you see. I was the only survivor, and as you have no doubt noticed I did not escape... whole." He sighs philosophically. "I sometimes think that their deaths might, in some respects, have been a mercy. If I had been able to create only a single significant artwork in my life, I cannot imagine how it would have felt to see it so rudely vandalised."
David as Dylan Sean 23-Jun-22 07:10 AM
“Brief is man’s life and small the nook of the Earth where he lives; brief, too, is the longest posthumous fame, buoyed only by a succession of poor human beings who will very soon die and who know little of themselves, much less of someone who died long ago.”  He quotes rather seriously. "We have eternity, but even our own fame and fortunes wax and wane against the vagaries of time. Anyway, being whole is a mindset, the amuptee who lives a fufilling life is better than the vainglorious who lives a shallow selfish life." He will give sebastian a reasuring squeeze on the shoulder, then point up to a frieze of mythical olympus all colonnades and clouds. "I want this as the back drop... what do you think?"
Sebastian Grey 23-Jun-22 07:17 AM
"Yes, yes, this will do very nicely indeed," Sebastian says. "If you would be so kind as to stand, hmm... there, I think, yes..." He sets up his camera at a measured distance from the spot he pointed out. "Now, I think the best thing to affect would be an expression of authority tempered by some humour," he says. "After all, a harpy carries a weighty responsibility, but to be the hub around which the social scene pivots, he also needs some dash, some flair - just the tiniest hint of the devil in his eye, if you see what I mean, to add some spice. What do you think?"
Sebastian Grey
"Yes, yes, this will do very nicely indeed," Sebastian says. "If you would be so kind as to stand, hmm... there, I think, yes..." He sets up his camera at a measured distance from the spot he pointed out. "Now, I think the best thing to affect would be an expression of authority tempered by some humour," he says. "After all, a harpy carries a weighty responsibility, but to be the hub around which the social scene pivots, he also needs some dash, some flair - just the tiniest hint of the devil in his eye, if you see what I mean, to add some spice. What do you think?"
David as Dylan Sean 23-Jun-22 07:23 AM
He strokes his beard contemplating it for a short moment. "Maybe laurels.. you know the head band things... but lightening? Zeus like..." He grins and strike a pose puffing his broad chest put and putting his fists on his hips while staring off at a anlge fixed on some middle distance. "Too cheesy?"
Sebastian Grey 23-Jun-22 11:46 AM
"There is nothing wrong with a bit of cheese, I think," Sebastian says indulgently. "As long as it's one of the finer brands and served with a vintage wine, of course. Now, let us see..." He starts taking pictures, moving the camera slightly between each one to capture a sense of perspective for later. "You know, it is funny that you should mention mythological references," he says. "I dabble a bit in the occult and the legendary - it is, after all, an excellent source of material for imbuing a subject with gravitas and hidden meanings. In fact, I was recently comissioned to make paintings with motifs from Kindred legends - a number of scenes from the life of Caine himself, to be specific. I have been considering how to do the matter justice. I fear my own modest knowledge is too shallow to truly serve..."
Sebastian Grey
"There is nothing wrong with a bit of cheese, I think," Sebastian says indulgently. "As long as it's one of the finer brands and served with a vintage wine, of course. Now, let us see..." He starts taking pictures, moving the camera slightly between each one to capture a sense of perspective for later. "You know, it is funny that you should mention mythological references," he says. "I dabble a bit in the occult and the legendary - it is, after all, an excellent source of material for imbuing a subject with gravitas and hidden meanings. In fact, I was recently comissioned to make paintings with motifs from Kindred legends - a number of scenes from the life of Caine himself, to be specific. I have been considering how to do the matter justice. I fear my own modest knowledge is too shallow to truly serve..."
David as Dylan Sean 23-Jun-22 01:26 PM
He will chuckle. "I think you would have to read the Bible for that right? He killed his brother or something?" He will change pose. "I mostly just like bulfinches mythology when i was a kid, that lead me to the stoics, and that led me to make a shit ton of cash on the stock market." He will pop the collar of his shirt and pull the tie down a little. The numeral for alpha is tattooed there. "Can you work this in somewhere?"
