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Los Angeles: Blood Moon
❌ Past Logs Chapters 1-7 / ❌🎃🟩ch7-there-arent-enough-cookies-for-this-donation
David as Dylan Sean 16-Jun-22 07:20 AM
Chapter 7 Location: General Hospital Player: Slinar (Alexander Montferrier) ST: 👍 This Guy 👍 (edited)
David as Dylan Sean 16-Jun-22 07:46 AM
At its opening GH was a marvel of modern medicine and a specracle of modern art. Matching the other major LA county public service buildings. Theses nights it is a lovely testament to urban decay, a revolving door of gun shot wounds, and drug over doses, on a backdrop of ageing equipment, and over worked staff. Even at this time of night the place is a living beast,fed brokem bodies, chemicals, and the hopes and dreams of a city while it excreted corpses, biomedical waste, and a much lower percentage of mended human beings. (edited)
So how does @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] approach situations like this? Are we a brute force, a sneaky boy, or something else?
Alexander Montferrier BOT 16-Jun-22 07:54 AM
Alexander looked at the place, unsure. And decided to go to the morgue to drink from the dead corpses. He try really quick in his exploration of the hospital to take a medical coat to look like a doctor, and put a chirgucal mask on his face.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 16-Jun-22 07:55 AM
(so more sneaky i would say, using auspex to avoid the persons)
David as Dylan Sean 16-Jun-22 09:39 AM
Your able to locate the morgue exit, a large door, big enough to fit a gurney through, heavy and metal, as if to resist a assault, or keep a prisoner in. You had to traverse a long service road, past dumpsters from the cafeteria, past a locked gate marked with a medical waste symbol, and then finally the morgue exit.
David as Dylan Sean 16-Jun-22 09:46 AM
The rancid smell of the gate behind the biowaste symbol is underlined with a scent that draws you in your diminished state. Blood.. dirty.. crusted, befouled blood...
David as Dylan Sean 16-Jun-22 10:18 AM
Digging deep into your will you pass the medical waste eyes on the plan... corpses... blood from the corpses. The heavy door is propped open and a blue van is pulled off to the side. You see a pair of men in blue scrubs smoking cigarettes off to the side of the door.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 16-Jun-22 10:25 AM
Alexander tried to pass them sneakely, as he expect they're not really alert to protect corpses.
David as Dylan Sean 16-Jun-22 10:40 AM
The little nagging voice in your head poibts out that it would be easy, really easy to just take one.. or even both.. fresh and warm... No no no... The guys barely give you a glance as you walk to the door and let yourself into a grungy back hallway with dingy white walls and chipped linoleum. The smell of disinfectant and formaldehyde is strong here. Little plastic signs demark a number of offoces and storage rooms and finally a door for the morgue. You can see that one of the rooms further on has a plastic airlock like thing attached to it and a man in a blue full body envirmental suit leaning boredly against the wall. He doesnt even give you a glance.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 16-Jun-22 10:43 AM
Alexander stayed focus, trying to find as soon as possible a dead body to drink from. He wasn't even sure if it would help me, but he needed to try. I can't just let this bitch, these monsters be rigth. There must be another way.
David as Dylan Sean 16-Jun-22 11:17 AM
The morgue door opens on a hallway, old white tile with grungy grout. On either side are big wondows that stretch from hip height to nearly the ceiling. The right window is dark and you can see lines of metal drawers with tables in the center of the of room. At the far end is some sort of mobile rack, with yellow plastic and bio hazard symbols. The otherside is some sort of exam room brightly lit with a man faced away from the window leaned over a naked corpse. At first you think he is talking to someone.. then you realize he is actually singing along with a pair of head phones over his bushy hair.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 16-Jun-22 04:09 PM
Alexander tried to sneak in the dark room, and to search for keys, documents maybe to see of what the corpse died, to not feed from a diseased person.[Enhanced senses.] He listened to the sound in the corridor, as he opened the first rack. Here you are, drinking dead blood to survive. He would be laughing at you so hard right now... You really need a cleaner way to feed.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 16-Jun-22 04:09 PM
(rack are where there is the body right?)
