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Los Angeles: Blood Moon
❌ Past Logs Chapters 1-7 / ❌🌙🟦ch4-la-famiglia-grande
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 07-Jun-22 07:08 AM
Day 4 Location: Sherman Oaks, House Dunsirn Players: @!Your Hyennaes @Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] ST: @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] Previous scene : #❌🌙labm-d3-la-famiglia-grande (edited)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 07-Jun-22 03:16 PM
They were in the House Dunsirn, with Megan, a young maid, attending to their needs. The mansion was dead, a heavy atmosphere floating in the air. For was it not the presence of Megan and the other servants, one could have thought that the place was abandonned for long, but no, all was tied up good.
Megan Lanner BOT 07-Jun-22 03:17 PM
"How could I help you, Mistress and Mister ?" Megan said, with a respectuful smile, and what seemed to be a little tired sight.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 07-Jun-22 03:28 PM
@!Your Hyennaes @Coffee [Baresco Giovanni]
!Your Hyennaes 07-Jun-22 04:35 PM
- Yes. Do you have keys from my father's room? We need to investigate his absence and I wouldn't want to break anything here in 'our' house, - she tried to explain. At the same time she felt the interest growing inside - what could she find in the room, scared of the possible surprises and intrigued at the same time.
Megan Lanner BOT 08-Jun-22 04:48 AM
"Of course I do! I'm really worried about him, it's the first time he's gone this long without warning us..." She said, before leading you to his room, at the second floor. Handing you the key, she left you in front of a dark wooden door. When entering, you are in a wide bedroom, with what seems to be a double sized bed in crimson sheets, with a huge black wool blanket, very scottish in essence. One side of the bed seems hollow, as someone always sleeped there, while the other is flat. On the cushion of the flat part, a portrait of someone, but the room is too dark to see anything. There seemed to be no windows to the exterior, as the curtains leaded to a brick wall with a painting of Agnes, Finley and what seemed to be a more older woman, quit similar to Agnes in looks.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 08-Jun-22 04:49 AM
Agnes knew those person as they were her family. Her morther, her father, and herself, in a long lost peace and joy. @!Your Hyennaes (edited)
!Your Hyennaes 08-Jun-22 01:07 PM
Agnes turned on the light to have a better look. Hey sight stopped at the painting. It was really a good time, when everything was complete and seemed like a normal life. Why and what did her father get into so he's gone missing? Who are these people? Of course she suspected long ago this is a mafia thing. 'Capo' is not just a nickname. But now she needed to deal with the consequences. Not looking Back yet to her companion Agnes came closer to the bed to see what's on it.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 08-Jun-22 04:03 PM
Agnes looked at the portrait, to see a portrait of her mother, as well as a lock of hair on it. The rest of the room was occupied with a small desk, where a little dried flower rested in a frame against the wall, and a bookshelf.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 04:40 AM
@!Your Hyennaes @Coffee [Baresco Giovanni]
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 09-Jun-22 04:46 AM
Baresco clears his throat, tapping at the mortal Dunsirn's shoulder. "Shall we?" He says impatiently.
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] @!Your Hyennaes
((What do I roll for snooping around for documents?))
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 04:54 AM
Clearly, in this room, one could not find a lot. The books in the shelf were clearly occults tomes and what seemed to be philosophical ones. Baresco looked around thoroughly before stopping at the sole book with a title in Italian.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 09-Jun-22 04:56 AM
Baresco reads the book's title and flips through the pages, wasting no time, he skims the contents of the book. "This one might be significant," he states.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 09-Jun-22 04:56 AM
Ernesto, the book was visibly dedicated by someone in italian:"To a dear brother, and one I couldn't want more than to spend eternity with. G." @Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] (edited)
!Your Hyennaes 09-Jun-22 01:13 PM
- Ah? - she turned a bit, - Yes, yes, sure. This is so touching though, - the dead expression covered Agnes's face. She took the stuff from the bed and decided to take it with her. Little trophy reminding of 'home'. - Did you find anything? - She went out her deepest feelings and came closer.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 10-Jun-22 07:54 PM
"A journal perhaps? I don't have time to read its contents. Do you happen to speak Italian?"
!Your Hyennaes 10-Jun-22 08:38 PM
- Oh, unfortunately no, just a few words, but can be translated with no problem. Italian is well known within the Family. And I'm sure Capo Bruno knows it well. Where you came from? Not Italy I guess...
