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Los Angeles: Blood Moon
❌ Past Logs Chapters 1-7 / ❌🌙labm-d5-very-malk-trip
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 07-Jun-22 08:56 AM
Day 4 Location: ??? Players: @Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum , everyone wanting ST: @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] Previous scene : #❌🌙labm-d4-a-malkavian-walks-in-a-bar (edited)
He was visibly on the ground. His whole body hurted. He could hear muffled screams and detonations in the distance.
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 07-Jun-22 08:59 AM
Luca groaned, sitting up. He held his head for a moment, trying to take stock of his body. Limbs intact, sore all over, but whole. Screaming, from where? Explosions? He raised his head, shaking it, rattling his brain as he tried to make sense of what was going on. Vinni, what the fuck did you do to us this time?
??? BOT 07-Jun-22 08:59 AM
Vinni stayed silent, like slumbering.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 07-Jun-22 09:01 AM
As he sat up, he could see a dead body in front of him, visibly a afro-american guy, with the head shaved and no lips. Killed with a bullet between the eyes. Some of his brain was on the ground behinf him. He was what seemed to be the sewers.
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 07-Jun-22 09:03 AM
Luca did his level best to calm himself. He began to pat himself down for his service side-arm, a six shot .38 revolver.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 07-Jun-22 09:04 AM
Luca was visibly wounded. Some of his fingers were broke. The silent was loud, too loud around him.
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 07-Jun-22 09:10 AM
"Fuck..." He grit his teeth. He felt it, he knew what to do. Like walking, or breathing even, when he was still alive. He moved his blood with his mind, his will, and forced his fingers back into place, the bone to begin to repair itself.
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 07-Jun-22 09:33 AM
He watched his fingers creep back into place, eerily moving on their own. It was painful at first, but soon the hot bloom of his damaged fingers faded. He flexed his hand, testing his own motor functions. Satisfied, he hauled himself off the floor. Find your gun, he said to himself.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 07-Jun-22 12:09 PM
Luca found his gun at his foot, still hot to the touch. The man in front of him was armed with a metallic baseball bat, but now it would not serve him. As he assessed his surroundings, he could hear a shooting in the distance : *"Hey, the gunshots came from here, Damsey, you ok?" *Someone shouted.
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 07-Jun-22 12:16 PM
Stay calm. Don't let your emotions move you. He opens the cylinder of his revolver and checks the cartridges still available to him. He suspected at least one was gone. As he does, he gets to his feet and moves away from what he assumes is the corpse of 'Damsey', looking for cover.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 07-Jun-22 02:08 PM
He had three bullets left. Fuck, how many person did he killed before regaining the control?
He began to walk in the sewers, the horrible stench of the detritus and rot following him wherever he go. The voices were still there, some time near, some times afar, but never silent. He was trapped for now, but he had more time.
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 07-Jun-22 02:17 PM
Goddamit, Vinni.... He wandered for a while longer, looking for some sign of a way out, some kind of indication of where he was. Meanwhile, he wondered just who's skull it was that he'd ventilated, who he'd aimed the other two bullets at, and how much time he'd lost... The Prince. Leoric. What the hell had happened at the Tower when he'd blacked out??
??? BOT 07-Jun-22 04:12 PM
"We were... We're assaulted by six of them, I managed to blast two and escape. I leave the rest to you. SURVIVE."
Vincent ICEberry 07-Jun-22 05:14 PM
Suddenly, somebody's ugly hands appeared from nowhere on Luca's hand with a gun and his mouth. The face was barely visible, but had deep big blue eye bags -Shhhhhhhhhh. Who the fuck are you? - whispered the ugly man (edited)
Vincent ICEberry 08-Jun-22 12:37 AM
@Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum
Vincent ICEberry
@Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 08-Jun-22 12:50 AM
Luca slowly raised his hands, palms out. "Luca Rossi. I don't know how I got here."
Vincent ICEberry 08-Jun-22 12:54 AM
The man quietly sniffed at Luca. Does he hear the heartbeat, does he smell the sweat?
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 08-Jun-22 01:14 AM
He does not. Luca is dead as dead can be in these strange nights. "Are you... Gary?"
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"I was told to deliver something to a man named Gary in the Hollywood sewers."
Vincent ICEberry 08-Jun-22 01:42 AM
- Are you from Camarilla? Who are they? Sabbat?
