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Los Angeles: Blood Moon
❌ Past Logs Chapters 8-12 / ❌🌙🟩ch8-it-is-bound-to-take-your-life
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 19-Jun-22 05:19 AM
Chapter 8 Location : the Ash & Daniels Cigar Bar, LA Hills Outskirts Players @Andante [Volg] ST @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Andante [Volg] 19-Jun-22 05:20 AM
(evening before #❌🍕🟩ch8-new-sheriff-in-town-boys , same time as #❌🍕🟩ch8-ad”vice” )
Lucille BOT 19-Jun-22 05:23 AM
Lucille arrived a bit later after Balle was gone. She was with a full stack of groceries on her arms, and looking warry as she entered. Seeing Volg, she layed the groceries on the counter, before coming up to him. Her eyes were squinted in worrieness, and she looked around still, before gazing straigth at him. Waiting for the punishment from the leader of the pack...
Andante [Volg] 19-Jun-22 05:24 AM
After Volg leaves his study, leaving Billy and the irishman to their devices for now, he makes hi way down to Lucille. She has some things to explain "Lucille, I think I didn't make something clear, so allow me to do it now. When I last asked you what you knew about Lester and the people around you, you told me nothing, I assumed it's because you literally did know nothing. Yet suddenly a person shows up in my bar, whom you recognized from a verbal description, by name. You even identified her as dangerous. Now, had I not called you and gotten this info out of you, another one of my employees would have been in more danger now. So if you have any more "Balles" in your closet, you should spit them out. Remember, your life is already in peril, don't make it worse.* The Gangrel, likely for a moment reminding Lucille how willing and able he is of being extreme in terms of protecting his turf
His words calm, but the meaning behind them severe, and dangerous
Lucille BOT 19-Jun-22 05:29 AM
She looked at him, clenching her jaw, as she was visibly infuriated at herself. Her nails planted in her palm. She looked away for a moment. "I don't told you a lot because it... It was hard for me to remember what happened. But yes, I can tell you about the ones I've seen." She sat down at the counter, looking at the bottles with a desire to hammer herself, but closed her eyes, and looked again to the master of the place. "I am sorry, Volg. Trully. My weakness should not be a weakness to your turf. If you want me to go, say it after that, and you'll never have to hear about me." *She took a long breath, before telling it all.
She looked at him, clenching her jaw, as she was visibly infuriated at herself. Her nails planted in her palm. She looked away for a moment. "I don't told you a lot because it... It was hard for me to remember what happened. But yes, I can tell you about the ones I've seen." She sat down at the counter, looking at the bottles with a desire to hammer herself, but closed her eyes, and looked again to the master of the place. "I am sorry, Volg. Trully. My weakness should not be a weakness to your turf. If you want me to go, say it after that, and you'll never have to hear about me." She took a long breath, before telling it all.
Lucille BOT 19-Jun-22 05:38 AM
"They got a hold on me not that long ago. I got lured up by Lester, which is the most... Human? The more eager to negociate let's say. We followed him there and there, and he gave us vitae, and it was like a trip, a bad trip, but a trip nonetheless. And there was no exit except... You." "I've only met from far away the others. Balle... She's the most demonstrative of what she do. She's fast, too fast, and eager to violence, fascinated by it also. I've seen her kill people on a whim, with a chuckle. We're just flies to her." Lucille stopped, closing her eyes, as she joined her hands together. "There was also this monster. He liked to play with us, hiding himself in the shadow. He was just monstruous, I... I just saw a shadow of him but he wasn't alike of the rest." "A priest... Or a corrupted version of it. Tall man, really handsome, named Issaia. He seemed the most... human of them all. But yet, his look was always cold, always... hungry." *The phalanx of Lucille became livid from the pressure she was applying in her hands. She was tensing up. "I also saw a... Another one. She was the master of them I think. She... She manipulated the shadows, the darkness. She.."
