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Los Angeles: Blood Moon
❌ Past Logs Chapters 8-12 / ❌💀🟩ch8-the-low-start
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 18-Jun-22 05:57 PM
Chapter 8 Location: La streets closer to "The last round" Players: Tash, Juan-Paul ST: @!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) Previous scenes: #❌💀🌙🟩ch7-uneasy-burden (edited)
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 18-Jun-22 06:31 PM
Jean-Paul has learned his lesson, and no, it has nothing to do with the fact that there are a lot of homeless people around, or the fact that Jean-Paul is clearly too well dressed to be in this area of LA, it's more that he's scared that he'll meet his stalker around her, so he's got his bodyguard walking right behind him. (He's dressed like that) He seems to be just getting to know the area of downtown Hollywood, although avoiding to go to the fancier places, surprisingly.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 18-Jun-22 07:06 PM
The girl was pretty close to the territories she should definitely avoid. That's why she was here. As always looking for trouble and gossips. She was not tall, rather small, dark-haired dressed in a dark hoodie, jeans and sneakers (maybe a bit more expensive as was required in here). Occasionally her eye noticed a man with a bodyguard. She was using the services like that for a pretty long time herself so it was not difficult to find out that is a one. And only then she realized she knows the man. Seemed like the movie director. She stopped her walk obviously noticing the guy. It was strange to see him here. Does he have any business in The Last Round? Anarch business? Interesting. Just for a few moments she froze indecisive if she needs to interact with that man.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 18-Jun-22 07:14 PM
"Oh my God" Jean-Paul notices that she's looking at him, he doesn't know at this point if she's going to be another stalker or just a kindred... or whatever, but he makes sure to let his bodyguard know he wants him even closer right now, just in case. He's internally praying that she's not another weirdo, but at this point... he's expecting anything. He'll keep walking with a purpose to the same direction after the small stop to talk to his bodyguard, and pretend he's not looking at the girl, but he will activate Heightened Senses, just so he can pay attention to her without having to look directly.
hyena 1
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 18-Jun-22 07:26 PM
Just one look away was enough for Tash being closer to dark part of the street to use obfuscate. The guard didn't see that, but Jean-Paul's feelings and his ability to see through mortal mind border still saw the girl. Tash smiled continuing to watch.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 18-Jun-22 07:32 PM
"Okay, since you're with me, I am not going to be scared of this, it's clearly just someone who can't stay hidden even from me" He says to his bodyguard, and decides to go where the black-haired woman is. Since he's with his bodyguard, he feels more confident. "Are you another stalker? Because if you are, I swear that I won't be nice like I was last time"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 18-Jun-22 07:47 PM
Tash raised a brow in surprise. - Oh... You do see me, - she appeared again, - interesting... Not sure what stalker do you mean anyway. You're in trouble? She made an evaluating look at his bodyguard from top to bottom. - At least I can see you're trying to protect yourself. I can advise taking two, - she smiled, - one can be easily 'removed outta the way'... She showed a finger towards her temple hinting about dominate.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 18-Jun-22 07:51 PM
"One is fine if I'm dealing with a weirdo... no, I'm not in trouble, I just met a big fan of my work, I guess, or of me, I honestly couldn't tell" He scratches the back of his head. "As if I would have a muse like her" He scoffs. "She's not even a good actrice"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 18-Jun-22 07:55 PM
The girl grinned wider. - Oh yeah. I can understand, - for some reason it sounded like she really knows the shit, - so what are you doing here?
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 18-Jun-22 07:59 PM
"Getting to know the city, I arrived really recently here, haven't had the chance to explore further than Hollywood, although, that is, arguably, the best place to be in..." He chuckles. "Your perfume smells really good, is it Français?"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 18-Jun-22 08:13 PM
- Well thanks. It's Italian, - she smiled, - Christal noir by Versace actually. So you're new? What's your name? She indeed knew, but need to know if he's the one for sure. Or maybe lying?