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 08-Jun-22 01:44 AM
"I don't know. I 'think' I'm with the Camarilla, but I uh... I blacked out. Just before I was presented to the Prince. When I came to, I was down here, laying on the ground."
hyena 1
Vincent ICEberry 08-Jun-22 02:00 AM
Shit, he might be lying, but I've got no time - Okay, I'll lead you around those bastards so try to not be caught or else we'll have to shoot. Now close your eyes. I'll scout the area.
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 08-Jun-22 02:30 AM
"...alright." He shut his eyes. What else could he do?
Vincent ICEberry 08-Jun-22 02:43 AM
Vincent goes dark and tries to lead Luca out of trouble
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 08-Jun-22 03:01 AM
Luca follows along, unsteady with his eyes shut. He raises his sense of touch with his Auspex to improve his balance and pathfinding with his eyes shut.
!Your Hyennaes 08-Jun-22 03:02 AM
Diego, Bruiser Rat 08-Jun-22 03:07 AM
Diego was waiting from afar, at the ready, listening in on everything that was going on in the 'hood. He put up his collar, until the top of his face was barely seen. Watching Vince and the stranger, Diego snuck past them and into the shadows, obfuscating himself from prying eyes. He wanted to have a look at the attackers. Ping them for who they were. (edited)
"We were... We're assaulted by six of them, I managed to blast two and escape. I leave the rest to you. SURVIVE."
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 08-Jun-22 03:25 AM
Luca silently cursed his other half. Done all you can? Survive? Were in this mess because you couldn't leave me in the driver's seat, you stupid bastard!
Luca ,while arguing with himself, began to mumble aloud.
Vincent ICEberry 08-Jun-22 03:33 AM
I'll lead him to some safe place and get back to help Diego with the attackers. Can't let the stranger into the clan's haven - thought Vincent (edited)
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 08-Jun-22 03:34 AM
Mumbled: "....all your fault....stupid fool...."
zemlerojka 2
ilaliano 2
Vincent ICEberry 08-Jun-22 03:44 AM
Vincent emerges from the darkness and quietly hisses at Luca -Shut the fuck up... They will hear us! I'll lead you to a safe place. Stay there until I come.
Writes SMS to Mitnick: 6ppl attacked 1 of V . Says he is new and was to be introduced. He's to stay in describes location not too far from Haven (edited)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 08-Jun-22 02:06 PM
"K. Sending Bertram there, he was late. Try to get one alive."
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 08-Jun-22 02:53 PM
Luca continues following along. "Where are you taking us- me? Where are you taking me?"
zemlerojka 2
Vincent ICEberry 08-Jun-22 03:02 PM
"To the place you'll need to stay in. And don't try to run away, you'll get eaten by alligators if you get lost. I'll come back for you and we will talk."
hyena 2
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 08-Jun-22 03:47 PM
The sounds around them were stronger, as some seemed to come closer and closer. The two nearby were visibly a couple. They seemed to be normal fellows, wearing leather jackets and large jeans, as well as boots. They had prepare themselves to come. The girl was wearing some discrete jewelry, and a revolver, as the guy, he was with a baseball bat.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 08-Jun-22 04:20 PM
Diego began what he did well : assessing the situation and mesuring the risks. There were a bit, but not that much. They was a total of six person, in group of two. One group was the couple with the gun and the bat. The other were two old man, in their sixties, but what seemed to be rough guys. They wore hunting outfit, one with a big revolver and the other with a rifle. The last group was what seemed to be two young guys, maybe eighteen maximum, with one having a baseball bat and the other having a cruxifix in his hand and a knife in the other. What seemed really strange to him were that they're all ugly, and it felt weird... Familiar even. @Diego, Bruiser Rat (edited)
Diego, Bruiser Rat 08-Jun-22 05:05 PM
Diego quietly snuck past each group of interlopers. Diligently assessing them, listening in on his senses, studying them. His dead gut turned the more he looked at them. It was like looking at an old photo of oneself. The second he made up his mind about what he was seeing, he somewhat anxiously hugged the wall, despite remaining obfuscated. He waited until he surely was out of sight, and pulled out his phone. His message was rushed, but he knew he needed to get this information across to the rest before doing anything else. "Do not underastmte. Nos ghouls, all 6. They here to hunt movie vampires - got cross" And with that done, Diego did the thing he warned others about - he decided he knew enough to make his move. He picked the last two guys. Needed to separate them, if just for a moment. By now the 9mm was out of his sports jacket pocket, on safety and if everything went well, the gunrunner intended to keep all his bullets. His thoughts jumped to the hidden niche in his closet, where he left Shorty. Would be good for intimidation. Instead, as he followed the youngsters, he lowered the volume on his phone, set an alarm clock to go off in a minute, with a bog-standard tune, and put it on top of one of the pipes they passed. After that, he circled the guys, getting ahead of them, waiting for the phone to catch their attention. He was dearly hoping it would work and he would get an opening to knock one of them out first with a gun handle to the back of the head. He would need to than act fast. Either way, precious blood started flowing to his muscles, flaming them up with warmth and strength. [GM's response to come after his day slumber] (edited)
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 09-Jun-22 12:17 AM
The message came from the Court to camarilla's mobiles. "The Gathering for everyone is tomorrow midnight, Theatre."
