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Los Angeles: Blood Moon
❌ Past Logs Chapters 8-15 / ❌💀🟩сh9-a-sacred-place
!Your Hyennaes 21-Jun-22 10:16 PM
Chapter 9 Location: Chirch Players: Father Michael O'Brien @Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) ST: @!Your Hyennaes Previous scenes: #❌🌙🟩ch9-new-people-new-problems (edited)
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 21-Jun-22 11:10 PM
After a few hours of walking, stopping several people to ask directions. Including a lovely Asian couple who had invited him in for dinner, Michael had decided to take a Cab after the third time of getting lost. Passing through Brentwood down side streets he noticed a distinct manner of dress around the place, which gave him the sneaking suspicion he many be a deprived gangland area. He busied himself along the Journey reading the books he was studying trying, even to the book that so recently had a very pointy book mark in it. Eventually he looked out the window as the cab slowed to a stop. He stared out at a worn down dilapidated church. The paint had started to peel from the walls outside. The sign outside made mention to a service two months ago and the grass outside was overgrown and wild. He was somewhat suprised the windows seemed to be intact though clearly dirty and in need of some TLC. He sighed in the back of the cab as he looked out on at his new parish. "Greeeeeat, just great." He paid the driver and left the Taxi taking his books and coat with him,"this place is in as good of a state as my own faith," he grumbled as he walked up the low steps of the church towards the two solid oak doors. He knocked the large iron handle 3 times. "Honey I'm home, what's for dinner? I hope it's steak."
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 21-Jun-22 11:21 PM
Silence was his answer. After several seconds of waiting and even maybe knocking again, the wooden door creaked and opened. Dark not tall silhouette drew at the entrance and the deep women voice with obvious Southern accent explained. - I'm sorry, the church is out of operative hour. Are you sure God can not wait till tomorrow morning?! The figure moved a little more out of the doors and a nice black face showed in the light of the moon. She raised her brows. - How can I help anyway?
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 21-Jun-22 11:43 PM
The priest blinked for several moments squinting slightly at the dark shadow. He hears the accent and there is even more of a confused expression on his face internally the priest thought okay I'm pretty sure that ain't a man. He looked over his shoulder and raises an eyebrow at the state of grass lawn. "Erm...I kinda saw, evidently the gardeners aren't in an operative hour either." He looks back towards the shadowy figure. "God probably on the other hand I kinda need a shower and there's a guy across the road with especially low jeans staring at me...I dunno if he wants my belt, anyway..." As the figure moves into the light Michael's eyebrows raised nearly clearing his forehead as his jaw dropped. "Huh?...wait what now...oh right yeah, erm have you heard about our lord and savor...sorry wrong sales pitch...I'm a priest and I believe this my new parish. If I read the tourist map right. Is there some secret pass phase I need to remember? Or is this a Starbucks now?" He gave a cheerful smile at his attempt at lightening then mood and trying to cover up for his tongue-tied response. (edited)
Esther BOT 22-Jun-22 12:04 AM
The girl looked the side he mentioned a guy. - Dang you're late... - she opened the door letting the man inside the church and lit the lights. There was better then outside indeed. No matter the furniture and floors were mouldering there smelled pretty nice and familiar: flowers, vine, tea, candles and cookies. - Yeah, they mentioned a new preacher will come. Our old one passed around a week ago. We barely saved this place from getting wiped out. Seems God is there somewhere after all. She stopped and looked at the newcomer: - I'm Esther. Volunteering here free years already.
The girl didn't have any uniform. Just regular jeans and a t-shirt with "Good loves you no matter the preacher."
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 22-Jun-22 12:29 AM
The Priest raised an eyebrow. "Huh...guess open-sesame isn't as popular as it once was." He stepped inside looking around. He sniffed the air. He was suprised He expected rot and the slight hint of mould. He actually smiled, slightly unusual for Michael as of late being in a church, smiling was usually the last thing he wanted to do. "Yeah...sorry for being late, took a...bit of a panick attack in a bar, the staff helped me out though." The man walking further in tracing a finger along the top of one of the pews. "Huh...suppose a lick of paint and a lawnmower outside may get this place looking as good on the outside as it smells on the inside." He turned to face her a slightly look of concern. "Nearly wiped out? What no one was funding this place. I'm guessing my predecessor, old age yes?" He bit his tongue about the 'god being there somewhere after all' comment, he smiled and nodded "Well he has to be somewhere doesn't he." As Ester introduced herself the Priest studied her a little closer the first thing he noticed was the t-shirt ah, grand...she loves god and seems to love everyone...just grand. The priest extended his hand giving a cheerful grin as he did. "Father O'Brien, sorry Father Michael O'Brien..." the clear Irish tones coming through in his speech as he said his name, "...and you've been volunteering here a full 3 years? My what dedication you must have." The priest did his best to sound very sincere with that last comment.
