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Los Angeles: Blood Moon
❌ Past Logs Chapters 1-7 / ❌🌙ch6-2-kindred-and-a-human
Sofie Slasher {Mortal} BOT 10-Jun-22 11:22 AM
Day 6 Location: One of the seedy nightclubs that populate the World of Darkness Players:Me, @Anue/Alexandria, and @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] ST: Whoever? It was some time before the Court scene. Within one of the nightclubs was a short punk girl singing her heart out on stage as she sang a cover of Dumb by Nirvana. As she performed she didn't know that there were predators in the building. And as she performed the best she could she didn't know she set her Toreador's weakness through her singing. She doesn't know what horrors will come to her tonight but it will be interesting.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 11-Jun-22 10:11 AM
Alex was sitting in a corner, enjoying calmly the music, a soft smile on his face. Not wearing any mask, and just with a dark shirt and a dark leathery pants, he felt at home. Obviously, he seemed a bit grim, but hey, that's normal.
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 11-Jun-22 12:37 PM
( @Anue/Alexandria )
Anue/Alexandria 12-Jun-22 11:07 AM
"The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep." - Robert Frost, Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening Alexandria decided it was best to be possessed of a different direction since her Childe had been Embraced such a short time ago. One of those rare moments called out to her, the kind where her weariness of the world needed to be alleviated by a performance that could never be replicated by polished acts and posh details. There wasn't enough desperation in the acts she had seen, dazzling as they were, exclusive though they may be, those events compared to nothing in the despair she sought within the seedy places of the world. Creativity seemed to thrive in dark, cloying clouds of cigarillos and weed, buried beneath band covers and a ferocious thirst to prove one's self in such pinched, crowded venues. Lotus roots started in mud after all. And the seedling that caught her eye, was singing a wonderful rendition of a specific kind of despair she enjoyed. Reclining, she didn't have any of her Herd here. Pivoting her hips in her lounge seat, she crossed her legs viewing this miraculous young seedling eagerly breaking into the world. The astute Toreador held her gaze, fixating, letting her desires possess her, allowing her muse to fixate as she listened. One could argue, that she naturally honed in, using her hearing to do so, with her Auspex tuned in. She might do something a little more out of sorts than she usually does when she's hunting, but it would not need to be under an assumption of her normal order of operations. Relaxed, but stylish street clothes befitted Alexandria today, the kind she could easily blend in with anyone else..her top a white elbow shirt, black bra underneath, wearing camo pants, and black combat boots. Her hair was straightened and she wore a rough cap on her head, hoop earrings dangling, make up a majority neutral evening palette, coffee colored lip. Alexandria lightly bit on one of her manicured finger nails near her mouth, her fangs aching to come about. Ah, but she needed to watch the girl and she was too preoccupied with thoughts of capturing the singer. (edited)
❤️ 3
Sofie Slasher {Mortal} BOT 12-Jun-22 11:31 AM
It was almost an hour but the performance of the short green haired punk was nearing her end when it came to her perform and she was doing her best to end it on a high note. The Sapling took notice of Alexandria watching her carefully and winked to her. As the singer finally finished her set and bid everyone a good night wonderful thoughts filled Alexandria's mind. The rebelious clothes, wonderful voice, and style made her a perfect rose but she could become a Rebelrouser if the wrong people took note of her. She had to have her but when it was time she watched as Sofia walked off stage to get paid. Sighing a little as she checked over the cash and realized it was enough to pay her rent she decided to walk out. Spending a bit of money to get herself a drink she decided to watch the people who came up after her. Getting a White Russian and sitting down the poor poor mortal didn't know she sat down next to two vampires. Now she was near the two Alex's... And the true fun begins. @Anue/Alexandria @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Alexander Montferrier BOT 12-Jun-22 11:44 AM
Alexander smiled to her, posed just at her right, tapping the rhythm of her music on the counter. There was a nihilistic eeriness in how he seemed pleased and appreciative of the music, but he didn’t said a word to her. "How could I pervert a such perfect punk with the horrors of the nights." He thought.
The Tremere visibly had not seen the Toreador, relaxed and in loosened position of vigilance. This was one of his place of preference when he was a mortal, but now none remembered him.
