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Los Angeles: Blood Moon
❌ Past Logs Chapters 8-12 / ❌💀🟩ch8-meet-the-street
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 19-Jun-22 09:05 PM
Chapter 8 Location: The Last Round Players: Loki, Jean-Paul, Tash, Seraphina @!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes)@PainedGemini| Loki @Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) @Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] ST: @!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) #❌💀🟩ch8-the-low-start #❌💀🟩ch7-social-necromancy (edited)
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 19-Jun-22 09:31 PM
Loki entered the Last Round in Downtown, knowing that it’s a place where Anarchs hang around, so he walked in with the purpose to socialize with others in the sect. He knew he was newish, so it was good to introduce himself to the others. Decked out in a tank top, khaki dickies, knee high socks and black Cortez’s. He was not hardcoring, being a silent badass type, because he those that were like that normally were the weakest of them all. He saw that on the streets where someone would try to be hardcore normally went down hard, even saw that in county jail. But there he was trying to be social with others, make some connections with others in his sect, get a good name in.
Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] 20-Jun-22 12:50 AM
And then there was the least rough and tough of the local Anarchs rolling up outside in an old white church van with the logos painted over on the sides. A simple candle stick with a tall flame now more or less covering the crosses. The Mirror had her long red hair in a tight braid down her back, a pristine white t-shirt and denim overalls that looks like they had war stories of their own, and yellow orchre well abused work boots. The smile on her lips a crooked thing as emerald eyes rolled over the outside of the bar. Two shabby types instantly getting her radar locked on, and she approached them. "Thomas? The diabetes meds don't really mean you can start drinking again, yannow? Eric.. you know better." But she sighed as she headed past them for the doors. "Father forgives you and so do I... just get your asses back to home base before lights out okay? Don't make me worry anymore than you are." Unpainted nails and a white paint touched hand reached to open the door after one last "Mom glare" at the pair, and she'd slip inside. @!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) @Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas)
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 20-Jun-22 01:15 AM
In the bar, relaxing and just chatting up, Loki shot a nod to the woman that just walked in before making random small talk. He was playing it off cool and being part of conversations, but this was with random people, so he decided to shift upstairs and see if anyone was up there to talk with and hang with.
Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] 20-Jun-22 01:32 AM
A nod, well that crooked yet warm smile was returned with a bit of a wave. To the bar she would go, and offer some rather basic business cards to the bartender. Poor guy probably have hundreds shoved in a drawer, but persistence paid off in the realm of outreach. "You look tired, my man. Do they ever give you a night off?" The blushed Malk sighed faintly in exasperation the entire world seemed out to run themselves into the ground. "I know I know, no rest for the wicked." Her eyes swept over the patrons a moment more, and not spotting more of her flock, would gravitate for the stairs. The 'I'm working here' vibe enough to ward off the letches, one could only hope.
Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] 20-Jun-22 01:41 AM
sorry forgot! @!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) @PainedGemini| Loki
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 20-Jun-22 01:42 AM
He would catch her smile and wave, he would still go upstairs though because he was seeing who was up there, but did just grab a seat at a table by himself, him just relaxing. Him looking down the steps seeing if anyone was coming up, him keeping his head on the swivel just being aware and not wanting to miss something.
Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] 20-Jun-22 01:52 AM
One little chat with a fellow offering a drink had Seraphina sidestepping the awkward and off she would go up the stairs. Pausing once to be sure her new BFF wasn't following until.. there she was. No attempt to sneak or the stumble of some drunk lass seeking the facilities. She did however stop at the top and look around for familiar faces. Ah. There was one. There was a nod right? A door opened a crack was wide as the Amazon to that creature and she moved with purpose for the table Jesse occupied. One hand alighted to the back of the chair across from him. "I'm hoping you won't mind, friend. Seems your the company I'm to keep for the time being." The delicate, paint smudged hand pulled the chair back, and unless stopped, her rear hit the seat rather soundly with a weary sigh. "Thank you, yes. That's much better." @PainedGemini| Loki
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 20-Jun-22 02:06 AM
He nodded as he gestured for her to sit with him. Him giving her a look over, wondering who she was. His thick accent showed as he greeted her with, “Of course homegirl, don’t mind.” He continued to get a feel of who she was, but he was not going to make her talk first, so what he did was sit back in his chair relaxed and asked her, “How’s the night been treatin’ you?” He was trying to be friendly.
Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] 20-Jun-22 02:18 AM
And that was his first mistake. A pretty enough little thing grew radiant with the smile she unleashed on him for a moment. Expert emerald eyes swept over the Gangrel rather carefully once. Like a Grandmother trying to decide if you needed a fifth helping or not. "The Night treats me very well actually. I found a few lost lambs I believe will make it back to the flock alright. I wish I could say business wasn't booming but in this world we live in.." She made a soft tsk and her head tilted a touch a thousand questions glowing in her eyes. Proverbially. "I'm a bit more interested in how your night has been going. No offense meant in the slightest but you seem like you could use a hot meal and a shower." She then blinked once as though realizing that could be rude as hell. With a soft chuckle, she offered a hand across the table to him. "Look, I'm sorry... force of habit. I just didn't know if you're in the right place is all. I'm Seraphina... and are To town maybe? I can't really place your accent, I mean." @PainedGemini| Loki
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 20-Jun-22 02:48 AM
Loki did not realize he made a mistake, he only realized that she was quite a talker, which he was fine with the fact that she was a very welcoming person, and someone who was not overly aggressive to him. She did make him curious what she was talking about, and what she is on about. But he let her speak, and speak. Then it was his turn he responded to her, “I see, I’m glad the night has been treatin’ you well. My night’s just fine, and all good, you can call me Loki.” He took it just fine, he seemed to try and act somewhat pleasant. He did not have a reason not to be unpleasant to her. He responded to her last question with, “Nah ma’am, from East LA.” His accent was thick, he looked white, but he sure did not sound it, his accent was thick but people could still understand him as he tended not to mumble. He was only curious what she had to say next, and he was pushing her in that direction, “How about you? Where’re you from?”
Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] 20-Jun-22 02:57 AM
She tilted her head a bit and her offered hand slowly curled closed before retreating again though her smile never dimmed a bit! "Me? Topeka Kansas born, found my first life at Berkley and the next on the streets of LA. Now the big question is why am I here. I'm here looking for my peeps. My homies? I was just wondering if that's why you're up here. Because the bar downstairs is better for cruising for tail, if that's why you're here?" Gently not so gently trying to get some reason he'd be parked upstairs Where the Wild Anarchs Are...usually. @PainedGemini| Loki
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 20-Jun-22 03:14 AM
He saw her retract her hand away, looking at her face seeing her dim a bit. He was trying to feel her out, trying to understand her, stifled a cringe from hearing her say homies. So he responded to her simply, “Might be here for the same reasons. I ain’t particularly looking for tail.” He looked to her to see what her reaction was. He was fairly straight forward and he figured that it was clear to her what he was, he was not budging, but he was being straight up with her so she would not be guessing for too long.
Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] 20-Jun-22 03:25 AM
Green eyes blinked at him a few times and she smiled warmly. "So...looking for Brothers and Sisters of like mind and focus without the oppression of the man with the boot on the back of your neck?" She smoothed her hands over the denim encasing her legs like the finest lady rearranging her skirts. Her eyes drifted around the quiet night thus far and refocused on him after a time. "You....are exactly where you are supposed to be. One way or another...this is your path." A brow arched at him sharply, eyes all sparkly with curiosity. "Now the question remains, who are you? You are Loki, and you're right where you need to be...but who are you? Who reforged you? Who's standard do you carry to War?" @PainedGemini| Loki
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 20-Jun-22 03:54 AM
He was watching and listening to her reactions, taking careful note of her face and seeing what she has going on. The former gangbanger, nodded and responded to her, “I ain’ gonna turn on my sire and the sect, fuck the idea of being a cammy.” He could probably do business with them, he just hated the idea of joining them, and heading her next question, he looked to her observing her some more. His eyes continued to look at her, and to observe her, taking mental notes for later. When she asked about his clan he assumed he said to her, “Clan of the beast, my sire’s name is Jamie Morrison, and my standard’s those who come against us.” He was implying that he was willing to fight with the Anarchs when need be when it came, he had never been asked that question before in that way, or he hoped he answered in a satisfactory matter. He was not disappointed with her questions and responses so far. He was actually enjoying it, it had been a while since he had a good talk.
Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] 20-Jun-22 04:07 AM
A delicate hand lifted to wobble back and forth in a so/so sort of gesture and her nose wrinkled a bit. "Being of the Tower and utilizing their strengths for the good of all don't necessarily have to be the same thing. If I can spare my brethren bloodshed and heartache by counsel and negotiations I will happy do so.. And watch my back all the while, hmm?" Dimples popped out at that point as the smile sprang back into being. "Clan of Beasts. How lovely. Strong, fierce, capable and tough as nails in my less than expert opinion." Her elbows came to rest on the table them as she watched him, her chin lightly resting to both upturned palms. "I reckon that makes me the welcome wagon then. Which is incredibly appropriate and yet amusing as I'm only 2 years old. Do you have a safe place to stay? You seriously do look like you've missed a meal or two, my friend. Can I help?" @PainedGemini| Loki
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 20-Jun-22 04:37 AM
He nodded listening to her responses, he was intrigued by her, genuinely, he was curious what was her clan considering she was very talkative and very excited to hear and see who he was and what he was. Him responding to her, “Course, out in Venice Beach, and talkin’ about those,” He said taking a moment to think of his response to her, but that did not take too long before he said to her, “I got some meals at home, promise, thanks for your concern, but I wanna learn about you.”
PainedGemini| Loki 20-Jun-22 04:37 AM
( @Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] )
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 08:38 AM
- Oooh finally!!! - Tash was pretty emotional towards the yummy tasty steamy steak with some tomatoes on the side. On the table she sat with Jean-Paul there was half-empty glass of water and two untouched beer glasses. - Well that looks really delicious! Thank you...
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 09:53 AM
"I honestly didn't expect that they'd serve something like this over here" Jean-Paul looks actually surprised at that steak. "They really did surprise me after all... you're welcome"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 10:08 AM
- I'm not surprised too much. Look around - there are a lot of huge men. They definitely don't consume just fairy dust. She started her late dinner with quite an appetite.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 10:12 AM
"There's a café called Cavoletti near where I live, in Hollywood, maybe I'll take you there next time... they likely will have fancier food... but I'm glad you're enjoying that"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 10:17 AM
Tash laughed. - Is it a date?
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 10:17 AM
Jean-Paul chuckles for a moment. He was more thinking about snubbing the food of this place than anything when he said that, but, why not? "Will you say no if I say it is?"
Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] 20-Jun-22 02:30 PM
Near flame colored brows arched slightly as the Gangrel made clear what he wanted to learn...relatively. Her eyes began twinkling in good humor, and there was zero hesitation in her reply. "Oh. Me? Just a humble servant of the one true God struggling to make an ounce of difference as the Shadow tries to control and destroy all the flickering lights I nurture. One eternal voice raging into the swirling maelstrom in defiance of the petty differences that bring War, Famine...and the driving need to remake perfectly good movies into garbage." She chuckled softly and her delicate shoulders gave a bit of a shrug with another peek of that endearing smile. Making it very clear that the last part was meant to be a joke, and not included in the rest of her rather serious explanation. The soft laugh faded however, and she made it easier on the Gangrel to put it all together. Much easier. The glow of purpose and zeal touching her features, yet this was no wildly unhinged creature. There was no sudden flare of madness uncontrolled, merely the belief of her convictions of steel and stone. "I am a true Prophet, and Daughter of Malkav. Here to fight against the dying of the Light to my very last to speak." The dimples popped back into view as her smile slowly grew. @PainedGemini| Loki
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 20-Jun-22 02:56 PM
The riddle in the beginning was confusing him some, though it was interesting to hear how her mind worked considering that he had not picked anyone else’s brain about who they are other than the basic, “what’s your name,” or “where are you from.” And even when he did ask her, she responded in a way that kept him captivated. So though it confused him, he was intrigued, it was on his face clear as day he was interested. He had to admit, he was very grateful when she put it in laymen’s terms for him, telling him what she was, which got him more intrigued because up until this point he had never got to chat with a Malkavian, of course he’s seen them, introduced himself, but had to do something or was in a hurry, so to finally talk to one was an interesting experience to him. Plus it made how she say things make more sense, she did not seem crazy, she just seemed more excited and talkative. So, the hardened gangbanger decided to return the grin, because it was a pleasant thing to do, and say, “Chingón (hell yea), I see you.” He saw how pleasant she was being to him, so continuing the friendly conversation he had, he moved onto the next thing on his head, asking, “So where’re you stayin’ if you don’ mind me askin’?” He figured it was only fair since she asked him, on top of that he wanted to see if she was near or not, the issue with him was his feeding debilities, he mostly kept it to himself, why tell others about his issue when it was not prevalent at the time.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 03:08 PM
- I will say "maybe" and even "maybe yes"... if you don't bite, - she told 'don't' but her eyes unnaturally shone at the moment. Obviously she wanted that as any knowing human would, but she's not free of that choice.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 03:19 PM
"I don't bite other people's ghouls... it's impolite" He chuckles softly at that. "But if that is the case... then yes, I am inviting you to a date on a Café in Hollywood"
Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] 20-Jun-22 03:23 PM
"Where am I staying? In Los Angeles of course." She said with another light laugh and clearly misunderstanding the question, though she answered it after all a moment later. "I just reopened one of the Missions in Compton. A fine kettle of fish that was to manage too, since the beds were full of bugs." She shuddered at the thought and produced a business card for him with 'Guiding Light' Mission and Food Pantry on it and a phone number. A very short stub of a pencil was then fished out of her braid to write another set of digits on the back before offering it. "I cover the night shift of course, normally. And I'm never very far from there if you were to need something. Even a dark place to hole up for the day." The offer seemed genuine enough...mostly because it in fact was. "What about you? What do you fill your nights with?" @PainedGemini| Loki
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 20-Jun-22 03:49 PM
He listened intently after she opened up about where she was normally, Compton. He knew about these Missions, they had them in Boyle Heights. Nobody fucked with the workers there because they were actually helping the community, so one it would be a bad look for gangs to start targeting them and two something like that would put them on the shine of law enforcement, even if they did not know which gang did what, the cops would make things harder for gangs to operate. So understanding her, he took the card with a nod, and before sliding it into his pocket, he looked at the extra set of digits she rewrote down, and thought to put it in on his flip phone, under the contact Seraphina. He then slid his phone and the business card from her into his pocket. Him hearing her offer and saying, “Thanks, that’s good to know.” Her other question took a little time for him to come up with an answer for. Technically he just did whatever was asked of him by the Anarchs and when he needed cash he went back to dealing. She seemed like she would not keep this pleasant demeanor for him if admitted he what he did for cash and then have to go into why he does that, so what he simply said is, “I do what’s asked of me by the sect, right now just tryna make some connections and shit you know?”
Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] 20-Jun-22 04:06 PM
The Seer slowly settled back in her seat and folded her hands on the table top, ruminating on his answer...that was most unsatisfactory. The smile remained however and her eyes glittered with good humor just the same. "I see....though I believe I may have asked a poor version of the question in my minds eye. What I meant to know is what purpose drives you. Yes, I understand unwavering loyalty to the Movement. I also hear that a great deal of your time is spent seeking familial ties and... shit. ..I'm just curious what do you do or think of most often -other- than necessities and the Cause. What gets your passions riled? What drives you?" @PainedGemini| Loki
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 04:15 PM
- Indeed it is, - she licked her lips in a predatory grin, remembering something. - So you live in hollywood? I have heard it is not that nice as close to a mountain area. The mood definitely changed as soon as the sensitive subjects were touched. Natasha took her phone and texted something.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 04:20 PM
"I moved there recently, I'm getting to know some of my neighbors still, so to speak" Jean-Paul was just paying attention to Natasha, although to him her name was Alex. "It's a nice nice place, and it is where you'll get to meet most of the people who work with Cinema... actors, producers, directors... and even crazy stalkers who say they're your muse, apparently"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 04:29 PM
While the girl was continuing her meals Jean-Paul could notice a pretty well hidden bracelet with the letters "N" and "K", collecting facts in his head, he was able to remember that he already knows that voice as well as he have seen the bracelet. Just to close the eyes for a moment - and he should imagine that face... Another face. Slavic, blonde hair... Extremely famous voice of Natasha Kirov. Recent ex supermodel and social media influencer from 'Diva Las Vegas' blog. But something was wrong here. The appearance did not match the expectations. If she made a surgery - then it was a flawless transition.
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 20-Jun-22 04:30 PM
[Fame 4 - all english speaking internet community] (edited)
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 04:31 PM
- Meet - yes... Not sure If i would like to see all of them in MY house, - she chuckled.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 04:38 PM
"Wait a minute..." Jean-Paul is just amazed at that, he chuckles. "How could I not notice this before? Of course I know you... I guess you really wanted to disappear, but at the same time, some part of you wanted to remember who you were" He pointed at the hidden bracelet. "Was this because your domitor wanted you to hide, or was this because you wanted to hide, in fact?"
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 20-Jun-22 04:45 PM
He kept a lot of that to himself, his personal goals, not that they were nefarious, he just normally kept it to himself. He knew the answer he gave was unsatisfactory and was kind of stereotypical, but a lot of that was the point when trying to bring someone in at arm’s length. Especially because this is someone he’s never met before, so, what he did instead was open up about a little bit of his personal life. Him saying to her, “In my past life I ran with some homeboys in East LA, White Fence.” So calmly, not showing much emotion regarding this, he laid it out for her, “I never had a father figure, the big homies were like brothers to me, and they at least made me somethin’ when I was kine.” He was methodical how he said it, he was saying what he meant and not trying to hid behind the movement because he wanted those to clap, he said, “My sire provided me direction I needed and was the only father figure I’ve got, and urges me to continue his traditions. What gets me more passionate than anythin’ is brotherhood. If there’s nothing else the gang taught me, it did teach me brotherhood. That’s what keeps me moving, from my kine days lookin’ to belong, to now belongin’ and maintainin’ that. Those’re my passions.” He had hoped she would understand where she was coming from, because that was part of the reason he joined the gang. He was looking to belong, and a lot of the big homies in the gang were like older brothers to him. Of course being a kid in a low income household, father in prison, and him growing up in that environment, it just seemed logical to him. He just hoped he articulated it well for her. “Not a sob story, I figured you should understand where I’m comin’ from homegirl.”
PainedGemini| Loki 20-Jun-22 04:45 PM
( @Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] )
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 04:55 PM
Tash followed the gesture and in her eyes nostalgic feelings were seen together with that blocked sadness again. She hid the chain deeper under the sleeve. - Well, good you know me. Hide... It is a mutual decision. If you know who I am, then you can understand I can not just pull all the crowd everywhere I go. It would happen sooner or later. So kind of the thing needed to do. Anyway, - she smiled, - I still have my blog running. The girl was full not even finished a half of the stake. Natasha took a look around just to see more of what's going on, setting her ears more to the voices around too.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 05:03 PM
Jean-Paul felt bad for her now. Well, he already felt bad for her before, but now it's worse... it seemed like each time she said more about her, things got worse. And the worst thing was that she could not express her feelings of sadness. But there was not much he could do, not while she was someone else's ghoul, other than feel for her. "So what end befell the original Natasha Kirov?"
sadkitty 1
zemlerojka 1
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 05:06 PM
Kirov chuckled in surprise: - End?! No-ho-how, no 'end', she is way fine. You can check her by yourself, huh, - Tash grinned, - I have all set. It is ok. One can not just lose multimillion audience.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 05:11 PM
'What end will befall her? People will certainly ask questions about you simply not appearing in public anymore and that kind of thing... have you given that any thought?"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 05:13 PM
- Oh she WILL appear on public. I have it all set. Don't worry I am smart enough for my backups. What about you? - She took another juicy piece of meat and put it into her mouth, winking. He was a famous figure too after all...
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 05:17 PM
"I will show up in public when my inspiration comes to me... but that will require a lot of time... I need to live many experiences, and perhaps I shall be the one to write my next movie, it will be my best, and last one... and then I'll retreat to kindred life, and fake a glorious death, like the one I told you about"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 05:19 PM
- So what really happened while your embrace? You can not answer if you don't want.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 05:23 PM
"It might not have been as exciting as that, but it was still romantic" Jean-Paul leans on his seat, thinking back to that night. "After a whole night of passionate love-making with my sire, she embraced me... the next night, when I woke up, she began to teach me how my life would be..."
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 05:33 PM
Natasha finished eating and moved a plate a bit further from her. - Where is she now? In France? Do you plan to return to her occasionally?
