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Los Angeles: Blood Moon
❌ Past Logs Chapters 1-7 / ❌💀labm-d1-the-revolutioners
!Your Hyennaes 22-May-22 04:45 AM
Day 1 Starter location: Frederick's temporary Haven Players: Frederick Bauer, s2 @Frederick Bauer, Alexander Montferrier, s4 @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier], Alex Kennedy, s4 @Alex/Sofie /Stefan ST: @!Your Hyennaes (edited)
Frederick Bauer BOT 22-May-22 04:48 AM
Soon, Frederick is in his temporaly haven. As he spots computer, he goes to check the messages.
Los Angeles StoryTeller BOT 22-May-22 04:53 AM
There are a few messages. One of them states that if your girlfriend is not happy about the size - there's a great solution... Another one goes from Mary Goldberg with the phone and letters "A. K." As the phone holder name.
Frederick Bauer BOT 22-May-22 04:59 AM
He types the numbers into his phone, calling the person.
Los Angeles StoryTeller BOT 22-May-22 05:20 AM
A man with a nice baritone picked up and Frederick heard a Hello.
Frederick Bauer BOT 22-May-22 05:34 AM
"Gutten Abend, Herr Kennedy, i was told to call to you about the Elysium incidents"
Los Angeles StoryTeller BOT 22-May-22 05:40 AM
The sound changed a bit getting a slight echo. "Oh? Well it looks like my group slowly expands... It's nice that you know my name but I don't know yours. May I know your name?"
Frederick Bauer BOT 22-May-22 05:42 AM
"My name is Frederick Bauer" he says. "Detective and mercenary"
Los Angeles StoryTeller BOT 22-May-22 05:48 AM
"And I am Alex Kennedy: the sexier nerd." There was a chuckle as he shifted a little. "I hope you don't mind but I put the call on speaker so my friend Alex Montferrier can hear us talk."
Frederick Bauer BOT 22-May-22 05:51 AM
"For sure...well, i wanted to ask where to find all Anarch nests...dens...havens..maybe i would find it useful in my quest"
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 22-May-22 05:59 AM
"Mmmm saying fancy terms like that over an insecure line... Are your sure you'd want to do that? You'll never know who or what is listening." Smiling widely Alex began talking in riddles. "It may lead you to be taking your Last Round maybe you should go to the club and have a moment to reflect."
Frederick Bauer BOT 22-May-22 06:00 AM
"Got it, well, it was nice to meet you , Herr Kennedy" he sayd "Maybe i will call you later" he sayd.*
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 22-May-22 06:10 AM
"See you and stay safe... I'd love to call you again. Maybe you can meet my brother and we can work together. But anyways we are both busy men... Anyways see you soon." With that, Alex hangs up.
Frederick Bauer BOT 22-May-22 06:16 AM
He then calls his trusted friend in police, Ron Donnovsky
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 22-May-22 06:20 AM
A few long calls of waiting, and a familiar voice answered. - Donnovsky.
Frederick Bauer BOT 22-May-22 06:22 AM
"Hi Ron, its me, Frederick" he sayd. "Do you know something about the club called the Last Round?" he asked.
Ron Donnovsky BOT 22-May-22 06:42 AM
"Ei, how are you doin'? Yes, I know the place but kind of... Not our business in there, you know?"
Frederick Bauer BOT 22-May-22 06:48 AM
"Well, doing good...what do you mean not your bussyness eh?"
Ron Donnovsky BOT 22-May-22 06:49 AM
"C'mon, you're not a boy, you know there's are some places our higher just don't touch... For different reasons"
Frederick Bauer BOT 22-May-22 06:50 AM
"Well i need some info about, its a legal estabilishment and such"
Ron Donnovsky BOT 22-May-22 06:52 AM
"Yeah. You can find it in internet database. But I'm sure no real entities there. Guys like this don't like to be that public."
Frederick Bauer BOT 22-May-22 06:54 AM
"Ok, danke, well, how is your wife and your little Kinder?"
Ron Donnovsky BOT 22-May-22 06:56 AM
"Eh... All good. Waiting for the second. Rough times ahead", - he chuckled.
Frederick Bauer BOT 22-May-22 06:58 AM
He chukles too a bit. "Well, i think you will raise them greatly, maybe one of them will be policemen too..well, gotta be going" he sayd "See ya maybe in Saturday in that tea shop, you know which one" he sayd and hung up.
Ron Donnovsky BOT 22-May-22 06:59 AM
"Sure! See ya."
Frederick Bauer BOT 22-May-22 07:01 AM
He then searches up the database and enters the name , The Last Round in it, hoping to find out something interesting before he will head up in there
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 22-May-22 07:03 AM
The place was in the database. Seemed all good there, no special notes, active business registered on some guy with Spanish name.
