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Los Angeles: Blood Moon
❌ Past Logs Chapters 8-15 / ❌🌙🟩ch9-dont-go-around-tonight
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 21-Jun-22 07:06 AM
Chapter 8 Location : Parking lot in construction, first floor. Players : @!Your Hyennaes @Alex/Sofie /Stefan @Andante [Volg] ST @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] Previous scene : #❌🌙🟩ch8-i-see-bad-times-today #❌🍕🟩ch8-new-sheriff-in-town-boys (edited)
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 21-Jun-22 07:13 AM
The car rushed in town, trying to go as fast as possible to the place indicated by Diego. There was no chance that they could arrive in time, and yet, if they had a little hope... Soon, the car parked into the first floor, as they could see impact on the grounds, the concrete crushed and cracked there and there, as well as pellets and blood spilled all over the place. The place was empty, except for a bloody trail going in the distant darkness.
Andante [Volg] 21-Jun-22 07:28 AM
The Gangrel without much theatrics started following the trail of blood, looking for where they may have gone not particularly afraid of bodily harm. He wasn't sure if he could find Diego, but he was hoping he might get his hands on an injured Balle at the least
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 21-Jun-22 07:34 AM
Roxanne didn't have hope. Never had. This stupid illusion shit was beaten away, cut away and raped away by her sire as a fact. - Do you hear of feel anything? - She asked quietly Alex as soon as they headed right next to Gangrel. Rox held a military knife and gave Alex a customized shotgun - a shorter one to bring under regular jacket. Nostalgic feelings they told, gonna be ok they told... No. It was not. The past never leaves and the feeling under Rox's cold skin was similar to itching and rotting at the same time. She hated sabbat with all her soul fibres. She fucking could have normal life. Have kids. And occasionally die from the heart attack. If not the jyhad. A crack of her bones in fists was heard pretty loud. She remembered her sire could do that with fire. Damn bad she was not able to do that.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 21-Jun-22 11:54 AM
Alex picked up the shotgun and inspected it. Checking if it was loaded Alex put it under his jacket as he shook his head. "Nope. Lets brace ourselves." He took a deep breath and rolled his head as he got ready.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 21-Jun-22 12:24 PM
They pursued the bloody trail. The could only rely on their surnatural sight or flashlight to see through the darkness surrounding them. At their horizons, cut by concretes collumns, the lights of the city could be seen. As they progressed, they could hear faint sounds, like something metallic put against the ground. It was faint, as tit seemed to be only steps by steps. Really quick, the blood trail stopped. But the sound lingered, further into the dark. You could see that the blood seems to continue, but not in the same direction. Like some drops there and there, going at the left of the trail, toward one of the barrier of this first first floor. @Andante [Volg] @Alex/Sofie /Stefan
Andante [Volg] 21-Jun-22 12:29 PM
Volg stopped for a second. There is confidence in your fortitude and there's plain stupidity after all. Without ever looking away the man will put a hand in his pocket, and quick dial Diego's number, to see if that brings any result. As the dial is sent and he withdraws his arm, where a hand entered a claw leaves. He will then wait to see if there's any lighting up or ringtone, though he's aware most Nosferatu turn those off, no pain in trying
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 21-Jun-22 12:35 PM
A vibraton can be heard in a different direction, not the bloodied trail, not the rest, an other one. Very faint.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 21-Jun-22 12:37 PM
Seeing an opprotunity Alex smiled a little as he says "I have a plan, Those with physical disciplines should take a different route from me. I'm going to take one of the route and make a big show of myself to distract them and you two can move it and flank him."