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 04:46 AM
Diego was on them in a heartbeat, as they visibly looked beneath them, confused from where the tune came from. A precise hit in the back of the head incapacited one, and the other just saw his brother on the ground, starting to turn as the gun handle landed on his head. Two to the ground, four more to go.
As Diego looked around, he could see the Malkavian walking with closed eyes, visibly following instructions hushed from afar. He seemed pretty dexterous, and the voice heard was definitly the one of Vincent. After having grabbed his phone, Diego could see the text message. The other ghouls seemed unaware of the assault.
Diego, Bruiser Rat 09-Jun-22 04:54 AM
First things first, he put the phone back in his pocket, the alarm silenced. - Five more minutes, mom, - he whispered and chuckled. He noticed the message, but didn't have time to process it. Second went the knife, behind the belt. At first, Diego thought about leaving the cross behind, but he picked that up to. He did need a distraction after all. He knew where the rest were, which tunnels they would be coming from if they heard the music jingle or the commotion. So he did what horror movie monsters did. Grabbed both knocked out youths by the ankles and pulled them into the tunnels and far out of sight of the others, at full strength and dexterity. And after dragging them to a side tunnel, he tore up the clothes on one of them and hastily tied their hands to a pipe. After that, he put the gun in his left hand and his newly-found knife in his right. He needed to calm down and focus, to clear his minds, and clear the mind of others of his image. He probably should have called for help. Probably. But the thrill of the hunt was beginning to get to him. The couple. He would try and pick out the couple next. Save the old geezers for last. They felt dangerous, and Diego felt like a fight with them could tie him down... (edited)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 05:02 AM
As Diego snooped around, he came accros two cadavers. Each with a bullet in the head. Separated in two tunnels distance. Same outfit as the others. He would need to close by to learn more.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 05:28 AM
The voices in your head were surprisingly silent, as if Vinni had let all his energy out and gone to slumber. It felt nice. @Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum (edited)
Diego, Bruiser Rat 09-Jun-22 05:37 AM
He slipped right in front of the couple to get to the tunnel ahead of them. There were barely seconds before they would turn round the corner, so the gunrunner needed to act fast. The cross was in his hand, he was twirling it, looking for a place where they would surely find it. One of the industrial lights was blinking. He felt annoyed at it, before realizing that if that drew his attention, surely they would look to it to. Rushing to the spot, he placed the cross right in the middle of the cone of light and hugged the walls and shadows mere moments before the couple turned the corner. He was safe, hidden from their Mind's Eye. As they approached the place, he carefully circled them. They were careful, checking behind and in front, watching each other's backs. If they didn't take the bait, he wouldn't get the drop on them. And then the old geezers would run in with their hunting rifles... - What's that...? - said the girl, pointing the gun at the object on the ground. - Is that...? The guy, the protector he was, walked forward, while the girl stayed back a bit. Just as the guy bent down for the cross, Diego slipped from out of the shadows and hit the girl on the back of her head with the handle of the knife. Her body slumped to the ground, with and "ummph" and a thump. The guy started turning, and Diego flung himself at him, grabbing him by the head and hitting it against the wall. Not loosing a second, he grabbed her by the arm and him by the leg and rapidly pulled them away from the scene, into a side tunnel. He stopped only when he was far enough... And saw a corpse slumped against the wall of the tunnel. - What the hell...? - he whispered under his breath. He pulled out the phone and took a picture, before starting to type rapidly. "4 down, 2 left w/ rifles. 2 more in the tunnels, shot. Not my handywork. Everyone be careful. Need help with last 2. Collector Tunnl A4" He put away the phone and crouched in front of the corpse. (edited)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 05:43 AM
*Something was off. This woman looked dried out. A shiver ran accros his neck. * (edited)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 07:05 AM
As he began to think about what it all meant and finished sending the text, a detonation exploded in his hear, as he felt a bullet exploding the corpse in front of him. As he looked and froze in suprise, he saw the two hunters taking aim. The one with the revolver shot, and two bullets lodges themselves in his body, one in his kneecap, and the other in his shoulder.