Frederick Bauer BOT 22-May-22 07:07 AM
Well, he puts on his coat and hardened boots, normal black tshirt, black trousers, and hides the bowie knife and pistol. Then he heads to the street, searching for cab that could get him in there.
!Your Hyennaes 22-May-22 04:01 PM
Los Аngeles StoryTeller BOT 22-May-22 04:05 PM
"The last round" bar was placed not on the main Street. Bauer would need to go to a really bad part of the city close to a dead end with hobos. Didn't look like a fency place after all. Outside only the banner could give the idea what's the door is about.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 23-May-22 03:26 AM
Stepping out of the car as soon as it arrives, Alexander looks at the surroundings, searching for a lookout.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 23-May-22 03:26 AM
Parking the car and stepping out of the driver's seat, Alex had a little look around as he put his hands in the pocket of his black suit.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 23-May-22 03:28 AM
The Tremere looked at his comrade, an smiled beneath the mask. It has been too long since he has worked with someone, and it was heart-warming to be able to rely on someone.
hyena 2
Frederick Bauer BOT 23-May-22 08:23 AM
Soon,a cab arrives. Frederick stepped out, looking around.
Frederick Bauer 23-May-22 08:24 AM
// @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] @Alex/Sofie /Stefan
Alexander Montferrier BOT 23-May-22 08:30 AM
Alexander looked at the new coming silently, only nodding toward him, his expression inscrutable beneath his mask.
Wearing a satchel, and white ribbon around the wrist, he could have been anyone, or anything.
Frederick Bauer BOT 23-May-22 08:32 AM
Alexander looked at the new coming silently, only nodding toward him, his expression inscrutable beneath his mask.
@Alexander Montferrier (@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]) - jump "Gentleman...its nice to see you in person finaly" he says with a smirk.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 23-May-22 08:35 AM
He stared at the new coming. "Herr Bauer, it is a reciprocate pleasure. What do you expect to find here? Or should I say, how would you proceed ?" he asked, extending his hand toward him.
Frederick Bauer BOT 23-May-22 08:37 AM
He stared at the new coming. "Herr Bauer, it is a reciprocate pleasure. What do you expect to find here? Or should I say, how would you proceed ?" he asked, extending his hand toward him.
@Alexander Montferrier (@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]) - jump "I would proceed gently...what if it was sabbat who burned down the Elysiums" he sayd as he accepted the handshake
Alexander Montferrier BOT 23-May-22 09:08 AM
"I find it far too easy to blame the Sabbat. And the implications of such a thing would be daring. Plus, I don't think the Sabbat would just burn thoses places, he would more likely leave corpses, and very daring Mascarade breach... But I'm no expert. I don't have a opinion until I don't know more details."
Frederick Bauer BOT 23-May-22 09:09 AM
"I find it far too easy to blame the Sabbat. And the implications of such a thing would be daring. Plus, I don't think the Sabbat would just burn thoses places, he would more likely leave corpses, and very daring Mascarade breach... But I'm no expert. I don't have a opinion until I don't know more details."
@Alexander Montferrier (@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]) - jump "Well, thats why we are in this place, to get the info we need to find the suspects"
Alexander Montferrier BOT 23-May-22 09:12 AM
"Any precautions we should take ? The Anarchs of this City are violent?"
Frederick Bauer BOT 23-May-22 09:13 AM
"Any precautions we should take ? The Anarchs of this City are violent?"
@Alexander Montferrier (@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]) - jump "i am here just for a little while, so i dont know...well, my gun and knife are ready"
Alexander Montferrier BOT 23-May-22 09:15 AM
A satisfied groan was heard from Alexander. "I too have a stake and gun. Where were you before LA if it's not indiscrete ?" he said, before designating his satchel.
Frederick Bauer BOT 23-May-22 09:17 AM
A satisfied groan was heard from Alexander. "I too have a stake and gun. Where were you before LA if it's not indiscrete ?" he said, before designating his satchel.
@Alexander Montferrier (@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]) - jump "No...this is my first time in LA and whole California" he sayd."But was in New Orleans"
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 23-May-22 12:38 PM
Shaking Frederick's hand the more handsome Tremere smiled as if he was about to say something before he asked. "Wait you guys are armed?"
Frederick Bauer BOT 23-May-22 12:39 PM
" case anarchs were too much hotheaded on us" he says, smirking.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 23-May-22 12:51 PM
"Yet you admit all that infront of their elysium." Alex smirked back
Frederick Bauer BOT 23-May-22 12:58 PM
"Well, i think i am right with that theyre are to much hotheaded, am i right?"
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 24-May-22 01:46 AM
"I assume so. But we are here to just... Talk" Alex gave a crooked smile to Fred.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 24-May-22 04:19 AM
"Shall we ?" he says, before going to the door and entering.