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 10-Jun-22 09:37 PM
Baresco reads it silently, translating whatever he can from the document. "I am reluctant to show this to Senior Bruno, but I will try again if I fail this time." (1 success, feel free to post whenevery oucan @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] )
!Your Hyennaes 10-Jun-22 09:43 PM
- So... You're working for him? Sorry me being annoying. I trust the Family but I'd like to know you better. Do you know what I mean? She tried to keep it polite. (edited)
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 10-Jun-22 09:57 PM
"No, I'm not." Baresco says, still focused on the book. "I work for the Family as a whole. And the Family's higher-ups give me the assignment. And you?"
!Your Hyennaes 10-Jun-22 10:02 PM
- Oh, I'm just a business owner. I heard many of the Family own their own businesses to multiply the common wealth. With my father... - she stopped for a moment, - we manage a few restaurants here and I am the owner of a law firm as well. You mentioned you work for the family. What does that mean exactly?
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 10-Jun-22 10:10 PM
"I see," Baresco nods. "The Dunsirns never fail in their duties, I suppose. For that, I thank you." A small smile on his lips. "Oh, I am the Family's detective—exclusively the Family's detective. When something happens, I am assigned by the higher-ups to investigate." "My job has put many targets on my back," Baresco chuckles. "But I doubt they would dare to harm me."
!Your Hyennaes 10-Jun-22 10:15 PM
- Is that so? Then I guess you are an expert... How long have you been doing that? And... - she became more quiet, - do you have an idea what could happen to my father? You've seen probably a lot, And I don't even know what to think.
!Your Hyennaes
- Is that so? Then I guess you are an expert... How long have you been doing that? And... - she became more quiet, - do you have an idea what could happen to my father? You've seen probably a lot, And I don't even know what to think.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 10-Jun-22 10:17 PM
"With how our Family operates, anything less than brilliant will warrant an execution," Baresco says. "I have been doing this for nearly twenty something years." "As for your father, I don't know. In my experience, it often leads to embezzlement, corruption, but ultimately death. If your father was abducted for blackmail or ransom, then there is a good chance that he still exists." "Did your father make any powerful enemies of late?"
Agnes Dunsirn BOT 10-Jun-22 10:29 PM
- He is smart. He should be alive! I... I just have no idea who could be his enemy. He invited me from Europe and I came relatively not so long ago. I was offered to run business with him, so maybe it could be someone who wanted my place. But then when not me? Why he should be the one hiding? Oh, she wanted to believe he's just hiding. Thoughts of her father dead made Agnes feel frozen.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 10-Jun-22 11:00 PM
"Even one's intellect has its limit, unfortunately. It's unlikely that it was a jealous rival. Otherwise, they would be calling you to resign in exchange for your father's life." "And why do you think he would hide and who is he hiding from?"
Agnes Dunsirn BOT 10-Jun-22 11:02 PM
- I don't know. I can only think this should be someone related to Family. I am not, - she started to get a bit more loud, and noticing that just sighed continuing normally, - I am not a magician, I can not just see the past as it was. Wish I could.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 10-Jun-22 11:07 PM
"A magician?" Baresco slightly alarmed. "Your father left without a trace, this seems like the work of a magician, indeed." "Have you spoken to anyone other than Bruno?"
Agnes Dunsirn BOT 10-Jun-22 11:11 PM
- Just Gorgio. He's kind of servant in the house. Nothing serious, - she shook her shoulders, - why do you ask?
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 10-Jun-22 11:15 PM
"Nothing, I was curious how deep you know about the Family."
Agnes Dunsirn BOT 10-Jun-22 11:39 PM
- Not much unfortunately. I was hoping to know more when I came here.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 11-Jun-22 08:30 AM
Ernesto... A classic of gay litterature, from italian litterature of the middle of the century. @Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] (edited)
Agnes Dunsirn
- Not much unfortunately. I was hoping to know more when I came here.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 13-Jun-22 07:40 PM
"I am not in the position to educate you about our operations, unfortunately." He gives her a soft smile. He remembers when he uncovered the Family's secret as a mortal and kept it hidden for years. Unfortunately, his knack for investigation led to his Embrace. "Is there anyhting else you'd like to tell me?"