Diego, Bruiser Rat 09-Jun-22 07:25 AM
- Erghhhh, - he groaned from the impacts, realizing just how careless he had become in the hunt. The bullet to the shoulder punched right through, missing the bones, and barely slowing him down. The pain in the leg was sharper, he almost lost his footing. But the dead flesh persevered. Like a wound-up spring, Diego leapt at his attackers, his hands crossed in front of his face for protection, a 9mm in hand . He could see that the geezer with the rifle was ready to unload another round, so he was ready to suck it up. Despite the pain, the plan remained the same. He would try to knock the arsehole with rifle out, smack the guys head against the wall. And if that kills him... well, shouldn't have shot at him. And if he is fast enough, and makes it through the first several seconds, a nice and neat punch to the throat with the barrel of the gun would do the second guy some good.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 09-Jun-22 07:36 AM
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 07:36 AM
Pinned a message.
Vincent ICEberry 09-Jun-22 07:37 AM
Hearing the gunshots, Vincent hurried to their sources. But his caution told him to try to come from behind or around. No sense in catching the bullets
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 08:00 AM
Vincent ran as quickly as he could towards the gunshots. Diego launched himself toward the rifle guy. A shot got him in the stomach, as he could almost feel the knockback. His Beast howled inside of him, and a red mist began to taint his sight as he grabbed the head of the hunter and lauched it against the wall. Before he could muster all of his strenght, he felt a bullet entering his back.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 08:08 AM
The rifle guy whined, visibly having blood running down his nose, but still conscious. He could not use his rifle at this distance of Diego, though.
Vincent ICEberry 09-Jun-22 08:12 AM
Vincent tries to get closer and attack when opportunity appears
Diego, Bruiser Rat 09-Jun-22 08:49 AM
Wincing from the pain, the gunrunner barged into the ghoul with the rifle and pressed himself against him. For several seconds the ghoul tried to wrestle out his rifle for the next shot, but seeing the inhuman hunger and rage in Diego's eyes made him rethink his plan. He let go of the rifle and reached for a hunting knife in a nice, neat holster. A clawed hand grasped his wrist, crushed his wrist. The ghoul's fingers were touching the handle of the knife, just a bit more and he would be able to pull it out. But he couldn't reach it, as if held by a stone statue. - ... you foxes snuck in the wrong henhouse, - growled the nosferatu, his vision clearing, but his hunger demanding recompense. He heard the sound of a revolver being cocked behind his back. The second hand suddenly wrapped around the ghoul's neck and jerked sharply, turning him around, putting him between Diego and ghoul with the revolver. The man groaned from the sharp move, closed his eyes for a second, opened the only to see Diego's gaping maw of mouth open almost unnaturally wide, before jerking him closer and biting hard into his throat. Diego hoped to buy himself several seconds. Once the guy with the revolver was left all alone... the fight would end. (edited)
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 09-Jun-22 08:51 AM
Following well behind Vincent, Luca pats himself down and finds a few rounds of extra ammo. He opens the cylinder of his revolver and removes the spent brass into his palm, then slides in fresh cartridges, ready for the next exchange.
??? BOT 09-Jun-22 08:52 AM
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 08:53 AM
The voice resonnated in the head of Luca like a hammer.
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 09-Jun-22 09:12 AM
Luca makes to follow Vincent, but suddenly clutches his head, groaning and stopping in his tracks. He turns and looks behind him.
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 09:12 AM
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 09:36 AM
A shot can be heard by the two nosferatus, from where Vincent came.