Anue/Alexandria 12-Jun-22 12:02 PM
Alexandria sidled a little closer, her hips almost touching the young seedling next to her, they were so generous and giving, much like their master. Her slender brow quirked upwards, regarding the very well dressed man next to them, and noted his grim disposition. Something felt off about him, indeed. And she couldn't help but feel protective of the young woman. Possessive even. She didn't like to indulge base feelings, as instinctual as they were, but didn't dismiss them either. No, she would hunt well tonight, and satiate her darkening, maddening want for this young lady to entangle herself in several night's worth of indulgences. She felt her resolve disintegrate in pursuit of a good time, but she would be the one to convince this young lady to come home with her. And she would do it, by not conforming to her routines. An apt way of breaking in someone who occupied this ilk. "Excuse, me young Rose. Your music endears itself to the darker portions of my soul. Your voice, exquisite. You must tell me what else fuels your rebellion. What is it that pushes you so far into your thorns? You've pricked my fingers and I cannot help but taste your passions flooding my garden, your performance was, excellent! Maybe, perhaps, you are wanting? Why not indulge me with your perspective? I can indulge you in other things that could smooth the worry from your brow and clear your eyes from disappointment. Then again...I may soften your edges, and I, for one, do not like soft petals all that much when I seek company. I want to know you. Your thorns, especially. And I believe I like the sharp tips, digging into my soul, your performance made my mind wake from a troubling sleep in my every day world." (edited)
Sofie Slasher {Mortal} BOT 12-Jun-22 12:10 PM
Noticing the older woman slide up to her the sweaty and tired punk leaned into her. When she did lean in Alexandria's heightened senses could pick up the noises of her heart beating and the scent of warm human blood coursing through her. The young musician smiled to Alexandria. She wasn't really in the mood to speak poetically as her voice was hoarse and she didn't have the time to really write a beautiful soliloquy. "Why thank you. Well I do what I do because I grew up poor and pushed down. I couldn't really afford to get into college so this is the only job I can really turn to that seems dignifying for me. I just want to fight back against society and finally get enough money to live... What about you, what makes a beautiful woman like you trying to do." Sophia had a sip from her drink as she decided to engulge and talk with what she thought was one of her new fans. Not knowing that she was being preyed upon.
Anue/Alexandria 12-Jun-22 01:43 PM
Alexandria encircled an arm around the troubled young woman, using her enhanced senses, she could practically taste the sweat and the blood coursing through the young singer's veins. The Toreador decided that this would be a good time to mutually lean in, and become even closer as their bodies supported each other. Alexandria could not help that her fangs ached very much so at this proximity. Thirst settled in...she could just, give her a kiss, and then it would be a few blissful moments. She could take her away and into her lap where she could rest her head. Her hunter's instincts screamed at her to close in and make sure that the singer was procured and in her bed within the next several hours. Regarding the young lady with a keen eye, she tried to make sense of her struggles so that she would be better positioned to help her with her problems. Tenderly, she leaned her cheek against Sofia's very warm one, the scent of white Russian mingling with the singer's blood. Intoxicating indeed. Alexandria's scent was that of thick cocao, chocolatey, smooth, peppered with red chili powder and ginger, a hint of mango in the notes. A comforting and familiar scent, like a lover's embrace, but very distinct, intense, exotic. Alexandria's lips touched against her cheek, "No need to speak so much, mi amor, you're tired aren't you? You did so much work, and your gains are limited, but not forever. I can offer comfort. I can soothe your throat, of you simply look at me, I can give you something you have never had ever before." (edited)
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] @Alex/Sofie /Stefan
Sofie Slasher {Mortal} BOT 12-Jun-22 01:51 PM
Tiredly leaning on the rose, the lovely little green haired punk leaned up to return the kiss on her cheek. Leaving a soft smear of dark green as she said in that hoarse voice of hers. "Mmm I could do with a bit of R&R... But I've never really been with another woman before. I'd ask if we can go to my place or yours but mine is a mess... Just whisk me away." The short, naive, but precious and Charismatic mortal leaned into Alexandria. She didn't notice the ugly Kindred that was watching her as she was just too entranced by the Toreador.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 12-Jun-22 02:12 PM
Alexander rose up a bit, standing on one arm the palm on the counter. He looked at Sofie, a tired expression on the eyes and worried, before looking at Alexandria. What she could see in it was a wrath burning in him, humiliation and desperation mixed in a fuel as pure hatred for her kind. A flame almost religious, that saw no compromise, but was soon extinguished by the apathy, and something else in him. "I’ve never thought of hearing of someone that taken in a wrath of society meddling with someone that represents this same society, the embodiment itself. You’re really untrue to your art, Slasher ?" His voice was not cold, it was rich and low, filled with emotions nearly contained, filled with conflict.