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 18-Jun-22 08:15 PM
"Jean-Paul du Toit, looking for inspiration in the City of Angels, at your service" He does a little flourished bow. "And what is your name? You seem rather well dressed for the area... not that I'm one to talk"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 18-Jun-22 08:36 PM
- Oh, so you're the director, nice. I thought you have a familiar face. You can call me Alex, - she offered him a hand. - So you are... The late-night-worker team huh? - She asked. Jean-Paul could recognize a slight Russian accent while she spoke.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 18-Jun-22 08:43 PM
"Uhm... not sure what that's supposed to mean, but currently I'm not working, as I said, I just came here to learn, really" He looks around. "The city has less pigeon than Paris, I have to say, I kind of miss them... but the citizens are all interesting, with the exception of this weirdo that followed me all the way from France to here just to threaten me with all sorts of weird stories she made up" He clenches his fist. "God, I'm still mad at her, how dare she talk to me like that, how dare she say she is my, MY" He points at himself. "Muse... I deserve a better looking muse than that at the very least" He shakes his head. "I'm sorry, enough about me... what are you doing around here?"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 18-Jun-22 08:50 PM
- Oh my! The girl came from France. You must be good, - she laughed, - I'm ok to listen. Actually I'm here just sniffing around the area. I'm a bit new too. I was in LA but... When I was not involved into all that night stiff. What are you by the way? She looked not tense at all, but there were some suspicious notes to her still.
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 18-Jun-22 08:50 PM
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 18-Jun-22 08:55 PM
"I'm... sorry?" He moves closer, and closer, until he's in whispering distance. "Listen, didn't you learn from your sire or whatever that you can't talk about this stuff in public? Even if I'm an Anarch I've gotta be discreet"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 18-Jun-22 09:03 PM
- You can tell it very quiet to me, I promise I will not scream about who you are, - she hissed laughing.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 18-Jun-22 09:06 PM
"Wouldn't you rather go somewhere else? I mean, the Last Round bar is a good place for chatting... and it's got some more people like us, not too far from here either"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 18-Jun-22 09:09 PM
- Sure! Let's go. A bar filled with vampires, what can possibly go wrong if you know you're literally a sweet? She came closer and headed into the bar. Also she took her phone and texted something.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 18-Jun-22 09:11 PM
To be fair, it was the first time Jean-Paul was headed there too, he wasn't sure how the other kindred were over there, but they were of the same sect, at the very least, so he shouldn't have any problems. Or so he hoped. Jean-Paul will go into the bar after Natasha, but he will bring his ghoul with him, just in case.
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 18-Jun-22 09:13 PM
The bar was filled with life. No matter how many vamps were there. A huge rock-ish guy looked at newcomers like they were shit, but didn't even say hello. Bartender was serving some people, so the place just lived its life.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 18-Jun-22 09:17 PM
Jean-Paul will look for a table to sit by with Natasha so they can talk. When he does, he will take a seat and take a deep breath. No, it certainly is not his scene, but, he feels safe in there. "Tell me about you first"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 18-Jun-22 09:21 PM
Probably for Jean-Paul it was not be more safe then here in the company of big hairy guys, but not for Tash. She sat at the table and asked a glass of water and a tissue. - What do you want to know?
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 18-Jun-22 09:24 PM
"Seeing as you seem to know so much, what are you? A kindred, or a ghoul? And of what clan? After you answer that... I guess I'll indulge you"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 18-Jun-22 09:25 PM
She smirked getting her water and rubbing finger just across the edge of the glass. - I'd like you try to guess.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 18-Jun-22 09:31 PM
"That's going to be an easy one..." He will drag his chair closer to her and put his ear close to her to see if he can hear any heartbeats.
"If had to guess, you're a ghoul... and you smell so good" He takes in some of her scent. "But I don't think I can guess what clan your domitor belongs too, they have good tastes though"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 18-Jun-22 09:42 PM
She dropped her sight like she got a compliment to get shy. - He does, - "at some things", she thought after, - just... he'll be really pissed off if you touch me. You know what I mean, right? - She knew he's a vampire after that for sure. Also not really sure what clan.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 18-Jun-22 09:48 PM
"We do not like it when people mess with our ghouls, that's quite true" He nods. "But, seeing as you asked, I suppose it's fair that I answer you, I am a Rose... well, of the Clan of the Rose, however you want to see it"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 18-Jun-22 09:49 PM
- Not surprising I guess... You're a creator, - she smiled, - so you're with them? - She pointed somewhere to the main room mentioning Anarchs in general.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 18-Jun-22 09:53 PM
"A free spirit, a free thinker... although... not exactly like these ones, clearly they don't need bodyguards" He says with a chuckle. "And what about your... domitor? What sect do they belong to?"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 18-Jun-22 10:02 PM
She chuckled. That was definitely an attempt of feeling the kind of emotion, but... like it could not go through, she just could not. So Tash stayed a bit confused and smiling. - Well, frankly... We're not sure any more... It was camarilla before we moved, but... It's a long story and you better speak to him personally.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 18-Jun-22 10:07 PM
"Interesting... well, maybe I will speak to him, where can I find him?" Depending on who it was... it could be an interesting experience.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 18-Jun-22 10:15 PM
- I will let him know. He will be interested to know new people from any side. But... Just want to tell you some. I was talking to anarchs. Pretty a lot, frankly. She made a voice a bit more quiet like talking to herself so only he could hear. - I know it still can sound weird because of my state and I hope you will not blaim me for that. I never felt more free then now. So whatever you can ell about camarilla. I do have my own point of view.