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 05:37 PM
"She should be in Paris, yes, or somewhere else in France... I don't really know, I haven't talked to her since I got here, maybe I should" He shrugs. "But, I suppose that will depend on the experiences I'll have in this city... it clearly is much more modern, Paris is certainly magnifique... but it lacks what this place has"
Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] 20-Jun-22 06:18 PM
Green eyes softened slightly, though there was understanding rather than pity. The way she had introduced herself might leave the worry of a sermon about to tumble from lips lacking so much as gloss, yet the unadorned Mirror did nothing of the kind. She nodded, her interlaced hands lifting from the table in a bit of a victory pose. "The families that made you, the family you make yourself. Such a widely varied dance between us all in how we do that. While all roads do in fact lead to Rome, the twists and turns along the way define us." A delighted little bubbly laugh came up then. "I understand that aspect anyway...but claiming to know every which, how, and why of where you're coming from based on a few minutes of discussion? Now that -is- crazy." Sera then nibbled the edge of her lower lip lightly as she pondered something else the conversation sparked. "I...don't suppose you enjoy ejecting hooligans from safe spaces? When either substance abuse or mental illness brings out the truly worst in them? You know..Bouncing?" @PainedGemini| Loki
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 06:19 PM
- Oh I bet... Do you know anyone on the city so far? Except of me, of course. She comforted herself more on the chair getting her hearing still on point for a fresh rumour.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 06:29 PM
"Yeah, my crazy stalker... not that I know her name though... and I've met a few other kindred, I met a Harpy the other day, I think his name was Dylan Sean"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 06:31 PM
Natasha raised her brow. - Oh, that might be useful. Do you have his phone number?
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 06:34 PM
"His and hers... unfortunately in both cases, can you believe the guy deals with fights? Such a crude thing... I might still go watch it though, because it'll be an interesting experience" He'll pass over Dylan's business card over to Natasha. He really didn't plan on keeping it.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 06:43 PM
The girl took the card and asked to make sure she can understand. - What do you mean "and hers"? Are there two harpies?
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 06:44 PM
"No, I meant I have the number of my stalker as well" He chuckled. "I had to give her some sort of assurance I'd call her for auditions... but after what she pulled on me, I doubt it"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 06:45 PM
- Are you already certain what you want to do with her? Like... You wanna guide her or get rid of her? - Ohhh the drama - just what Tash liked so much. Especially when the drama is not hers to deal with.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 06:50 PM
"I'm not sure yet, she might have some potential, but she's... weird... of course I won't kill her, I'm not a monster, but... I may need to do something about her, I'll check with my... uh... guy later for advice"
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 20-Jun-22 06:55 PM
He knew that was a bold claim, him knowing everything about where he came from. The reality as sometimes himself he did not know why, but at the same time he was thinking he knew better than anyone else where and how, and even the why. Though he would not admit it at that moment, he knew she was right that it was crazy to claim, all based on his own thoughts of where he had come from. He did not care much about that, he said his piece and she seemed satisfied. He was looking at her, observing her still, seeing what she was doing, he himself just relaxing and looking to see what she would ask next. He perked up slightly at her next question, nodding a small bit and saying, “Back a few years ago, it was a side gig.” He said remembering his gig at one of his homeboy’s gentleman’s clubs, he was working as a bouncer. Most of when he would get a dude outside he and three other guys would give the issue a good stomping. He was curious why she would ask though, he guessed it was because of his gang affiliation, but he asked anyway, “Why do you ask?”
PainedGemini| Loki 20-Jun-22 06:55 PM
( @Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] )
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 07:58 PM
- Don't worry. I get it. People are... Disposable. I'm still on edge of being one huh. Anyway. You came here to meet be faces?
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 08:01 PM
"No, no, I don't want to kill her, I'll probably have to handle her with the police or something... what I'm worried about are the threats she made... which make no sense at all, but they could give me a headache, so I need to get a lawyer ready, just in case" He sighs in annoyance. "Yeah, I did, I was hoping to meet some other Anarchs over here, see what they were up to, show my pretty face around"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 08:07 PM
She looked around. - Well we can just go have a talk with someone. You wanna? Natasha smiled and let Jean-Paul a few minutes to decide till she's finishing her water and stands up like she's on to something already.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 08:10 PM
"Yeah, why not?" He stands up and stretches himself out a bit before following Natasha. "Anyone caught your eye so far that you wanna go talk to?" Only now he decided to try to take a look at the people at the bar... and obviously he'll make sure that his bodyguard is with him.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 08:17 PM
Kirov was already listening to a talk of a couple nearby so she stood up and came to them. A couple is way easier then two muzzles if to compare. - Hey there. Me and my friend are new in the city so we were about to go have some new good pals over here... She really sounded friendly and nice, not ironic and very free in what she was talking about.
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 20-Jun-22 08:17 PM
@PainedGemini| Loki@Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] (edited)
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 20-Jun-22 08:38 PM
Loki’s attention was ripped from the conversation, and immediately started to observe her. Loki was thinking of how to speak, while keeping a neutral face. Taking the initiative, he said to her, “Chingón (hell yea), you can pull a seat.” He was not exactly in the business to tell people to go away, not when he was trying to network. So he figured they would be an alright addition, “Y’all regulars?” Loki looked like he belonged, his white oversized t-shirt, his khaki Dickie shorts, knee high baseball socks, black Cortez’s, dread locks, and punk rock related tattoos on his hands. He just did not give a fuck, but he welcomed the newcomers to their table. “Night been good for you two?”
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 08:42 PM
"Bonsoir" Jean-Paul said and pulled a seat for Natasha, and then took a seat himself. After doing so, he takes a deep breath. "I hope you don't mind the presence of my bodyguard here... apparently I have a stalker in this city, so... I'm keeping him around... but, no, I'm not a regular, just came here to experiment how it'd be like" He chuckles. "The night is being... quite interesting so far, how about yours?"
Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] 20-Jun-22 08:50 PM
Seraphina's green eyes rapidly blinked back from whatever thoughts had captivated her. She smiled warmly to Lori and winked. "Because above all your family is known for their strength and resilience...something mine is..well..not so much?" She then smiled to the newcomers and beckoned them to be welcome and comfortable. Putting the threads of conversation together as swiftly as she could. "A lovely nigjt for making new friends and alliances, though I'm a bit concerned it may rain later." But the smile was all but glowing as she looked their new companions over. So sorry, last minute shopping before a flight. Feel free to skip as needed i will catch up asap! @PainedGemini| Loki @!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) @Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas)
👍🏻 3
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 08:54 PM
"God, I hope it doesn't... driving a convertible under the rain doesn't look super good... that black roof... ugh" He says as if it's almost a murder of fashion. Which, it kind of is. "May I ask your names?"
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 20-Jun-22 09:03 PM
Loki nodded to what Seraphina said about his clan, and raised an eyebrow to the idea of a stalker being around, but he did not seem too concerned, listening to what else the man had to say. Loki gave a nod and asking, “How’re you likin’ this place? Also, you can call me Loki, the lady in front of me is Seraphina.” He looked between Jean and Tash returning the question, “How about yourselves?”