!Your Hyennaes 14-Jun-22 02:16 AM
- I don't think so... - she seemed desperate, - so is it... Is it all? - Her voice shuddered.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 14-Jun-22 04:55 AM
The rest of the room was visibly without any clues to give, but they could feel the rest of the possibilities, as the book was just opened to a grim introduction.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 14-Jun-22 05:06 AM
Baresco falls silent, expanding his senses to grasp at whatever traces of ghosts in the vicinity.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 14-Jun-22 05:14 AM
There was a disturbing lack of wraiths, or even of spirits. The Veil between the two world was thick, undisturbed almost. But what really troubled Baresco was that faint whisper, as if something from beyond The Veil had roamed here, tainting the place with its presence. As he heard it, he could almost sense a metallic taste in his mouth. It was stronger toward the door of the room, and he could follow the lead of it if he wished.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 14-Jun-22 05:19 AM
Baresco walks past Agnes with haste, his gaze fixated on the door. His mind still bothered by the Dunsirn's lack of death and its history. "What's behind that door?" Baresco asks Agnes as he moves. @!Your Hyennaes
!Your Hyennaes 14-Jun-22 05:20 AM
- M-my room? - She was concerned. But... (edited)
hyena 1
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 14-Jun-22 05:22 AM
As Baresco opened the door, he could taste that it was stronger, and visibly seemed to come from beneath. It was something he never saw before, never tasted. (edited)
@Coffee [Baresco Giovanni]
@!Your Hyennaes (i'll let you describe the room x) )
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 14-Jun-22 05:27 AM
"Your mother's?" Baresco licks his lips, but the potent taste doesn't fade. "Tell me more about this room." He stares at the floor, reluctant to dig deeper until Agnes replied.
@!Your Hyennaes
!Your Hyennaes 14-Jun-22 05:28 AM
- No. It was always mine, - Agnes was totally messed. The room was big, but very empty with some posters of the old movie stars. It looked more like a nice teenage room mostly in white colors.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 14-Jun-22 05:31 AM
Baresco stomps his foot on the floor, listening if it's hollow. Otherwise, he would try to follow the trail's source. "Very quaint," he comments. "Have you experienced any oddities when you stayed here?" @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] (edited)
!Your Hyennaes 14-Jun-22 05:33 AM
- No. But... I'm here not that long.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 14-Jun-22 05:40 AM
It seemed to come from beneath, so Baresco began to follow the trail. He smelled there and there, feeling a distinct taste the more he came closer to the ground, and the more he tried to go beneath the mansion. But yet, he didn't found a passage. The most strong smell was behind a wall of stones, beneath the stairs in the central hall.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 14-Jun-22 05:45 AM
The Giovanni detective would try to scan the walls for clues, a lever, a hidden button, anything to open the passage. He would not be surprised if the Family employed hidden catacombs underneath their mansions. "Have you been here before?" He asks Agnes warily. @!Your Hyennaes @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
!Your Hyennaes 14-Jun-22 05:47 AM
- Here? In the room? Of course! What are you looking for? Sure followed Baresco step by step.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 14-Jun-22 05:58 AM
Baresco began to search. He had time, so he kept trying, looking in every room, in every place. No clues to be fund for a long, long long time, until he came back to the main hall. He saw that one of the paintings was visibly missing, high on a wall, behind a decorative red curtain. As he took the portrait of the Dunsirn family's from Agnes's hands, he placed it on the nail hanging, to hear a distinct click. Beneath the stairs, the walls disappeared slowly, in a slow mechanical motion, as dark and gloomy staircase descended beyond the mansion. The taste was stronger there.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 14-Jun-22 06:01 AM
"And what the hell is this? I don't suppose you hide your skeletons here?"