!Your Hyennaes 24-May-22 06:26 AM
Los Angeles StoryTeller BOT 24-May-22 06:36 AM
Loud rock, cigarette smoke and beer smell - this is the atmosphere of the average good bar. At that time there were not a lot of people, about a dozen and almost all men.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 24-May-22 07:15 AM
Alexander has gone straight to the bar, looking around for the most tough looking foes, those that no ones dares go near. When there, he leaned his arms on the bar, looking at the barman. Turning around, he began to look at all the men, one by one, looking for a vampiric aura, beginning of course by the most impressive of them.
Frederick Bauer BOT 24-May-22 07:21 AM
He looked around as he entered, having cold face. He looked for anything suspicious.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 24-May-22 07:30 PM
Alex looked around. Staying calm and sitting at the bar giving that award winning smile of his as he lookedaround.
Los Angeles StoryTeller BOT 24-May-22 08:49 PM
There were two guys standing close to the stairs, both of them were vampires. Especially it was supicious that they watched all the new faced coming in too. One of them - latino in blue t-shirt, about 35, Kennedy saw him a few times and heard the name - Nines Rodrigues. The second - much older bearded punk-ish rocker. Both almost stopped talking while the new faces appeared. For Frederick except of these two almost all the visitors seemed suspicious - bikers, truck drivers...
!Your Hyennaes 24-May-22 09:04 PM
@Alex/Sofie /Stefan @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] @Frederick Bauer
Alexander Montferrier BOT 25-May-22 04:09 AM
Gazing at the two man, Alexander tried to look up in their aura, before looking around if there was not a hidden threat, someone "easy" looking but just hidden in the commoners.
Los Angeles StoryTeller BOT 25-May-22 07:57 AM
It looked like the community here is pretty much known and some gazes towards the new guys, well, you, were probably the same suspicious as the looks back to them. They both definitely were vampires - pale auras were pretty much speaking for themselves. Both were careful and a bit tense. At least the guy in blue. Still the rest was about calm. Second man was more intrigued about the ongoing stuff. He felt here like home. Free and self-confident.
Frederick Bauer BOT 25-May-22 08:30 AM
He was just looking on them,not saying a word.
Los Angeles StoryTeller BOT 25-May-22 08:35 AM
❤️ 4
Alexander Montferrier BOT 25-May-22 11:16 AM
Seeing that the other two didn't go, Alexander stood up from the bar and goes straight to the two man, holding out his hand toward them. "The name is Montferrier, Alexander Montferrier. We're looking and searching about the recently burned up Elyseums." he said, with a blank voice.
Los Angeles StoryTeller BOT 25-May-22 11:21 AM
The older one pointed his finger a bit at the newcomer and laughed pretty openly. - Oh damn, and you're here to blame US? - Seemed he is fairly laughing out of the whole situation. - Name's Nines, we probably need a good conversation with LaCroix if he is so loud about this statement, - continued the other.
Frederick Bauer BOT 25-May-22 11:24 AM
The older one pointed his finger a bit at the newcomer and laughed pretty openly. - Oh damn, and you're here to blame US? - Seemed he is fairly laughing out of the whole situation. - Name's Nines, we probably need a good conversation with LaCroix if he is so loud about this statement, - continued the other.
@Los Angeles StoryTeller (@!Your Hyennaes) - jump "Watch your tongue..." Frederick sayd.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 25-May-22 11:24 AM
The handsome tremere shook his head. "We are not here to blame you fine gentlemen persay but more just trying to find leads. After all we are two cloistered nerds who never leave our dorms so how would we know what is going on on the streets. So why not ask the faction that runs the streets?"
Frederick Bauer BOT 25-May-22 11:26 AM
"After all you are the ones who dont like others in theyre...territory much"
Alexander Montferrier BOT 25-May-22 11:49 AM
Looking at Jack, "That would be the easiest way to do, but no. I'm looking for the truth here, because I think that it is a threat for all Kindred. So, do you want to answer some questions ? Or even help us ?" he asked.
"Or do you prefer to just sit back and laugh at what happens ? I'm fine with either." he pursued, arms crossed.
Los Angeles StoryTeller BOT 25-May-22 12:03 PM
Jack smiled at Frederick. - Oh, they brought a dog on a leash, huh, okay, don't bite, not all people here like the look of blood, he-he. Not right now at least, - he added. Nines turned to Kennedy. - Well, if you didn't do it, and we didn't do it, - he shook his shoulders, - by the way are you sure it's not someone of yours? I checked just recently with my people. None yet caught my attention as a suspect. More of that. We removed a pack or at least a part of a pack of Sabbat a few nights ago. Do you know anything about that? - See? We already helped you, - Jack added, - but frankly, sitting and laughing is way most of what I do lately. Pity I'm not that fond of popcorn any more.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 25-May-22 12:05 PM
"You should try blood clot." he answered to Jack before turning to the other Camarillistes.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 25-May-22 12:13 PM
"Mmm now I'm craving blood soaked popcorn. I used to know a good Elysium back in Chicago that used to do that. Anyways it's not cam for all we know and now we know it's not Anarchs... Which leaves us with Hunters, Lupines or Sabbat."