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 09:04 PM
- I'm good, thanks, LA is cool indeed, just like people say, - she sat on a free place. - Do you want me to drop you home? I don't have a black roof, - she chuckled. Obviously she was more interested in where the local vampires spend days.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 09:07 PM
"Nah, I'm fine, thank you for your offer though" Jean-Paul replied to Natasha with a chuckle, and then he turned to Loki with a smile. "I'm Jean-Paul... and the place sure is interesting, not where I usually spend my nights at, I'll admit, but, it's definitely unique"
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 20-Jun-22 09:25 PM
Loki nodded, scratching his chin, and responding to him simply with, “I know what you mean by a unique experience.” He scratched his chin looking between the three and followed up with, “My type of place, if you catch my drift.”
PainedGemini| Loki 20-Jun-22 09:25 PM
( @Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) @Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] @!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) )
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 09:30 PM
"Anyway, enchanté" Jean-Paul will offer his hand for a handshake to Loki, and then to Seraphina. Mostly he wants to make sure who he's dealing with, humans, ghouls, kindred, through the skin temperature.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 20-Jun-22 09:52 PM
Loki shook it up with Jean-Paul, giving a smirk, figuring whatever reaction came from it, came from it, Jean-Paul can see it in his eyes, quite literally if Loki wanted to show him directly. But Loki did not do anything, he wanted Jean-Paul to make the conclusion. Loki sitting back afterwards continuing to look between them one by one, avoiding direct eye contact with any of them.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 10:03 PM
"And are you a regular visitor around here?" The cold hand definitely was a sign that he was a kindred. Jean-Paul felt somewhat relieved, but not completely, not until he knew what his loyalties were at least.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 20-Jun-22 10:12 PM
“Of course, normally I just holler at some of my homeboys here and normally I just hang up here and shit.” He said with a nod, not knowing where his loyalties lie, but not backing down from the question, why would he have any shame in it?
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 20-Jun-22 10:15 PM
"I see, I just arrived in LA, but I mostly stay in Hollywood" Hopefully that is enough to answer any doubts Loki may have in regards to Jean-Paul's loyalties. "I've decided to see how some of our compatriots are doing, so to speak"
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 20-Jun-22 10:19 PM
His intense demeanor softened as he gave a smirk, he knew what he meant, “Glad to meet another brother, glad you could come down from Hollywood, was up there not too long ago.” He looked to Tash curious about her, not making eye contact, but still curious.
Natasha Kirоv [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 10:21 PM
It was easily spotted for vamps - no food, no drinks at all. Like a fucking Interview with the vampire. They were damn right - you can not eat from empty dishes. Your glass has to be filled with something. Natasha looked right into Jessie's face with no fear. She knew - if they want something to happen no gaze hiding will help. In all other means she looked like a normal human. But who could know was she for real?
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 20-Jun-22 10:41 PM
“Anyway carnal (brother), wanna get anythin’? Me and homegirl here just sat down.” It was true. It was not that he intentionally did not order anything, it was more he sat down and started talking to someone unexpectedly. But there were people who just arrive and not get anything, they were just there to talk shop, aka: his old gang. Then, soon as they were done they did get something to drink. Only if the business they were discussing was very important like a hit, would they just leave after talking. This case, he just got to talking and thought nothing of it. “Warnin’ though, I ain’ got that much cash on me.” He could give a shit less who was scared of him or not, especially if he is not even trying to be intimidating. It was those who had to say, “I’m not scared of you,” he learned, that crumble easily. That is how weakness, no matter who you are is smelt. If you got to tell someone you are not afraid of them, or they do not intimidate them, then all it takes is for someone to push up on them to see if they are about what they talk. Explaining this to someone would just get you laughed at and told “yea right,” till they do it themselves. Loki was just taking note of people, not looking to intimidate. He just preferred not to, he rather let them throw the first punch or insult before he struck back, “Up to y’all though, I ain’ into a lotta bar hoppin’ and shit, kinda prefer a few good places I know.”
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 20-Jun-22 10:45 PM
- But nevertheless, you're here. We are all here. So... Are there many people you know around here? Especially of these ones who work night shifts, - she smiled. The hint was too obvious. If even he could not be a vampire, simple checks would probably not be passed. Anyway she was just messing around people's shit and see what are they about too.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 20-Jun-22 11:11 PM
He smirked hearing her question, he had an answer for her, which was more of him being neutral about it and making her work for it, “I mean, got some homeboys back in Eastside that do the night shift, bouncin’, but that’s like on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Other than that, they wake up around noon and shit.” He was not lying, he knew some of his homeboys from a while back did take a side job as a bouncer for that gentleman’s club he used to work at. So he just said to her on top of that, “I’m tryna spread my horizons and meet some more people, that sorta thing, kickin’ it out in Venice come up here from time to time. You know how it is, pretty sure at least.” He actually respected her checking, in fact, he found it clever that she would hint at that. He was calm about it though, sitting back and relaxing. “How about you?”
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 21-Jun-22 12:15 AM
- I'm new to the city. So that's why I was wondering. She felt a little uncomfortable, even moved to make it better in her chair. - Actually I was asking more about this particular bar. Do you know anyone from here or maybe the owner?
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 21-Jun-22 12:36 AM
“Other than some dudes, not really, been trying to make more connections like I said.” He was honest, but like he said before, he was looking to make those connections. “How long have you been in the city for?” He did not know if that was an uncomfortable subject for her or not.
Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] 21-Jun-22 01:25 AM
Not often a space cadet as far as focus, it seemed her attention was drawn to some cackling laughter drifting up from below. A momentary pause stretched onwards until she was certain the noise had stopped and her attention returned to her new companions in time for the grand reveal as to how long they'd been in Los Angeles for. Green eyes alight with curiosity and the prospect of gushing about their fair city given half a chance. Absolutely the most sprite like of a point anyway. @!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) @PainedGemini| Loki @Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas)
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 21-Jun-22 01:47 AM
Loki looked to Seraphina and gave a nod to her seeing that she had zoned out some. “You good homegirl?” He asked as he shifted his gaze between her, Jean, and Tash, whoever spoke up first. Still curious about what Tash was going to say, but at the same time giving Seraphina some chances to bud back into the conversation.
Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] 21-Jun-22 01:51 AM
"Mm." She said with a slight nod. "Sorry bout that. Just uhm..thought I heard something." She waved that off with a little chuckle and apologetic smile to Jean and Tash. Most assuredly not trying to be rude! And QUITE interested in the answers she may or may not have already missed. @PainedGemini| Loki
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 21-Jun-22 02:16 AM
“Least it’s still early in the convo.” He gave Seraphina a grin, he was glad that the Malk was back into the conversation with them. He hoped she could pick it up quickly, but he could give her a rundown of what they were talking about if needed. All she needed to do was ask if she was hopelessly lost and needs him to tell her what they had been talking about.