Andante [Volg] 21-Jun-22 12:41 PM
Volg looks down at the man with a quizzical eyebrow raise "A member of the Chantry not afraid to pit himself at risk. Shit. Now I've seen it all." He then waits until Alex picks a path and will go down another one, with the intent to grab Balle should he get sight of her and an opportunity. He certainly can't keep up with a Celerity user, but he should be able to keep her still if he at least catches her. (edited)
fingerup 1
fire 1
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 21-Jun-22 04:21 PM
Far away, where the metallic sound came, Roxanne saw : the husk of a silhouette ramping on the ground, slowly, going far from them. @!Your Hyennaes
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 22-Jun-22 01:52 AM
Roxanne was not glad. These people didn't have any tactic experience as it seemed. They all are not a put together working group either. What are their chances if there's a sabbat pack? No time to prepare. All on the go. Minimal. She almost smelled pain already. It was too familiar after she smelled the traces of blood. - Alex can you make this thing fly and shoot it when I say? - She asked about the shotgun, - there is no need to s... She stopped when saw a figure from far. - Two o'clock. I saw someone. I'll catch, you flank. Fast. Use blood. You won't need it if you're finally dead, - the last phase sounded cold and emotionless. Shepherd was about to run not yet using celerity but needed to follow and immobilize whoever it was. At least come much closer and then will take care who is it at all.
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 22-Jun-22 02:02 AM
She still tried to go the most safe trajectory close to the columns.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 22-Jun-22 02:04 AM
With the plan changed and due to how the bond works, Alex just looked to Roxanne as he says. "Ok, change of plans. Time to get ourselves a hostage." Alex pulled his shotgun out and cocked it before using sending movement of the mind out to send the shotgun towards whoever was making movement. Alex followed behind it ready to spend more blood and cast again to keep it going as he can only keep it going for 2 turns.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 22-Jun-22 02:32 AM
The silhouette was dried out, almost at the verge of the True Death. Several limbs were broken, and it seemed to drag itself on the ground.
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 03:35 AM
#❌🌙ch7-i-see-trouble-on-the-way The figure was continuous pulling itself along the floor, apparently with a clear goal in mind - a sawed-off shotgun lying in the dust some two meters away. Volg quickly recognized it, by the jackets, by the low but stocky stature. It was Diego. He seemed battered, the jackets torn in places, his shoulders, chest and neck patched with dried blood. It was hard do say if it was his or not, since he boasted an unhealed bite mark on his neck, but also had blood all over his mouth and chin. For the amount of blood they've seen on their way here, that seem like his only visible wound. It was only when they got closer did they see just how ashen and dry his skin and flesh were. One of his hands, sticking out of the sleeve of the jacket was completely ash-gray, shrunken and unmoving, almost as if withering. And judging on the way his figure moved, the clothes hid more damages like that. - ... y'ain't no pretty no more... no pretty no more... no more no pretty... feed you to her dog... fuck... where'd you run off too... - he was delirious, repeating things on and on, but strangely determined in his movements. Wasn't much dignity in the scene. (edited)
sadkitty 1
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 04:06 AM
Volg sighs "That'd be the nossie I mentioned. Should probably stabilize him, he's got our Intel. Any complaints?"
the gangrel poses the question to the sheriffs in a casual tone but he does not yet move nor relax
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 22-Jun-22 04:12 AM
"Hold on, Doctor Kennedy will get him back up..." Alex would take out a flask covered in Alchemical Symbols from his other pocket as he explained. "This should probably get him lucid." Gently Alex moved over to the Nossy and opened the flask as he'd feed the Nosferatu some normal humans blood from his Vessel of Transference. Mostly this was to give him some small blood to either get him lucid or heal some of his wounds.
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 22-Jun-22 04:12 AM
The girl ran faster till she moved close enough to get to the gun. The figure moved slow like the terminator in the terminal stage. The grimace of disgust showed on Roxe's face. - Don't, - One short order cut the air with the nicest women voice that was definitely the one to obey. Command, warrior one. Brujah stepped strongly on the gun and then took it not removing the sight from whoever. Well, he did look like the one he saw at Elysium, but so messy... Shepherd tilted her dead to take a closer look, but it was too dark... - ...move.
- No, Toy boy. Not yet, - she wanted to stop Alex.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 22-Jun-22 04:13 AM
Before he can feed the Nosferatu the blood he passed the vessel to Rox. "Here you go."
then he stepped away.
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 22-Jun-22 04:14 AM
She stopped tremere with the gesture. Her hands were busy with the weapons.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 22-Jun-22 04:14 AM
Alex would notice that and then he just watched carefully.
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 04:23 AM
A small growl came from behind "Listen, Sheriffs, I appreciate the caution, but if you have a plan move on with it, dawdling gets us nothing."