Diego, Bruiser Rat 09-Jun-22 10:11 AM
It's the little things that tip you over the edge. Multiple shots, a hole in the abdomen - all of that did not overwhelm Diego's ability to reign in his more beastly nature. He prided himself on his self-control. But then this little man, dressed as a hunter, who hoped to hunt on Nosferatu turf, started pushing back from the bite. He started weakly pounding on Diego's shoulders and hands. ... As if he has the right to resist... The beast barged in into his mind, breaking all the boundaries and felling all the walls of morals and ethics Diego prided on still clinging to in un-life. His claws dug into the guys shoulder blades and neck and he bit down hard on the tender flesh. Skin, muscle, tendons tore, blood gushed straight onto his lips and chin. He pulled his head and upper body back, pushing away the ghoul and tearing a large chunk of meat our of his neck. ... that'll teach you... that'll teach... him... He saw the last remaining ghoul . He was... restrained...? Diego's mind could not make out anything but the blood-red silhouette of the remaining prey. He spat the piece of meat to the side and was on the second ghoul in seconds. ... there is a thirst to sate.... (edited)
Vincent ICEberry 09-Jun-22 10:50 AM
Vincent was full aware that he couldn't stun the mortal right away. But the Kindred have something better... The Kiss. He bit the mortal, felt him convulsing and then... Diego always looked like a deadly threat, but now his eyes were radiating hot-red hatred and hunger. *Ohhhhh fuck. We wanted to take them alive and interrogate... Can't let this one die
Diego, Bruiser Rat 09-Jun-22 10:52 AM
Fresh blood was coursing through his system. He was full. The surplus was in his flesh now, patching it together, closing bullet holes, soothing the pain. The promise of a fresh victim was suddenly obscured by something... No, someone. Someone familiar. - ... you... - a low growly whisper escaped his lips as he stopped in front of the two creatures. With great effort, the red mist subsided, and the monster that was Diego recognized the monster that was Vincent, - you'd best deal with him quickly... kid... or else I will deal with him. I can already taste him... Diego took sevelal steps back, until his back touched the wall. Despite the threat still being very much real and unresolved, he raised his face to the ceiling and with both hands lowered his hood, running both palms on his scalp. It is done. The hunger is gone. The wounds are healing. If the kid pulls his weight... the fight is over. Go back to sleep. You had your fun. (edited)
Vincent ICEberry 09-Jun-22 10:55 AM
Diego was fast as lighting and Vincent did only one thing he managed to come up with. He stepped in front of the mortal and put forward his crossed arms, expecting a bone breaking strike... But only heard what Diego said
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 11:15 AM
The man, bald with a beard, let out a expression of horror as soon as the Kiss ended, groaning from both pleasure and fear. Seeing his best friend, (maybe lover?) on the ground, mutilated, he began to run.
Diego, Bruiser Rat 09-Jun-22 11:36 AM
His mind was clearing. The Beast was thrashing inside of him, but it was going to be okay. Vince was there to take care of things. He is a clanmate. You can rely on clanmates. And then the bearded man, unguarded, unrestrained, behind Vince's back, did the logical thing: turned around and bolted. ... THE PREY RUNS FROM US... Diego dashed past Vince, like an Olympic runner or, closer to the truth, like a cheetah. He covered the distance to the man in seconds, and not just knocked him down, but actually managed to roll over him, falling to the ground himself several feet ahead, before animalistically propping himself up on all fours and leaping on top of the ghoul. He beastialy bit down into his side, right below the ribs, as if the hunting gear and clothes were made of paper. Blood leaked onto the dirty stone floors. Screams filled the tunnels. (edited)
Vincent ICEberry 09-Jun-22 11:39 AM
Oh shit
Diego was killing the mortal and his screams filled Vincent's ears. Vincent tried to pull Diego from the man, but with no luck, the clanmate was too strong and too furious - No, Diego, don't do it! We need him alive, nooooooo!
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Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 11:46 AM
Vincent could see the bearded man dying, the light in his eyes dying. "I’ll join you Esth.." he whispered, before dying.
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 09-Jun-22 12:04 PM
Luca came trotting up to them, looking shaken. He slows to a stop, observing them.