David as Dylan Sean 16-Jun-22 04:24 PM
The rack is different, the body bags there have a seal over the zipper with some basic info. The drawers have label tags with a name and some sort of filing number.
David as Dylan Sean 16-Jun-22 04:34 PM
You easily find a fresh looking corpse in one of the drawers. A young blacl man with a pair of bullet wounds in his chest. Even as much as the hunger gnaws at you, this doesnt feel right.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 16-Jun-22 04:38 PM
Nothing is right in this world of darkness. He grabbed him and bite the neck, closing his eyes but still listening. Better that than a alive one.
David as Dylan Sean 16-Jun-22 04:47 PM
(So do you have any medical? Im guessing not.)
You sink your fangs into the corpse the skin parts and the cold flesh presses against your lips. You draw... and suck... and nothing.. barely even the taste on your tongue.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 17-Jun-22 03:48 AM
"Fnuc-ch." He groaned as he tried to suck harder in the man to get blood. He licked it, wanting to see if the holes were gonna shut themselves. If yes, he would try to suck at the wrist, for the artery.
David as Dylan Sean 17-Jun-22 07:14 AM
The holes don't close. They are suposed to close... A muffled crash of metal startles you and you look vack to see that man has apparently dropped a tray of medical tools. The man he would know where to find blood... he is full of blood... the blood is what you need...
omg 1
Alexander Montferrier BOT 17-Jun-22 07:21 AM
"If it... No, I must resist, there must be another way." Alexander sliced the two holes, to make it look like a bad incision with a knife, and closed the drawer. He then looked at the other room where the man is standing, checking for cameras. If there's none, he will enter it, and ask the man if there's any blood samples department : he need to run tests and can't find his way here.
zemlerojka 1
David as Dylan Sean 17-Jun-22 07:29 AM
Only the dead here... the dead and a juicy delicious... no ones watching...
🤮 1
hyena 1
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 17-Jun-22 07:36 AM
@David as Dylan Sean
David as Dylan Sean 17-Jun-22 07:43 AM
Do you want to turn on heightened senses? (I know you mentioned it but i havnt really been treating it as on) (edited)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 17-Jun-22 07:54 AM
(he do that always yes, but only the hearing part)
David as Dylan Sean 17-Jun-22 07:58 AM
Frustrated you step back into the hall. The buzz of the ancient electric lights, and the whine of one of the cooling units is like nails on a chalk board to you. Something in you test the handle of the door of the examination area, almost as if your subconcious... or that wicked voice nagging you, pleading with you, demanding you to sarisfy it. The door is unlocked, and the man is very distracted.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 17-Jun-22 08:05 AM
"Hey. It's my first time here and searching the blood samples department, I need to do some tests. You know where it is ? I'm really with too less caffeine right now."
ilaliano 2
David as Dylan Sean 17-Jun-22 08:14 AM
The guy doesnt hear you at first. "pour some ramen on meeee! In the name of love!" He drops what appears to be a bullet into a metal tray. This close you see he is a tall pudgy man with black curly hair. He is dressed in a smeared lab coat over jeans and a pair of chucks. (edited)
hyena 1
Alexander Montferrier BOT 17-Jun-22 08:16 AM
"MISTER?" He rised up his voice, in a hard tone. "I'm searching for the blood sample department. I need to do some tests. Where is it ?" He talked in a assertive tone, trying to pass as a superior.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 17-Jun-22 08:16 AM
@David as Dylan Sean
David as Dylan Sean 17-Jun-22 08:29 AM
"Holy mother theressa and her baby Jesus! Where the heck did you come from!" He leaps in fright spinning toward you a paniced look on his face." What? You want blood? Why are you down here?" He asks putting a hand on the gurney hand clutched at his chest. Hes in his late 20s with a round and soft face framed in thick black glasses.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 17-Jun-22 08:30 AM
"I'm searching for the blood sample department. I need to do some tests. Where is it ? Or should I call your supervisor ?"
omg 2
David as Dylan Sean 17-Jun-22 08:35 AM
"Shit man your super lost then. Its on the other end of the building." This close you can smell the man, the spot on his cheek where he knicked himself shaving, the smell of ink and blood of a fresh tattoo, even the rancid smell of a cracked tooth rolling off his breath stirs you in ways you were never aroused in life. "Its down the hall past the hazmat guy.. up the elevator, down to reception, then i think its over in the labs... did you lose you badge? He holds up a p8cture ID on a lanyard.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 17-Jun-22 08:50 AM
"Why don't you guide me ? It'll be far more useful." Alexander looked at him in the eye, clenching his jaws as he cracked slowly his fingers with his knuckles." You didn't drank this punk girl, it's not to drink one someone else. You shall resist, you god damned bastard. I'll never let it out once more.