Sofie Slasher {Mortal} BOT 12-Jun-22 02:14 PM
The short punk had a confused look on her face as she looked to the ugly Tremere and then to the Toreador. Slowly she tried to wriggle away from Alexandria. "He's right... What was I thinking... I-I'm sorry miss."
Alexander Montferrier BOT 12-Jun-22 02:19 PM
He offered her a hand, not daring touching her as he know the flesh of one was sacred and not to be taken as ours. "They really corrupt everything they touch." He said that with a low voice, before continuing. "The name’s Josh. I love your style, girl. You remind me of Clash with a zist of the Buttholes surfer." He looked at Alexandria from time to time, wary of her inside, but with just a distant look on the outside.
Sofie Slasher {Mortal} BOT 12-Jun-22 02:24 PM
Shaking 'Joshes' hand, Sophie smiled widely. She was still frazzled from Alexandria but the hoarse voiced mortal replied. "Nice to meet you! Yeah Clash and Butthole Surfers are some of my biggest inspirations. Along with a few others like Blink 182, Green Day, and that one pale shock rocker guy who is missing his lower ribs... Jayne Jonestown!" What's funny is that Jayne Jonestown is a rather infamous Kindred and a Red Lister. Ironic how such a precious and innocent girl listens to someone who hides Sabbat Ritae and propaganda into his songs.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 12-Jun-22 02:30 PM
"Fuck that’s amazing! I’ve been out of the light for a good time, so I only discover you now. Hell, it’s even my first concert in years! I like your stuff, it appeals to my pain. You do all of that really well." He was really happy to have someone innocent, not damned, not that he had to use to find more monsters. Just someone to have a connection with. And he could feel a new feeling in him, as his Beast, his so frequently fed Beast began to growl.
Sofie Slasher {Mortal} BOT 12-Jun-22 02:33 PM
"Oh uh... Thank you! I'm happy you love my music!" Sofie was at a loss for words. She scratched her neck as she asked. "But I can't thank you enough! It's people like you that help me moving forward."
Alexander Montferrier BOT 12-Jun-22 02:37 PM
"What’s your inspirations? Except musical I mean, you read theology, occult books, you have muses ? Or it’s all experience ?" He looked at her with a suspicious look before grimacing. "I hope not that’s that. For you I mean." He laughed, his long dark hair jumping around his head, as the sound was almost a cackle of a wolf.
Sofie Slasher {Mortal} BOT 12-Jun-22 02:41 PM
"My inspirations other then music? I love reading about occult stuff, I love watching schlocky horror movies, and TV."
Anue/Alexandria 12-Jun-22 03:02 PM
"I didn't know such judgement existed from those who rebel against it and simultaneously survive off of the very thing they criticize, but I digress. Your raw spirit and emotions drew me to you and I simply offered a brief reprieve. I am under no illusions, and knew you have such raw talent would be squandered in whatever my environs would fail to provide your interests; this I deem myself unfit to be graced by your muse. My home may be too much of a peaceable place, to house such a free and powerful force of nature," Alexandria knew that there was no point in continuing such a battle. She would need to feed elsewhere, that was certain, but she did wish the young lady well. And her Humanity didn't quite allow her to be as indulgent as she wanted to be, instead opting to gently move away and let the young lady be free from such troubles. She took out a a money clip, and handed the girl $2000 in big bills, standing to avoid conflict. She stood, ready to leave and touching her cheek where the green lipstick was smeared. She truly hoped this fellow had good intentions, but by the look of him, didn't expect much to be had, far be it from her to judge. She would simply go home to Herd and drink from them, instead undue harm from her wicked passions. She had one Childe already, she had to remember. And she needed to watch out and vouch for him. would be a shame to lose such a gift to whatever wild bloody abandon this stranger promised. (edited)
Sofie Slasher {Mortal} BOT 12-Jun-22 03:05 PM
Accepting the bills and looking at her with big eyes Sofie... Got a little greedy. Smiling widely she broke away from Monty to walk with Alexandria. Swiftly she asked. "Mind if I come with you? I'm sorry for rudely dropping the conversation with you."
Alexander Montferrier BOT 12-Jun-22 03:14 PM
Alexander looked at the two of them from the counter, smiling with irony and sadeness as he remembered. The world was not just, and the corrupts always win in the hand. Darkness is eternal, and light only kept alive by continious efforts.