Vincent ICEberry 09-Jun-22 12:06 PM
FFFFFFUUUUUUUUCK! Why did you have to do this... - Vincent was annoyed and angry
kun 1
Diego, Bruiser Rat 09-Jun-22 12:07 PM
The beast kept pulling at the dying flesh for some time, before finally letting go. Both of the dead ghoul... and of Diego. He licked the blood off his lips and incisors, and slowly lifted his head, his gaze searching for Vincent. Vincent saw. Diego stood up, slowly yet somehow in a single smooth motion. Like a blow-up figurine, into which somebody started pumping air. And when he was fully up, he slowly lifted his hands and pulled his hood down on his eyes. He wasn't tall, but standing over the dead man he seemed larger than he was. *Vincent saw*. Behind the expressionless, bloody face and black eyes thoughts were buzzing and rushing, like bees in a beehive. He could have said he didn't want this. He also could have said that it was Vincent's fault for not coming earlier. Or that the ghouls attacked first. Or that if Vincent had guarded the last ghoul, as he was told, none of this would have happened. Those were all lies. - Call up Mitnick and the others, - he growled, his throat still sore from the sounds the beast made it produce. - We have four corpses to take care of, and four unconscious interlopers to search for bugs get into the warrens for questioning. As well as your new... friend... whom they followed here and who is probably responsible for two of our corpses. He heard unsteady steps and looked into the tunnel. - Speaking... of the devil... (edited)
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 09-Jun-22 12:08 PM
Vincent ICEberry 09-Jun-22 12:11 PM
- I'VE FUCKING TOLD YOU TO SIT THE FUCK DOWN - roared Vincent at Luca and his slender hand hit the wall nearby -Diego...... - Vincent stopped swearing and turned to a giant Nosferatu - you said we have some people to question them? Sorry, I thought that one is......was the only one left... (edited)
Diego, Bruiser Rat 09-Jun-22 12:18 PM
- No. I've restrained all the others first, - his voice was beginning to sound better. More natural, less hoarse. - I've messaged you and the rest that I might need help with these last two... lest it come to this... He couldn't help it... He needed to shift the blame, even if a little bit. A part of him was upset over avoidable deaths. But a part was... proud. Proud of the six threats taken out, almost on his own. The worst part? That part was not the Beast either. He bent down and picked up the revolver, studying it attentively. And with a tired thud he leaned into a wall with his shoulder. - Look at them. They are ghouls. And vitae was changing them, altering their... appearance, - he then looked at Luca with a heavy gaze. - And they came here to hunt vampires. Diego took the small cross out of his pocket and threw it to Vincent. (edited)
Vincent ICEberry
- I'VE FUCKING TOLD YOU TO SIT THE FUCK DOWN - roared Vincent at Luca and his slender hand hit the wall nearby -Diego...... - Vincent stopped swearing and turned to a giant Nosferatu - you said we have some people to question them? Sorry, I thought that one is......was the only one left... (edited)
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 09-Jun-22 12:22 PM
"I did! Some freaky... creature showed up and tried to stake me! Did you not hear me shooting at it??"
Vincent ICEberry 09-Jun-22 12:24 PM
Vincent came to take a look at the dead ghoul - Wait, they are really..... Is it our Curse manifesting in them?... Yes, I did hear shots. What creature has attacked you? Where did it go?
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 09-Jun-22 12:30 PM
Luca pointed down the way the creature had fled. "It looked like... some kind of man-ape hybrid. Had one huge arm, and long fangs."
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 01:08 PM
Now that Luca looked at the two monstruous men, he cannot shook a sense of deja vu (edited)
hyena 1
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Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 09-Jun-22 01:50 PM
"Like... like these guys."
Diego, Bruiser Rat 09-Jun-22 02:04 PM
Hearing the unfamiliar kindred's words, Diego's eyes brightened, vicious glow returned to them. - Vincent, - he addressed the clanmate, standing up straight, putting the revolver into his jacket pocket and the stuffing the 9mm behind his belt. He spoke the following words very clearly and with emphasis. - It is not safe yet. Call. The. Others. Nosferatu ghouls and a monstrous deformed creature. Bodies and prisoners to take care off. Their guns and weapons. He walked up to the corpse of the hunter with the knife and bent down, before nonchalantly biting in and draining him of the remainder of his blood. When he got, he held the belt with the knife holster in his hands, which he quickly clasped around his waist. His wounds we closed, and bullets were dropping to the ground, having been pushed out of the bullet holes. - Where did you see the creature? - he asked the kindred coldly. (edited)
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Vincent ICEberry 09-Jun-22 02:10 PM
Vincent obeyed and called his Sire to explain everything to him. His voice was very worried. A thought has struck him as he was listening to the beeps: What if they were Selma's ghouls... (edited)
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 09-Jun-22 02:17 PM
"Just over here." He lead Diego over to where he'd tussled with the creature.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 02:26 PM
No creature was to be seen.