- I can not blame them for their way of doing things.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 18-Jun-22 10:19 PM
"I'm not... very familiar with the Camarilla, I just met a Harpy the other day, but that's the most personal contact I've had with them in my whole unlife" He shrugs. "All I can say is what people say, but that's biased"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 18-Jun-22 10:21 PM
- That's for sure. How come you became a vampire? Seems that topic interested her.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 18-Jun-22 10:25 PM
"My sire saw me as I was about to jump from the top of the Eiffel Tower... but she ran up there with her faster than light speed and convinced me to not take my life... she kissed me, and embraced me right then and there, it was beautiful" No, that's definitely not how it happened, but that sounds much more dramatic than the truth.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 18-Jun-22 10:39 PM
"Don't bullshit the bullshiter", - Tash thought. But she needed to admit the current one was pretty sweet so Kirov decided to play by his rules. Maybe the described was even possible, but... Well, she'll find out occasionally. - That's such a nice story, - she smiled with the romantic feeling, - I am stopping myself from asking what brought you there to the tower top...
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 18-Jun-22 10:43 PM
"If an artist is going to die, he has to have a glorious death, why not let it be falling from the tallest wonder created by humans?" He says with some pride. "What made you leave Russia and come to the United States?"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 18-Jun-22 10:44 PM
- Am I that obvious? What betrayed me? She was interested. Was that am accent or something else...
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 18-Jun-22 10:46 PM
"I have good ears, I could perceive your accent rather well... but you did a good job of hiding it, I just don't know why you did it"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 18-Jun-22 10:48 PM
- I have my reasons. Anyway... I was following my heart and came to US to get married, - she smiled, - but it just didn't work out.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 18-Jun-22 10:51 PM
"Getting married" He rolls his eyes. "Why would you imprison yourself at such a young age? Well... you ended up doing it anyway, unintentionally... uhm... but marriage is something that never passed by mind, not even when I was alive, maybe when I got older, like in my late thirties, after enjoying life"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 18-Jun-22 10:54 PM
She spread her arms. - I like to live large, you can not blame one for that, - she smiled, - Russian style of doing things huh... But still. I don't feel any imprisonment. I am free. Whatever anyone says. The other stuff is just my own choice. - How old are you? Like... For real?
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 18-Jun-22 10:59 PM
"I'm twenty seven... I was embraced when I was twenty three, but, you know, it's not like there's a huge difference in these years, so I'm just living my life as myself" He shrugs. "What about you? How old are you?"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 18-Jun-22 11:38 PM
- Let's say I am twenty four... Do I look good? - The question had some strange nostalgic feeling. The chance of becoming a nosferatu still was right over there... And if Adam becomes anarch - nothing will stop him from turning her. How fucking convenient.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 18-Jun-22 11:44 PM
"I think you do look quite good, your eyes and hair match your skin tone perfectly" He watches her carefully analyzing that. "And you do know how to choose clothes well... you just need to... be more extravagant"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 19-Jun-22 12:28 AM
She chuckled gladly. - Na-ah, I don't want to be too much noticable. But I admit I used to wear a lot of stuff even the style of 50-s gal. Kirov laughed, made a sip of water. - Wanna treat me? I have no idea what sort of shitty food they do here, - she giggled quietly but the last phrase also read just for Jean Paul.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 19-Jun-22 12:31 AM
"Sure... do you want me to go order something for you, or would you rather go take a look yourself?" He doubts that the food they have in this place is good at all. The drink might be good though... the beer, to be specific. But Jean-Paul was never one to drink beer, he'd prefer to have wine, champagne or cocktails.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 19-Jun-22 12:35 AM
- Well, go order something and then we'll wait for a surprise ahahah! I have no idea. But not vegetarian please. I'm more of a predator, - she smiled.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 19-Jun-22 12:37 AM
"I doubt they'd have anything vegetarian here" Yes, he is snubbing the place, even though it belongs to his fellow Anarchs. He will head to the bartender to order something for his table. "Good evening"
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 19-Jun-22 12:39 AM
The bartender seemed not really young . A man knowing his job though. When Jean Paul came closer, he stopped polishing the counter and was all ears. - What can I get you?