David as Dylan Sean 17-Jun-22 09:04 AM
His eyes glaze a moment as your will forces itself on his like a drunk frat boy, then clears a confused and violated expression on his face. "I.. uh... i cant.. " You see him glance at the door, then at the phone hanging on the wall.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 17-Jun-22 09:10 AM
Alexander sighs, before looking at the man once more. "No problem, I'll just find my way on my own, as there is not a single problem happening. It's normal after all."
David as Dylan Sean 17-Jun-22 10:28 AM
He nods blankly "yeah, normal after all..." he echoes. He seems momentarily confused, like he forgot what he was doing. He turns back toward the body slowly
Alexander Montferrier BOT 17-Jun-22 05:58 PM
Alexander groaned before going out of the place and trying to find the blood storage.
David as Dylan Sean 17-Jun-22 07:03 PM
Out in the hall you see that the man in the hazmat suit has disapeared from the hall. You make your way down the hall, your shoes clicking on the hard tile. As you pass the door the hazmat guy was guarding you see that a yellow hazard sticker has been put on the wall next to the door. The door opens as you pass and a tiny woman with a lab coat draped over one arm steps out and smiles at you. Short haired asian lady with a serious expression. She walks waith you and hits the button on the elevator, standing there a little awkwardly as you wait for the car to come.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 18-Jun-22 04:01 AM
He smiled to her too. "Those corridors are a nightmare to go through. I’m just here for a investigation test and I’ve already lost myself two times. How do you do everyday that ?"
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 18-Jun-22 04:01 AM
@David as Dylan Sean
David as Dylan Sean 18-Jun-22 10:47 AM
She shrugs. "The areas for patients and families is better marked, these back halls are a little more confusing." She pointedly looks at your chest, and you see she has a name badge. Kim Chi, virologist. "Your looking for testing? Its on the first floor." She hits the appropriate button.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 18-Jun-22 10:48 AM
Alexander smiled to her. "Exactly. If you could guide me there, it would be really a treat. But I don't want to take up your time if you're in a rush... Even if I could always pay you a coffee later on."
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 18-Jun-22 10:48 AM
@David as Dylan Sean
David as Dylan Sean 18-Jun-22 01:15 PM
She gives you a humoring look, the kind you give when you get hit on in a elevator and dont want to be rude. "Ill be happy to help. Im not from this hospital im here with the cdc. Do you work in the hospital?"
Alexander Montferrier BOT 18-Jun-22 01:20 PM
"Not at all. I’m just a normal investigator needing to take blood sample."
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 18-Jun-22 04:05 PM
@David as Dylan Sean
David as Dylan Sean 18-Jun-22 04:23 PM
Im not sure what the command is here. Just that you need a blood sample? Or do you want to command her to take you to a blood sample?
David as Dylan Sean 18-Jun-22 04:53 PM
Again you violate the will of the lesser being, telling her what you are and why. Her eyes go blank for moment and her mouth falls open.
sadkitty 1
The elevator opens onto a white hall, a little more modernized than the basment area. "Your going to need your badge to get in to there."
Alexander Montferrier BOT 18-Jun-22 04:55 PM
"I don't have one on myself. But I could use yours, no ? Since it's all good. It would be nice of you."
What the fuck am I doing. Am I not better than them...? This power, this faculty of dominating others. It's dangerous, too dangerous. It corrupts.
David as Dylan Sean 18-Jun-22 05:00 PM
She visibly winces away from you, it brings to mind the image of an abused child or woman. She pulls the badge from around her neck and holds it toward you with a slight tremble to her hand.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 19-Jun-22 06:51 AM
(Ok i didn’t understand the stuff) (edited)
(Alexander planted this suggestion to be able to convince her to help him get to the blood, and justly to not have to brutalise her)
Alexander Montferrier
"I don't have one on myself. But I could use yours, no ? Since it's all good. It would be nice of you."