Anue/Alexandria 12-Jun-22 03:15 PM
"I don't mean to be rude, Ms. Slasher, but...I have already made my point clear: I simply cannot house your spirit as you will. It is raw and beautiful and I just simply felt taken away by its own merit. I felt you communicated something deep and despairing inside of me that went beyond such labels and trifles we often have to dance with...but I feel as though you may find solace and more stimulation int he form of this gentleman here as he seems to sport the same interests as you do. It may be fruitful, nigh a good journey for growth for you instead of being stifled by what I have gained through what's already broken." (edited)
Alexander Montferrier BOT 12-Jun-22 03:16 PM
Alexander raised a eyebrow. Maybe the Toréador was not this shitty. After all, she tried to save the boy.
Sofie Slasher {Mortal} BOT 12-Jun-22 03:17 PM
There was a sad look on Sofie's face as she just gave a soft. "O-oh." Then she walked back to where Alex was and ordered another but more harder drink for the road. Looking to the ugly Tremere she just asked. "So... I'm free for tonight... Anything you wanna do?"
Alexander Montferrier BOT 12-Jun-22 03:21 PM
"Why did you go to her ? Money is that a issue for you?" He looked at her, curious and a bit amused.
Anue/Alexandria 12-Jun-22 03:23 PM
Alexandria continued on her way out, sighing and finding that the kind of things that would have her wrapped up in such squabbles would be something that would end her if she wasn't careful. Shaking her head, she bid the two of them adieu and left. (edited)
Sofie Slasher {Mortal} BOT 12-Jun-22 03:23 PM
"Yeah... Most of the money I make is through my gigs and the odd jobs I do working minimum wage... Take that away from stuff like bills and food and stuff for my fur babies and I'm not left with much." There was a mixture of stress, sadness, and lament on her face as she took a sip from the more harder alcohol.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 12-Jun-22 03:27 PM
"Wait a minute Sofie. I'll be back."
He rushed outside, trying to find Alexandria.
Anue/Alexandria 12-Jun-22 03:30 PM
Alexandria got into her car, glad that she was able to at least see reason than when she had to do what was necessary and compassionate for the boy...she felt simultaneously wracked with guilt and despair; that muse would have been so wonderful to escape the moment with and help her along, but it wasn't her to fight like this. There were other injustices to tackle, and she revved the engine of her candy apple red Dodge Charger from 2004. At least she had this vice she could indulge in and it made her happy enough with all the bells and whistles it could provide. But...that young lady really did help alleviate the deep dark, hole she knew she had to find her way out of, one night after the next. (edited)
Alexander Montferrier BOT 12-Jun-22 03:36 PM
Alexander rushed outside, before arriving near the car. He poke at the window slowly, not unlikely he has done when masked. He had a embarassed face.
Anue/Alexandria 12-Jun-22 03:43 PM
Alexandria found herself in a weird situation a second time this week alone. Not having much choice, she looked at the man quizzically and it seemed like a deja vu moment. She lowered her window, despite what her common sense was screaming at her, and gave this guy, a very non-judgemental look. "I'm sorry? May I help you? Uh, did I say something wrong for you to warrant coming out here? I didn't mean to offend you, I was simply on my way out, and didn't find any reason to interrupt anything," Alexandria didn't quite understand why he was out here, but she had to leave her contemplation behind; she would have to address this later. (edited)
Alexander Montferrier BOT 12-Jun-22 03:47 PM
He lowered himself a bit to be more at her level. "I'm... I'm sorry to have put you in disarray earlier. Not you, but this little mortal. She needs a sugar mommy, a sponsor, and I think you could provide it. But, I don't want you to pervert her, to take her blood or prey on her as you do... If you really care about art, and the beauty of seeing a flower bloom, you would water it without thinking of taking it for your hairs, don't you think? I give you a chance to prove that."
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 12-Jun-22 03:47 PM
Alexander Montferrier
He lowered himself a bit to be more at her level. "I'm... I'm sorry to have put you in disarray earlier. Not you, but this little mortal. She needs a sugar mommy, a sponsor, and I think you could provide it. But, I don't want you to pervert her, to take her blood or prey on her as you do... If you really care about art, and the beauty of seeing a flower bloom, you would water it without thinking of taking it for your hairs, don't you think? I give you a chance to prove that."