Alexander Montferrier BOT 25-May-22 12:16 PM
"If it's hunters, it must has be done by day. Can we check that ? If you take me to the places, I could search manually for clues."
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 25-May-22 12:17 PM
"I mean go ahead. I know the locations since I hang around different elysiums a lot."
Alexander Montferrier BOT 25-May-22 12:18 PM
he hands out a little notebook and a pen.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 25-May-22 12:19 PM
Alex scribbled it down and passed it to the other Alex.
Los Angeles StoryTeller BOT 25-May-22 12:20 PM
- Lupines... - Nines interfered, - they would not do that, probably won't leave even their green places towards downtown. And fires - definitely not their style.
❤️ 1
Alexander Montferrier BOT 25-May-22 12:23 PM
Alexander goes out and take a cab, going to investigate the places.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 25-May-22 12:23 PM
Alex joins with because he knows the locations.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 25-May-22 12:25 PM
Before stepping out, he lets out a : "Thank you for your time, Nines and popcorn guy."
Los Angeles StoryTeller BOT 25-May-22 12:26 PM
- You ever need popcorn - call Jack, - was thrown at his back not very loud and followed by a low laugh.
hyena 1
Frederick Bauer BOT 25-May-22 12:27 PM
"fick dich und deine kleine Fotzenfreundin hier" he sayd and goed outside.*
Alexander Montferrier BOT 25-May-22 12:35 PM
Once outside, Alexander looked at the other two fellows. "Shall we continue tomorrow ? And meet up at the Toreador gallery owned gallery?"
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 25-May-22 12:36 PM
"Yes we should meet up tomorrow. I need my rest."
Frederick Bauer BOT 25-May-22 12:36 PM
Once outside, Alexander looked at the other two fellows. "Shall we continue tomorrow ? And meet up at the Toreador gallery owned gallery?"
@Alexander Montferrier (@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]) - jump "Oh, we are going to visit Roses? Sounds good"
ilaliano 2
Alexander Montferrier BOT 25-May-22 12:37 PM
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 25-May-22 12:38 PM
"Yes, yes we are."
Alexander Montferrier BOT 25-May-22 12:39 PM
"Alex, we're wasting time I think. You can see that's not my fit those kind of interrogation." he began, a honesty in his voice, as he begin to scratch his hair.
"I'll investigate alone, and join you later tomorrow. I'm best at that, and the danger... Well, we're all in danger if we're too slow."
"Plus, I'm not a known face around, I'll drop the mask. The Sabbat wouldn't recognize me even if they're watching us now."
"Can you trust me with that, kine sorcerer?" he asked, holding out his hand toward Kennedy.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 25-May-22 12:44 PM
"Yeah, I trust you." Alex happily shook his hand but as he did Monty can feel that Alex's grip was strong... Conserningly strong.
hyena 3
Frederick Bauer BOT 25-May-22 12:47 PM
"Plus, I'm not a known face around, I'll drop the mask. The Sabbat wouldn't recognize me even if they're watching us now."
@Alexander Montferrier (@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]) - jump "My dear friend, i was hunting Sabbats in Brasil, and i will hunt them now...if you are in the danger"
Alexander Montferrier BOT 25-May-22 12:47 PM
Alexander shook his hand with normal strenght.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 25-May-22 12:48 PM
Letting go Alex gave a stretch. "Well... It was nice meeting you fine gentlemen but I'm hungry and the night sky is slowly getting brighter. So uhhh. See you all tomorrow."
Alexander Montferrier BOT 25-May-22 12:49 PM
"Let's just exchange email adresses before that. And do you happen to know a Nosferatu, or someone I could go to ask some informations, Alex ?"
Frederick Bauer BOT 25-May-22 12:49 PM
"Let's just exchange email adresses before that. And do you happen to know a Nosferatu, or someone I could go to ask some informations, Alex ?"
@Alexander Montferrier (@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]) - jump "Oh...a Nosferatu, interesting"
Alexander Montferrier BOT 25-May-22 12:50 PM
"I've seen that you are a hunter too, Herr Bauer. It will be my pleasure to guide you to our prey so we can purge them together." he said, shacking hands with Bauer if he allows it.
Frederick Bauer BOT 25-May-22 12:53 PM
"I've seen that you are a hunter too, Herr Bauer. It will be my pleasure to guide you to our prey so we can purge them together." he said, shacking hands with Bauer if he allows it.
@Alexander Montferrier (@Slinar [Alexander Montferrier]) - jump He accepts the hand "Sehr Gut" giving him a light smile.
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