Esther BOT 22-Jun-22 01:00 AM
Light trace of dust was left on the finger of Michael still. - Long ago My family had tight relations with that Church, but after the shooting I was left alone. A little community helped me so I have decided to settle. It's more then three years, actually. But we're very low on finance. She sighed, made a long pause and added: - He was shot a few blocks away from here. He was 49. By the way. Sorry me asking. Do you have any papers about your arrival here? I guess I'm the only one responsible here yet. I work night shifts mostly. Esther chuckled. - There's not much to steal after all. I doubt someone would be interested in local breeds of termites.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 22-Jun-22 10:57 AM
He rubbed the dust between his fingers staring at the large crucifix over the alter. As the woman spoke his eyes mellowed, pursing his lips he brow furrowed as he understood all too well the sense of loss they shared. "Aye, cuts deep doesn't it? But you're still here...better or worse you had people there to support yer. Yer a hell ov' a lot stronger than you look ill tell yer that. I'm sure God is watching over yer an' has a plan in his own way." There was a great degree of sympathy in his words even if he didn't believe the last part, it wasn't for his benefit more for hers. "Did they get whoever did it may I ask? They find out who?" The priest clicked his fingers as he fumbled around in the box. "I think I've get it here somewhere the Archbishop...he's, he knows about my arrival. He was told before hand...been put in contact with him. Perhaps he can loosen up a bit of funding for the place." He pulls out a letter handing it to the woman. "I'm sure you can check with him if necessary." The Priest glances around once more at the church giving a small smirk. "Well for one lass yer did rather well I have ta' say." Michael grins at her joke nodding as he does. "Aye...generally I night owl meself but sure the Lord wants what the Lord gets no sleeping in on Sundays for me anymore." "Awk well sure, yer never know when someone may be looking a 10 foot cross in their house." The man set his box back down on the pew and quietly thought for a moment "I should have a few suitcases following me from Europe. Just normal stuff, had to be shipped separately. Can ya make sure they get put in to back for me." (edited)
Esther BOT 22-Jun-22 11:22 AM
She followed the new visitor. - Unfortunately the police is still looking and from time to time they still bother. But this is not the area they will find the guy, - she shook her head in sadness, - Well, I'd like to believe they will, but the chances are very little. They probably will pay us another visit or two more and will stop any further attempts. She spread her arms and then took the letter briefly looking through it. Then she gave it back. - I don't think it will be needed. As I told If you're not a big termites' fan - all good. We have a real problem with that little bastards. Their eating this place alive, - she chuckled not very happily. - There's no problem with the luggage. Please follow me, I will shoe you the place, the room you can settle and if you have any other questions - well... you're free to ask.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 22-Jun-22 01:02 PM
The priest continued to walk down the lines of pews gliding his right hand over the woodwork. "Hmm...maybe I requires a different approach." Looking over his shoulder. He Give Ester a cheerful smile. "Have faith hey? That's the jist of what ya was sayin' before" He took the letter back and nodded. "Well should the police come back round point them in my direction would ya? And maybe an exterminator...give me the costs and I'll ask if the archdiocese can foot the bill." Michael stopped gesturing with his hand to the Volunteer. "Lead the maybe a strange thing to ask but this church, does it have a crypt? Basement? Cellar?"
Esther BOT 22-Jun-22 01:21 PM
- Y-yeah. Will probably try with exterminator... Again. They just keep coming all the time after. I have no clue how this happen but it is definitely not the type of miracle I would like to see, - she laughed. - We do have a basement, yes, we used to store vine in there, but it is more safe to bring it from somewhere so I just made a little agreement with the closest cafeteria to store it. Why do you ask? She led the preacher to the back space of the church. The architecture was very common to a typical catholic small building. One of the doors opened and revealed the small room with one small window. The bed was made, there also was a closet and a table. - Bahroom is there two doors closer to the main. I'll get you towels soon. Do you need anything else?
