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Los Angeles: Blood Moon
❌ Past Logs Chapters 8-15 / ❌🌙🟩ch9-new-people-new-problems
Billy O’Riley (Ash) 21-Jun-22 01:00 PM
Chapter 9 Location : the Ash & Daniels Cigar Bar, LA Hills Outskirts Players @Billy O’Riley (Ash) @Andante [Volg] (ish) @Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) ST @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] Previous scene #❌🍕🟩ch8-ad”vice” #❌🌙🟩ch8-it-is-bound-to-take-your-life (edited)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 21-Jun-22 01:01 PM
You want me to start ?
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 21-Jun-22 01:12 PM
Coming down from Volg’s office, her clothing a bit more disheveled than before, Billy’s gaze moved outward toward the now empty bar. It had been closed for the night and the priest had been shooed off. Her hand went to where she usually kept her phone before cussing under her breath. Right… Volg had taken it. She paused at the base of the stairs, on alert before nodding to herself. She could use the landline in the back. She hadn’t met her new coworker yet.
Lucille BOT 21-Jun-22 01:14 PM
Billy could see Lucille at the counter, a glass of scotch served, as she watched the emptied bar. Her left hand was visibly under the counter. She looked at the new arrival, nodding toward her and doing an uneased smile.
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 21-Jun-22 01:34 PM
Billy squinted her eyes, looking the new arrival, as if squaring her up before she would slowly return the nod. The tenseness looked to leave Billy a bit and she spoke “So, yer the new hire that’s brought hell out to our wee corner of LA. What’s yer name?”
Lucille BOT 21-Jun-22 02:23 PM
"The name's Lucille. "She looked at her, before looking at the street outside through the windows. "I would have liked to not bring it, but it's more their fault. " She bit the interior of her cheeks. "What did Volg told you?"
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 21-Jun-22 02:41 PM
Billy let out a half bitter laugh, and rubbed the back of neck, “ Fuck all… just that you’re runnin’ from a gang o’ sorts n’ to stay away from that Balle woman. He owes me an explanation…” she grumbled before sighing, “Look, I know this in’t yer fault, but my arse is looped into this too. I want to help, I do, but I need to know what we’re werkin’ with. “ She sighed and turned to walk to the back “I’mma call him.” She stated, a bit exasperated at this point as it all began to sink in.
Lucille BOT 21-Jun-22 02:57 PM
"Wait! I... I don't know really Volg, or what he wants really... You have a history with him?"
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 21-Jun-22 03:14 PM
She didn’t slow or stop as she walked to the back of the establishment, “Aye, I werk fer the man. Told him to piss off one night n’ that his cookin’ was shite n’ that I could do better. So I did bet’er n’ now I got a job that’s actually steady n’ pays well n’ I ain’t licken some prick’s boots fer it.” She explained without looking back. She quickly, by memory, dialed his number and pulled the phone to her ear. She quietly grumbled, “Righ’ ol’ man. Pick up.”
Andante [Volg] 21-Jun-22 03:38 PM
The gruff voice sounds somewhat irritated as it picks up the phone, though it always sounds somewhat irritated, idle sounds of rushing wind and the roll of an engine can be heard in the background, seems like he's in a car "Billy?"
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 21-Jun-22 03:42 PM
Billy smiled in a mildly exasperated manner and spoke“Aye, good to hear yer alive! I need a timeline on when you’ll be back fer the chat. Some idea of if I’ll be shanked if I walk to grab a phone n’ such... oh yeah and I met Lucille. “
Andante [Volg] 21-Jun-22 03:49 PM
The Eastern-European man sighs, seemingly exasperated at not being able to get out of this conversation without stringing together at least a sentence or two. "Well, an errand let to another so I may be occupied for the rest of the evening. Also possible I get on location and find nothing there and be back within an hour. 'Sides, don't go burying me over an hour or two's absence. I'll be plenty alive enough to throw you and the Irishman in a communal grave if you've made a mess in my office. I think you should be safe enough to get a phone for now, just get to the nearest shop, don't go deep in the city, better safe than sorry. As for the chat, I have no intentions to delay it, but what just came up is time-sensitive and could potentially solve our issue to an extent."
Lucille BOT 21-Jun-22 04:14 PM
"Well, I got it by shooting him with a shotgun... He surely likes his women daring." She smiled, before chuckling a bit, before having her cheeks turning red.
zemlerojka 1
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 21-Jun-22 04:17 PM
“Right boss. I’ll grab a phone ‘n text ya. I fer one don’t wanna be a sittin’ duck so in 3 hours if I don’t hear back, imma go n’ stay with an ol’ friend who might also be able to hel- “ the woman cut off her sentence to give Lucille a bewildered mildly concerned look before holding her hand over the receiver, “Sorry ya what? Ye fecking shot mah boss … with a … did I mishear ya?”
