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Los Angeles: Blood Moon
❌ Past Logs Chapters 1-7 / ❌🌙ch5-rule-number-1
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 07-Jun-22 04:11 AM
Day 5 Location: Olympus, Sean's study. Players: @David as Dylan Sean [Dylan Sean] ST: Moi-même (edited)
A letter, with a broken seal. The formal demand of new member of the brood to defy Sean, and take over his place as the Aleph, the one before the alpha, the original. It was written in a hazy writting, yet distinguished. This member, he knew him not at all, brought up in the club by one of the Omega. But he boasted to everyone he could beat him, the master of them.
David as Dylan Sean 07-Jun-22 06:45 AM
Dylan tosses the letter down on the wooden table, next to the contractors plans for the venerable old hotel. He sighs, the newbies always get a win under their belts and think they can take on anyone. "Bobby (Robert Brown, i swear it wasnt intentional), tell this kid he gets a round at our next get together." As the alpha he couldn't turn down challenges. "Then notify his sponsor that he is persona non gratis.. he broke rule number two.. no records of our activities." He plucks the challeneg up reads it again and drops it into the shredder.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 07-Jun-22 07:11 AM
"I'm afraid that this person, this Hector, is here. And he wants to spare during the next fight, or it is what he told to everyone. Do you want to meet me, maybe, master ?" Robert asked, as he bowed down a little bit. There was indeed a session of fighting later this night, in less than two hours. (edited)
David as Dylan Sean 07-Jun-22 07:37 AM
Dylan scowls, impudence. "Fine, send him in." He straightens his tie, fixing where he had loosened it to go over paperwork, and walks aroubd the draftsman table straightening himself to perfection before striking a casual pose leaning against the table, eyes on the door.
Hector Kosan BOT 07-Jun-22 07:42 AM
A young man entered, maybe in his early twenties, maybe even less. He was dressed up like a rich punk, with a fine tailored leather jacket, boots with spikes, and numerous rings to his fingers. Crooked a bit, Dylan could see that he was surely at least 6 foot, maybe more. But he seems really thin, like butter spread on toast, ready to crack under the pressure of his thumb.
"Hello Master." He said, visibly a bit non-used to this kind of practice, before bowing his head slightly before him.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 07-Jun-22 07:43 AM
@David as Dylan Sean
David as Dylan Sean 07-Jun-22 07:56 AM
Dylan nods to the young man before he starts exageratedly working his heavy rings off his big hands, making sure to drop it with a thunk onto the table each time. "So you want a shot you havnt earned yet?" thunk
Hector Kosan BOT 07-Jun-22 08:17 AM
"I'd love too! You seem so strong, I wanted to try to feel your raw power, to bathe in its glory, and who knows, maybe succeed ?" He said, with a large smile, showing pointy teeth.
David as Dylan Sean 07-Jun-22 09:07 AM
"Yeah? Well normally the unblooded have the sense to work their way up before they try to take a shot." Thunk (Going to turn on Awe, do you want me to roll?)
"How did you hear about our little society?" Thunk "Generally our initiates get a few rounds in the ludis before they even see me." He will smile, toothy and doesnt reach his green eyes. (edited)
Hector Kosan BOT 07-Jun-22 10:52 AM
"I’ve had my informant let’s say… And I’ve always seek strength in other, and occasion to prove myself. It’s a good philosophy I think."
David as Dylan Sean 07-Jun-22 12:06 PM
Like a light switch, the the mantle of helios becomes apparent. Like a halo of glory, Dylan is a beacon of greatness and mastery in the eyes of those around him. He nods, a sagely motion of intense wisdom in the eyes of his new friend. "Hmmm.. yes, strength is the begining of true strength my friend. Tell me, who would tell you of our little group? While we are open for the invited, secrecy is a bit of a important thing, im sure you understand..." He smiles again, though if the first smile was merely a bearing of teeth, this one in the eyes of the man is like the finger of God touching him from the clouds. (edited)
Hector Kosan BOT 07-Jun-22 12:17 PM
The man was stunted at first, and his eyes gleamed in admiration. He began to open his mouth to speak, and suddenly was not able to say more, as he lost his words. "I... I just heard about it. My contact was this man, Alejandro. A Spanish guy. We met at the box, I think ?" Alejandro... One in the middle ranks, a Theta. Not bad, a promising one.
David as Dylan Sean 07-Jun-22 12:23 PM
"I see, a really nice recomendation then. Too bad he will have to be shunned... he knows the rules, and his responsibilities." The disapointment is crushing, how could anyone disapoint someone like this. Dylan strips off his suit jacket, even through his fitted collared shirt its obvious, hes ripped, not like a body builder, ripped like a warrior. He folds the jacket and lays it on the table. (edited)
Hector Kosan BOT 07-Jun-22 12:41 PM
"Wait, but how one is supposed to join then ?" He asked, visibly fascinated by the muscles of the Alpha in front of him.
