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Los Angeles: Blood Moon
❌ Past Logs Chapters 8-12 / ❌🌙🟩ch8-i-see-eartquakes-and-lightning
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 18-Jun-22 08:35 AM
Chapter 8 Location : Ash & Daniels Cigar Bar, LA Hills Outskirts Players : @Andante [Volg] starring as Volg, @Diego, Bruiser Rat the Rat Hound Diego ST @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] :
Previous scene : #❌🌙🟩ch8-an-irish-man-walks-into-a-bar (edited)
Andante [Volg] 18-Jun-22 10:58 AM
Volg leads the Nosferatu up a mahogany stairway that leads directly to a steel door, upon opening it a sight very different from the downstairs area will meat Digeo, A fairly busy navy blue and mahogany study spans the whole floor, packed full of book shelves, cabinets, medals, some flags that, without detailed knowledge of history and geography, are hard to pint down. What seems like a ship wheel, and other curios hang around the walls, a chaotic collection of items organized pristinely. A seemingly uncharacteristically quaint and calming place. The furniture consists of a few couches, a sofa a simple, but well crafted table that has a few books laying idly on it and the few chairs around that table. The Gangrel seats himself in one of the couches and looks at the Nosferatu "So, what're you looking for me for? Last time a kindred came looking for me I got blasted with a shotgun several times."
fingerup 2
@Diego, Bruiser Rat we here now
Diego, Bruiser Rat 18-Jun-22 11:15 AM
Diego followed, quiet and contemplating. This abode made the gangrel in front of him seem old, maybe that was the idea: to reflect the owners true age. Like that portrait from that novel. - Firstly, it might be a good idea to call your bartender and leave the phone running behind the bar. That lady guest of yours doesn't seem like an acquaintance, but is probably a kindred, definitely a killer, - Diego threw his backpack at the feet of one of the couch and planted himself into it. - Name's Diego, - he introduced himself, before lowering his collar and exposing the lower part of his face. - I saw the potholes. Don't plan to add to them. I'm with the Tower, but this is a backstage meeting. About members of our clans, and the recent attacks at the Camarilla and Anarch Elysium's. Sound like good conversation starter? (edited)
Andante [Volg] 18-Jun-22 11:18 AM
Volg takes in the information and pulls out his phone, dialing Lucille "Lucille, go out to the bar, have the boomstick nearby, make sure a creepy looking redhead smoking a montecristo doesn't start some shit while I'm upstairs." ( @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] ) He then looks back over at Diego "Better conversation starter than Lester offered me, sure. Though I'm afraid you'll have to catch me up. Haven't been at the last few Elysiums, not my cup of tea. And I don't exactly keep close to my clanmates." (edited)
Diego, Bruiser Rat 18-Jun-22 11:32 AM
- Neither do I, Mr Volg. Usually I keep low and don't come up, unless things go seriously wrong, - Diego responded, slightly more at ease after the call was made. - And don't know no Lester yet. The gunlugger decided to jump straight to the problem. - There had been attacks. Precise, direct, backed with good intelligence. We know for sure about two informants. First one we are already tracking. Of the second, only their clan is know. Diego didn't name the clan, it wasn't necessary. - If I pass the evidence to the Sheriff, I fear a witch hunt. I've always felt matters like this are best dealt with in-house first. You might not keep close to your clanmates, but you probably know them better than the rest of the city does. (edited)
Andante [Volg] 18-Jun-22 11:40 AM
Volg puts and arm on his neck and cracks it a bit before looking the Nosferatu in the eye again "My sire nabbed me, and ditched me. Gangrel tradition is he come back for me afterwards. He did not. I made my way back myself, I was never introduced through him, therefore I have very little connection to the Gangrel clan as a whole, I know them not much better than the rest of the city. Though I appreciate your thought, so if you want to try to meet them at some point I might accompany you, having even a distant Gangrel around should get you some credibility.. As for "Lester", he's the cause of those potholes. Waltzed into my bar tried to convert me to some fucking pack, had 3 ghouls on a leash. Skinny, black wiry curly hair, pale kind of ugly, if that description matches someone you recognize. Long story short, I doubt he'll be trying that shit again and one of his ghouls works for me now."