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 19-Jun-22 06:55 AM
(So this one was more of a convincing stuff to get her to help him, just after the precedent suggestion)
David as Dylan Sean 19-Jun-22 07:01 AM
(Dominate is mind rape. A betrayal of your own body to the will of a kindred. The victim knows they are violated afterward, even if they arnt sure how or why. Use direct commands, while dominate can be subtle, its more of a sledge hammer than a chisel.) (edited)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 19-Jun-22 07:03 AM
(Direct command ?)
David as Dylan Sean 19-Jun-22 07:06 AM
(Sontheres a difference between 'take me to the blood bank and get me some blood' and say 'help me get blood' the later is.. open to interpretations everything from stabbing the next person she sees, to exactly what you want. )
fingerup 1
(Now clearly, every situation doesnt need the drama of the victim feeling violated or all that, but since your exploring the power.. we might as well lean into it.)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 19-Jun-22 07:08 AM
(Oh ok i didn’t thought about it so the direct would be less… traumatising ?)
(Ok ok, i love it, and plus Alexander is just discovering this power so it’s super cool)
David as Dylan Sean 19-Jun-22 07:09 AM
(No, dominate is mind rape. But direct is efficient)
❤️ 1
Alexander Montferrier BOT 19-Jun-22 07:11 AM
… "Let’s do this." He took her badge, before going straight to the blood lab, letting her, letting this shame behind him. I’m… I’m becoming more monstruous… but in the same time, it’s to not feed on the innocent. God, I need to secure a good day to feed.
David as Dylan Sean 19-Jun-22 07:21 AM
The corridors on the forst floor have been modernized, but still some how seem faded, and bleak. Signs are ppsted at ever turn and you see that colored lines streak one wall like a deficient rainbow, and figure each line leads to a major department. It doesnt take you long to locate the 'Labs' department where they take blood and other bodily fluids for testing. There is a patients waiting area with a bunch of uncomfortable looking chairs, and nurses station. At this time of night both chairs and station are empty.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 19-Jun-22 07:23 AM
Alexander began to look for bloods bags and a way of stacking them safely.
David as Dylan Sean 19-Jun-22 07:27 AM
The badge lets you into the collections area. You find a half dozen mini fridges with glass vials of blood in slotted trays.
David as Dylan Sean 19-Jun-22 08:10 AM
While hardly convenient each tray is about one BP worth of blood.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 19-Jun-22 08:12 AM
Alexander continued his search, trying to find blood bags somewhere for transfusion. Taking that much of samples out of nowhere would be too much of a mascarade breach, fuck.
David as Dylan Sean 19-Jun-22 08:52 AM
You think about it, and realize maybe they dont draw blood for surgery and infusions here. But blood storage is probably near by. A door at the back of the area leads to a hall that has a big window showing storage coolers. You see that only one of the refrigerators holds blood bags, but a chart near the door shows a schedual, the blood is moved to other parts of the hospital after delivery and testing. So the 4 bags here are untested.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 19-Jun-22 08:54 AM
Alexander take them and put them in his bag, before going out as soon as he can.
David as Dylan Sean 19-Jun-22 09:11 AM
You do notice a note with the number of a blood bank in hollywood that provides services.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 19-Jun-22 10:11 AM
He took note of it, writing quickly keys info on his note book before going out. I need to feed so badly. Quick, before I slip.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 19-Jun-22 10:11 AM
@David as Dylan Sean
David as Dylan Sean 19-Jun-22 12:49 PM
Back and out the front like escaping the maw of the infernal beast into the night. Would there be issues? He still has the badge of a cdc doctor. Did any of the cameras catch him? Would anyone even notice...
--end scene--
Alexander seeks alternative sustenance at LA General Hospital. He has trouble feeding from a corpse, must have been too long dead. He sees evidence of some sort of contagion being tracked in the city, a number of biosealed corpses and a special restricted area. He meets a CDC virologist, Kim Chi and takes her name badge before stealing blood from storage. Possible future problems- maybe reported or recorded.
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