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 04:31 AM
Diego heard a distorted sound. A woman's voice. He stopped and looked at the hazy figure in front of himself. Was Balle back? - ...back for... more..? - sounded neither threatening, nor believable, given the circumstances. But then Diego's misty eyes moved from the figure and onto the annoyingly tall figure in the suit. - ...volg? - he half-whispered incredulously. His voice was tired, as drained spiritually as he was visible. - ...volg... - he repeated, and the sound of it changed. It was puzzled. - ... message... heh... That last bit sounded almost like an unsuccessful cough. But then snickered again, and painfully turned on his back. And on his back, he started half-choking half laughing. - fucked up, bitch... didn't account for everything, did you... gotcha nose, - it looked quite mad, except for the nosferatu's eyes. They were alive. And this wreck of a vampire clearly felt on top of the world, lying and kicking on this concrete floor. - ... can't be too far... She's wounded... Most of her face on the walls and stuck in my teeth... crashed her bike was in front... of the site. (edited)
sadkitty 1
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 04:33 AM
Volg looks down at the man and then looks back at the sheriffs, clearly getting exponentially more impatient, his slight growl grows to even a snarl "There, she's wounded and we know approximately where she is. Now get the rat back in action and let's catch her before she heals. Because if you don't move I will"
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 22-Jun-22 04:35 AM
Alex would move in and pass the Nosferatu the flask full of blood as he says. "Drink up... Anyways let's go get this Caine Worshipping Cocksucker before it's too late. Rox would you be a dear and use your Potence to pick the Nossie?"
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 22-Jun-22 04:37 AM
Roanne nodded to Alex. It seems all good? Well, no much choice anyway. She also had some spare blood bags in mininfreezer, but was not sure if they needed to use them right then. She just took the body accurately from the back to help him get the standing position. She definitely was shorter and smaller then him, but now way stronger.
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 04:38 AM
"I can carry the rat if you want, I doubt I can catch the bitch anyway, probably don't want to slow yourself down"
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 22-Jun-22 04:39 AM
She passed the nosferatu to Volg like a big bloody plush toy. - If we can catch her - I can try.
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 04:40 AM
The man easily lifts him over his shoulder like a potato sack " Well if you do, I can hurt her in a way she can't easily heal up"
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 22-Jun-22 04:41 AM
"Actually yeah... And it would work better since your clan tends to have Fortitude." Alex would look to Roxanne. "Let's go catch us a sabbat bitch, Rox. Also I expect my Vessel returned to me and if it isn't then I'm owed a minor boon."
😳 1
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 04:42 AM
Sensing the blood so near, Diego absolutely bit into the flash, gorging himself on whatever was inside. He hardly had the restrained to not snarl at the woman when she touched him to get him up, and barely noticed getting passed over. But the flask was more important now. Even more important than the remaining information he had. (edited)
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 04:43 AM
"Now go, don't wait for me, I'll be moving behind will try to get this ugly bastard more lucid"
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 22-Jun-22 04:45 AM
- I have no idea what are you talking about, - Roxanne shook her shoulders to Alex, - discuss it later. Well I only have this, 0 she took a regular bright flashlight and stepped back a little, - Can go fast and look around. Diego... Any steaks?
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 22-Jun-22 04:46 AM
Alex revealed the stake he had in his suit pocket. "I got you covered.*
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 04:50 AM
- Stake, - Diego became livid again. The flask was dry anyway. - On the ground here... near. Tried to stake her. Shotgun to the face worked better. Diego tried to stand up tall, but couldn't parts of his body simply weren't responding, like they were dead. - She will have a hard time... moving about... I bit on enough of her face for it to be nigh-impossible to hide.... It will take a lot to heal that... she'll need blood. More than she has... - he looked around... - my back... my phone... the stake... and you... - he looked at the woman. - ... were standing on Shorty... need him Shorty turned out to be the aforementioned sawed-off... (edited)
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 04:52 AM
Volg shakes the man on his shoulder "We'll pick up your toy, but you're not fighting anyone today anymore. We don't exactly have a freezer full of blood to fill you up right now."
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 22-Jun-22 04:54 AM
The girl gave back the shotgun to Diego. - Have one more? - She took the steak, but the question sounded too flirty to Alex at the same time while she already headed to the side to see if there's anyone. - Please stay quiet... I take left side, you go right. Rox was about to see any blood or dirt traces around, tried even to sharpen senses that she never yet had, but who knows...
