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Los Angeles: Blood Moon
❌ Past Logs Chapters 1-7 / ❌💀labm-d2-factory
!Your Hyennaes 29-May-22 05:09 PM
Day 2 Location: warehouse Players: Alex Kennedy @Alex/Sofie /Stefan, Vincent Iceberry @Vincent ICEberry ST: @!Your Hyennaes
Vincent ICEberry 01-Jun-22 02:19 PM
Vincent was bored. He got out of the sewers and wanted to have fun with a mortal woman. But his curiosity led him after the damn Tremere cuz information ain't cheap. - Hey, Alex! What's the deal with your warehouse? I can help you!
@Alex/Sofie /Stefan
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 01-Jun-22 02:23 PM
Looking to the sewer rat the Tremere just looked at him and remarked in a deadpan tone. "Well look who finally showed up. Anyways do you remember when we went to Club Reflection."
Vincent ICEberry 01-Jun-22 03:41 PM
- Yeah, remember. Let's scout that place. I've seen you in action, whole of China will know you're there
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 01-Jun-22 03:43 PM
Smirking from ear to ear there was a bit of intelligence to Alex as he said. "Oh I'm aware. You think me acting as a distraction when we have someone who specializes in stealth allowing him to have a better advantage is an accident." Alex made his way to find an entrance into the warehouse.
Vincent ICEberry 01-Jun-22 03:53 PM
- Distraction? You're a goddamn elephant in the Chinatown! What if the Shabbies are still there?
Los Angeles StoryTeller BOT 01-Jun-22 03:57 PM
The territory was pretty big. A few street lights were still working. The main road led to a huge open metal gates. There were seen a few car remainders, burnt, and even from there it was seen a giant dark hole in the wall that could be made by an explosion.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 01-Jun-22 03:58 PM
"Mhm but atleast it gets their attention away from you." Noticing the hole, Alex made his move towards it and began peaking around.
Vincent ICEberry 01-Jun-22 04:17 PM
Vincent again made himself invisible and ventured in, crouching very low, so any shot or hit wouldn't land at Vince.
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 01-Jun-22 05:54 PM
The place seemed really dead. the thing both vampires felt clearly was the awful smell of burnt flesh. Not the one that would be a vampire. Just the flesh. It felt like from everywhere on the territory. Alex went closer to the hole and heard some strange noises from the spot outside close to where he was standing. The ground was disturbed just recently.
Vincent ICEberry 02-Jun-22 05:39 AM
Hope he is durable enough to take a hit. And deal it too. Damn, looks like it would be useful to take some lessons of good hearing from that fancy club man. I can teach him some tricks in return. If we don't get caught by Sabbies of course
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 02-Jun-22 05:41 AM
Carefully peaking around, Alex vaguely pointed to where the noises came from as he whispered. "Looks like someone is here."
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 02-Jun-22 01:16 PM
The ground indeed was disturbed. Pretty soon in a few meters both could see the fingers pointing from the ground like a weird plant growing up.
!Your Hyennaes 02-Jun-22 01:32 PM
@Vincent ICEberry @Alex/Sofie /Stefan
Vincent ICEberry 02-Jun-22 02:03 PM
"Shit. What is it?" - invisible Vincent came closer and inspected the hand carefully
hyena 4
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 02-Jun-22 04:18 PM
@Alex/Sofie /Stefan surprisingly just at that time Alex heard the mobile phone calling.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 02-Jun-22 04:22 PM
Letting the Nosferatu check the fingers out, Alex accepted the call "Oh, hello! Oh I am checking out another lead associated with the nightclub. Apparently a group of anarchists killed the invaders and hid the stuff at a factory. I'm currently checking it out with a friend."
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 02-Jun-22 04:41 PM
"Good, I'll go check it out with Herr Bauer. Stay safe." he said before hanging up.
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 02-Jun-22 11:10 PM
@Vincent ICEberry while Alex was busy with the short call, the hand started to move and the earth started to raise roughly, disturbed by something from underneath. At the moment Alex finished the talk the second hand pointed out from the ground and the first one was up till the elbow.