David as Dylan Sean 07-Jun-22 01:16 PM
Loosening his tie and popping the collar reveals a funny A, the symbol for Alpha, tattooed on his neck as if stating one would need to remove his head to gain the title. He locks eyes with the man as he starts to roll up his sleeve cuffs. "Your sponsored, and invited... his sin was not informing you of the rules.." He will motion to the balcony, and start toward it as he finishes rolling his sleeves up showing thick forearms. "Maybe he can plea servitude as atonement, i think he might, wich brings us to our buisness.. i accept your challenge, but in overstepping your role.." He will turn standing in the middle of the flagstone balcony, and cross his arms over his groin. "When i win, you will serve as a ludis slave for a year and a day.. are the terms acceptable?"
Hector Kosan BOT 07-Jun-22 02:12 PM
"I'm fine with that. We do that in the arena?" He said, smiling, as he began to take off his rings.
David as Dylan Sean 07-Jun-22 05:32 PM
Dylan shakes his head motioning to the wide balcony, the main feature being a 10 foot circular mosaic featuring the birth of Athena, a huge head cracked open like a stylized egg with a armor clad woman striding toward the viewer. Many of the tiles have clearly been replaced making large portions of the art seem mismatched. With a whistle Bobby appears like a summoned dog rushing to officiate. The two start in the center right arms locked forearm to forearm ritualistically. When Bobby starts the match the two men circle slowly eyes locked. Hector is clearly used to less formal engagements and isnt prepared when Dylan yanks him off balance and into a simple sweep throw that sends Hector sprawling to the tiles with a grunt. Hector is up like a flash rushing, but Dylan was waiting for the response and lands a wicked cross hook that earns him a momentary confused look before Hector drops like a sack to the tile insensate.
❤️ 1
By the time Hector comes to, Dylan has replaced his jacket and rings and returned to inspecting the plans.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 08-Jun-22 03:53 PM
Hector defeated, Dylan could return to his plans. He came back to Dylan, the smug and confident look taken away, but still seeming happy with the figth.
Hector Kosan BOT 08-Jun-22 03:55 PM
"Alpha... I must say, that was good. I recognize you as my alpha for now, and as your slave for the next year, plus a day."He seemed proccupied. "I wanted to say, if you need anything from me, tell me. I'm not employed right now. Maybe you could use an assistant ?"
David as Dylan Sean 08-Jun-22 04:10 PM
Dylan lays down the papers and leans back in the simple camp chair he favors. "Assistant? I mean your service in the Ludis will be of great assistance.." he will say with a little smirk. ".. but im listening, your a stock broker then?"
Hector Kosan BOT 08-Jun-22 04:13 PM
"More of a unique and one in a lifeteam dealer. I've... I've got some heavy stuff from partners. Asian ones. You would be interested ?"
David as Dylan Sean 08-Jun-22 04:22 PM
"Drugs?" He picks the paper back up as if suddenly all interest has been lost. "The body is a temple, being a ludis slave is voluntary... but until you have served your punishment you wont be welcome at our gatherings."
David as Dylan Sean 08-Jun-22 04:30 PM
He pauses and looks back up. "Asian you say? Ive been looking to expand into some of the markets availible to... that sort of client.. would you be able to set up a meet up?"
Hector Kosan BOT 08-Jun-22 04:34 PM
"No no! More like gambling fights. You pay to play, but you risk a lot. Well.. I don't think you risk anything. But I'm sure they do drugs also..." he said with squinting eyes.
"I could... Actually, I think they're having a fight organized at midnight, what would you say to join them? As spectate or else...?"
David as Dylan Sean 08-Jun-22 05:17 PM
Dylan lists off a few of the events going on tonight. "One of those?" He puts down the paper again and stands. "Who do you work for?"
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 09-Jun-22 12:17 AM
The message came from the Court. "The Gathering for everyone is tomorrow midnight, Theatre."
Hector Kosan BOT 09-Jun-22 02:23 AM
"I work for now one. Well, you know… why the question ?" he said, visibly confused.
David as Dylan Sean 09-Jun-22 06:47 AM
"I know most of the local players, it wouldnt be good for buisness if i just go around stepping on toes. Now would it Hector? (edited)
Hector Kosan BOT 09-Jun-22 06:50 AM
*Hector nodded, acknowledging what he just said. He rubbed his chin, in his thoughts before saying : * "I could always try to go and arrange a meeting for you? What would you want ?"
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 06:50 AM
@David as Dylan Sean
Hector Kosan
*Hector nodded, acknowledging what he just said. He rubbed his chin, in his thoughts before saying : * "I could always try to go and arrange a meeting for you? What would you want ?"