Anue/Alexandria 12-Jun-22 03:56 PM
"Do I know you? Your voice does sound familiar...I have no idea. What exactly are you implying? I can't seem to recall, we are in the open. Would you be more discreet? We don't know who else is watching or listening," Alexandria tried lowering her voice. " intentions were...yes, desirous. I'm not proud of it. But I get like this with a lot of people I find to be my muse. It's not what you think it is. And it's very complicated. If you would like to take her, you can but I cannot house her spirit. It's a force of nature. You can't control nature of that ilk. We should leave her be, but for you to talk with me like this, and not practice caution, is very reckless and uncharacteristic. I... don't know what else to say. I can sponsor her, sure, but I don't think it would be healthy for me to be this close and be tempted to abandon my morals and values." (edited)
Anue/Alexandria 12-Jun-22 04:08 PM
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Alexander Montferrier BOT 12-Jun-22 04:17 PM
A expression of repulsion appeared on the face of Montferrier, as he looked in disgust Alexandria for a split second. "I don't take persons, because no one has this right. If you think that you can't control yourself and that your lust and hunger is inevitable, well, you better not stay near her. But I valued you more, I thought you were a lover of humanity for what it is, not what it can bring you. It seemed I was mistaken, once more." He sighed, closing his hands, before looking at her once more. "You're legitimate, valid to want to have her time. And I would not take that from anyone as I know darkness can be found in the shiniest hearts. But I'll watch you, as I expect you to watch me. Are you fine with that ?" He extended toward her his hand, as she could realise it was the same way of showing it that the masked man; palm upward, facing the skies.
Anue/Alexandria 12-Jun-22 04:30 PM
Alexandria sighed, looking at this man, "I valued her spirit and her ability to be who she is by letting her go. I left so there was no conflict even if I had my base desires. I truly value her autonomy, and I see no reason why your apparent disgust with me clouds you... I'm legitimately unsure why any of this had to happen. And accusing me of not holding human beings to the pedestal everyone puts them on, is quite biased. I didn't think I would have to talk this way or be talked with in this manner. I'm still unsure of who you are. Unless... you're...that..." Realization dawned on her. This was too close to be a coincidence. It might have been just probability at work, but she shook her head knowing the difference. She sighed once more. There was no way...there was no way...she shook her head questioning what on earth possessed him to be so high and mighty? With a great amount of hesitation she took his hand unsure of what any of this meant anymore.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 13-Jun-22 02:26 AM
A soft smile began to creep on his lips, as his look softened a bit. "Well, that said, why don't you follow me to join her again, and we could have a pleasant evening the three of us ? You're quit the Rose, but maybe we could let you feel the mud from where you took your depart, and have a new perspective. Isn't that the essence itself of a muse to give one a new point of view?" He said that with a empathy and charisma hard to believe for someone that grim on the outside, but yet, it was there.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 13-Jun-22 02:26 AM
Anue/Alexandria 13-Jun-22 08:30 AM
Alexandria was not one to make a return after she had left all that often, but...maybe it would be to her betterment to return and make amends for her abrupt departure. She turned off her vehicle, made sure the windows were rolled up, and locked everything with a click of her button. "Forgive my flighty disposition, then, was Montferrier, no?" She adjusted her outfit, and breathed in the cold night air. In fact, she looked like she could easily pass for a mortal. "Grudges are not all that uncommon among our kind. I didn't want to create such a thing... I'm too familiar with how that works. However, I will want to get to know the young one better," Walking back to the club with Montferrier, she flipped her hair as they made it past the double doors.
Sofie Slasher {Mortal} BOT 13-Jun-22 08:32 AM
Once they returned Sofia was still there. She was half way through her drink but was a bit tipsy. Hiccuping a little she smiled as she watched the two 'fans' come back and waved to them.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 13-Jun-22 08:33 AM
Montferrier was visibly surprised that she recognized her, and he grinned. "Yes, it is I. I didn't thought you could recognize me. I'm in the same mood, and the idea of the club is still in the box." He groaned. He followed her inside. His attitude was clearly the one of a monster, inhuman in a way, as he wasn't visibly the most in touch with his humanity.
Anue/Alexandria 13-Jun-22 08:43 AM
Alexandria felt herself grow weary of Montferrier, but she tried to relax and work her natural allure to ease the tension she felt. She sauntered back into her seat, noticing Sofia's current state of being. Quirking her brow, she gave off a soft, warm smile, waving back. "Sofia, you seem to be enjoying yourself thoroughly! Forgive my faux pas, but I needed to rethink some things. I could help you along with your goals, what do you say?" (edited)
Sofie Slasher {Mortal} BOT 13-Jun-22 08:47 AM
Attempting to lean on Alexandria, Sofia got a little flirty with her as she relaxed. Her voice was still hoarse but she answered back. "Yeah I am enjoying myself. I'd be happy to have you help me!" Even though she wasn't drunk she was getting pretty close to being wasted.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 13-Jun-22 08:48 AM
The vampire seated next to them, watching, and visibly happy that the mortal was safe and maybe untainted at the end of the day.