Sebastian Grey 23-Jun-22 03:51 PM
Sebastian isn't entirely sure whether he's being made fun of. Surely everyone who takes part in Kindred society knows about the legend that Caine was the first vampire, even if they don't necessarily believe it's true? Damnation! Whatever he says next on the subject, he runs the risk of looking stupid.... and Sebastian absolutely loathes looking stupid. He settles for another, safer topic as he takes a few close-ups of the alpha tattoo. "Stoicism can be made profitable, then?" he says. "Mmm. Possibly not quite what Zeno of Citium foresaw his philosophy being employed for... But then, as they say, 'wisdom does not care where you find it.'" (edited)
Sebastian Grey
Sebastian isn't entirely sure whether he's being made fun of. Surely everyone who takes part in Kindred society knows about the legend that Caine was the first vampire, even if they don't necessarily believe it's true? Damnation! Whatever he says next on the subject, he runs the risk of looking stupid.... and Sebastian absolutely loathes looking stupid. He settles for another, safer topic as he takes a few close-ups of the alpha tattoo. "Stoicism can be made profitable, then?" he says. "Mmm. Possibly not quite what Zeno of Citium foresaw his philosophy being employed for... But then, as they say, 'wisdom does not care where you find it.'" (edited)
David as Dylan Sean 23-Jun-22 04:04 PM
"Self discipline, and the proper perspectives can put you in a possition to reap the rewards. Marcus Aurelius was able to balance being king and philosopher. Why can't I?" He will smile at the thought. "So do you believe the whole caine and curse thing? My sire didnt really mention it more than in passing... ever the pragmatic... " He will stop posing to look the other man over as he asks.
David as Dylan Sean
"Self discipline, and the proper perspectives can put you in a possition to reap the rewards. Marcus Aurelius was able to balance being king and philosopher. Why can't I?" He will smile at the thought. "So do you believe the whole caine and curse thing? My sire didnt really mention it more than in passing... ever the pragmatic... " He will stop posing to look the other man over as he asks.
Sebastian Grey 24-Jun-22 04:31 AM
"Well, no, not as such," Sebastian admits, relieved for the lifeline. "It's a very evocative story, and I appreciate it as such, but I don't think any of us can truly know the original source of our shared condition. Those who were there have long since suffered the Final Death, or are sleeping deep in the earth, or have grown so alien of mind that nothing they say can be trusted." He gives a dry chuckle. "To be honest, I think I would hate to learn a definite answer. It would ruin the beautiful mystery of it all, do you see what I mean?" He steps away from the camera and picks up his sketchpad, starting to quickly scribble on it, glancing up and down between Dylan and the picture forming under his deft hand. "Now, stand still for just a bit longer, if you please," he says. "I just want to record for memory some of the less obvious details that the cold eye of the camera might not have fully captured..." (edited)
Sebastian Grey
"Well, no, not as such," Sebastian admits, relieved for the lifeline. "It's a very evocative story, and I appreciate it as such, but I don't think any of us can truly know the original source of our shared condition. Those who were there have long since suffered the Final Death, or are sleeping deep in the earth, or have grown so alien of mind that nothing they say can be trusted." He gives a dry chuckle. "To be honest, I think I would hate to learn a definite answer. It would ruin the beautiful mystery of it all, do you see what I mean?" He steps away from the camera and picks up his sketchpad, starting to quickly scribble on it, glancing up and down between Dylan and the picture forming under his deft hand. "Now, stand still for just a bit longer, if you please," he says. "I just want to record for memory some of the less obvious details that the cold eye of the camera might not have fully captured..." (edited)
David as Dylan Sean 24-Jun-22 07:16 AM
Dylan stands still, the stillness only being dead can bring. "I think if cain is real, then maybe the people would have had to gotten all ancient history wrong.. like the time lines and such... philosophy tell me that such concerns are trivial, if a thing is unknowable it shouldnt take up the mental realistate right?" Just his lips moving as he stares unblinking toward the middle distance.