David as Dylan Sean 09-Jun-22 06:51 AM
"A meeting with who?" He will lean forward a little menacingly clearly a bit ticked off at the obscurment. (edited)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 06:54 AM
(I don't have a notification yea)
Hector Kosan BOT 09-Jun-22 06:56 AM
"A meeting with who?" He will lean forward a little menacingly clearly a bit ticked off at the obscurment.
@David as Dylan Sean - jump "I don't know, boss... I'm just someone who goes there to see what happens, and gamble a bit, but-... I can surely try to arrange something for you!" He seemed sincere, and a bit scared.
David as Dylan Sean 09-Jun-22 07:00 AM
"You, go and set up this meeting. I expect to hear from you within the hour." Dylan produces a card with a private line number and slaps it with a little force into the other mans chest.
Dylan whistles, and again Bobby appears like a summoned dog, eager to be of service. "Bobby, put this man in contact with the ludis most convinient for him, he will serve a year and a day before being considered for rank again."
Hector Kosan BOT 09-Jun-22 07:09 AM
"Yes, boss! I go right away !" He said as he nearly ran out.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 07:10 AM
Bobby smiled, before following him swiftly to give him informations.
Dylan couldn't help to think that all of this was convenient... Too convenient. (edited)
David as Dylan Sean 09-Jun-22 07:27 AM
The underground calisthenics area the old hotel provided waa at the time, top of the line. The place has the feel of a concrete tomb covered with faded murals of olympic glory featuring a baas relief of atlas holding the world on his shoulders at one end of the long square room. The lighting and art fail to aliviate the sense it is a underground structure, roman stlyed pillars line the room holding up the weight of the hotel above it. The gymnasium itself is old fashioned, no electric equipment, medicine balls, weights and mats dot the room with various men working the equipment, or practicing throws and grabs. It doesnt take long before he gets a few of his regular vessels seperated from the group to one of the more private areas off the main ludis. After topping off in private he makes sure them men will be fed and take it easy for the rest of the night.
❤️ 1
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 07:38 AM
After having quenched his first, Dylan could see a text message : "Santa Monica's bay, two AM, you'll be alone." (edited)
David as Dylan Sean 09-Jun-22 09:57 AM
Heading back to his makeshift office he stands on the balcony and makes some calls, its foolish to go in blind.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 10:02 AM
Dylan quicly gathered what he wanted : intel. There was no major gang there, no power players in the criminal world. Little gangs, thugs yes, but people able to be a problem for him, no.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 10:43 AM
A game was hosted this night, at midnight, in what seemed to be the Chinatown of LA. New players, he never heard of them.
David as Dylan Sean 09-Jun-22 10:48 AM
Dylan straightens his clothing making sure he looks presentable. He pulls the little belt clip holster with a snubnosed 38 and attaches it to his belt. These kinds of people always expect you to be armed. Then drops a pair of brass knuckles into each of his pants pockets.. something much more his speed. He will take the black bmw, it screams buisnessman, boring but also affluent. Then off to the docks. (edited)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 10:52 AM
Location : Beach near The Pier, Santa Monica Bay
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 11:10 AM
He arrived on the beach. There, only a big boonfire, with a woman near it. A big one, with half of her crimson hair cut, leaving the rest long. She was muscular, more than him visibly, and wore only a red shirt as well as sandals and a black short. Numerous tattoos covered her arms. She was back to him. (edited)
David as Dylan Sean 09-Jun-22 12:14 PM
Dylan will take off his shoes and socks at the edge of the beach stuffing his socks into the shoe and holding them in one hand. He will go out of his way to make sure she knows hes approaching, and when she turns to see him he will smile. "Ave!" He will say in greeting. "I havnt been to the beach since i was a teen.... chasing girls seems like a faded dream these days..." He will stop a respectful distance. "I am Dylan Sean."
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 02:55 PM
She looked at him, with a hard expression before smiling when hearing his name. She invited him near the fire, as she continued to gaze into it. Her skin was livid, definitely a vampire.
David as Dylan Sean 09-Jun-22 04:06 PM
(I think the word you are looking for is pallid not livid) He will take her in before tossing his shoes down and standing a arms length away from her. "Hector didnt tell me who i was meeting."
Balle BOT 09-Jun-22 04:34 PM
"It's normal, I didn't let him guard his phone. He's quit the lost guy." She said that with a low voice, almost one of a man, very affirmative. She began to raise her arm toward the fire, slowly. "Who are you exactly ? You intrigue me." Something about her was exciting, he could fell a pressure down his throat. It didn't knew if it was the fact that she could probably best him in combat, and it has been a while since a challenge. She turned her eyes toward him, looking fully at him. Her eyes were an emerald green, with a sharp smile, a conquering smile. The flames bounced in her pupils.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 04:34 PM
omg 1
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 04:41 PM
@David as Dylan Sean
David as Dylan Sean 09-Jun-22 04:49 PM
"Just a lowly buisnessman, with a interest in days gone by." He will stand a short distance from the bonfire, but at a angle that will obscure the fact he is avoiding it. "What about yourself? Are you in the habit of inviting men to beach bonfires in such a ... indirect manner?"