Agnes Dunsirn BOT 14-Jun-22 07:26 PM
- What?? - She could not believe. - Well I... I just know there can be the ways like that for the servants in old houses. It is kind of normal. But I didn't know we have this system, - she barely grinned. - Huh... That's just fascinating... I never thought this house was that old.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 15-Jun-22 07:23 AM
Baresco eyes her warily before moving on. He descends through the staircase, and without turning his back, he speaks. "Follow me at your own peril, Agnes." @!Your Hyennaes @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
!Your Hyennaes 15-Jun-22 07:27 AM
- Wait. I will take the flashlight! - She asked and in a hurry she found one in her desk drawer. Hitting it gently with her palm, she made it work and was ready to go. - Now it's all good.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 15-Jun-22 07:35 AM
Baresco ignores the mortal and continues hsi descend. He is silently grateful of the flashlight though. Whatever is down here, it reeks of death. "I assume you haven't explored this part of your home yet?" @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] @!Your Hyennaes
!Your Hyennaes 15-Jun-22 07:37 AM
- No I didn't! It's the first time I discover that. Amazing! And useful stuff to have. She seemed really glad of the new thing.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 15-Jun-22 08:14 AM
They began their descend in the dark. The stairs felled down a dozen of meters before stopping, letting them in what seemed to be a large natural cave. A small stream of water ran down in the middle of the cave, rapidly but almost without a sound. The metallic taste was far more stronger, and even Agnes could smell it, as dried blood. Far beyond, they could see beyond the stream à shadowed silhouette, standing right, looking at them.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 15-Jun-22 08:14 AM
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 15-Jun-22 12:09 PM
@Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] @!Your Hyennaes
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 15-Jun-22 08:27 PM
Baresco halts his steps, scanning the silhouette. He expands his senses, attempting to discern whether or not this one is a Wraith. "Agnes, if you are not brave enough, I suggest you close your eyes." @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] @!Your Hyennaes
Agnes Dunsirn BOT 15-Jun-22 08:40 PM
She started breathing more intense, trying to find out was it a fresh blood or no. She knew well the smell of human blood. Probably under better circumstances. But... "Oh no-no-no-no... What if it's Father's 'good meat' hideout, damn." Baresco could notice the girl got pale as ice. Not because she could see a body, but because he could reveal their familia little secret. "What should I do.... Goddammit. What if my father 'messed' here with the wrong people to cover our appetites?" The girl kept tensed silence.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 16-Jun-22 01:38 AM
The silhouette in front of them was standing, silent. But tangible visibly. The smell of blood was ancient now, almost leaved as a metallic smell. As Baresco extended his senses, he don’t sensed a wraith around, but more this trace of something of beyond the veil, inexplicably being here, or leaving a trace here. It kept looking at them, static.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 16-Jun-22 02:47 AM
Aware of the Dunsirn's cannibalism rituals, Baresco remains unfazed. He is focused on the Silhouette. "I wish to speak to the entity that I am seeing," he says, testing if this one is sentient. "Who are you?" @!Your Hyennaes @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Agnes Dunsirn BOT 16-Jun-22 02:48 AM
Agnes just was standing and staring ahead. She pointed the flashlight towards the figure to see it better.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 16-Jun-22 03:19 AM
The flashlight didn’t managed to pierce the darkness to such a distance. As for the entity, it didn’t responded, just staring in the distance.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 16-Jun-22 06:03 AM
Baresco approaches the staked corpse. First, he scans the room, taking everything in. ((What is in this room?))
Agnes Dunsirn BOT 16-Jun-22 06:09 AM
Agnes just tries to take a look and understand what is going on here and where is the smell coming from so she goes hand by hand with Baresco.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 16-Jun-22 06:11 AM
The room seemed to be empty, as it's a natural cave. But on the ground, near the man, they could see a puddle of coagulated blood. The man himself seemed to be a young person, in his twenties, with dark hair and wearing a shirt and a jean.
!Your Hyennaes 16-Jun-22 07:14 AM
@Coffee [Baresco Giovanni]
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 16-Jun-22 09:28 AM
Baresco approaches and removes the stake. "If it pounces, I suggest you run, Agnes." @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
omg 1
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 16-Jun-22 09:29 AM
(you crazy mtf)
(you did it)
Agnes Dunsirn BOT 16-Jun-22 09:31 AM
- It's just a corpse... - she did not understand what and why was so frightening.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 16-Jun-22 09:33 AM
As soon as the stake is taken out of the corpse, a hand is propulsed to the neck of Baresco, trying to grab him and hold him off the ground. A crazied look is in the vampire eyes, as he hisses toward him, fang beared out.
opossum1 1
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 16-Jun-22 09:34 AM
The Giovanni moves away, resisting the instinct to stab the vampire in the face. "Run, Agnes!"
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 16-Jun-22 09:35 AM
As he managed to say this, the hand close itself in a terrible grasp on his throat, and he fell himself being taken out of the ground.
