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Los Angeles: Blood Moon
❌ Past Logs Chapters 1-7 / ❌💀ch7-face-to-face
!Your Hyennaes 15-Jun-22 06:41 PM
Chapter 7 Location: Isaac's office in Hollywood Players: @Gemini| Jesse “Loki” Hill Loki ST:@!Your Hyennaes
Gemini| Jesse “Loki” Hill 15-Jun-22 06:56 PM
Loki arrived at the office he had been instructed to go to. He looked around the area, he was told to go in around back and that he would be expecting him. It was too late to turn back around. He did not really have nice clothes on, mainly because he did not have a lot of nice clothes to begin with, so he was just wearing an a blue Pendleton flannel, black Dickie shorts, and black Cortez’s. He knew he was not really dressed to impressed, but he tried to throw on the nicest clothes he had for this. He got done psyching himself up mentally, put on a blank face, and opened the door to walk in, his stride as confident as he looked. He walked in stood at the desk, and said with the same confidence, his accent thick as he spoke, “Evenin’ sir, name’s Jesse Hill but most dudes call me Loki, I heard you wanted to speak with me.” His accent did not fit how he looked, he sounded Hispanic, and it was clear he was trying not to call Isaac bro or man, he was trying to seem professional for once when he was just casual other times. He was just attempting to maintain his confident demeanor.
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 15-Jun-22 07:19 PM
Isaac was looking just as described - had some age traces left on his features and he had some grey hair but all official indeed. His face kept neutral and even welcoming. - Welcome mister Hill. Or should I better call you Loki?
Gemini| Jesse “Loki” Hill 15-Jun-22 07:26 PM
“Whichever’s easier for you sir.” He said, giving a sly grin, him looking around the office and looking back to Isaac. He had no clue what the meeting was about, all he was told was was to meet with Isaac. He decided to make small talk, as he made a comment, “Gotta say, a nice place you got here. Ain’ really been up in Hollywood much, Mr. Abrams.” (edited)
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 15-Jun-22 09:02 PM
- I see you try to keep more official, - he smiled a bit, - yes, I wanted to see you in person. I heard you have some... - he made an undefined gesture, - 'company' of mortal people. A gang, is it?
Gemini| Jesse “Loki” Hill 15-Jun-22 09:14 PM
He nods a little, his connections with his gang were still there, but ever since his embrace he had not been too close to them. But he did respond with, “Yea, some homeboys out in East LA, White Fence.” He rubbed the back of his neck where one of his old tattoos were.
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 15-Jun-22 09:17 PM
- This kind of connections are pretty dangerous for our disguise in general. I was wondering how do you plan to manage this little issue. Well, I hope it will not become an issue. Still we need to talk about it.
Gemini| Jesse “Loki” Hill 15-Jun-22 09:24 PM
Loki nodded, it had been two years since he had been in contact with his old gang, most likely they think he OD’d on heroin and they just have not found the body yet, as long as they kept thinking that, he is safe. So he decided to tell him the truth, “To be honest, I ain’ talked to them since I got embraced. Last they saw me, I was shootin’ up smack and shit. They dunno where I am.” He scratched his chin, thinking about his next words, but confident, he followed up with, “They prolly think I’m dead by now, I got a new phone and shit, and I ain’ hangin’ around East LA anymore. Shouldn’t be an issue from them.”
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 15-Jun-22 09:29 PM
- So you do plan to keep in contact with them? Do you have the idea how soon? How do you know they don't have another kindred in charge?
Gemini| Jesse “Loki” Hill 15-Jun-22 09:38 PM
His eyes widened a little, it was clear that there was an idea forming in his head. “Ey… now that you mentioned it, I ain’ so sure they don’t got kindred runnin’ the show in some way, they almost as old as the city.” It would be a wise idea for him to check around and see if there was a kindred that was somewhat apart of White Fence, from there he could have a solid connection. “Don’ think it would hurt to look into that some.” He still knew where some of his friends were, or at least, he assumed they have not left because that is where their turf was. He knew soon as he was back there that some of them would recognize him.
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 15-Jun-22 09:48 PM
Isaac seems as looking through Loki's skin and seeing or even reading his thoughts made a smile. - Ah, I see you got it now. Excellent! - He raised his voice just a little not to make it sound too loud in the room. - Please deal with this as careful as possible. There are several anarchs who are connected with different gangs, and I don't want the interest conflicts here.
Gemini| Jesse “Loki” Hill 15-Jun-22 10:02 PM
“Course man, don’t wanna start anythin’ over nuthin, plus, I still got a lotta their contact info.” He said, he was relieved to say the least, because it honestly would not be such a bad idea to have him make his connection back with the gang or see if there was another kindred already in. “Nuthin else, just good to have a connection with them.” He did think for a moment, before another thought formed into his head, it would be useful to know any one else that would be in East LA, at least that would be a good starting ground of knowing who was who. There would be gang beefs, but that was to be expected, they always came and went fast so it was nothing to really worry about. “Also, you know if they’re other Kindred in East LA?”
Los Angeles StoryTeller BOT 15-Jun-22 10:08 PM
- Unfortunately I do not know everyone in person so the situation on the streets can change. Not for now as far as I know.
Gemini| Jesse “Loki” Hill 15-Jun-22 10:23 PM
He nodded scratching his chin and he figured that he had some options on how he could approach this, he was leaning towards the idea of contacting a couple of the big homies, then meeting with a few of them as buddies. As far as they knew, he did not duck the gang, he was probably dealing with some family shit or did some time in jail, he would figure it all out. “I’ll see if there’s a kindred in my ole gang, and if there ain’, then I can regain my connection with them again if you want me to.” He was actually excited to see what was going on back in Boyle Heights, he could be back in his old stomping grounds and catch up with some old friends, he will be seeing if they have changed last he saw them. In the back of his head, he knew he needed to be very, very careful.
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 15-Jun-22 10:39 PM
- Regaining is up to your own decision. I just don't want unneeded fight for territory. And it is not too late to be a bit more careful ahead of it appears. He nodded and smiled.
Gemini| Jesse “Loki” Hill 15-Jun-22 10:47 PM
“Aight, I’ll get on that then.” He thought for a moment, before looking to the Baron and asking, “There anything else you need me to do sir?” He had a lot to think about in regards to Eastside, but he knew he had some time to ease himself back into it.
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 15-Jun-22 11:04 PM
- We're good for now I think. Have a good night. Keep me informed. He offered his hand to Loki.
Gemini| Jesse “Loki” Hill 15-Jun-22 11:11 PM
“Will do sir.” He shakes Loki’s hand with a grin and a nod. After saying his fair wells, he heads out of the office, his first destination would be his flop house, that’s where he could get some of his priorities straight. And where he could map out his play.
Recap: Jesse “Loki” Hill met with Isaac Abrams, first time meeting face to face, discussed Loki’s past life regarding gangs, and now Loki’s task is to look for a Kindred in his old gang White Fence in Boyle Heights
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