Balle BOT 10-Jun-22 05:31 AM
"I'm not your usual beach beach girl. Let's say that." She grinned, her hand coming closer and closer to the flame. The Beast inside Dylan cringed, as seeing someone come this close to the flame.* "You seem lost, yet this concept of yours... This act of dominance and of raw strenght, the rule of the mighty, it appeals to me." *The vampire turned to you, tilting her head on the side. "What is it, that you desire? That you hunger for ? "
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 10-Jun-22 05:31 AM
@David as Dylan Sean
David as Dylan Sean 10-Jun-22 08:55 AM
Dylan puts on a smile to cover his disapointment. "What does any of us hunger for? Comfort, security, power to rebuff our rivals." He gives he hand a glance. "I would imagine you seek things of a more adventurous nature... maybe theres something i can assist you with in that way?"
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Balle BOT 10-Jun-22 09:06 AM
The woman began to have her smile fade, as she has a twitch in her left middle finger. Something was visibly upsetting her. "I'm trying to propose you a deal, there. But I need to know what you want, or I'll just have to beat the shit out of you."
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 10-Jun-22 09:07 AM
Mood music :
David as Dylan Sean 10-Jun-22 09:14 AM
Dylan rolls his eyes before bending down to gather his shoes. "Excellent, i think i want to go find something constructive to do. You can definitly help me with that. Have a nice evening unnamed woman." He will turn and start back toward his car.
Balle BOT 10-Jun-22 09:24 AM
Dylan heared the sand shift as the goliath behind him lunched iherself quickly and reached for his head, hand opened. He reacted with a quick step on the side, as she raised her eyebrows, surprised of his reflexes. She was standing just as she had walked to him, but with a speed far too surhuman. "I thought you were smarter than that. You that tell that much about physical prowess, you're really just a scared little boy ain't you?" Her smile was wild opened, as she seemed to enjoy a little bit of violence.
David as Dylan Sean 10-Jun-22 09:34 AM
"If i was scared, i wouldnt have showed up. Brawling on a beach with a woman provides very little honor, or value. " He doesnt stop walking, casual, as if unconcerned. (though extremely alert) "No man is free who is not a master of himself.."
David as Dylan Sean 10-Jun-22 09:45 AM
As he says this he gives a sharp look of irritation over one shoulder, eyes flickering in the firelight.
Balle BOT 10-Jun-22 09:52 AM
"Fuck, you're so cold and disciplined, I LOVE IT." She gets in front of him, smiling with all her teeths, her fangs resorting out, before saying: * "Actually, I just need something from you. The name's Balle, by the way. You wanna hear it, and say " *She handed her hand toward him, offering him to shack it. "At first, I just wanted to fight with you, to dominate you from all my might, but that's no fun if you're not in the mood for it. I have this feeling that if you're really in it, you could maybe be a danger." She chuckled, licking her teeth. "I have intels on some persons in Chinatown, hindering with our buisseness of fights... I wanna offer you a partnership. You eager to hear of my project?"
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
David as Dylan Sean 10-Jun-22 10:06 AM
Dylan will delay long enough to pump his strength to 5. (Yes really) Once his strength is optimal he will give her a firm hand shake. "Well met Balle." His pronunciation of the name is bad more like ball "I am open to an alliance. Disruption of buisness is a issue we can all empathize with."
Balle BOT 10-Jun-22 10:14 AM
"The term is simple. In the short term, you and I deal with what's happening in Chinatown, we get the total control of the fight scene. In the long run... I'm not against taking over L.A, but they'll will be numerous adversaries." She shaked his hand, her strenght matching his. Her touch felt cold, but yet, was something weird. He never experienced a lot of Kindred such as her, and something very fascinating was eminating from her look. She seemed to smile at his pronunciation of her name, appreciating it. "What's your price, Dylan ?"
David as Dylan Sean 10-Jun-22 10:21 AM
Dylan strokes his beard contemplating the question. "I think goodwill is profitable itself, wouldnt you agree? We both stand to profit from an alliance. If we need to trade favor over specifics we can adress that as they occur... fair?"
Plus he needs to find out more about this odd person.
Balle BOT 10-Jun-22 10:46 AM
"Perfect." She smiles, seemingly happy as she bittted her lips, looking at you from the feet to the top. "You got anything planned for tonight ? I'm not against hanging out."