Lucille BOT 21-Jun-22 04:19 PM
She pulled out the shotgun from behind the counter, showing it with a timid smile. "It's Lucy, and I'm Lucille. Let's just say that Volg... Showed me an other way to live ?" She was confused, and didn't knew how to say what she meant... Or she was hiding the truth from Billy.
Andante [Volg] 21-Jun-22 04:21 PM
From under Billy's palm the voice can be barely made out "Sounds good, I'll hang up now."
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 21-Jun-22 04:44 PM
As the shotgun came out and the phone in her hand clicked, Billy dropped the receiver and went for her belt loop, not for the gun, for her knives in either hand as she pulled herself behind cover. The woman was quick, instinct kicking in… that was until she didn’t hear the telltale snap of the gun. She paused, hearing rather gentle speech than the expected blast of a shotgun. “The feck yer pullin’ that on me fer?” Billy shouted in thick Scottish exasperation. “If I hadn’t half the mind t’ pause I would’a taken a few fingers or worse… “ she scolded, before pointing at her coworker with a blade, “don’t you ever point that at me or Volg, ya hear?” She warned sternly from behind cover still.
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 21-Jun-22 06:06 PM
"'ere so I was thinkin' I didn't actually tell yer this before but..." There was the tone of a familiar Irish accent as a man carrying a box of books infront of him, his coat slung over the top walked in from the direction of the office. His white collar still not straighten and his hair still clearly a mess from the escapades before, he still wore a dopey, dreamy sort of smile. It would have taken a split second, if the situation had been calm, for anyone to would clearly see the man entering the room was a priest, a very dishevelled one, but a priest none the less, harmless to everyone. Unbeknownst to Michael the situation was not calm. (edited)
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 21-Jun-22 06:24 PM
It’s one thing to pull out a gun. It was a whole mother to pull whole ass person on an already stressed Billy. As he spoke, from a darker spot in the hall to the back room, Billy turned round the corner and with a yawp, flung a knife center mass, right toward where a person’s chest would be, right at Michael. She was expecting it to be some wise guy monologuing before choosing to try and kill them, rather than some wise guy monologuing because he was smitten. She only realized too late. The knife sailed through the air and with a resonating thud slammed into the front of the box and embedded itself within the first book rather than the man’s chest (2 suxx). It was enough force to feel the box press against his chest. Billy stopped and squinted before her eyes widened as she started exasperatedly cussing, “Michael, you feckin’ twat! What are ya doin’ back ‘ere. I coulda killed yer sorry self! I know you saw the front door, this is not it!”
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 21-Jun-22 06:36 PM
The only thing Michael saw was a glint in the darkness before the very pointy outline of a throwing knife. He managed to get the first two letters out of the word running around his mind as it hurtled towards him "Fu..." The box felt like a body blow from Mike Tyson. His chest felt the immediate dull and breathless pain as his movement came to a complete stop instead reversing as he hurtled backwards the books and the knife lodged in them leaving his grip as he was catapulted onto his back with a crash. There was silence for a good five minutes until in the darkness the was a raspy, gasping "owie..." followed by another few moments of silence followed by a similar gasping voice, "Medic..."
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 21-Jun-22 06:53 PM
Billie rolled her eyes and began to hurry over, slipping her other knife away. “Oh fer fuck sake. I didn’t throw a hammer at you, it’s a knife. “ she complained before approaching and pulling the box off of him and roughly and without warning began squeeze the sides of his chest, “Oh would you look at that, no broken ribs! Just a bruise later on.” She stated as she stood back up, looking down over the man, her right foot tapping rather rapidly. “Micheal, what the fuck?”