Agnes Dunsirn BOT 16-Jun-22 09:38 AM
The girl could not believe this is really happening. She screamed as crazy and made her way out as fast as she could. At some point she could not feel her hands and feet, the adrenaline hit the eyes and she felt like half-blind hound guided by the smell. The smell of the air outside in her case.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 16-Jun-22 09:39 AM
So, she leaved Baresco alone. In the dark.
hyena 1
ilaliano 1
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Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 16-Jun-22 09:52 AM
Baraqiel's self-control triumphs over the pleasure of the Kiss. He takes a mental note of the lack of pain, which could mean that this Kindred does not suffer from the Family's curse.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 16-Jun-22 09:56 AM
The Kiss was a mix of excruciating pain and pleasure, a paroxysm of the dread of dying and the excitement of being hopeless.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 16-Jun-22 10:00 AM
Baresco pushes the Kindred off. He stumbles backward, glaring at the Kindred. "Whoever you are, you're gonna need to snap out of it. I don't want to beat the shit out of you."
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 16-Jun-22 10:11 AM
The man mubbled in italian, in a non common accent. "Quoi? J'ai... J'ai si soif, laisse moi boire..." It seemed to Baresco that he was talking an ancient version of italian. He began to advance again toward him.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 16-Jun-22 10:12 AM
Baresco takes a step back, he places a hand to his chest. "Baresco Giovanni," he tilts his head, trying to discern the words of this Kindred.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 16-Jun-22 10:14 AM
Baresco could see that the man was restraining himself to grab him and drink him dry... But was also losing to the Beast. The man didn't looked italian at all, and it triggered Baresco a bit.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 16-Jun-22 10:17 AM
Baresco distances himself. He readies the stake in his hand. "You're gonna have to will yourself out of it," he says. "I need answers, not a fight." He locks his gaze with the man. "Stay."
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 16-Jun-22 10:21 AM
The man tried to resist as much as he can to his Beast, but don't seemed affected a bit by the will of Baresco. "Just... Give me some blood. "
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 16-Jun-22 10:24 AM
"Agnes, dear! To me!" He shouts. @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] @!Your Hyennaes
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 16-Jun-22 10:28 AM
Baresco could feel the world around begin to fade, as the eyes of the man enraptured his mind, even in the fading light, less and less visible. He began to advance, showing his neck to him.
Agnes Dunsirn BOT 16-Jun-22 10:30 AM
The girl was terrified. Adrenaline took her towards the place she knew best of all - the kitchen. She grabbed a big shiny knife and the light Reflections danced around as Dunsirn held the improvised weapon in trembling hands. She heard the call, but she was too scared to go back. She came closer to her room and frose at the spot she was not yet seen. Listening.
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 16-Jun-22 10:36 AM
When Baresco was conscious again, he had lost a lot of vitae. He felt it in him, as the man looked with a smile to him, and licked his lips. He seemed less ravenous, and a bit more concious to his surroundings.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 16-Jun-22 10:37 AM
Baresco restrains his glare. There will be a time when this man will be a pile of ash before him, and he is very eager to deliver the final blow. "Right, who the hell are you?"
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] @!Your Hyennaes
Agnes Dunsirn BOT 16-Jun-22 10:55 AM
The girl was trying to find out what happened and occasionally she heard the sound of familiar voice. Well that meant he's fine? Probably? She made a few steps closer not coming too much into the cave.
Zanni BOT 16-Jun-22 03:36 PM
"I was... I was in... What happened ? Who are you, and how do you dare speak to me like that ? Don't you respect the family Giovanni de Venizia ?" The man looked at his hand, visibly confused, taking quick looks at Baresco.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 16-Jun-22 10:19 PM
"I am the man who un-staked you, Baresco Giovanni, and also the man whom you took blood." "I have been sent by the Elders of Venice, tasked to do an assignment," he says with an authoritative tone. "Unless you want me to report this to them, you better tell me what I need to know." @!Your Hyennaes @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Agnes Dunsirn BOT 16-Jun-22 11:05 PM
The girl was all ears catching every word. She made one tiny step after another. She moved closer to the men. - Baresco? - She called unconfidently
Zanni BOT 17-Jun-22 07:52 AM
The man continued to speak in his ancient italian dialect, mixing words of latin in it. "I'm... I was chasing the last gravis latro in the Great Britannia. And one of them used a devilish item to kill me... I thought I was dead, I saw myself out of the body. You are... From the Elders? The Premascini ? You know Augustus ?" He looked at the woman approaching, curious. "What is she speaking ? Is it saxon speak?" His eyes paused themselves on Baresco. "I am sorry for taking your blood. But I prefered to do that while conscious than to give the devil the control. It would not have let you stay on the material world. "
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 17-Jun-22 07:52 AM
@Coffee [Baresco Giovanni]
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 17-Jun-22 09:03 AM
[Italian] "Indeed," Baresco nods. "I was tasked to investigate matters and finding you here is a mere coincidence." "Augustus? I have never met him, at least not yet. Why do you ask?" "As for the blood, I will sweep it under the rug...for now." He then turns where Agnes would be and shouts. "Do you know this man?" @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] @!Your Hyennaes
Zanni BOT 17-Jun-22 09:07 AM
"I... What year are we ? Is the Papa Pio V still alive ?"