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 19-Jun-22 12:41 AM
"Two beers, and... what's on the menu tonight? Actually, don't tell me, just surprise me, give me something you think I'll enjoy" He will just wait for the glasses of beer to be served so he can take them back to the table, because the food will probably take a while longer.
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 19-Jun-22 12:49 AM
The bartender nodded and passed some kind of order to the kitchen.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 19-Jun-22 12:50 AM
- That was fast. Do you plan to drink that? - She asked about beer.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 19-Jun-22 12:52 AM
"Only if I wanted to puke my guts out..." He'll hand one over and keep the other. "But pretending is what we do best, so I got one for me as well"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 19-Jun-22 12:55 AM
- Well I have no idea if I would us spend money on the garbage, - she shook her shoulders. - But I know many of... you... like this kind of stuff. What did you like before?
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 19-Jun-22 12:59 AM
"I was born in a rich family, and in France, so I was more used to... wine, champagne, cocktails, rather than beer or this kind of thing they serve here... still, I'm looking for experiences, so, it works for me" He shrugs. He will at the very least bring the beer near his nose so he can feel its scent. "Bitter, I hate it"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 19-Jun-22 01:00 AM
Tash didn't touch the beer. - And what about food?
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 19-Jun-22 01:02 AM
"It'll get here, eventually... don't worry about it" He chuckles. "Are you really feeling that hungry?"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 19-Jun-22 01:14 AM
She laughed. - No, no, I mean what about the food you liked before? I only know about frogs and snails and cheeze, - she grinned.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 19-Jun-22 01:16 AM
"Lobster, cheese, lamb... I did enjoy the best of European cuisine before my embrace, so at least I can't complain about that" He smiles at that. "What types of drinks and foods do you like, mademoiselle Alex?"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 19-Jun-22 01:23 AM
- A lot actually. I love lamb, I like lobsters, beef, nicely done ham with the side. I like expensive food. Usually doesn't matter which one. So I used to try a lot of weird stuff. Brains, crickets, and such... Most of time expensive dishes are given in a certain Queen way, you know...
hyena 1
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 19-Jun-22 09:59 AM
A spoiled kid. Not too different from him. Well, there is one big difference, which is the fact that he's a vampire and she isn't. "I'm not entirely sure if I know what you mean by the Queen way"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 19-Jun-22 06:11 PM
She took her mobile phone (very modern one) and in her hands showed him a few photos from the internet of some weird things marked as "Spinach drops with ham" that looked like fish eggs and such. - Molecular gastronomy... Useless as shit but looks way interesting and there's almost nothing to eat, - she laughed.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 19-Jun-22 06:15 PM
"Haven't heard of that... I was almost expecting that you meant that you wanted someone to always be serving you your food or something like that" He laughs a bit. "I do miss the feasts I used to have with my family... not that I ate a lot, mind you, but it was fun either way"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 19-Jun-22 06:16 PM
- My family was not reach. It's just me being ambitious, huh...
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 19-Jun-22 06:17 PM
"And how is it that you make all your money then? Does your domitor give it to you, or do you work?"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 19-Jun-22 06:18 PM
That time Tash was laughing very loud imagining Adam getting money to her. Well. It was possible even in a short time, but for now it just sounded funny. - Let's say I work...
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 19-Jun-22 06:23 PM
"Okay... and what do you work with? Technically you do know what I do for a living... I guess it's fair if I get to know what you do too"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 19-Jun-22 06:28 PM
- Fair. I could tell I am working right now too. Gather and trade the most 'interesting facts', - that would much more get the idea she's a nossie ghoul, - I know how to keep secrets secret, - she winked.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 19-Jun-22 06:31 PM
"Trading information and keeping secrets, huh? What did you say I'd get if I got both clan and situation correct?" He knows she didn't say anything, but that's kind of obvious to him now, so he wants to see what he can get out of it.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 19-Jun-22 06:34 PM
She chuckled and got a sip of water: - Sad expression on your pretty face of me losing my pretty face in some time. Am I right? - She smiled, and again something stopped the blocked emotion, so the smile kind of froze on her face.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 19-Jun-22 06:39 PM
"Are you okay?" He asked after noticing that the smile on her face just didn't go away. That didn't look very natural. "Your face looks... paralyzed"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 19-Jun-22 07:32 PM
- Uhm, Y-yeah, - she was still having that nice smile on her face, - it's just I guess you're about I don't feel sad about anything, right?