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 22-Jun-22 01:43 PM
Chuckling with her Michael smiles softly. "Aye well lil critters will have to deal with someone alot harder to get rid of then them now...and I don't too care much for sharin'." "Wonderful, just grand. I'll probably be setting up a wee workshop down there, gadgets and the like are my wee hobby. That's all, just need somewhere to work in peace." The priest enters the room, not the most luxurious of places, but it has a simplicity to it he enjoyed he looked around silently smiling to himself. "Reminds me of the room I had in Boston. Quaint. This'll do rightly" "...or atleast until I can get an apartment somewhere." He said as he noticed the picture of the smiling Virgin Mary above the bed. "Thankyou so much, Towels would be lovely...Ester I know this may be alot but I'm going to have to rely on ya alot while I get my bearings. Yer know this neighbourhood a lot better than me. I'll have to ask can yer get me in contact with the local community leaders round here. Those less law abidin', I wanna make sure I get a couple of things straight with them. Secondly...wheres the nearest gun store. I need to stock up." The man's tone becomes more serious. Completely different from the joking, light hearted exterior he had been showing since he arrived. "I'll also need to find the location of the nearest hardware store, think you can help me?"
zemlerojka 2
Esther BOT 22-Jun-22 01:50 PM
Esther was listening to Father Michael and got more and more surprized as long as he was telling about the guns. - I don't think I understand what you mean. We... we don't carry guns here. She looked absolutely confused. - Are you gonna go to a holy war with the locals? Or what was that about?
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 22-Jun-22 02:13 PM
The priest nods slowly glancing back out of the room before his gaze returns back to the woman. "I intend on being here for a while, and as much as I would like to believe the holy word of the Lord would be able to stop a 5.56 or a 7.62 or indeed throwing the good book at gangbangers would save me priestly behind, I doubt it severely." He sighs and looks her straight in the eye. "This is as much your sanctuary as it is mine, if not more and I will do everything in my power to protect this sacred place even if it means takin' up arms. Not because of JC on the cross out there but because its sacred to you and probably a fair few people round here. It provided yer a home and a family when yer had none. That's pretty sacred in my books no? An if it means layin' down the law so that there ain't anymore tragedies...then that's wa I'm gonna do." He pauses again a large smile appearing on his face. "Ezekiel 25:17...The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children...and I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers....And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee." That sounded bad arse as shit! Thankyou Samuel Jackson. He thought to himself. (edited)
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hyena 1
Esther BOT 22-Jun-22 02:28 PM
The girl was still a lot sceptical. Maybe because of the place she was born or any other reason, but: - Yeah, as you say. But just if you bring guns here, expect them multiply in time. I have a good gut to that sh.. sorry... Just be careful. If you want to protect this place maybe get a better talk to the police or maybe a private security company will give us a good charity bonus, - of course she was way sarcastic. One preacher, many guns... Is it for civil uprising after all?
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 22-Jun-22 06:45 PM
The Priest nodded before placing a hand on her shoulder. "Believe me, I am a firm believer that violence should be the last option these days quite simply put...I hope that speaking to these gentlemen in the area we can come to an agreement. Although I'm prepared for peace, I must be ready for war." Chucking at Esters attempt at covering up nearly swearing in a church. He smirks, tilting his head. "Yer don't have to censor yourself, I'm not that kinda' priest to get uppity about that. I dunno how much of a police presence there'll be round here...or if a security company would be welcome." The priest answers her seriously. "I'm hoping to create a relationship of mutual respect, they know the area...and can provide me more than any cop can...they live round here after all and can let me know if there's something strange in the neighbourhood...quoting ghost busters. I'm guessin' round here it's a bit like Belfast...the police don't sort issues, it's generally the community that polices themselves. I just hope they see reason." The priest takes his hand off of her shoulder. Before making his way towards the bed. Taking off his collar and unbuttoning his shirt, he glances over to Ester "I'm telling yer all this because I can't do this alone. Know anyone who can set me up a meetin'? Oh and Yer may wanna turn around lass." (edited)
Еsthеr BOT 23-Jun-22 08:03 PM
The girl politely went out from the doorstep and closed the door a little, still standing close from the other side. - I will try to do that... - She sighed, - good or bad for you - I am definitely not the person you think I am, okay? I don't deal with that guns of criminal stuff. More of that. I am here because it was not my thing before too. By the way. I heard there will be an exhibition in Santa Monica very close to this place in a Gallery next to the hospital. All or charity purposes. The paintings will carry biblical motifs...
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 23-Jun-22 09:19 PM
The priest speaks through the as he removes his shirt. "Grand job." The priest sighs though the door he peaks his head around the door. "I don't expect to get involved in anything illegal or that may get you hurt...if you don't ask, well you don't know. Just keep your ear to the ground for me okay?" His head disappeared back behind the door. "Ah, the art gallery...biblical motifs?...wonder if they'd be willing to fund the renovation here..." He laughed at his own sarcasm. " most likely not, some rich types selling art to fund their own private ventures, I'm I right?...nah most you get off them is a pat on the back and keep up the fine work you're doing here.....perhaps I should go seeing a priest wondering round may cause them to have a guilty conscience and throw a few dollars our way. Know whose running it?" There's a pause and some more rusting. "By the way...where are you keeping the wine by chance?"