Volg scratches his chin "He did say pack specifically, but I'm pretty sure none of them were Gangrel, he gave a Lasombra or Tremere type vibe if anything. Might somehow be involved in the attacks if it is a Tremere. Fucking around with Gangrel blood is a track record they do have"
Diego, Bruiser Rat 18-Jun-22 11:55 AM
Diego nodded. - Nobody I know, - he stopped talking for a small disappointed pause. - With the info I have, it was a risk addressing a gangrel at all, as you might guess. I went to you, because you put down roots. You have employees and mementos to loose and to protect. You said this Lester came to you with three ghouls. This fact alone must worry you greatly. Ghouls are not constrained by the night. Diego grabbed his bag and got up. - The Sabbat are making ghouls en masse. I had to put down six earlier tonight. Make sure you and your employees are safe during the day. And if you comb your memory for clan members I can reach out to - call me. He got to the table and among the books grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down his mobile number. - Just in case, the first snitch was blackmailed. The second might be as well. I don't plan of killing anyone, unless my hand is forced.
Andante [Volg] 18-Jun-22 12:07 PM
Volg takes the number and starts marking it in his phone, dialing it once so Diego can record his "Ghouls being daywalkers was a concern certainly, that's why I nabbed one, but I've a good guess, especially now, that "Lester" was a Tremere, as is the Sheriff whom I'm apparently meant to report him to. Never a good thing to deal with, though I've found through previous experiences that the blood sorcerers have difficulty dealing with me at times but that can only take you so far. " Volg lets out a tired exhale, an odd action for one who doesn't breathe "The prince must have some bolts loose to declare a Sheriff from the Chantry. I most appreciate the tip off about the Sabbat, Lester, Tremere or not, is just one fucker he can only make so many ghouls before they drain him like a Capri Sun, the Sabbat not so much. As for the last point, death of those who can't survive doesn't bother me, some of my clan may resent you for it, I am not one of those. I operate only on what belongs to me, be it land, property or people. You respect those boundaries, you'll find me quite useful should our goals align." (edited)
Lucille BOT 18-Jun-22 12:16 PM
Lucille was not reached at first, but rapidly called back. "Readheaded… Could she be named Balle ? Green eyes ? She’s really REALLY dangerous, she’ll kill me for sure if she see me boss"
Andante [Volg] 18-Jun-22 12:17 PM
Upon getting the call back Volg will growl and say back "Nevermind, then, if you know her I'm going back down. Once the situation's diffused you're telling me about her."
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 18-Jun-22 12:17 PM
Lucille BOT 18-Jun-22 12:18 PM
"Y.. Yes."
Diego, Bruiser Rat 18-Jun-22 12:21 PM
- Grateful, Mister Volg, - the nosferatu was ready to leave. His posture betrayed a restrained disappointment, but not much beyond that. - I offer you the same. Just then the dandy gangrel put the phone to his ear. Diego didn't hear the voice on the other side, but Volg's response was quite... eloquent. - Or... I could a while, out of sight, until your guest leaves. No questions or boons asked.
Andante [Volg] 18-Jun-22 12:23 PM
Volg gets up and storms downstairs "As you wish Diego."
Diego, Bruiser Rat 18-Jun-22 12:25 PM
- Hey. When you're down, hold the front door open for a bit, as if taking a breath of fresh air. Will look like you're letting somebody out, to those in the know, - finished Diego, before focusing and trying obfuscate his image from Volg's mind's eye, and hopefully from the rest as well. (edited)
Andante [Volg] 18-Jun-22 12:27 PM
Volg does do that
Andante [Volg] 18-Jun-22 12:38 PM
Scene Recap:
Andante [Volg] 18-Jun-22 12:58 PM
Volg leads Diego up to his study and asks him what he's been seeking the Gangrel out for. Diego tells him it's because there are gangrel suspect of attacking Anarch and Camarilla on Elysium and he wanted to ask Volg if he knew anything about it, Volg being sort of an outsider to the Gangrel at large didn't. He also informed Volg that the lady called Balle downstairs was dangerous and to keep an eye out for his workers, later confirmed by Lucille. After exchanging numbers Diego shadowed Volg as he stood to interrupt Balle in her attempts to charm Billy
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