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 21-Jun-22 07:09 PM
Michael was on his back doing his best impression of an flipped over irish turtle. Wheezing as he did. "I didn't expect it yenno, didn't expect ya to be going all crouching scot hidden barmaid on me?" He suspected what came next was because of the hidden barmaid jibe. As she squeezed his sides he made a weird deflating balloon noise as he tried to hold in the pain. He looked up at her gasping again after she let go. "What happened to the bedside manner from before?...I've been the NHS befor' never have they thrown a feckin' knife at me...think they woulda liked to a couple of times but still..." He calmed down slightly clutching his chest. "I came ta' tell yer..." He took a deep breath in. "I didn't tell yer before yer had pretty eyes, an a nice wee face...and yer smile lights up the whole room...and well...yer cute, an lovely...and I really enjoyed my time even thanked the arsehole in the sky for sendin' yer my way yenno not so much the... knifing and the panick attack everything else was really...Great...and yer really sweet when yer not havin ta' go all Glasgow on me." He the man focused on his breathing clutching his chest. "Oh and another thing...Nice throw." He continued to lay on his back looking up at her with a pained cheesy smile. (edited)
@Billy O’Riley (Ash)
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 21-Jun-22 07:41 PM
The small woman stood, looking everywhere except at the priest, visibly losing the fight against the growing embarrassment on her face, she smiled awkwardly and her face quickly flushed. She quietly grumbled, “Yer makin’ it real hard to be upset righ’ now, ya know?” Before letting the smile stay on her face as she bent down and filled the box with the books again, before attempting to dislodge the knife deep in the book before tucking those away as well. She held her hand down to help him up and quietly, almost inaudibly mumbled “Thanks.” She coughed and added, “We’re closed though so… go scurryin’ back to yer church or apartment or what have ye… I’ll se ya tomorrow night.”
Billy O’Riley (Ash) 21-Jun-22 07:59 PM
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 21-Jun-22 08:02 PM
The Priest beamed a grin as he noticed her awkward smile. His featured softened more as he heard the grumbled words. "Aye...well I hope so don't need ya throwin' another one...even kinda' cute when yer grumble." He took her hand and after she had helped placing the books back in the box as he was helped up he dramatically groaned, a bit too dramatically. "Thou 'ast pierced mine heart with the arrow of effection." He tried to do his best Shakespearian accent before looking at her with a raised eyebrow. "too much I know...yer welcome Billy." He tried to looked over the top of her head "Aye well...that'll do. I'll see yer tomorrow night...say yer ain't doin' anything wreckless back there are ya? Besides throwing knives about, no?" (edited)
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 21-Jun-22 08:39 PM
Billy gave a nervous glance over her shoulder at her coworker who would see all of this. She looked back to the Irish man who stood a good but taller than her and, with a smile still on her face spoke with an acidified finger wag, “Listen ‘ere ya wee shite…” before nodding as he acknowledged how much he over did it “good.” She said, trying her best to stuffs a chuckle. As she walked him out the door she replied to him nonchalantly, “Weeeell someone might try to kill me in the next few days so… uhh no promises. “ and with two pats on the back, he was escorted out the door. Once outside of earshot she dropped her voice to something gentle and sweet, “Goodnight Michael, you made my day. “ before moving to close and lock up the door behind him.
Billy O’Riley (Ash) 21-Jun-22 08:39 PM
@Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam)
Father. Michael O'Brien (Liam) 21-Jun-22 08:57 PM
The priest jumped back slightly at the finger wag expecting it to be some new move. He gave a wink but looked somewhat concerned at the mention of someone trying to kill her as he was escorted to the door with his damaged books and bruised chest. He walked along side her the same worried expression. "Well try Nat ta' get yerself killed would ya for me? Cheers." He continued to walk to the entrance. That's when he heard the best words he heard all night. He turned beaming a smile he couldn't continue. He looked over her shoulder to check no one was watching and pecked her gently on the cheek before turning and exiting through the door awkwardly waving with his exited. "Aye, yer made mine too Billy Goodnight and stay safe." Once outside he would take a pencil out of the box scribbling something down on a ripped out clean page and slide it under the door. Lad I'm looking for is a Mister Alexander Montferrier. He's a bit of a Legend, got reports of him in town. If you're going to do anything fucky maybe ask him and tell him I'm looking to have a chat. Michael xx He stood back up with a smile picking up his box of books. "Now where the fecks the church..." He wondered off down the street while singing R.E.M's losing my religion. Exit Michael.
☀️ 1
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 21-Jun-22 09:09 PM
After the woman finished locking up the front door, the paper caught her attention. She took it, holding in her hand as she read it and sighed, “Right… adding Charles to the list of folk I have to speak with.” Before tucking the note away. It was at this time Billy turned around to look back to Lucille, taking a deep breath.
Lucille BOT 22-Jun-22 05:35 AM
"You fucked in that office, am I right ?" She got a large grin, really amused of what happened before her eyes, the shotgun gone back behind the counter.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 22-Jun-22 05:36 AM
@Billy O’Riley (Ash)
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 22-Jun-22 07:36 AM
Billy gave a snort and replied, “Nay, ya definitely woulda known. Just gave him a kiss.” Before walking over to the woman, not quite wanting to kill the light hearted mood, a smile still plastered on her face.