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 04:55 AM
The larger man started bending down to pick up the Nosferatu's belongings while slowly trailing after the sheriffs a good distance away, but in sight " Alright, Diego. I'll point out how you're a moron when you're nice and healed, until then if you've got any more revelations for us about Balle now's a good time."
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 22-Jun-22 04:55 AM
"I only got one sadly." With that Alex got on the move as he'd move to the Right side.
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 04:55 AM
Volg picks up the stake Diego mentioned being dropped and throws it over to the sheriffs
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 04:59 AM
- That's a special one... - Diego pointed at the stake. - I'll want it back. Indeed it was. It was richly decorated with woodcarvings. He then looked at Volg. Puzzled at first, but then chuckled and slightly spread his hands. - ... All in a day's work. If those are the sheriffs, then this is the best bet they have and getting near Balle any time soon. If the miss her now, she'll be in full strength... And you... I thought you couldn't make it? Diego pained himself to lean down for his phone. And saw the unread message. - ... Ah... Timely... Bale's slightly stronger then me, but not by much. She's way faster though. You don't want to grapple her. That's when it all went bad. (edited)
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 05:03 AM
"Well the Brujah there seems more keen than anyone to put something through Balle's head, so I can only hope they won't dawdle. Besides if you were intending to tail the bitch today you could have told me. Then again the Sheriffs are here because that's why I was busy so maybe it's for the best." Volg hoists the man into a more comfortable position as he keeps following behind slowly "There's more to grappling than just holding onto someone kid, a good grab is to prevent shit going bad. Though holding onto a Celerity user is never fun." (edited)
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 22-Jun-22 05:05 AM
The two Sherrif began to look around, searching for clues, for hint to where she could have gone. The damages done to the concrete were stupendous, as there and there, it seemed to have shattered by the mere brute strenght of the two foes. Roxanne saw a hint of where she could have gone. Or more exactly, thinked directly of where she should have been headed. Looking at the side of the floor, near the fall to the ground, she saw on the concrete a bloody drop, as well as the distinct mark of too much pressure applied, like she used that to propulse herself in the air. @!Your Hyennaes
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 05:07 AM
- Trust me on this, this wasn't about not knowing how do wrestle. She's just that good. I pinned her down, got at her face, her throat. Actually..., - he reminisced. - fuck. We both raged... yeah. That's when it all went to shit and when she freed herself. (edited)
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 05:08 AM
The man quietly chortles "Yeah, can't hold onto someone when frenzying, ya got me there"
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 05:09 AM
Diego was holding his shotgun, tapped at his pockets and found not all ammo was lost. He opened the gun, bulled out the used cartritge, and replaced it. Looking at Volg, he saw the gangrel found his backpack and with a nod took it. - We follow? - he pointed in the direction where the sheriffs were headed. (edited)
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 05:11 AM
the man nods "Aye, but stay a good ways behind. Those two seem better equipped to deal with Celerity speeds than I, and you look like a mild breeze will knock you out."
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 05:15 AM
- Roger that, - ne nodded, and started limping behind Volg. - should have seen the other guy. He chuckled at his own joke, and growled at the pain of laughing. - ...Nothing to heal with... I'll stay way back. Don't want you to have to deal with me frenzying on top of the redhead. (edited)
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 05:19 AM
"Got feeling in your legs yet? I'd spare some blood but I feel that I might need it" Volg waits for the response before, depending on the answer, letting him down on his feet
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 22-Jun-22 05:23 AM
Diego could remember it, the sweet taste of Vitae. The delicious warmth it brought. And he was so cold. The proposition of Volg seemed hard to resist.: @Diego, Bruiser Rat
ohmyy 1
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 22-Jun-22 05:36 AM
Knowing the potence abilities, Roxanne tried to get what kind of force needed there to do that jump, took some meters back and only then looked at the ceiling so she's not standing right there where the enemy could be. Seemed drastic, so Brujah decided to overprotect and get the blod moving over her body, strenthening and making it more capable to deal with damage. No surprises. "Come on, bitch... Show yourself", - she thought, roaming her flashlight holding it in her mouth and holding the knife and stake ready for a hit.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 22-Jun-22 05:38 AM
Roxanne waited. She felt the silence becoming more and more oppressing. Nothing happened. If there was a bitch, she didn't wanted to go toes to toes with her right now.