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 17-Jun-22 09:09 AM
[Italian] "Many pope have come and gone. The year is 2004, and I estimate that you have slept for more than five hundred years." @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] (edited)
Agnes Dunsirn BOT 17-Jun-22 09:13 AM
The girl came closer to them so Baresco wouldn't need to scream again. - No. I have no idea who is he, - "And what happened here. This man looks like a walking dead man".
Zanni BOT 17-Jun-22 09:13 AM
Dio Porco! "How could... Five hundreds ? It's.. What happened, is the great Nigth achieved ? Where... I need to understand what happened. I need time. What's... " The man was clearly disturbed, as he sat on the ground, and took his head in his hand.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 17-Jun-22 09:19 AM
[Italian] "It would be best if you meet the Capo of this city. The mortal, however, belongs to one of the family married into the Giovanni. She has seen too much, and I do not know what will happen to her." "But before we leave, does Ricettacolo spirituale ring any bell?" He then turns to Agnes with pity in his eyes. "I think Capo Bruno will know what to do." @!Your Hyennaes @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] (edited)
Zanni BOT 17-Jun-22 09:57 AM
[Italian]"I… need time. I need to catch to what have been… And my new situation. My body, it’s new… I could start anew." The man had a large smile, looking at Agnes, fangs starting to grew out. [Italian]"I could still drink her, or have her as a slave if she’s useful. Does she speak out langage ?" [Italian] I do not know if this thing you tell me.
Agnes Dunsirn BOT 17-Jun-22 10:02 AM
- Yes. Capo w.... - she stopped half way when saw the fangs and made a few steps in a hurry behind Baresco's back. - What... Is that?! - She might have known the obvious coincidence but just by books.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 17-Jun-22 10:10 AM
[Italian] "Start anew?" Baresco smirks, stifling a laugh. "That is a perilous dream. And how do you plan on 'catching up' without the Family's aid?" "As for the mortal, no, you may not. Her fate is not ours to decide. And I don't think she speaks our language." The Giovanni hides his disappointment. He then turns to Agnes. "All will be clear once we meet Bruno."
Agnes Dunsirn BOT 17-Jun-22 05:47 PM
- Yes. We'll need to go to him, - she was not sure about the idea, but at least it would make her feel more safe.
!Your Hyennaes 17-Jun-22 06:27 PM
@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Zanni BOT 18-Jun-22 03:58 AM
[Italian]"… I’ll see to do that. Guide me to this Bruno, and maybe he’ll know a way to give my body back."
The young man closed up toward Agnes, putting on a devilish smile, winking to her before leaning a bit and taking her hand. He whispered something in Italian, before rising up.
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 18-Jun-22 05:02 AM
[Italian] "Of course, follow me." Baresco glances at Agnes. "Let's go find Bruno." ((Do we move a hcapter or something?)) @!Your Hyennaes @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 18-Jun-22 05:17 AM
(Yes, let’s do this.)
!Your Hyennaes 18-Jun-22 05:21 AM
((YEEEEEYYY!!! We finished it lol))
❤️ 1
Slinar LA StoryTeller BOT 18-Jun-22 05:25 AM
==END SCENE== Next scene : #🌙🟦ch8-a-long-way-to-heaven
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 18-Jun-22 05:46 AM
@Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] @!Your Hyennaes if you wanna do a recap ☀
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]
@Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] @!Your Hyennaes if you wanna do a recap ☀
Coffee [Baresco Giovanni] 18-Jun-22 05:50 AM
I'm good
👍🏻 1
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