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Los Angeles: Blood Moon
❌ Past Logs Chapters 1-7 / ❌💀labm-d1-fashion-sentence
!Your Hyennaes 18-May-22 12:36 AM
Day 1 Location: Tremere Chantry Players: Alexander Montferrier s1 & Alex Kennedy s1 @Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] @Alex/Sofie /Stefan ST - @!Your Hyennaes (edited)
!Your Hyennaes 18-May-22 02:09 AM
Another night came to the city of Angels, and already for a few years Alexander did not normally leave the Chantry. Oh all this years he studied a lot of useful things indeed, but four walls were staring back and could make the fresh tremere crazy. LA Chantry had it's own spirit, if you didn't know where to go - you just get lost. First it was confusing and even annoying, then... who knows. Montferrier had just a dozen of minutes after he woke up before he heard knocking at his door. But yet - just silence and phantom dinging of some thin sound in the air. Sun left, releasing the dead body from it's deadly grip.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 18-May-22 02:19 AM
Alexander has fixated the ceiling all this time, drawings of his studies all pinned to form a constellation of notes and diagrams. Only one place of his ceiling was free of scriptures ; the place right above his pillow, where only a circle of free space let him vacate his mind and think about other things that the necessary blood sorcery revisions. He stood up immediately, grabbing his leather satchel, already clad in a black shirt with leather jeans. The immortality has some good sides, and to not live and just study all day allowed him to keep the same style for months without changing himself. "Here is it, another day of "wonder". he thought before going up the door and opening it.
!Your Hyennaes 18-May-22 02:50 AM
At the very entrance he met nose to nose with his Sire. Valerie Lewis. A woman of style, always classy, and there was a rumor she's not that cold as she seems to be. "You're awake. Good. Come with me, I have some news for you", - the voice was deep and melodic, she smelled... strange but nice as always. Some time after the embrace and studying Blood Magic Montferrier could define one important ingredient of that smell - bird's blood.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 18-May-22 02:57 AM
Bowing his head slightly before his master, he put on a slight smile, sadly rendered sinister by all the blood he has on his face, the rest of a meal he hadn't washed up. Alexander grabbed his mask in his snatchel and put it on, before following her outside. A noise of cracked knucles could be heard.
!Your Hyennaes 18-May-22 03:00 AM
"Don't worry, We won't get outside the Chantry. We are ready to introduce you to the Prince as a Neonate, Alexander". That phrase did have a two tricky subtexts, first, he had to be ready for anything, second - from that time he will be free to answer for his actions alone. She definitely was sure he is ready, the rest was just... his problem. (edited)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 18-May-22 03:06 AM
Jules cracked his right index with his thumb, before replying with a coarse voice, not used since several days : "So I must understand that the Prince has been allowed inside the Domain ? Is it rare to have this kind of visit ?". He then asked, with always a soft voice, as to not disturb the residents of this place : "Any last minute advice ?" "I'm confident in what Mistress Lewis taught me, so it'll all depend on what they want me to be. A failure, or a brand new promising fledgling ? Not much I can do now."
!Your Hyennaes 18-May-22 03:13 AM
"My dear Alexander do not dissappoint me from the very evening. Of course Prince will not visit this place", - her voice changed for the smiling one, - "not because he's not allowed, but because he will not spend his precious time to do so." She definitely could say it in a more rough manner but no, not today. "Be gentle, be polite. Maybe he will ask you something, maybe nothing at all. It is just a formality... By the way. Have you seen Alex Kennedy in the Chantry? Do you know each other?" (edited)
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 18-May-22 03:24 AM
and with that the sound of an apple being bitten as if to draw attention to himself. Those who have been around the Chantry lately would be aware of who it was. The tale but skinny frame, the chiseled looks, the impeccable style, and the strange love for fruits... It was Alex Kennedy. Snacking on an apple and looking at them with a pause. Looking at them with those striking brown eyes of his the handsome human-like occultist sarcastically remarked. "It seems that even though I don't have Auspex I can still feel my ears ringing when my name is mentioned. Alex, Alex Kennedy." reaching his finely maintained hand out for a shake as he said "So, And to what do I owe this dubious pleasure?" (edited)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 18-May-22 03:29 AM
Alexander shakes the hand with a firm grip, but not too strong. He replied with a soft voice : "Murphy's law, if I'm correct. The name is Montferrier, Alexander Montferrier. You seem to have quit the style, it's nice to know that I can leave that to you."
"I'm the apprentice of Mistress Lewis, and if you need my help with anything, don't hesitate to knock on my door. If you manage to travel those accursed corridors."