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 22-Jun-22 05:44 AM
Roxanne didn't plan just to stand and stare. She planned to move. Back, forth, aides looking, searching. "There should not be anyone behind me...", - she thought so to remove her paranoia she made an abrupt move with her knife turning back. Even if anyone would be behind in a hand distance she'd hit this hard. From the side it could look like she decided to practice her expertise with knives.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 22-Jun-22 05:46 AM
As Alex scanned around, the Tremere also did his best to keep an eye on Rox. He wasn't quite notice what she was seeing but he was ready to help with some flanking if needed.
hyena 1
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 05:47 AM
Diego gave Volg the look of a person non too used or pleased with being this cared for. - Yeah... They're moving, they're shambling. We kind of weren't trying to cripple each other, so they are in one piece... - he growled a bit. And the beast growled back. - You know... that last offer doesn't even sound too bad... The idea sounded wonderful, actually. After all, if Volg had blood to spare, nothing wrong about sharing, right? - Maybe the best I've heard in this place... I'd... - he hissed through his teeth from pain, after moving tiny bit too fast. - ...I'd take up up on that... (edited)
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 05:52 AM
The Gangrel, put an enormous claw on the Nosferatu's back, could be taken as a friendly gesture, were it not for how deep they pressed in. As he looked the man in the eyes with a cold, steely look. No words were uttered, but the meaning was clear. He's on Diego's side now. But that can change if Diego forgets himself
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 06:09 AM
Diego looked him in the eye. The hunger was still there, but the determined expression gave off way more than that. - Then would you kindly not mention your blood, Mister Volg,- seethed the nosferatu, leaning forward and freeing himself of the now backhanded support. - Then I'd be able to focus on watching your back, and not getting distracted. Leave the pleasantries to the bluebloods. (edited)
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 06:12 AM
Volg lets the Nosferatu down entirely and with a growl acknowledges that Diego has more or less controlled himself "As long as we understand each other." Clearly the Gangrel barely trusted the Nosferatu in his current state to properly watch his back
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 06:16 AM
- They're moving too slow, - he pointed ahead. - Like they barely want to catch her. She's leaking all over, leaving a nice trail, but I picked this place specifically so I'd have multiple directions to escape. And the best way around us... Diego looked up. - above us. If she gets to second floor, she can avoid us entirely. From there.... well, her bike was in the front.
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 06:28 AM
"I thought you broke her bike."
The Gangrel cracks his neck and Diego can see his veins twitch "Fine, if you can stand in your own, that means I can hunt instead of babysitting."
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 07:28 AM
- It's in one piece. Can't vouch that Balle won't be able to unbend whatever got bent, - said the nosferatu, before stopping and leaning against the wall. - Good hunting. Careful, wouldn't want to babysit you. And Diego closed his eyes. Allowing the shadows to envelope him. [Obfuscate 1-2] (edited)
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 22-Jun-22 07:30 AM
Volg thoughted quicly, and followed the bloodied spot by sight. The logical action would be to go on street level and ran away... And she's surely gone by now, if she's a little more abled than Diego. If not, she would have attacked them surely. As he came at the ground level, he saw a silhouette standing near a the bike. Blond man, with a white outfit. He wore also what seemed to be sunglasses and had one foot on the bike, seemingly perplex. @Andante [Volg]
"Hey there, it was quit a mess you did there, hey. She got you badly or not ?" He pushed up his sunglasses with a cool smile, staring at him on the side. Volg when approaching him felt really safe, like meeting an old friend, or a savior of the day. He couldn't help to restrain a smile creeping up on his face.
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Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 07:42 AM
"Sorry kid, got the wrong guy, I just got here. Can I get a name?" The expression on the Gangrel's face couldn't quite be described as a smile, but it's as close he got to it
??? BOT 22-Jun-22 07:47 AM
"The name's is Mister White." He showed you the outfit, as he removed his shoe from the moto. "You sure seem to be the tracking fellow. Well, good luck with this one, she's a dangerous one." He began to walk away, grabbing a garbage bag on the ground. @Andante [Volg]
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 07:48 AM
"And I'm sure you're not at all involved in this, huh?"