Еsthеr BOT 24-Jun-22 01:43 AM
- Yes. Her name is Therese Voerman. She owns a night club called Asylum not so far from here. You want this place sponsored, - she spread her arms, - you're welcome to go and ask her. She finished it with the ironic chuckle, - that would be a perfect start of your career here.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 24-Jun-22 03:16 AM
The priest pops his head around the door again a slightly raised eyebrow. "Why do I have the funny feeling you're not telling me something and whatever it is the thought is highly entertaining to you?" He gave a slightly blank stare as he processed the information. "The Asylum...huh? Not my first pick for a name but beggers cant be choosers. Therese...okay and im welcome to go ask her?...yeah your definitely enjoying this too much. What's the catch I'm guessin' I aint going there and turnin' on the old Irish charm and its in the bank no?" (edited)
hyena 1
Еsthеr BOT 24-Jun-22 03:24 AM
- No it's just... It's a weird gothic-freak club. Seeing a priest there already is... something special, you know? - Now he could hear laugh in her voice indeed.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 24-Jun-22 03:40 AM
The rustling and movement stop in the room. "You know i can hear you right? amusing as this may be to watch me try and blend in with the cast of the Rocky Horror Picture show...alot may be riding on this so I'd appreciate so words of encouragement, instead of your gonna stick out like a priest shaped Elephant in a haystack."
Еsthеr BOT 24-Jun-22 04:46 AM
The girl chuckled. - I'm sorry Father, of course I should. Well, I frankly wish you luck in this uneasy matter. She laughed again. - But do you really plan to blend in? I am not the one to blame you for anything. So we are good.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 24-Jun-22 05:16 PM
The priest audibly sighs from the other room. "I dunno, you have any hair dye? Fake sleeve tattoos...ridiculously large chucky boots...maybe I just go full BDSM priest. Yenno just take a paddle with me and start smackin' I'm sure I'd blend in if not get a few donations outta it." "I don't think there's a suitable way to blend in just hopefully I don't do anything that makes the Lord think the end of days is over due." (edited)
hyena 2
Еsthеr BOT 24-Jun-22 06:13 PM
- Will you be surprized if I told you I do have? - She made a long pause of intrigue with a smile he didn't see. And then continued. - Well no, I don't. Would be really surprized if you do. Anyway. You're seriously planning to go, huh?
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 25-Jun-22 05:48 AM
There's a slight chuckle from behind the door. "Ah see and here I thought yer were all straight laced and shite, now thats news" "Ofcourse I am, we're in this together. If this helps keep this place open. Renovated...then that's the way it's gotta be and a Priests gotta do what a Priests gotta do. Even if it does include leather."
Esther BOT 25-Jun-22 11:31 AM
- I will not go there, sorry. I hope you don't need me as a moral support. She made a little pause. - I like you already, you seem like a really nice man. Just be careful, will ya?
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 25-Jun-22 01:26 PM
The priests naked arm reaches from behind the door. There's a couple of faded tattoos of gaelic slogans and motives of tricolours and guns on the man's pale skin. "Awk sure I'll be grand, luck of the Irish an' all yenno. I'm glad I come across as a nice chap wheres that towel yer promised me? I'm stood here in nothing but what God has graced me with here and there's a significant draft." There's a chuckle from behind the door.
Esther BOT 25-Jun-22 03:40 PM
Father could hear the steps moving from the corridor somewhere further and then back. The towel pack showed after the polite knock in the air gap at the opened door. - There.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 26-Jun-22 03:39 AM
The hand reached out from behind the door grabbing the towels gently. "Grand thankyou now I'm going for a shower and a bitta beauty sleep. Then I think it's time to go clubbing."
Еsthеr BOT 26-Jun-22 05:18 AM
- Good luck. I could say you'll need it but you don't seem like that man. So... Try to enjoy, - she chuckled.
!Your Hyennaes 26-Jun-22 05:18 AM
@Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 26-Jun-22 11:33 AM
(I'm happy to end it there lol haha think its a nice please to before he has to go deal with the Asylum)
!Your Hyennaes 26-Jun-22 03:18 PM
@Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) cool cool. Well you do recap.
!Your Hyennaes
@Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) cool cool. Well you do recap.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 26-Jun-22 03:47 PM
Ofcourse sorry was drinking lol
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 26-Jun-22 05:27 PM
Recap: Michael manages to make his way to his new church, not much to look at on the outside but on the inside its rather homely. He meets Ester there, a local volunteer who remembers the last priest and his unfortunate demise. The have a small heart to heart and eventually Michael learns there may be a way to save the church. The Asylum night club...he decides to go for better or worse, its time to get a donation or two.
!Your Hyennaes 26-Jun-22 06:09 PM
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