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 10-Jun-22 11:15 AM
@David as Dylan Sean
David as Dylan Sean 10-Jun-22 12:05 PM
"Of course i do, eternity is never enough time. But for you i would be pleased to make room in my schedual." He will say with a smile. "There is a fighter i was interested in having a match tonight. The venue isnt exactly exciting, but i have a flair for the dramatic" he says with a wry grin and a wink. "Can i drive you?"
David as Dylan Sean 10-Jun-22 03:43 PM
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Balle BOT 10-Jun-22 07:22 PM
"I would love to see that. Let's go." She began to follow him to his car, visibly walking on the side of him, and sometimes glancing at him.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 10-Jun-22 07:23 PM
@David as Dylan Sean
David as Dylan Sean 10-Jun-22 08:00 PM
( You want to set the scene? or Moi?)
David as Dylan Sean 11-Jun-22 07:52 AM
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 11-Jun-22 07:59 AM
(Your fight, i don't know what dylan has planned x) )
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
(Your fight, i don't know what dylan has planned x) )
David as Dylan Sean 11-Jun-22 11:12 AM
The Pacific Mill and Grist has seen better days, the huge fenced in complex is old and clearly unused for its orriginal purpose. As the two drive toward the structure the massive grain silos and huge grain elevator loom into view piercing the night sky. The few functioning buisnesses adjacent to the place are dark and shuttered, resting until thier morning rush of activity. The gate to the mill is manned by a pair of men dressed in urban styles who wave the car in. A line has been spray painted on the gravel courtyard that winds theough the structures and ends at a large lot that at one time held the incoming and outgoing transfer trucks, and now hold about 30 expensive cars and limosines, some with drivers leaning on the hoods smoking or talking on their phones waiting on their charges to return. The inside of the main mill building has been cleaned, as much as a 50 year abandoned building could be. People in expensive if not always fancy dress go to and fro carrying drinks or smoking questionable things. The smell of blood on the air heralds the main action, in the huge open shell of the old work floor is a chain link cage 20 foot by 20 with a spray painted cartoony FIGHT! In a excited text bubble. Around the area people are gathered cheering, some hold up slips of paper as they shout. A bar can be aeen at one end of the area, while sxantily clad women with trays move through the crowd taking orders or running to the bar. The crowd is mostly men, but each has atleast one vapid looking woman with him and a few alert, or less than alert goons.
David as Dylan Sean 11-Jun-22 11:25 AM
The sounds of meat meeting meat from the ring cuts through the sounds of the crowd. A pair of men in sports shorts tiredly circle each other guards up.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 11-Jun-22 11:55 AM
One of the man was Diego Esenta, a rich latino boy owning a big share in the terrestrial transports of goods. But more importantly, it was a good rising star for the Ludus, on that could be proposed to join. With a sharp expression and a hard look, he had a black trim cut. He dodged numerous hits from his adversary, a big white man, bald and visibly to sure of himself, before stunning him with a well placed uppercuts, followed by two jabs to the flanks and a kick in the torso.
David as Dylan Sean 11-Jun-22 12:34 PM
Dylan will point to the younger man. "Diego is one of my guys. Pretty talented." He takes a champaign glass from one of the waitress' trays dropping a 20 on it with a smile before offering a glass to Balle. "It smells like a nice." he says holdin the bubbly up to his nose.
Balle BOT 11-Jun-22 12:40 PM
The red head smiled a bit, before grabbing the glass and smelling it. "He looks tasty. You ever try your flock?"
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 11-Jun-22 12:42 PM
Diego raised his arms, as the crowd cheered him and an arbiter began the count. Soon, the winner of tonight was decided, as bottle of champaign was brought to him by little dressed waitress. He refused to drink it, but opened it and washed to waitress with it. He seemed pretty happy.
David as Dylan Sean 11-Jun-22 12:45 PM
Dylan gives her a sharp look. His sire always said your preferences could be used against you. "No, not my type." He says as if this explains something fundamental. "I could introduce you. If you wanted.." he offers indulgently.
Balle BOT 12-Jun-22 07:26 AM
"I could drink him all night. You offer him to me ?" She looked at him, both surprised and eager.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 12-Jun-22 07:26 AM
@David as Dylan Sean
David as Dylan Sean 12-Jun-22 09:08 AM
"He is his own man, my people choose to follow. I am happy to introduce you though." He will look around for the person who looks to be in charge.
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 12-Jun-22 09:28 AM
As Dylan looked around, he soon located by sight a man looking over the bar and the exchanges of money. Bulky, tall and with a disheveled black bear and strabismus, he wore a leather jacket with a little silver chain collar.
David as Dylan Sean 12-Jun-22 09:34 AM
Dylan guides Balle in that direction stopping a respectful distance before making clear his intention to approach.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 12-Jun-22 10:48 AM
The man look at you with a suspicious eye, before approching slowly. "Can I help you, mister and miss ?"