??? BOT 22-Jun-22 07:51 AM
"I'm more of a curious fellow, passing by. And I wouldn't get my hands dirty."
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 07:52 AM
"Don't suppose you saw where she took off, Mr. White?"
??? BOT 22-Jun-22 07:56 AM
"I would have love to see that... But no, sadly, she don't seemed to have bother to pick up her garbage." He waved a hand in the air, as a goobye. "I would say she surely left by foot, but I'm not that of a tracker. Good luck!"
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 07:57 AM
"By foot eh, that's good news. Thanks for the help" The Gangrel then will stop for a second, crouch down, try to retrace his earlier tracking mindset and then take off full sprint where he thinks she may have gone. He will keep this up for a bit, or until the trail runs cold
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 22-Jun-22 07:59 AM
The trail ran cold, as visibly she was not in the neighbouring places. He didn’t found a step trace either in the dust near the worksite.
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 08:01 AM
With an exasperated sigh the claws retract, and Volg will pull out his phone and dial Alex "She's outta here. Afraid we're a bit late. I need to get back to my domain and make some preparations. You know the situation now, you do what you do."
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 08:18 AM
Diego slowly walked to the front. Bu the time he got to the front gates to the site, he only saw Volg, putting the phone away from his ear. - No luck? - he asked, approaching. (edited)
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 08:19 AM
"I've confirmed she's fucked off far, she gets away today. But you're not dead either so we'll call it a draw. I've got to reinforce my Bar about now, so I'll be leaving."
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 08:20 AM
- You got the number on these... sheriffs? - Diego asked, turning around, looking into the black of the construction site.
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 08:20 AM
"Sure do, I'll text you them. I can drop you off somewhere if it's on the way."
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 08:22 AM
- Need to return something of mine off them. And discuss other matters. You are already privy to them, - said Diego, before turning back to look at Volg again. - I'll keep you to your word though: next time I'm trailing Balle, I'll call you in advance. Even the high collars didn't quite hide the smirk. (edited)
Andante [Volg] 22-Jun-22 08:24 AM
Volg corrects his suit and turns to leave. "Yeah, you do that. And go find yourself a snack, don't want the California wind to turn you to dust."
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 08:28 AM
- I've won you a day or two. She won't barge in until she heals up, and it won't happen overnight, - Diego added the numbers to his contact list and started typing out a message:
It's Diego. Waiting outside. Things to discuss
- Something like that is worth a bit of bruising on the sides, - with the last phrase, he looked at his withered arm, trying to move his fingers. Diego fully turned his face to the site, releasing Volg of this conversation, and waiting on the sheriffs.
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 22-Jun-22 09:27 AM
Rosanne at some point understood she just loses time. So she turned in search of Alex and then go speak to whoever was left.
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 09:28 AM
Diego was in front of the construction site, waiting on them.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 22-Jun-22 09:29 AM
Watching as nothing happened and the search coming up dry, Alex reunited with Roxanne as he silently walked back with her to to meet with the other two.
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 22-Jun-22 11:38 AM
- So... I guess nothing here? - She was disappointed. Nevertheless she was very curious to speak to the victim of the circumstances.
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 11:44 AM
- Mister Volg thinks so. He departed, - Diego looked at the motorcycle on the ground, trying to figure out which parts of it were bent. - You missed her by a heartbeat. My guess - she got to second floor and avoided you entirely on the way out. My plan originally. Diego reached out a hand to the guy, but not for a shake. He had the flask in it. - My thanks. I return this. And you have the stake, with the carvings on it. The gunrunner took a good look at the woman. - So you're the new sheriff. I am sure I recognize you from somewhere, far removed from the Prince's office. Name's Diego. (edited)
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 22-Jun-22 12:31 PM
- Well, We both are sheriffs actually. I'm Roxanne Shepherd, Transportation LA, I run true metal business in here, - she laughed, hinting about the precious metals.