PainedGemini| Loki 21-Jun-22 02:17 AM
( @Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] @Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) @!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) )
Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] 21-Jun-22 02:39 AM
She seemed a bit thoughtful as she regarded her shiny new...friends? Hopefully friends if they chose to sit in that bar of all places anyway. "Loki.. Jean-Paul...and I don't...think I caught your name, darlin." She said after a stretch of silence trying to remember the talk of this and that, that had drifted on around her. A curious head tilt given to Loki in case he caught what she missed? Bad enough she knew she missed out on a handshake, though while blushed, she did seem somewhat pale at least. @PainedGemini| Loki
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 21-Jun-22 03:23 AM
“I don’t think I caught her name either.” He had mentioned hearing Seraphina ask about her name as well. It seemed she had bit missed much, he looked to her seeing her tilt her head tag him, so he said to her, “This fine fellow stays up in Hollywood, and the lady is new to the city, asking her how long she’s been here.” He was short and quick about what he had learned so far in case that is was wondering about the conversation. It was still very early in the conversation, but it was still good to fill her in just in case she did not catch all of the details. “Ha, told her about some of my old homeboys who still bounce for a club I used to work at. The one I told you about earlier.”
PainedGemini| Loki 21-Jun-22 03:24 AM
( @Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] )
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 21-Jun-22 03:25 AM
- Call me Alex. I'm really be to LA. Was wondering if you know the owner of this place, - the last question was more addressed to the girl now.
Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] 21-Jun-22 03:34 AM
She nodded to Loki with a smile of gratitude. It would seem she hadn't missed all that much after all. "Ah yes, your homies back home hmm? Thanks so much, I do appreciate the assist." She then looked to "Alex" and was positively glowing. "Such a lovely name. Alex. So manu strong people in history...hmm.." Her thoughts however got a bit sidetracked by the rather direct and specific question about those in charge of the place. "Know the owner? Well not in the biblical sense, I mean.. best buds and boom companions not hardly. Why? Do you need a job?" The redhead then cocked her head slightly, her nose crinkled a bit once or twice. Where -was- that delicious aroma coming from? Hmm. (edited)
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 21-Jun-22 03:36 AM
“Now I know about 12 Alex’s. That’s a hella common name in my neighborhood.” Makes a sly comment and shakes his head, “I gotta start numberin’ you guys.”
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 21-Jun-22 03:36 AM
*new to LA
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 21-Jun-22 03:42 AM
The girl laughed: - Yeah, pretty common. Can be Alexandra if you wish, - the girl indeed had a little Russian accent. Turning to Seraphina: - No, I have a pretty good job already, but... What do you mean "biblical sence"? She shrouded. It was really hard when things touched academic stuff.
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 21-Jun-22 03:43 AM
(acad. 0))
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 21-Jun-22 03:46 AM
“I guess someone in the Bible’s got that name, I dunno.” He did not know too much about the Good Word, but the fact of the matter was he had not been to church in years, and the last time he went he snuck out to hang out with his buddies, so he was never really a good Christian, when he still called himself that.
Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] 21-Jun-22 03:49 AM
"Oh. That just means I'm not screwing him senseless for fun and profit..or any other reason really." She said in a rather distracted tone as her nose twitched this way and that. Leaning a bit to Loki...nope not there. Another lean towards Jean-Paul...not there either. She focused on Alex again and her brow furrowed deeply. "Oh my poor child, are you injured?" She asked in the most compassionate of tones once the nose pointed all arrows at the virtually unknown sitting with them.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 21-Jun-22 03:52 AM
- Injured? No, - she shook her head and decided to just return a topic to its place again. - Well, when you come to a place like this - it is always good to know the people who is in charge, ya know? It's a pretty known bed bug.
Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] 21-Jun-22 03:56 AM
"To pay respects and get acknowledged maybe?" She asked hesitantly and then looked to Loki. Damn right that question was bait. "You don't smell that?" The plea for him to tell her she hadn't somehow found another derangement just sitting there was glowing in her eyes. (edited)
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 21-Jun-22 04:19 AM
“I might. Also, I haven’t been here a lot, honestly that’s my answer to you Alex.” He would say yes in the first part, if he knew what she was talking about, but he just wanted to placate the Malk. “Wish we could be of more help, but I haven’t been in this bar enough to remember everyone like the back of my hand.”
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 21-Jun-22 04:20 AM
- Well that just makes me a little plan to get better acquainted with the bartender and the stuff, - she winked. - So... you mentioned East LA... What's in there?
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 21-Jun-22 04:28 AM
“Gangs, ran in one a while back.” He had no shame in admitting it, that was the reason he had tattoos that represented his old gang. He still took pride in it. And said it proudly. Him asking with a smirk, “You plannin’ on visitin’?”
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 21-Jun-22 04:36 AM
- Must be Crystal Noir by Versace. Limited edition, - she told to Serapina, - glad you like it. It is amazing indeed. - Dang... French and Gangs... Such a Deja Vu everywhere I go. No offence. I like to know there's something familiar. It's easier to understand what to do, - she looked at Jean, - or what not to, - sand winked to Loki.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 21-Jun-22 04:44 AM
Loki could help but to crack a grin and give a nod. Him even getting a slight chuckle and saying to her, “Damn right homegirl. Lemme say, if you do visit, be careful, if you look like you got some cash, vatos (gangsters) are gonna want some of that.” He felt obligated to let her know, “Like anywhere you go, have your wits about, I doubt you’d go to East LA unless you had a reason.”
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 21-Jun-22 04:49 AM
The girl chuckled. - Yeah. I think I've heard it already. You remind me of someone from the recent past, huh. I guess there's a way to survive there anyway. You did, right?
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 21-Jun-22 04:55 AM
Loki nodded, he did, but that was through joining a brotherhood with his homeboys. He sat back and said,^ “I did, though, debatable to most.” *He paused for a moment, he knew digging up someone’s past could bring upon issues, so he dared not pursue it. So he asked her instead, whilst shifting the subject to her because he was genuinely curious, “So whatcha do for a livin’?” He did not think he asked this before, but it crossed his mind now. She knew what he did somewhat for work, so he might as well ask her what she did.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 21-Jun-22 04:58 AM
Kirov grinned. - Buy... Sell... All king of stuff, mostly noon physical. If yo know what I mean. Everything and everyone has their price. Sounded pretty nossie ot ventrue type of deals.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 21-Jun-22 05:03 AM
*He nods a little, thinking about what that sounded like, but not wanting to imply anything, he was just going to be casual about it. So he seemed impressed, but still curious he pried a little more into what did and asked,^ “Major company firm typa thing?” *He then thought of what else to add on behind that,” “Just sounds like a pretty good gig.”
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 21-Jun-22 05:05 AM
Natasha nodded: - Indeed. Good it is, - she smiled, - as your 'homies' would probably say. "I know the shit".
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 21-Jun-22 05:07 AM
He chuckled hearing that, but he nodded looking between her, Jean, and Seraphina, and said to Tasha. “Yea, way above my pay grade. Good to see you got success in it though.”
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 21-Jun-22 05:53 AM
"Talking again about the owners of the place... what are they like? I have yet to meet with them, can't help but to wonder if they are like... some others"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 21-Jun-22 08:10 AM
- It's a matter of 5 minutes actually. For you maybe even less...
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 21-Jun-22 08:16 AM
"I suppose I could go look for them..." He nods. "But not now... I'm enjoying the company of our new acquaintances, so I will stay here for now"
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 21-Jun-22 09:49 AM
Loki nodded with Jean-Paul, it did not seem like it was urgent, and besides that, he knew that he could always find out later, it was not such a big deal. “Bein’ in good company never hurt.” He said looking between the two, him bringing up something that was mentioned way earlier in the conversation. The stalker. He was curious about it before, and now that introductions were out of the way, he asked Jean-Paul and Tash, “So, y’all mentioned a stalker earlier, what’s that all about?”