Vincent ICEberry 03-Jun-22 01:25 AM
"Hmmmmmm... These Sabbie savages killed a man and buried him and then Anarchs came in, the fight happened and the blood of Kindred revived this guy? You're one lucky bastard" Vincent let the buried do his own salvation and went to check out for any possible ambushes (edited)
🔥 3
hyena 2
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 03-Jun-22 03:38 AM
With the call over Alex slowly approved the hand.
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 03-Jun-22 11:47 AM
The ground shook at that spot and soon the pile of dirt showed a dirty face distorted with the hunger and pain grimace. The moved became faster and whoever it was, and that seemed to be a man, turned his attention to Alex and Vincent. His sound of hunger showed long pointy fangs.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 03-Jun-22 02:50 PM
Watching the man rise from his grave with hunger in his expression Alex reached into his suit pocket and took out a little Flask that was covered in hermetic runes. When he opened it the Shovelhead was met with the scent of blood coming from it. Very careful he tried to pass the Vessel of Transference full of Virgin Blood to the hungry kindred to try to get him to calm down. "It's not enough to get you full but it should be enough to sober you."
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 03-Jun-22 06:06 PM
That was definitely not enough but it was just enough to distract the man. Half a body grabbed a flask, throwing around little piles of dirt and strongly grabbed the item to drink from. When the vessel was empty he looked at Alex with the eyes full of hunger. Not of a Beast already, but not completely sane as it felt. - It hurts! - He roared, before trying to make his way out.
!Your Hyennaes 03-Jun-22 06:06 PM
@Alex/Sofie /Stefan
Vincent ICEberry 04-Jun-22 10:45 AM
What the fuck? He fed him with blood? Does he know, who is that guy?
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 04-Jun-22 10:48 AM
Carefully approaching the man stuck in the dirt, Alex tried to help him out. "I know but whatever happened must've been awful. I'm just trying to help as giving someone the embrace and dump is an awful thing... I'm Alex Kennedy, who might you be?" Alex tried his best to be sympathetic to the stranger.
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 04-Jun-22 11:13 AM
A stranger made good way out of his grave and appeared to be pretty tall well built man. The dark security uniform could be guessed under the layer of dirt. He made some steps closer that seemed even threatening. - I was guarding this place, - the grimace of disgust showed on his face and the fangs got seen again, - when those bastards came...
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 04-Jun-22 11:19 AM
"What bastards? I think I know what you are talking about since I've been on the trail of a certain group... And it seems they turned you." When he said "turned" he extended and retracted his fangs. "Well luckily you are in good hands as I am apart of one of the 'better' groups. I'm Alex Kennedy and somewhere around here my fellow investigator is wandering around probably night-dreaming of feeding on pretty girls..." He gave a smug smirk as he wanted Vince it introduce himself. "Anyways you aren't in the best situation but I'm happy to help you get fed and ask you some questions."
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 04-Jun-22 11:23 AM
Seemed it was hard to believe and the man just was messed with the blood thing at the moment. - I am hungry. It hurts inside, - he put crooked fingers to his chest like he was trying to rip his own flesh, - I feel something inside. It... Doesn't let me think. I just need... Something.
Vincent ICEberry 04-Jun-22 11:25 AM
Wow, the shovelhead. Poor guy. The Beast inside him claws. I wonder, should I show myself? What if he just jumps at Alex or me?
!Your Hyennaes 04-Jun-22 11:25 AM
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 04-Jun-22 11:27 AM
"I have more at my place... I have 2 extra bottles full." Alex shot a text to Vince with an address to what seems to be a house. "Vincent if you can hear me, you can continue the investigation. I will take care of this Fledgeling for a bit and get him fed. Maybe explain some of the details." Grabbing the Fledgeling with his strong grip he quickly pulled him towards his car.
Vincent ICEberry 04-Jun-22 11:34 AM
"K,g'nite 2 u 2" - the SMS was brief Vincent decided to continue snooping around. If anything happens, he can escape quickly and unnoticed. If only there was more time to go to girls... Well, next night it is then.
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 04-Jun-22 11:40 AM
Pale and dirty man was barely holding his beast. But he got into the car with Alex.
!Your Hyennaes 04-Jun-22 11:43 AM
#❌💀labm-d2-burning-flesh #❌💀labm-d2-fresh-blood
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