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 19-Jun-22 07:40 PM
"That's... strange" He looks at her thoughtfully. A life without all the emotions... is it really a life? "When did you notice that you couldn't feel sad anymore?"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 19-Jun-22 07:42 PM
She chuckled: - It's just I messed with one malkavian... Anarch actually. I guess he wsnted to calm me down. Well. He did. It's like almost a month I can not get sad any more, - she laughed, - that's weird as hell. I feel a psychopath.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 19-Jun-22 07:44 PM
"Hm... maybe we can try to find someone to heal you? Not that I really would be able to know where to look, maybe I could ask..." He shook his head before he started giving out more information. "How do you feel about the possibility of getting embraced?"
omg 1
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 19-Jun-22 08:00 PM
Natasha tensed. Visibly. - I have this going, I know it. It's a matter of time. Why?
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 19-Jun-22 08:04 PM
"Do you really want to give up this life you're clearly enjoying to end up lurking in the sewers and end up being despised by most people in kindred society? I know, it's unfair... but that's how life is for people of the clan of your domitor"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 19-Jun-22 08:06 PM
It seemed the topic in not of the nicest ones for her. - You don't need to remind me what's the sewer life is. I know it well. And if what I hear is a generous offer - I really appreciate but... I better hold it...
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 19-Jun-22 08:08 PM
"I could be willing to owe a major boon to your domitor in exchange to becoming yours instead... you'd be able to enjoy your life and your beauty for much longer... and when the time comes for me to embrace you, if it ever does... you won't have to be hidden"
sadkitty 1
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 19-Jun-22 10:46 PM
She got a little blush and laughed again. - No offence, I don't think he will give me away even for the life boon. But I am flattered. It is a pain to get the embrace permission in Camarilla...
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 06:17 AM
"We'll see when I get to meet him... I can be very persuasive" He chuckles a bit. "My heart melts when it thinks about seeing someone like you having to lurk in the sewers"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 08:40 AM
- Why not asking me first? Does my opinion count at all? She seemed cunning at social part, but Jean-Paul could see she likes challenges. Maybe that's not even the first time she gets the offer of the embrace. Just maybe. Maybe not.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 08:45 AM
"Of course your opinion counts... but I thought you were enjoying your life, I was thinking of allowing you to live as my ghoul, and keep your beauty for a few more years, before even embracing you... and that's why I'd need to speak to your domitor, he probably won't want me to steal you away from him"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 08:55 AM
- Of course he won't. I like the offer, but I don't even know you not speaking of I am definitely not an artist. Well... I was a model, but it's in the past. I love my guy no matter how he looks, no matter what the blood tells me. Let's just, - she put her palms in a stop gesture, - postpone all this kind of offers. At least till you can speak, - Tash made an "excuse me" smile. - I didn't think Anarchs have many ghouls. Or kind of goes against the free spirit idea, no?
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 09:00 AM
"Well... I tend to keep my ghouls at a low level bond, so they can mostly think for themselves, but they still get the benefits from it, like, not aging and disciplines" He shrugs. "It's more of a necessity than anything... I can't fight, or organize my schedule by myself, so I need someone to do it, but if you became my ghoul it'd really be for your own benefit"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 09:20 AM
- Well you don't know me well enough too, - she smiled, - I'm not that easy. But if you need good people to organise your routine, I can give you a number... Almost for free, - she winked.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 09:24 AM
"I may not know you much... but what can I do? We Roses are moved by our passions... and you just happened to stir up mine" He said with his hand on his chest and a smile. He decided to ignore the other part though, he already has a personal assistant.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 09:42 AM
- And I wonder for how long that passion holds? I suspect bright emotions just disappear same fast as they appear. Or am I wrong? She took one more sip from the glad of water and thought that's a bit long to wait for food here.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 09:45 AM
"My passion for movies has never ended, and it began very suddenly as well... it is what brought me here after all" He leans on his seat, giving that some thought. "My passions are not fleeting like that"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 09:47 AM
The girl narrowed her eyes and smiled gladly. - Good to know.
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 20-Jun-22 09:47 AM
[we can switch there to the next scene]
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