David as Dylan Sean 12-Jun-22 12:22 PM
"Dylan Sean, I run the Men in Tights group." He will say with a grin. "This is Balle." He will indicate the woman. "I just wanted to introduce myself, and offer my appriciation for the production. Its very industrial." He will produce one of his cards and offer it towarss the man. (edited)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 12-Jun-22 02:23 PM
The man took it, looking at him with a smile. "Oh thanks, that’s… nice. I’m not the boss but I help to organise those yeah. Can I help you with anything, mister Sean ? Maybe a drink ?"
@David as Dylan Sean
David as Dylan Sean 12-Jun-22 03:06 PM
He holds up the untouched glass of champagne. "No im driving tonight. I just wanted to connect. Im holding a event soon, wanted to put the word out. Only the best warriors invited, as well as a number of exciting diversions. Im trying to locate a tiger... you wouldnt happen to have access to one?"
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 12-Jun-22 03:19 PM
"Surely, I could tell at the end of the event that's there will be a event at your place... Or even tell you of the best ones we've seen, but I need my boss approval first. You mind meeting mister Carson ?" (edited)
David as Dylan Sean 12-Jun-22 03:28 PM
"Im open to buisness opportunities. Contact my people. Otherwise anyone with a mind for spectacular violence is very welcome" his eyes will sparkle as grins.
(I dont really have anything. Balle wanted to hang out, so he just went and did buisness things.)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 12-Jun-22 03:30 PM
"Oh ok! I'll propose to mister Carson to come then with some of his best fighters and I'll give you a response."
Balle BOT 12-Jun-22 03:31 PM
"I'm hungry, you don't want to grab a can and open it?" She said to Dylan, looking avidly at the fighters and mortals around.
David as Dylan Sean 12-Jun-22 03:44 PM
"Im not sure anyone here is... appropriate to my tastes dear Balle. " he will say leading her toward the bar area after properly saying good bye to the goon in charge of the event. "Though, id be happy to facilitate you. Does anyone catch you eye?" He will say with a little smile motioning to the room as the next fight is hyped up.
David as Dylan Sean 12-Jun-22 04:50 PM
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Balle BOT 13-Jun-22 02:18 AM
She looked at the assistance, then at Dylan. There was hunger in her sight, unbrided Beast wanting to rip and drink, to merge herself in the blood of a dozens of prey. For a moment, he had the impression that she was maybe interested in him after all, but she fixated her attention on a couple greeting a young blondish fighter, visibly proposing him something, as he refused. "Those ones, they will not be a loss for the herd. They're weak." She wisphered to him. She then looked at him, smiling, before grabbing him by the arm firmly, as she was her concubine, and walked with him toward them if he let her.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 13-Jun-22 02:18 AM
@David as Dylan Sean
David as Dylan Sean 13-Jun-22 06:46 AM
Despite being dragged Dylan has this knack of making it seem like not only was .. whaterver.. his idea, but also that he was leading the move to do the thing. He quickened his pace to be in front, adjusting his arm to seem like she was being pulled along. "Excuse me ladies." He will say with a smile as he stops Balle onfront of them. "My friend and I were in the.. market.. for companionship for the evening. My friend won his fight so we were wanting to celebrate." Dylan motions toward where Diego has reappeared clothed and is talking to some of the whales.
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 13-Jun-22 07:16 AM
The two ladies were visibly two middle aged woman, in bussiness suit. One was plumpy, with big thighs and a short blond cut, and seemed pretty severe and the other was thin, short and seemed more fragile. She smiled to Dylan with a interested look. "Ooh, it would be a pleasure. Where should we do that ? You have a place or you prefer to follow us ?" She got a little voice, like a little mouse.
@David as Dylan Sean
David as Dylan Sean 13-Jun-22 07:45 AM
"I have just the place." He will take all the women to the hotel, one of the finished rooms.
David as Dylan Sean 13-Jun-22 11:34 AM
The venus suite is done in purples and pinks. Its major feature is a fouantain with a statue of venus pouring water out of a pitcher with the birth of venus in mosaic form behind it. The bathroom opens directly onto the room and features a huge multi person shower. The balcony overlooks the ghetto that encroaches on the hotel on that side.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 13-Jun-22 12:59 PM
The two woman were visibly happy, and eager. The blond one, Daisy, smiled to Dylan, visibly having a preference for him. She began to approach him, smiling, putting a hand on his arm and pressing it, as to assess his muscles.
The other, Elma, stayed near Daisy, but seemed entranced by Balle. Balle on her side was visibly eager to go on, and began to caress the neck and cheeks of Elma.
Balle BOT 13-Jun-22 01:04 PM
"We got a shower, I'm going to ease myself a little." She said in a sultry voice, winking at the mortals before going straight to the shower.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 13-Jun-22 01:04 PM
@David as Dylan Sean
The two woman looked at the master of the place, visibly waiting for his approval. Daisy had a large smile.
