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Los Angeles: Blood Moon
❌ Past Logs Chapters 1-7 / ❌💀🟩ch7-social-necromancy
Gemini| Jesse “Loki” Hill 16-Jun-22 07:34 PM
Chapter 7 Location: Venice Beach, Loki’s Flop House Players: @Gemini| Jesse “Loki” Hill ST: @!Your Hyennaes Previous scenes: #❌💀ch7-face-to-face Loki would be looking at a steno-pad he had underage loose floorboard in his bedroom in the flophouse he inhabits. He flipped through various contacts he had, specifically his old friends in his old gang, and he finds in one of the pages someone he was close with, and puts the number into his flip phone, “Conejo.” Soon as he puts him in, he gives the number a try to see if he was around. Hoping he picked up. If not, he had other contacts he could try.
realhearty 2
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 17-Jun-22 06:56 AM
First contact did not answer, but the calls were there. Phone worked. The second number brought Loki more luck. After the third sound someone picked up. - Hola... - greeted low men's voice.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 17-Jun-22 09:27 AM
After testing out the numbers, he was finally got one that answered. Him responding as soon as the man answered the phone, [Spanish] “Been a while bro, how you been?” He did not know how much of a shock it was going to be for his buddy to hear his voice, but it was what it was, he would explain a situation that made sense later.
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 17-Jun-22 10:36 AM
- Loco Hill?! - He mangled his nickname Spanish manner for purpose. There was no doubt he was hell of surprised to hear that voice ever again. - I thought you were already dead man!
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 17-Jun-22 11:09 AM
“Hell yea man, it’s me.” He knew that people would be surprised to hear he was still alive. Him responding with, “Yea bro, it’s been a crazy couple of years man.” He paused for a moment, wondering how was it best to approach this, but quickly asking him, “Think we can meet up and talk bro?”
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 17-Jun-22 05:10 PM
- Yeah, for sure. Can meet somewhere on our territory. Damn, well, glad you were able to make it through.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 17-Jun-22 05:13 PM
“Aight homeboy, your flat or Tianna’s?” He asked remembering a bar near their area, he was not gonna drink, but he could just chill out with him. Whatever his friend chose.
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 17-Jun-22 05:15 PM
- Yes, let's meet there.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 17-Jun-22 05:38 PM
“Aight, I’ll be over, I’ll see you bro.” He said his goodbyes and hung up as he was pulling out a oversized t-shirt, khaki dickies, and Cortez’s. He then started putting them on and then he grabbed a box that had brass knuckles, a knife, and a piece. He put his brass knuckles in the pocket, and hid the box again before looking around and began to head out. He goes to his vehicle, after locking the flop house, and makes his way towards the bar, taking some roads that he knew would get him in his neighborhood unimpeded, his destination Tianna’s Bar in his old neighborhood.
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 17-Jun-22 05:59 PM
The streets seemed the same and different at the same time. Even ugly smells mix caused the nostalgic feeling of the active human past. The aged houss were starting at the newcomer with their black window eyes with a bit of sorrow. Finally some familiar lights of "Tianna's" appeared on the way. A few dark cars and a bike were parked nearby and there was a familiar silhouette with a phone at his ear and a cigarette in his mouth standing close to the entrance.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 17-Jun-22 06:09 PM
Loki sees the silhouette and figures that’s his old friend, and when he gets to the bar, he parks in one of the designated parking areas along the bar, and gets out locking the door behind him. His head on a swivel as he looked around, he still carried himself like a veterano. He walks towards the entrance and catches a glance of the man on the phone, seeing if it was his buddy, while also behind casual about it. “Ey carnal (brother).” He takes a look around to see if he could recognize anyone else, and if this was his buddy, then he would know him by his voice and how he looked. He was taking stock of his surroundings at the very least.
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 17-Jun-22 06:21 PM
The guy finished the talk and looked at the newcomer. - Ey Loco! Jesus, you haven't changed a bit. Where were you? At the sanatorium or what? - He laughed and intended to hand-greet hid buddy. There were several people around, Jesse didn't know then but could suspect there are a few from the gang as well. At least he caught some sights at him.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 17-Jun-22 06:32 PM
He smirked and shook it up with his old friend. At least he got to see one of his good friends again, so after shaking it up with his homeboy, he said to him, “Yea man, I actually ended up in a place like that, my cousins saw me OD, got me to a hospital.” Loki was explaining, starting off with that, then he added, “My cousins were talkin’ to me about they were worried, the whole fuckin’ intervention talk. Then said they had power of attorney or something like that over me and I ain’t got a choice because they caught me OD’ing and they were worried, shit like that.” My guy shook his head with a sigh keeping a blank look.
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 17-Jun-22 07:40 PM
- I see, - he tried to stay more believing, but they both knew - if someone was removed from radars for too long - it's not a good sign in most of cases. - So what are you up to right now then? Getting back to business?
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 17-Jun-22 08:02 PM
“Yea bro, been getting busy again, still got that place out in Venice Beach.” He knew that there was a lot of underlying questions, he needs to be on the swivel around it. “Business good?”
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 18-Jun-22 02:54 AM
- Yeah, all good. Holding well ya know. Wanna sit somewhere? - He pointed towards the bar table.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 18-Jun-22 07:46 AM
He nodded pulling a chair out and sat down, him continuing the conversation with, “Good shit bro, good shit. I gotta ask if shits been aight in the Heights lately.” It was true, he was curious what was going on in Boyle Heights, but not for the same reasons one would think of him. It was for his job.