Sebastian Grey 24-Jun-22 12:13 PM
"Oh, I don't know," Sebastian says, sketching away industriously. "I fully agree that vague fancies should not distract one from the harsh realities of life - it is sadly the case that certain practicalities have to be tended to before one has the freedom to dream. But once one has what one requires for a civilised existence, a bit of mystery can provide some pleasant distraction and amusement. And with an eternity of nights to while away, distraction and amusement are precious things, wouldn't you say?" (edited)
Sebastian Grey
"Oh, I don't know," Sebastian says, sketching away industriously. "I fully agree that vague fancies should not distract one from the harsh realities of life - it is sadly the case that certain practicalities have to be tended to before one has the freedom to dream. But once one has what one requires for a civilised existence, a bit of mystery can provide some pleasant distraction and amusement. And with an eternity of nights to while away, distraction and amusement are precious things, wouldn't you say?" (edited)
David as Dylan Sean 24-Jun-22 12:35 PM
He will turn fully to look at the other man, maybe not the best subject. "Definitely! Thats part of the problem with this city i think!" He will start to pace, clearly a subject he has put some thought into. "Amusement, and entertainment is the bane of our kind, without distractions and ultimately a society this whole city is on the bring of unraveling..."
At this point a pair of young men come dashing into the hall, one chasing the other dressed in loincloths and oiled. They are unaware of the two kindred up until the chaser hits the chasee with s flying tackle sending both tumbling in a tangle of swinging fists and laughter. As the tangle come sto a stop near the artist they both jump to thier feet embarrassed. "Alpha, we.. i.. " Starts one of them and then at a shove from his friend catches himself and clamps his mouth closed. Both standing stock still as if awaiting judgment or soemthing.
Sebastian Grey 24-Jun-22 03:17 PM
The scar tissue over one of Sebastian's eyes twists, indicating that he's doing his best to raise an eyebrow. "I take it these are... associates of yours?" he mumbles to Dylan.
Sebastian Grey
The scar tissue over one of Sebastian's eyes twists, indicating that he's doing his best to raise an eyebrow. "I take it these are... associates of yours?" he mumbles to Dylan.
David as Dylan Sean 24-Jun-22 03:29 PM
Dylan gives the two a stern look, both are in their mid 20s, and both look more embarrassed than afraid. "Henry, Guy... tell Robert you have volunteered for clean up, and that he is to join you." Both give a quick aww techer is mad look, and one almost starts to say something before yhe other bows and nods. "Yes alpha, thank you!" Before dragging his compatriot away. Dylan turns back toward you. "My appologies, I.. host youth athletics. My assistant was to keep them away from this hall." Its not hard to tell that the statement is both true and false in the same breath.
"Do you not agree that society for our kind mighr be the real differance between chaos and supremacy?"
Sebastian Grey 25-Jun-22 05:04 AM
"Why yes, I most certainly do," Sebastian said, making some finishing touches to his sketches. "To hold the Beast at bay, we need constant reminders of the many benefits of humanity. Beauty, companionship, grandeur, a common purpose... all weighty reasons to hold on to one's civilised sensibilities, but lamentably easy to forget about without frequent reminders. So it is even for the Kine, but even more so for us, due to our troubled nature..." He gives the sketchpad a final frowning glance, then nods reluctantly. He's not entirely satisfied with it, but then, he's yet to produce anything that he's entirely satisfied with. "I believe I have sufficient material to do justice to your noble image now," he says. "I will notify you once the work is finished... though, before I depart, perhaps I might be so bold as to ask you a minor favour in your official capacity, though only of course if it offers you not the slightest inconvenience...?"