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 01:31 PM
- Ah... I have... colleagues, who've mentioned you and your business, - Diego nodded, recalling word from his retainers. - Quite a step up in career. The gunrunner took his back off and stuck the sawed-off inside. This time he remembered to unload it. - From where I'm standing, you'll need all the help you can get. You're welcome to get in touch with the Nosferatu, when you need support. And you're welcome to get in touch with me, if you're in need of guns. That would be my business. Diego waited on the stake, to put it in the backpack as well. - Now, the introductions are in order, there is a questions to be resolved. Sabbat have an insider, they're getting information off them. Whether of their own accord, or under duress - fucked if I know.
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 22-Jun-22 01:40 PM
Brujah nodded. - Thanks. Well... If there's a mole - that's a shit. We were about to tell every Kindred to make sure they get their heavens better protected during the day as they're recruiting mortals to ghouls.
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 01:48 PM
- Yes, ran into a group of six down in the sewers. Knocked them out, but somebody followed them and killed before I was able to return for them, - the gunrunner touched his chin and noticed blood on the tip of his fingers, realizing just how messed up he probably looked. - Roger. So the info on the mole is unrelevant then? Just board up the havens and be happy ghouls don't know how stick cloth into a bottle with gasoline.
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 22-Jun-22 01:53 PM
- Irrelevant? No, I don't think so. Indeed you just told about it yourself, haven't you? I would still get the better haven protection. Jenny.. uh... my Sire would load every room with weird shit devises...
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 02:05 PM
Diego smiled. He hoped the new sheriff would be better at catching the Sabbat than she was at catching sarcasm. - Oh, good. Since it's relevant, ma'am, I'd be happy to offer my help. But you know how it works. I help you, you help me. But at least I can assure you, that if you agree - it will help the cause.
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 22-Jun-22 02:20 PM
- Yes, I know how things work, but you better think twice if the price is not too big, You rats tend to overstate the prices, and I am in a trade business after all, - she chuckled, - sometimes we just work together to live better side by side. I hope you know what I mean. so Let's not overcomplicate this shit, will we? [Enchanted voice, natural born leader, leadership 3, charisma 4. Eat this.]
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 02:38 PM
Sounded reasonable, except that Diego was sure his offer fair for the situation. - I think you might like it, actually, especially now that you're in your new position and will need information on a regular basis. I know the clan of the spy and am willing to not only share it, but also help out. And up-to-date list of clan members still active in LA would be valuable in this and other investigations, now and in the future, - Diego leaned forward. - I'm sure you see a beneficial partnership.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 22-Jun-22 02:41 PM
As Roxanne talked with the Nosferatu, Alex could be seen taking his vessel back and carefully putting it away. "Nosferatu are amazing at what they do. So I'm happy to have you working with us. Perhaps we can officially make you a hound."
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 02:42 PM
- Never got to hear your name, by the way, - Diego nodded to the pretty boy.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 22-Jun-22 03:00 PM
Due to using Impressive Vissage, Alex was nearly Appearance 6. Smilling to Diego he gave a bow. "I am Alex Kennedy of Clan Tremere. The 2nd Sheriff and the one who usually acts as the face."
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 22-Jun-22 03:01 PM
- Oh, so you are the good cop, - Shepherd added with irony.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 22-Jun-22 03:05 PM
"Mmmm I wouldn't say good. Because that implies a guy who gaslights and charms information out of people through blood magic is better then someone who likes busting kneecaps. I'm the sweet one and you are the sour one." He gave that classic smug look to Roxanne.
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 22-Jun-22 03:08 PM
- Be careful with that smile Toy-boi, I can break teeth same well, - it was more of a jokingly then somewhat serious. - Listen, Diego, we just try to be as fair as needed, no one beats the shit and secrets out anyway. You givaway only the info that can be shared AND benefits the case. I don't need to know what type of panties Gary has.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 22-Jun-22 03:12 PM
Alex gave a little laugh as he explained. "You forget that I can just heal my teeth back. Hard to threaten bodily injury on an immortal." sighing a little Alex explained. "Yeah you aren't in any trouble. After all its not you we are after." when Roxanne made her joke Alex playfully answered. "Oh! Oh! I know this one! He wears white boxers with hearts on them."
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 22-Jun-22 03:15 PM
- You read my mind, - she grinned quietly to Alex.