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 18-Jun-22 07:50 AM
- Depends on what exactly do you mean... He lit another cigarette.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 18-Jun-22 07:56 AM
He nodded, thinking for a moment, before clarifying his question into being more direct while still remaining casual, “Just wonderin’ any big homies came back from la pinta (prison)? Y’all ain’t got into any major beefs, shit like that.”
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 18-Jun-22 08:02 AM
- Yeah. One of them John Hernandez. Just got back but He seems a bit... I dunno... different? I know this place changes people, but not that much so far as I could notice. Just a few days left. Well... And yourself. You showed up just like new. He chuckled. - You know how it looks not less then me.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 18-Jun-22 08:23 AM
“Shit man, I gotcha. The pin’ll do some weird shit to you man, I should know.” He said giving a little chuckle with him, keeping the name John Hernandez in mind, he was interested in meeting up with him, “He hang near here? I remember that name some.”
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 18-Jun-22 04:42 PM
- Well you should know him. He is someone you should be in respect with. Y ya know? Not the highest, but definitely not small dude. Knows the area like his five fingers.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 18-Jun-22 04:51 PM
When he thought about it, he was thinking what name he knew was attached to his name. Then he remembered, the man’s name was Lefty, that’s where he knew him from. So he looked to his friend and asked, “Shit Lefty?” He was actually glad he remembered that name. “Damn… been a long time since I’ve seen the homie.”
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 18-Jun-22 07:34 PM
- Yes. Him, - he puffed a cigarette, - you wanna meet Lefty? Huh, not the good start for someone like you with someone like him. He hinted that a guy who returned from prison and the one missed for years can be not the best match.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 18-Jun-22 07:58 PM
“You right… I couldn’t help I was sent to rehab though.” It was no secret, Loki was going deeper and deeper into his addiction, what he fails to mention is that he is still a fiend, but not by choice now, for necessity, he can no longer choose to walk away from tar, it’s him now. “Can you slide him my info? Tell him that a homie just came back from rehab and I wanna meet with him in a neutral area and shit.” He was thinking for a moment, thinking of a good place to meet. “We still good with the Armenians?”
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 18-Jun-22 08:01 PM
- Ye, seguramente [of course], the rest depends on him. I don't know what's going on in his head. You never know these people. That's what keeps us alive longer. He chuckled. - But for sure I can let you know.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 18-Jun-22 08:11 PM
“It is what it is, I understand if he don’t wanna meet.“ Loki thought for a moment, then he forgot the most obvious question. Loki turned to his old friend and asked with a more hushed tone, “Anything weird been going on around here?”
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 18-Jun-22 08:14 PM
- Uh-huh. Weird like what? - He narrowed his eyes.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 18-Jun-22 08:16 PM
“The jura (cops) been snoopin’ where they shouldn’t?” Loki would then give a glance around, now more attentive to his surroundings. He did not want to be caught off guard. “Or if there’s been dudes tryna press an issue and roll in.”
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 18-Jun-22 08:20 PM
- They always are. A year ago we had a harsh issue... - he went silent after as he still could not trust the guy. Who knew maybe he's now one of them. Anyway Leftie would know how to deal with that. - Nothing we could not handle so far.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 18-Jun-22 08:42 PM
Loki nodded a few times, him scratching his chin and thinking. Him asking, “What was his name?” The gears in his head working, it may be nothing, but still he needed to keep it in the back of his head.
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 18-Jun-22 11:00 PM
- The dude? Let me remember... Damn it was so long ago. I guess Jacob Torres or something like that.
- Cops sent this bastardo undercover.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 18-Jun-22 11:04 PM
He nods understanding, him scratching his neck and sighing. He knew the guy had probably put a dent in any of their operations, but he was right, nothing they could not handle. “Jura always try to pull one over on us, they don’t get very far.” He looked at the watch and sighed, “Man I’m getting tired as shit, been kicking off of methadone. You got my number down right?”
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 18-Jun-22 11:07 PM
- Yeah. And you have mine so I'll keep in touch. Was good to see you in love piece.
Jesse ‘Loki’ Hill BOT 18-Jun-22 11:28 PM
“Hell yes homie, I’ll call up again sometime.” He slaps it up with his friend, he has to admit, it was good being in his old stomping grounds, but the reality was, he was there to do business. It was the reality of his situation. After saying his farewells to his friend, he made his way back to his vehicle where he unlocked it, got in, started it up, and made his way back to Venice Beach. He reminisced about the past, all of the wild times he had and all of the bad times he had. It seemed so distant considering how much things had changed the past two years, but as soon as he was home, he stopped thinking about it immediately, and just focused on resting. He made sure everything was secure before moving a little section in one of his rooms and going in for the night.
Gemini| Jesse “Loki” Hill 18-Jun-22 11:30 PM
Imma get a recap up soon
!Your Hyennaes 18-Jun-22 11:34 PM
((I looked at the nickname and like.. who are you violet guy?))))
hyena 3
Gemini| Jesse “Loki” Hill 19-Jun-22 08:29 AM
Recap: Loki gets into contact with an old friend in his old gang Conejo, and they were catching up somewhat, Loki learns about a man he knew from a while back named John “Lefty” Hernandez. Loki wants to meet with Lefty in a neutral territory and his old friend is going to slide his info to Lefty so they could discuss this. A issue was presented, undercover cop named Jacob Torres, Loki does not know if it’s something major or not, he just kept the name in mind due to the issues he caused. This is a continuation of his mission.
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