David as Dylan Sean 13-Jun-22 01:10 PM
Dylan shrugs, if either of the women are perceptive they might notice he is just being polite. Showing enough interest to not insult, but hardly an active participant. "Enjoy. The night is young."
David as Dylan Sean 13-Jun-22 01:19 PM
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 13-Jun-22 01:26 PM
As he said that, the two woman rushed to the bathroom, taking off their clothes in a precipited way, as the steam rose up from behind the glass walls of the shower. Only the silhouette of Balle could be seen, behind the fogged glass. Her outfit was thrown out of the shower from upside, lying on the ground nearby. Quickly, Dylan could see their naked body, as they entered the shower.
@David as Dylan Sean
David as Dylan Sean 13-Jun-22 01:28 PM
Dylan stands by the door leaning on the frame as he pulls out his phone and checks his stocks.
The european markets would have opened by now.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 13-Jun-22 02:12 PM
Dylan could hear a muffled sound, a cry of extasy stopped by something, as a loud moan, almost a growl was let out. Soon after that, a loud sound, surely made by a falling body was heard, an a more distressed sound could be heard before turning himself also in a scream of pleasure.
David as Dylan Sean 13-Jun-22 02:17 PM
Dylan buys into some securities he had his eyes on before shaking out one of the expensive robes from house keeping and holdong it out for Balle, phone in ofther hand.
Balle BOT 13-Jun-22 02:26 PM
The shower glasses were red with blood, as Balle got out. *Her livid, almost alabaster skin was pristine nonetheless, visibly having washed herself. She was really gorgeous, muscles perfectly carved in a almost Artemiesque statue. She passed a finger down her waist on her pubis as she looked at him. She smiled to him, before going out of the shower naked, without care for what he could see.
David as Dylan Sean 13-Jun-22 02:27 PM
Dylan doesnt even give it a second glance. "Do i need to remove bodies? Or just get them a cab?" He will put his phone away.
Balle BOT 13-Jun-22 02:28 PM
"Oh, I don't do leftovers. They're good for the earth."
David as Dylan Sean 13-Jun-22 02:32 PM
He purses his lips a little irritated. "Well the place has a old gas furnace. Convinient for sloppy mistakes." He emphasises sloppy. (Probably need a conscience check, i did lure two people to thier death.)
Balle BOT 13-Jun-22 02:34 PM
"Oh. That was no mistake. Why did you think I got into that shower ?" She sat on a the side of the fountain, caressing her feet one against the other, looking at him the whole time.
David as Dylan Sean 13-Jun-22 02:37 PM
He will hang the robe back up. And walk over to the table and turn one of the chairs around. "It seems wasteful. But whats done is done. So what exactly is your buisness?"
Balle BOT 13-Jun-22 02:41 PM
"I'm dangerous, and I get what I want. That's eigthy percent of it. The rest is my little stuff going on at Chinatown."
David as Dylan Sean 13-Jun-22 02:49 PM
"Being dangerous is pointless without control. Is chinatown under your control or do you answer to someone else?"
Balle BOT 13-Jun-22 03:00 PM
"Let's say I have friends there and there, but no. Chinatown is mine to control, and the power I gathered there under my grasp only."
David as Dylan Sean 13-Jun-22 03:07 PM
Dylan will nod. "Then i propose a little buisness venture. A little bum fighting, i think it would amuse you. You feed them a load of meth and tell them they get another hit if they win. Its cheap and covers a vast array of sins, like drug deals and prostitution. What do you think?"
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 14-Jun-22 05:06 AM
(I didn't understand as a st what you meant x) Like you drug people and you make them fight each others?)
@David as Dylan Sean
David as Dylan Sean 14-Jun-22 06:03 AM
(Bums, are vagrant)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 14-Jun-22 06:06 AM
Balle BOT 14-Jun-22 06:06 AM
"Like, watching them fight each others for meth? You want to organize that ?"
David as Dylan Sean 14-Jun-22 07:04 AM
"Its one of the entertainments that i provide down town, mondays, wednsdays, and fridays. Market guys can't get enough. Pent up aggression... as a bonus it cleans up the streets and give you a chance to hear... things.. one might not normally hear." (edited)
David as Dylan Sean 14-Jun-22 07:54 AM
"You would need to keep an eye out for the tongs, they might want a cut."
Balle BOT 14-Jun-22 08:13 AM
"It all depends where we do that, you would want it to take place in Chinatown ? And if they show up, it would be easy to isolate one of them and get his leader name."