Lucille BOT 22-Jun-22 07:38 AM
"He's good looking, I can give you that. But my concerns and interests are a bit weird, he would not suffice." She smiled before handing her the glass of scotch. "Where are you going to stay?"
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 22-Jun-22 08:02 AM
Billy chuckled before taking the cup with a wordless nod of thanks and replying, “An ol’ pal’s place…” she trailed on looking to Lucille, the smile sinking to a sterner look of contemplation as she chewed her inner cheek. The woman took a sip of the alcohol and asked bluntly, “So who are we goin’ up against? Names, times active, locations, tactics. Gimmie everythin’ ya got.”
Lucille BOT 22-Jun-22 08:05 AM
"I would…" Lucille pressed her lips, visibly frustrated. "But I don’t think Volg would be okay with that. The most I can say is that they are dangerous, like the read-headed girl, and there was more like that. You don’t really fight them, you kinda just run… Or bring a shotgun in the equation. But even there, it’s not sure to work."
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 08:07 AM
Lucille would probably recieve a text to convey to Billy at some point that reads as such:
"Came up empty, stay in the bar, I'm on my way back, we can have the chat. p;s the office better not be a mess or else."
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 22-Jun-22 08:12 AM
Billy tut and gave an over dramatic sigh, “So yer sayin’ you’d rather me go in blind? Come on, at least give me names and faces to avoid!”
Billy O’Riley (Ash) 22-Jun-22 08:12 AM
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Lucille BOT 22-Jun-22 08:15 AM
"Volg is coming.. You should tidy up his office… or else." She showed her the text message.  "I will tell you everything, don’t worry. And I will not let anything happen to you."
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 22-Jun-22 08:21 AM
Billy let out a huff, “Righ’ fine. I’m pretty sure the office is clean still… I’ll double check n’ get changed.” Billy took another sip of alcohol before slipping away upstairs. A minute later she came back down in her jeans , blue tanktop and rain jacket under her arm. Her hair was still tied back.
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 08:35 AM
In probably an hour or so, a somewhat disheveled and annoyed, but completely unharmed looking Volg enters the building "Did the Irishman leave?" Without much ceremony or hellos, he leads with a question
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 22-Jun-22 09:06 AM
By this point, the place was closed and everything was put away and cleaned. “Aye, sir.” She replied
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 09:08 AM
Volg visibly relaxes a bit "I've some questions for the handsome young man so I hope he comes back later. Lucille, stay down here. Billy come with me, we have a chat. Grab a bottle from the shelf you'll likely need it. Unless you already grabbed one when I left." The tone and general mannerisms of the large man would be indistinguishable from normal to most people, but Billy has been around Volg long enough that she can identify when he's extremely serious. Not just grumpy serious. This was the case now as he headed up the stairway to his office (edited)
Billy O’Riley{Mortal} BOT 22-Jun-22 09:14 AM
Without a word, Billy would fall in line behind her boss, she didn’t really want to be drunk tonight, not when she needed her wits about her. The smidgen of liquor Lucille gave her was enough in her eyes. She remained silent, picking up on the serious tone which she herself adopted. Once in the office, Billy shut the door behind them, and waited for the man to speak.
Billy O’Riley (Ash) 22-Jun-22 09:21 AM
@Andante [Volg]
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 22-Jun-22 09:22 AM
(New scene ?)
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 09:22 AM
Hmmm, probably not a bad idea
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] Could you make one for me, I have a giant wall of text copied and I'd rather not move it to a notepad
Laptop's being a buggar
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 22-Jun-22 09:24 AM
Ok bro
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 09:24 AM
(ah god damn it I copied something else will have to retype it)
Billy O’Riley (Ash) 22-Jun-22 09:34 AM
====End==== Recap: After exiting Volg’s office, Billy meets her coworker Lucille for the first time. Despite her best attempts to get information, both Volg over the phone and Lucille are tight lipped. She did, however learn Lucille was the one who shot at Volg with a shotgun. Caught on guard and highly strung, Billy arms herself with her knives and nearly impales Father Michael with them had it not been for the box of books he carried to take the blow. Despite the aggressive act, the man is clearly smitten with Billy and Billy fails to keep a straight face as she escorts him out of the establishment. At the end of the hour, Volg returns
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 22-Jun-22 09:39 AM
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