Sebastian Grey
"Why yes, I most certainly do," Sebastian said, making some finishing touches to his sketches. "To hold the Beast at bay, we need constant reminders of the many benefits of humanity. Beauty, companionship, grandeur, a common purpose... all weighty reasons to hold on to one's civilised sensibilities, but lamentably easy to forget about without frequent reminders. So it is even for the Kine, but even more so for us, due to our troubled nature..." He gives the sketchpad a final frowning glance, then nods reluctantly. He's not entirely satisfied with it, but then, he's yet to produce anything that he's entirely satisfied with. "I believe I have sufficient material to do justice to your noble image now," he says. "I will notify you once the work is finished... though, before I depart, perhaps I might be so bold as to ask you a minor favour in your official capacity, though only of course if it offers you not the slightest inconvenience...?"
David as Dylan Sean 25-Jun-22 10:13 AM
He will try to move where he can see the sketches. "Yes, of course i am happy to work with civil minded individuals. Ask and recieve.."
Sebastian Grey 25-Jun-22 12:03 PM
Sebastian winces but doesn't try to hide the sketches. They are fairly rough, more an outline than a true depiction, but the technique is deft enough to capture some of Dylan's Blood Blood bearing and pride. "Well, I believe I mentioned my need for a greater knowledge of Kindred myth than my own," Sebastian says. "To seek to do full justice to such towering figures of Caine, Abel and Lilith, I feel I must understand the lore better. But of course such legends are not recorded in any public library. I wondered if you perhaps might put me in touch with some Kindred with an interest in such things - one of the city's Tremere, perhaps? - whom I might try to enlist as a.... consultant of sorts?"
Sebastian Grey
Sebastian winces but doesn't try to hide the sketches. They are fairly rough, more an outline than a true depiction, but the technique is deft enough to capture some of Dylan's Blood Blood bearing and pride. "Well, I believe I mentioned my need for a greater knowledge of Kindred myth than my own," Sebastian says. "To seek to do full justice to such towering figures of Caine, Abel and Lilith, I feel I must understand the lore better. But of course such legends are not recorded in any public library. I wondered if you perhaps might put me in touch with some Kindred with an interest in such things - one of the city's Tremere, perhaps? - whom I might try to enlist as a.... consultant of sorts?"
David as Dylan Sean 25-Jun-22 03:57 PM
"Ive only seen the new, pseudo sheriff or what ever he is. Ive got a few questions about his efficiency, but thats just speculation." He will point to one sketch, "That one looks really olympian.. if you ask me.."
Sebastian Grey 26-Jun-22 12:11 AM
"Well. I suppose I can try to get in touch with him." Sebastian's mouth twitch in what is presumably amusement, and he extends his hand for a shake. "I'll make a note that you especially enjoyed that one. I hope you will be very pleased with the final result. For now, I bid you farewell."
Sebastian Grey
"Well. I suppose I can try to get in touch with him." Sebastian's mouth twitch in what is presumably amusement, and he extends his hand for a shake. "I'll make a note that you especially enjoyed that one. I hope you will be very pleased with the final result. For now, I bid you farewell."
David as Dylan Sean 26-Jun-22 07:52 AM
Dylan shakes the mans hand firmly. "Yes, and i can keep an eye out for any.. historically minded individuals. Its been a pleasure to have you in my home. " He says as he walls Sebastian through the corridors of the resort. "Feel free to call on me if you find yourself in need, im planning some sort of.. gathering soon, ill make sure to send you a rsvp."
Sebastian Grey 26-Jun-22 08:12 AM
Sebastian bows his head. "I would, of course, be honoured to attend." With that, he takes his leave.
David as Dylan Sean 26-Jun-22 12:19 PM
------- End Scene --------
David as Dylan Sean 26-Jun-22 12:31 PM
Dylan meets Sebastian at the Olympus. He finds out sebastian has been commissioned by someone to do a series of caine paitings (probably with a weird blood guardian in them) and is interested in Noddist lore. Promises to keep a ear out for those with Noddist lore, and to invite Sebastian to the next party he throws.
theart 1
Sebastian Grey 26-Jun-22 02:50 PM
Sebastian made preparations for painting Dylan's portrait, was suggested to get in touch with "that new pseudo sheriff" to ask about the Caine and Lilith legend, and got half a promise of being invited to a meeting later on.
theart 1
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