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 03:20 PM
- Alex Kennedy? A clanmate of mine spoke quite.... fondly of you. Vincent, if you recall, - Diego maintained the politeness, but it was actually becoming a bit painful to do so. Looking at Alex, despite all the good Vincent has said of him, Diego saw a pristine example of human beauty. As if the person he was talking to walked off a modelling podium. For the first time in his un-life, Diego knew exactly why Gary embraced Amelia. Alex's beauty was irritable, unignorably, suffocating so. It got to the point that his hand, neck, ribs started hurting more than they were before. - You are... so very charming together. As I said, I am happy to share it. But we need those lists. After all, one day soon you will need info on somebody in the domain. And you will be happy that we had time to get it for you. (edited)
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Roxanne Shepherd BOT 22-Jun-22 04:03 PM
- You're right. It will come in handy for both of us. And Alex is right too. If you want more involved in the stuff - you're welcome to the team. Our Prince is very much concerned her as will be baked soon from the higher authorities as far as I understand how the things are usually done.
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 04:11 PM
Diego shook his head. - A hound is a busy little bee. Once you're in that job - you're in deep, little time for anything else, and I'm not much of a career person. I'm offering to help out with this little thing we have right now, on the conditions I've offered, - the nosferatu put the carved stake into the backpack and throw it on his shoulders. - And I think you know I will be of use here. After all - you've seen the trails of blood Balle was leaving behind and you can imagine how it would turn out differently if we'd been here as a team. And so do I. But anything beyond that you'll have to run though Gary first. If he gives his say-so - I'm yours. He offered his hand for a shake. - Deal? On the kindred lists, on the spy's clan and on help with the Sabbat in the city right now.
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 22-Jun-22 04:48 PM
Rox thought that it was not the first time within these few nights she shakes hands with a Nosferatu. She made a deal. - Say hello to Vincent, - she grinned.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 22-Jun-22 04:50 PM
"Say hi to Vincent for me aswell." Alex offered his perfect smooth hand to the Nosferatu to shake.
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 05:18 PM
Diego shook the hand. - We're looking for a gangrel, Roxanne. He or she has been to the city for a month at minimum, but probably longer. My guess is this gangrel is the reason Volg in particular was visited tonight and prior to that. He was singled out for strength and threat. With that said, Diego turned to Alex. He's seen people hesitate, cringe even, before shaking hands with nosferatu. He always found it funny, laughable. How the tables have turned. He extended his hand, but his fingers recoiled at the last second, almost curling into closed fist, but he instantly restrained himself and reached out with a strong, try-hard handshake. - Pleasure... certainly, - Diego said, slightly tense and unwinking. He then stepped back. - I have you're numbers, I'll keep you up to date on any findings. Doing the same might be beneficial to you. I'll send you an address for the lists and will be happy to tell the clan that the new Sheriffs are good for collaborations.
Roxanne Shepherd BOT 22-Jun-22 05:21 PM
- That would be amazing, - She nodded, - you cans end us your number as well with the address, - was good to finally talk to you Diego. Don't get into trouble again, - she smirked.
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 05:24 PM
- You should be counting on me getting in trouble. It put you closer to the Sabbat, then even Alex was in the factory. Good night, ladies and gents, - he nodded and went back to the motorcycle. He kneeled down to it, grabbed whatever seemed like the most important thing for its work, and tore it. And after that he departed, obfuscated by the city shadows.
!Your Hyennaes 22-Jun-22 05:42 PM
[End scene]
Diego, Bruiser Rat 22-Jun-22 06:10 PM
Recap: Heading to the location sent by Diego the nosferatu, Volg the gangrel and the new Sheriffs, Roxanne and Alex Kennedy, arrived at the multifloor parking construction site, where the nosferatu supposedly had a fight with a suspected Sabbat member Balle. At the site, they found signs of combat, blood trails, and finally - Diego himself. Badly hurt, drained and almost diablerized, he yet managed to survive his altercation with Balle and also seemingly seriously wounded her in return. After a quick search, the kindred realized they've barely missed Balle, maybe even prompting her escape. For Volg, this idea was made even likelier by a chance meeting with a mysterious Mr. White, an unknown persona, radiating trustworthiness and friendliness. Volg watched Mr. White depart and soon left himself. Diego stayed long enough to properly introduce himself to the Sheriffs and to make a pact with them, hopefully for mutual benefit. (edited)
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