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 21-Jun-22 09:57 AM
"Ha... yeah, I met someone who's very fond of me yesterday night, apparently so much so that she's willing to spread lies about me because of it" He chuckles. "Kind of a funny story, but I need to handle it somehow"
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 21-Jun-22 10:18 AM
He was curious now, he has never heard of something like this, maybe because it would have been a bad idea to stalk someone like him, or maybe his homeboys never told him about any stalkers they had. Regardless, he was hooked with the drama at that moment. Him asking, “Sounds like it, I’m all ears if you wanna about it.”
fingerup 1
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 21-Jun-22 10:54 AM
"Nah, it's something I'll have to talk about with my mentor first, still haven't had the chance to meet up with him, well, mostly since I didn't finish his task yet" He laughs a bit. "I have to visit a place called Wasp Hole... so I've been avoiding it for now"
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 21-Jun-22 11:01 AM
He nodded understanding, he did not want to intrude into something that probably was not his business in the first place, but he did wanna hear about the story thinking it would make for a good past time. “I understand that homes, maybe some other time then.” He raised an eyebrow hearing the name the Wasp Hole, interesting name for a place like that. That was when he asked out of pure curiosity, “It a club or a bar?”
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 21-Jun-22 11:03 AM
"I think it's a club, I'm supposed to meet a guy named Ash there, but the name doesn't sound very suggestive, and... it doesn't have a good reputation either, from what I heard"
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 21-Jun-22 01:42 PM
“First time I’ve heard of it bro, some people come up with some weird ass names man for places.” He cannot help but to think he could have come up with a better name. But he was not a business owner so what did he know? “It kinda shitty, or is the clientele just shitty?”
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 21-Jun-22 01:50 PM
"No clue... but it is in Hollywood too, so it might be the clientele, you know how people around there can be" In a way he is talking about himself, yes... but he can make an auto-critic. "Have you met anyone from Hollywood?"
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 21-Jun-22 01:53 PM
He nodded some, and gave a good answer, he thought it was pretty good, “Yes, I have, the Baron.” He did not his the fact he had spoken with the Baron. “Got to introduce myself to him when I went to Hollywood.”
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 21-Jun-22 01:56 PM
"The Baron is indeed an interesting man... I'm lucky to be mentored by him in my time in LA, considering our common interests though, I'm not surprised it happened" He smiled. "I'm hoping he'll give me some advice in regards to that stalker later on"
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 21-Jun-22 02:16 PM
“Hell yea, he’s solid, he’ll help you out. You’re lucky he’s your mentor.” Loki stated the obvious, but he had respect for the Baron. “Somethin’ interestin’ must be goin’ then, but that ain’t my business to ask. I’m just seein’ about my old gang and shit. Nuthin to major.” He was not going into much detail himself, he rather not say his entire business and why, he just played it off like nothing major.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 21-Jun-22 02:21 PM
"Oh, it's definitely interesting... but nothing major, it's more of a personal problem, I think... someone trying to get me to treat them like my muse and stuff... and then she threatened to spread some weird lies about me too, which... wouldn't really work, seeing as I don't even know her name, but, well, that's life, isn't it?"
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 21-Jun-22 04:06 PM
“Some people are strange, they wanna do weird shit to get attention, even if that is spreadin’ lies, just gotta be careful she don’ escalate the lies to something more crazy.” He said, just offering some of his knowledge knowing that the lies could get worse if she was crazy, and not just a small bit nuts. She was already stalking and making up bullshit about him, but there was a small possibility the stalker would make the lies worse. “People are scandalous bro.”
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 21-Jun-22 04:13 PM
"If I wasn't kindred, it would certainly make it much easier to deal with her, but I definitely don't want that kind of attention on me, what if she ends up finding out where I live and my weird work hours?"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 21-Jun-22 04:18 PM
- If she's a burden - get rid of her and forget her. Seriously. I know a lot about stalkers. It's not a good thing to do. And as you can't go to police or court, then I guess there are many other ways. I'm not speaking about the most rough ones.
- Anyway it's not your fault she kept stalking you
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 21-Jun-22 04:22 PM
“Alex’s right, it’s all on her. I’m sure you’ll get it all figured out, not like she’s gonna be that hard for you to deal with.“
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 21-Jun-22 04:23 PM
"Maybe I should ghoul her... she certainly seems determined, maybe she could be useful if she was on the right path? But then again... I don't think it's a good idea" He shrugs. "Anyway, what's going on with the two of you then?"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 21-Jun-22 04:33 PM
- "Maybe she could be useful" - will add to my famous last words notebook. Kirov rules her eyes. - Are you serious? You're ready to risk your life for hers?
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 21-Jun-22 04:36 PM
"Nah, I don't think so, but I'm not willing to kill her either... I guess she just needs professional help of some sort, because that's... not the way a mentally healthy person behaves"
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 21-Jun-22 07:04 PM
“People like that are mental cases… they don’t think what they’re doin’s wrong though.” He was repeating what he had heard from a therapist a while back when he was in county, they had gotten into the subject of the mentally ill, and he was regurgitating what was told to him a while back. “Hopefully she don’ force your hand in anythin’, get what I mean?”
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 21-Jun-22 07:07 PM
- Yeah so I guess it is a best case just to send her to the doctor. The girl looked around for any specific faces, but it seemed the place started to get a bit more empty close to dawn. Not surprizing under any circumstances.
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 21-Jun-22 07:09 PM
"Send her is a nice way to say it... it might have to be forcibly... but, that's life, isn't it?"
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 21-Jun-22 07:16 PM
“I heard they used to do that shit a while back anyway.” Loki commented, checking his watch and scratching his chin. “But yea, it’ll be safer for her anyway if nothing else, if she did get sent that way.” He had something in the back of his head, and he asked Jean-Paul, and even extended it to Tash, “If you think it’d be a good idea to stay in contact we can slide our info to each other.”
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 21-Jun-22 07:26 PM
"Oh, sure, but if a blue haired girl asks you for my number, please don't give it to her" He chuckles, but does write his number down on a piece of paper and hands it over to Loki.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 21-Jun-22 07:32 PM
He nods taking note of the hair color mentioned. Him accepting the paper with a nod. Him borrowing the pen and paper and wrote his number down for him as well before sliding it over. “Just don’t give it to the jura… er… the cops bro.”
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 21-Jun-22 07:35 PM
"Don't you worry, I avoid les cochons as much as I can" He laughs a bit after he says that, and places the paper in his pocket.
Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] 21-Jun-22 10:34 PM
Off and on the Malk's nose gave a twitch. If fine perfume ever sang to sink your fangs in, whatever Alex was dipped in had indeed piqued the interest of the monster living under the smiles and sweetness. So much so she drifted from the conversation again, save for a mutter or two. It was simple American English, and only a word here or there, much like someone trying to do math in their head without a gift for numbers. "...Shadow.." a few moments later. "Chess pieces.." And the faint computations continued. She was clearly not agitated or upset, but terribly focused on what she perceived as a real problem. She also sniffed at Alex now and again, but did not break her personal space bubble to do so. "...Aluminum siding..." Mutter mutter
zemlerojka 1
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 21-Jun-22 11:46 PM
Loki looks to Seraphina, with a neutral expression, but was a little curious what was going on. Him observing her for a few moments, seeing what she was doing, but was not saying anything yet, he wanted to make sure she was good to go when he spoke to her. Well finally, he decided to ask her, “You good homegirl?” This night had been pretty good, he got more than he expected at least.
Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] 22-Jun-22 12:03 AM
"Mm." Came the faint non committed answer to the question. She leaned a bit to the Gangrel but made no effort to drop her volume, it was rather quiet already. "If new friend A here wanted to make friends and meet the owner and learn all she could, one might wonder the wisdom in choosing a perfume that sings of notes B + rather than bee pollen, and O positive-ly drips from the pores. Smacks of diversionary shadow tactics and a way to have the upper hand and... and I'm rather sorry my friend, but Alex here? Is setting off my bells and whistles and what have you. You just dont DO's... it's... terribly gauche." *She finally finished with a frown and her nose wrinkled again." @PainedGemini| Loki
hyena 2
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 22-Jun-22 12:16 AM
He was thinking about what she was saying, and it was clear she was talking about something specific. He looked to her, after she was done with her statement, stewed over that for a moment. And all he got out of that, was there was some good blood, problem was, he had proclivities, so he said in a low voice, “I got quite a few allergies that make me very picky… you catch my drift.” He hoped she understood what he was saying, for the love of everything, he hoped she understood what he was saying.
PainedGemini| Loki 22-Jun-22 12:16 AM
( @Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] )
Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] 22-Jun-22 12:28 AM
She blinked at him a few times and shrugged slowly. She got his point but he was apparently missing hers. She thought about it briefly and then tilted her head, watching him as she tried again. "Right...I get that...but you don't wear a steak around your neck and trot into the lion's den asking questions unless you really want the lions to pay more attention to the steak than what you're asking.....oh fuckit." She pinched the bridge of her nose a moment. "Sketchy bitch rolls up in your hood wearing your colors and flags.. she knows just enough proper talk but is real jumpy like when you ask her diddly dick about her.. she wants to talk to the big boss and is real pushy about it. How much you wanna bet there's a badge under that jacket, holmes?" Not quite desperate in her attempt, but maybe a bit of street lingo would help? @PainedGemini| Loki
hyena 1
ilaliano 1
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 22-Jun-22 12:37 AM
Despite how long he was trying to avoid directly saying what he thought, no matter how much he tried to avoid directly telling he knew what she was talking about, no matter him trying to explain his situation. He said straight forwardly, “Know what you’re implying, been known it, I just did not want to bring attention to that.” He looks to Jean-Paul to put an end to it, because he figured he knew her better than he did, not knowing how long they were together, but if Jean-Paul dropped Kindred in front of this woman, he trusted it was on the up and up, for Christsake, his mentor is the Baron. So, he asked him directly, “Do you know Alex? And is she cool?” If that was the intended reaction, it was what she got out of him, because all he heard was she thought Tash…. “Alex” was a narc, so trusting that a fellow Anarch had good judgement, he hoped that this would settle things.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 22-Jun-22 12:41 AM
Tash shrouded: - I am actually still here, - Kirov commented in a calm voice looking at the guys and a girl over checking her manicures, - If you have promlems with me - you talk to me. Eh?
Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] 22-Jun-22 12:42 AM
"MercifulFatherGuideUs...." She muttered and rubbed her eyes with the heels of her hands a bit. She did not however reply to Alex.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 22-Jun-22 01:31 AM
“Why are you insistent on knowing who the bartender is? Just to set her mind at ease.”
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 22-Jun-22 01:36 AM
- I don't want to know the bartender specifically. And I already mentioned in interested in the people of a high flight. Like the owner of this place. I thought I told it just recently. Weren't you listening? - The last phrase was the same calm, but she was not guilty for people not listening to her. It was just confusing.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 22-Jun-22 01:54 AM
“We had talked about this.” He was not missing the point, and he knew it was not about the bartender. He was trying to observe Tash, but if someone wanted to take the initiative, he was more than happy to give the full responsibility of them. He actually thought of it for a moment, rather than getting irritated, he would just leave and pick up with them some other time. So he checked the watch, looked at it for a moment, and said, “Look, it’s been good to meet y’all and talk to y’all, hopefully I see y’all around here again… I gotta do somethin’ before the night’s out.” Not because he was scared, or mortified to have a conversation, he just needed to take some time to himself. So he would shake it up with anyone who would at the table, and as he was walking down he said, “Y’all got my info if y’all need anythin’.” With that, he was gone, headed outside of the bar, got in a car, and drove back to his flophouse in the Venice Beach.
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 22-Jun-22 02:10 AM
Yeah made sure they exchanged numbers. Then she looked at the two who left there: - I guess the party is almost over... - she stood up or at least tried to do so. The decision to spread around the area was not that bad.
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 22-Jun-22 03:45 AM
[I guess we have like 1-3 posts to end scene] (edited)
Jean-Paul / Sasha (Lucas) 22-Jun-22 04:33 AM
"Well, good night everyone... I'll certainly make sure to visit again some other time, so maybe we'll chat again" Jean-Paul smiles at Seraphina and at Loki when he leaves, and then he'll turn to Natasha. "Would you like me to walk with you to your car?"
Natasha Kirov [App 3, Attractive blood smell for vamps if close] BOT 22-Jun-22 04:38 AM
- Why not... Have a good night... - She turned to Seraphina and if it was needed, they could change the numbers too.
Seraphina/Beau [Mirror] 22-Jun-22 05:51 AM
There was a moment spent staring wide eyed at Loki as he made his 'escape'....for she had not seen that coming. Green eyes followed the Gangrel until the top of his head vanished from sight. Yet Jean-Paul and Alex were leaving as well, and her eye's snapped back to the pair, and she gave another warm smile as though the last few moments ran through her head only. "Oh,so soon? Well of course I understand! Do be careful,both of you. The streets of Los Angeles can be kind of rough at times, the Light guide you both till we meet again." Two more business cards were offered for her shelter, though she didn't add another number to the back this time.
realhearty 1
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 22-Jun-22 05:52 AM
[End scene]
!Yr Hyennaes (Tash/Kris/Agnes) 24-Jun-22 04:10 AM
Recap: A company of Jesse "Loki" Hill, Seraphina, Natasha and Jean-Paul met together in the Last Round bar. First two were chatting about their life, Loki knew that Seraphina is a malkavian and worked helping the poor people and the lost. Seraphina knew Loki does his things on the streets of East LA, someone connected to dangerous gangs. Tash was talking to Jean Paul where he finally found out she is a nosferatu's ghoul and Tash knew some more about Jean-Paul was embraced in France in love an tender. Then Natasha and Jean met the rest. Short talk about who they generally are and suspiciousness just let them change business cards and leave.
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