Diego, Bruiser Rat 09-Jun-22 02:28 PM
Having finished his feast, trying to ignore the intrusive thoughts and not look the dead ghoul in the eye, Diego walked over to where the kindred was standing. He looked at the dusty and dirty ground, looking for footprints that did not belong. He wasn't a tracker, but hoped to see something that could be of a hint.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 02:28 PM
@Vincent ICEberry "Okey I see.. Be wary, it’s maybe a trap, especially if they tried to stab the stranger. Get back here quickly. And wrap the stranger eyes of course, you know the procedure."
Vincent ICEberry 09-Jun-22 02:36 PM
Vincent approached his clanmate and whispered - Diego, we need to get back, and fast. This may be a trap, and this fledgeling is suspicious... - Hey you, wossname... Who's your Sire? @Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum
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Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 02:45 PM
As Diego traced back the creature, he could begin to understand where it lead. It was the footprint of where it had gone before. He found the bodies he had tied up with their throat slit, or for the two boys litteraly ripped out with their larynx hanging out.
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 09-Jun-22 02:49 PM
"Leoric Merdrea, Clan Malkavian. I told you I blacked out earlier? We were on our way to meet the Prince when it happened."
Diego, Bruiser Rat 09-Jun-22 02:59 PM
Diego looked at the dead solemnly. With a knife and 9mm at the ready, he spun around, to make sure nobody was standing behind him. And then turned back to the dead. - ...fuck, - he cursed under his breath. Putting the gun behind his belt, he texted Vincent a quick "Do not linger, return to warrens", and quickly patted down bodies for anything of value. Grabbed the ammo, the bats, the guns, and quickly fell back. The phone was in his hands. - Mit, we have 8 corpses on our doorstep. Somebody unhandsome is in the sewers, cleaning out this hunting party and those I put to sleep. I've just finished doing my part in this situation. If these bodies bother somebody, they can start pulling their weight. Upon finishing the conversation, he retreated to the shadows [obfuscate], collecting battle trophies on his way back to the deep warrens. (edited)
Vincent ICEberry 09-Jun-22 03:08 PM
@Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum - Okay, well, you go with me. What's happened to your Sire? Died in this attack? I'll have your eyes closed, just in case (edited)
Vincent ICEberry
@Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum - Okay, well, you go with me. What's happened to your Sire? Died in this attack? I'll have your eyes closed, just in case (edited)
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 09-Jun-22 03:09 PM
Luca complied, closing his eyes and raising his sense of touch through Auspex again. "I have no idea. I don't even know if this attack is connected to us being seperated."
Vincent ICEberry 09-Jun-22 03:11 PM
@Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum - Separated? How so? Vincent took his hoodie and wrapped it around Luca's head
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 09-Jun-22 03:12 PM
"Well, he isn't here, is he? So at some point, we were separated. Whether I did something during my blackout, or if these ghouls had anything to do with it, I don't know."
Vincent ICEberry 09-Jun-22 03:13 PM
@Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum - Well, seems like Diego hasn't found any traces. Let's hurry. Don't wanna meet your monster
Luca Rossi/Robert Meechum 09-Jun-22 03:49 PM
"Lead the way."
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 04:36 PM
@Diego, Bruiser Rat "Hoooow, come on Diego, I've started something right now, and I don't want to interrupt it... Plus, you're far better with this that I am, you know it's more efficient that way. ... I'll owe you one. Ok?" Mitnick said in the phone. (edited)
Diego, Bruiser Rat 09-Jun-22 04:49 PM
Diego stopped, paused. Purposefully expanded his chest and inhaled as much air as he could, before letting out a long sigh. - You will, Mit, you will. And you will not try to weasel out should I need your help, - exasperation and irritation were clearly felt in his voice. - And if something grabs me and eats me up while I'm on corpse cleaning duty - you'd better believe I'm gonna haunt your ass to the ends of eternity, private. Over and out. Returning the phone to the pocket, Diego sign once again. With breathing no longer being an unconscious action, sighing was surprisingly ineffective at releasing tension. - In that case, - he growled to himself, turning around and walking off into back into the tunnels. - I'm keeping the guns. Fair and square. His figure slowly merged with the shadows of the tunnels, the irrate grumbling was becoming quieter and quieter, until his last words graced these "halls": - ... hope nobody fucks shit up while I'm gone... And then it all fell silent. There was a lot of body carrying to be done... (edited)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 04:55 PM
Diego could feel some cameras turning at some point to look after him. Even not out of his hole, his brother watched after him, as the rats always take care of their own.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 10-Jun-22 10:48 AM
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