TW : Rape "She raped me, used my body. I was in the darkness, and I was suffocating, as the darkness was... Was consuming me, corrupting me. It was.. It was bad. Lucille looked up to Volg. He could see the rage in her, the anger, hunger of justice and of retaliation. The desire to heal by cutting of the infected limb. The pain of having maybe caused that to another one. Her face was not even sad, but marked. Marked by what she lived.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 19-Jun-22 05:42 AM
@Andante [Volg]
Andante [Volg] 19-Jun-22 05:54 AM
Volg's face becomes a neutral mask. "Lucille, I can see you understand that, while it isn't ever fun bringing up trauma, if we lack information, what you went through someone else may go through as well. I'm not worried about myself, I'm certain in my ability to go toe to toe with most Kindred, short of Tremere bullshit and the like. Billy is a mortal. Because you withheld information a sociopathic murderer now has her number. The only choices you've left me is to either turn her to this world as a ghoul or leave her in ignorance and hope for the best. Damnation, or Ignorance that may bring horror. Your decision has already doomed someone to that choice. You can mull over that, your eyes tell me you already know what you've done to an extent, were that not the case the consequences would be far more dire. The reason we're talking right now, is because ultimately you gave me the info that prevented it from going too far without my know-how. Your value still overshadows your errors." The Gangrel leans forward and puts a hand near Lucille's chin, the size of the hand perhaps serving as a reminder when of that hand was a claw ready to disembowel her. "But this isn't set in stone. I neither wish nor intend to for now to throw you to the wolves or get rid of you myself. But here's the thing Lucille, you're a Ghoul a daywalker. Your kind can sneak in on me when I'm sleeping and stake me, or set the bar on fire while I slumber. To keep one around you cannot trust is a risk. So your choices now, except for leaving and never coming back, though I doubt now that you've told me of the people that "made" you they will simply let you to do so, is if you want to be an Ally, an employee, a Ghoul who could use her daywalking to ensure the security of her coworker, employer and domain. Or if you want to be the Ghoul some Tremere dragged into my bar who emptied 2 shotgun shells into my face on my turf and then put a mortal worker at risk." (edited)
He leans in even closer "And though I don't wish to appear cruel, I need you to make this decision now." (edited)
Andante [Volg] 19-Jun-22 06:04 AM
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Lucille BOT 19-Jun-22 06:45 AM
She looked at you, with a tired smile, used up smile, but a smile nonetheless. Is it a tear that you see at the end of her left eye? "I’m your Ally Volg. You’re the nicest I’ve ever saw in those four last years. I… I‘ll protect this place, and what it represents."
Andante [Volg] 19-Jun-22 06:57 AM
Volg nods, though unsure how to react to being called "nice" that's not a common occurrance "Then prove it, don't make me bury someone I don't want to. Now, you gave me information, I can give you some back. Out of the people you described there is one that stuck out to me most, the Master of Shadows can only mean one thing. Lasombra. Vampires live in the darkness so the Shadow Kings, the Lasombra, are often cited as the most dangerous of all Cainites. After all, what is a beast of the shadows to one who controls them." Volg leans back away from Lucille, and pulls his hand back, and looks her in the eye with a steeled look. "Fortunately, I'm not afraid of the dark. Lasombra also likely means the Sabbat. This is good and bad, the bad is that they're fucked in the head and dangerous. The good is that the Sabbat is not just our problem, this warrants the Ivory Tower's entire attention. With what you shared I might convince the leadership for a preemptive strike. If not, I'll do it myself if I have to, I'm done letting people threaten me on my turf. Keep your shotgun and your phone on the ready. And make sure your daywalking ex-compatriots don't pull a fast one on us. I need to go attend to Billy and the guy that passed out, he clearly knows something."
Volg will then turn to leave
Lucille BOT 19-Jun-22 07:01 AM
"Volg ? I… I don’t have any of your kind of blood now. You think I could take some of yours to be able to resist them, should they come ?"
Andante [Volg] 19-Jun-22 07:03 AM
Volg stops in his tracks, unbuttons the cuffs on his shirt and bites a bit of his wrist open extending the arm to Lucille
(how much does a ghoul need again? Never really did this)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 19-Jun-22 07:05 AM
(So does Volg init ? kun)
Andante [Volg] 19-Jun-22 07:09 AM
(Idk she can have 2 bp I guess)
(do her disciplines change to mine, or are they set at first ghouling?)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 19-Jun-22 07:15 AM
(Does Volg has already did a ghoul )
Andante [Volg] 19-Jun-22 07:17 AM
(that is such a "Does Bruno Mars is gay" sentence, but no he hasn't ghouled anyone, infertile vitae also doesn't inhibit ghouling in any way) (edited)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 19-Jun-22 07:18 AM
(I don’t understand the Bruno Mars stuff x) (I was thinking of making it à discoverie for your character, but as you wish : ) )
Lucille BOT 19-Jun-22 09:48 AM
She began to lap avidly on his wrist, her eyes rolling beneath her eyelids as she closed them. A slow moan got out of her. Two night worth of blood should be enough. And she’ll develop with time the same powers as he.
Andante [Volg] 19-Jun-22 09:51 AM
Pulling away after enough blood has been drained, Volg licks his wound to close it, and turns back to start walking upstairs wordlessly, all that needed to be said has been so
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 19-Jun-22 10:06 AM
(End scene I would say ?)
Andante [Volg] 19-Jun-22 10:08 AM
Andante [Volg] 19-Jun-22 10:42 AM
Scene Recap: (edited)
Andante [Volg] 19-Jun-22 12:26 PM
Volg confronts Lucille about withholding important information, and reminds her that she's only being kept around on the basis of her merit. Lucille understands what she did was wrong, and wants to make up the danger she put the bar into by revealing a lot that she knew about, primarly members of the "Pack" seemingly related to the Sabbat since what appears to be a Lasombra was mentioned. among others, including Lester and Balle whom Volg already knew. Volg reminded her that the vampire world is tough, and though she went through a lot, the more she withholds, the more danger she and those around her are, and that if she will continue to put the rest of those she associates with into peril he will have to get rid of her, because a daywalker is useful, but a daywalker you can't trust is dangerous, though he doesn't want to. Lucille promises to stick around and do better moving forward. Volg then gives her some basic instructions and gives her some vitae to top her off
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