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 14-Jun-22 08:13 AM
@David as Dylan Sean
David as Dylan Sean 14-Jun-22 08:49 AM
"Hmm.. i mean ive not dealt with the tongs much, but im sure i can find out thier leaders names... atleast thier mortal leaders... sometimes you have to grease the wheels to do buisness, even if its the chinese gangsters." He will shift in his chair crossing his legs. "The question is what do you want from the world? Money? Respect? Power over mortals, or kindred..?"
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Balle BOT 14-Jun-22 10:30 AM
"I want to control the flock, control the combats as they’re a fantastic way of finding interesting blood, I like this aspect of the world, the violence… The pain, the shattered bones and hopes all the same. But I do not want respect or power over the others kindreds. Just better myself, becoming a more sharp blade." She said, as she rose up, and passed with a smile near Dylan, slowing down a bit to let him see her voluptuous body. What would her blood taste like ?
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 14-Jun-22 10:30 AM
@David as Dylan Sean
David as Dylan Sean 14-Jun-22 10:42 AM
(Like a blood bond) Dylan will consider her for a moment, brain whirling at the possibilities. "Yes, iron sharpens iron. What are you doing to consolidate your influence exactly? Is there something i could assist with specifically?"
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Balle BOT 14-Jun-22 10:46 AM
"As I said, Chinatown needs to be tame. They’re a bit too resistant to takeover so I think there’s a structure… you could help by handling the problem, alone, so I could see what you’re capable of. And I’ll see fit to help you with an ongoing operation of yours. A way to prove myself to you too." She continued her walk, grabbing her clothes and beginning to dress up as she talked.
David as Dylan Sean 14-Jun-22 10:54 AM
"Yes, that.. i supose for tete-e-tete thats reasonable. But ill expect a minor favor in the future.. is that fair?"
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Balle BOT 14-Jun-22 11:11 AM
"In the futur… or now, as you wish." She approached him, her green eyes locked on his.
David as Dylan Sean 14-Jun-22 12:30 PM
"Yes im sure that would be quite valuable, but alas im afraid i will have to collect a favor at a later time. Until then.. i'll give you this advice for free.." he says holding her gaze with his. "Dont look a ventrue in the eyes.." then he will wink and grin.
David as Dylan Sean 14-Jun-22 02:58 PM
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Balle BOT 14-Jun-22 03:41 PM
She smiled widely, biting a bit her lips as she looked at you, visibly resisting a temptation of her. "Or what, you're gonna dominate me ?"
David as Dylan Sean 14-Jun-22 03:55 PM
"Not this evening. Just a friendly suggestion." He will uncross his legs and stand. "I have a mess to clean up before morning." He will nod toward the shower.
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Balle BOT 14-Jun-22 03:57 PM
"I'll see you Sean, text me when you're ready." She said, as she took a pencil and progressed toward him, taking his arm if he let her and writing down her number on it.
David as Dylan Sean 14-Jun-22 03:59 PM
He will give the number a glance. "Im already on it, maybe we can spar sometime in the future. " he will smile a bit at that. "Ill call you a cab"
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 14-Jun-22 04:03 PM
She nodded, before going down, waving a goodbye at him.
David as Dylan Sean 14-Jun-22 04:14 PM
-------------- Scene Recap --------------
David as Dylan Sean 14-Jun-22 04:33 PM
Dylan is contacted by Hector Kosan, a questionable roughneck type with filed teeth. Hector has decided to join the Inner Mysteries, Dylan's mystery cult of strength in a attempt to contact Dylan for Hector's master (domitor?), Balle. Hector is not fully aware of what he has gotten himself into, only that if he can win a match with Dylan he can get the whole organization. Dylan entertains his ambitions, accepting Hector's challenge on the word that Hector would serve as a ludis slave for a year and a day if he lost. The fight was short, Hector was out maneuvered and knocked out in a single punch. (He botched his roll). After losing Hector directs Dylan to his Master Balle on the Santa Monica beach. When Balle proves stubborn and rude Dylan starts to walk away and Balle leaps to attack, an attack Dylan easily dodges without a pause in his stride as he quotes the philosopher Seneca to her. Balle is Impressed by his prowess and cool headed rebuff and changes tactics trying to get close to the man instead. She asks if he is doing anything for the evening and he proceed with business as usual with his new acquaintance in tow. Dylan takes her to a underground prize fight, to network with the criminal in charge of the fights, and to get a feel for his dangerous new disciple. He successfully talks to the promoter, and gets a measure of Balle in the process providing her with a pair of women from the fights. The 4 go back to Dylan's hotel/resort The Olympus and Balle kills both of the women to Dylan's rational dismissal of the brutality (Loss of Humanity). Balle expresses her wish to expand influence in china town, and the two come up with a plan to organize some low cost fights in the area and get a measure of the local criminal underworld. (A minor boon is offered to Dylan) (edited)
Dylan takes care of the bodies and plots his next move.
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