Anue/Alexandria 13-Jun-22 08:53 AM
Alexandria gave Sofia an elegant and poised smile, and allowed herself to be leaned upon once more the second time that evening, "Now, now it's always excellent to enjoy yourself, but there are certain to be limits."
Sofie Slasher {Mortal} BOT 13-Jun-22 08:56 AM
"Oh I know my limits~" Sofia closed her eyes as she relaxed on Alexandria. Gently resting her chin on the Toreadors shoulder. But as she relaxed the beating from the mortals heard became louder as she was near the Toreador.
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 13-Jun-22 09:00 AM
(Beating from the mortals heart*)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 13-Jun-22 09:14 AM
Sofie Slasher {Mortal}
"Oh I know my limits~" Sofia closed her eyes as she relaxed on Alexandria. Gently resting her chin on the Toreadors shoulder. But as she relaxed the beating from the mortals heard became louder as she was near the Toreador.
Anue/Alexandria 13-Jun-22 09:48 AM
Alexandria's breath hitched in her throat, a little surprised, but not unhappy about the situation. However, she looked to Montferrier meaningfully, trying to indicate with her facial expressions that this was happening. Lifting her hand, she let it rest on Sofia's green hair, trying to soothe her. (edited)
Alexander Montferrier BOT 13-Jun-22 10:10 AM
The Tremere was visibly looking the in goers and not them, letting them some privacy.
Sofie Slasher {Mortal} BOT 13-Jun-22 10:44 AM
"Anyways..." Rubbing her head against her hand he gently asked. *Mind I I go to your place so I can get some rest and we can talk?"
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 13-Jun-22 10:51 AM
(She gently asked*)
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 13-Jun-22 12:18 PM
Anue/Alexandria 13-Jun-22 12:21 PM
"If it isn't too much trouble for you, my dear, you are more than welcome into my home, I do have accommodations for you," Alexandria failed to get Montferrier's attention as he stared at people, and wrinkled her nose, frustrated. Slowly, she rose, "Sofia, we're going to rise and get ready to leave. Montferrier, would you be able to help me with her?"
Alexander Montferrier BOT 13-Jun-22 12:26 PM
"Of course. Hey girl, let's get you somewhere more convenient for a hungover." He rose up, visibly well aware of the situation, and began to help them go through the crowd.
Anue/Alexandria 13-Jun-22 12:30 PM
"Thank you, Montferrier," She took Sofia's arm, grateful as they walked out the doors. Once they got out to her car, she unlocked the doors, quickly opening the rear door with her free hand. Gently placing Sofia's body into the back seat, and buckling her seatbelt for her. (edited)
Sofie Slasher {Mortal} BOT 13-Jun-22 12:33 PM
"I'm not hungover you dork. I'm just a little tipsy." As she was shoved into the back seat the poor mortal smiled as she didn't know what she got into. (Wanna make a new channel for the shenanigans or continue it here?)
Anue/Alexandria 13-Jun-22 12:37 PM
(Do you, I'm pretty flexible)
Alexander Montferrier BOT 13-Jun-22 12:42 PM
Montferrier held open the car of the conductor for the Toréador, then looked uneasy, as if don't knew where to put himself.
Anue/Alexandria 13-Jun-22 12:42 PM
"You're more than welcome to come with us, Montferrier, take the passenger seat." (edited)
Alexander Montferrier BOT 13-Jun-22 12:44 PM
He had a concealed smile, a appreciative and toughtfull nod before going on the passenger seat.
Anue/Alexandria 13-Jun-22 12:44 PM
Alexandria hopped into her car, and revved the engine, it roared to life, and she grinned, backing out and driving off to her Haven.
Sofie Slasher {Mortal} BOT 13-Jun-22 12:45 PM
Sophia just hung out in back. Watching the two she carefully asked. "So... Do you two know each other??"
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Anue/Alexandria 13-Jun-22 12:45 PM
Alexandria's Haven
Alexander Montferrier BOT 13-Jun-22 12:50 PM
"We've met once, and shortly while I was doing a research. So I would not say I know a lot of Alexandria."
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