!Your Hyennaes 18-May-22 03:34 AM
Lewis just nodded to Kennedy and turned to Montferrier: "You have one hour to prepare. The car will wait for you outside. Don't forget to", - she glanced at Kennedy, - look nice. Knowing his mentor Alexander Montferrier definitely could understand that was not about the clothes, well, them indeed but also the body temperature. "I need to make some preparations too so I can leave you for some time. Do you have any questions, Childe?" (edited)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 18-May-22 03:36 AM
"Not at all, I will abide now, and maybe ask for some fashion advice from my brother. Thank you for your time, Mistress." he said, before bowing more significantly than before.
realhearty 1
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 18-May-22 03:38 AM
Kennedy was definitely an anomaly of an embrace. He ate, he was healthy, he had warmth and he wasn't pale. Continuing to casually snack on his fruit and keeping an upright confident posture the Charismatic Tremere replied. "I recently ended my apprenticeship a few years ago. Nice to meet you two... I'll go also. I probably might maybe also help out with the other Alex." (edited)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 18-May-22 03:41 AM
Alexander stood there, wondering if he was the other Alex. He didn't move, just fixing Kennedy.
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 18-May-22 03:51 AM
Alex has a normal aura coloring without a lick of Pale anywhere. The main color is Vermilion and it is mottled.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 18-May-22 03:56 AM
"You want to help me with my style ? If not, see you later Kennedy." he said, his voice far less restrained and a bit less cold.
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 18-May-22 03:57 AM
"I've got nothing to do..." He takes a bite of his apple. "My haven, my room, or your room."
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 18-May-22 03:59 AM
"Let's go to your place. I'm curious."
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 18-May-22 04:09 AM
Transition to Alex's Haven
After a little montage the duo of Tremere arrived at Kennedy's haven. The place on the outside was a big place with 2 or so floors and a fenced in backyard with a pool. The haven was guarded by a friendly looking ghoul who Kennedy walked up to and had open to door for both of them. Upon coming in they were greated to a fairly nice and cozy place that has a nice but normal looking library, a Soundsystem with a cd disk changer, and a big TV with a DVD player. Overall a nice place. Walking inside Alex gently said. "Make yourself at home, brother."
theart 1
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 18-May-22 04:18 AM
When Montferrier gets out of the car, he walks a bit, looking around, visibly confused...? And then falls to his knees, graping the soil with his bare hands, before looking at the sky.
"It's been a while since i got out." he said, having gained back his composure. (edited)
sadkitty 1
theart 1
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 18-May-22 04:21 AM
Looking to Monty in confusion, the other Tremere asked. "What's wrong?" Looking at him when he answered back. "Yeah... It happens sometimes. Anyways you're free to come in. I'd offer you a drink but I got nothing."
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 18-May-22 04:22 AM
He stood up, and stuffed backed his mask in his satchel. On his face, two traits of vitae ran beneath his eyes. He smiled with unease, and a quit honest face, and followed him inside.
"Nice place you got there, got any security installed except your man on the outside?"
Alexander assessed everything, looking with curiosity, seeming to ease a lot. (edited)
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 18-May-22 04:24 AM
"Great now you're getting vitae everywhere..." The Tremere gave a sigh as he quickly closed the door behind Montferrier. "I recently got it. It just has the basic things. I would install wards but I need to study that ritual."
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 18-May-22 04:26 AM
"Interesting. Don't worry, it has ceased. Thinking of putting any explosives, alarm system ? Or even dogs, they can really off put intruders if well trained... And if they're fed up with vitae, even better."
"Well, i messed up with my shirt, can I borrow one of yours ? And take a shower ? I don't really have all the time sadly.."
hyena 1
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 18-May-22 04:30 AM
"I don't have Animalism, explosives draw too much attention as we are in a residential area, and an alarm could work. Oh you may take a shower and I'm sure I have some clothes you could borrow."
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 18-May-22 04:31 AM
"Well, let's do that." Alex followed up Alex to the bathroom. (edited)
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 18-May-22 01:03 PM
Alex stepped in the shower. His frame was muscular, lean, and yet it was a story of pain that those scars told. He let the cold water on him, all of his look fixing his body. His hands, they were still harsh from his mortal days, fixed in an eternity of callouses and pained joints, constantly reminding of their restlessness. They wanted to feel the sword, the axe, the punching bag, the flesh of someone. He closed them, and his memories of a more violent time, a simpler time. Letting the palm of his hand touch his body, he leaned down, touching the tips of his feet. His index travelling on his skin, he slowly began to go up. Soon, a story, his first fall of a bike. He smiled, picturing his dad all panicked. It was good when he was alive. Proceeding, he avoid his loins to go straight to his chest. Several scar were there. Each told of an horror, and the satisfaction to have done the duty that was his. Probing a mark around his left nipple, leaving a gap in his muscle. He smiled. "I hope you have found rest at least, friend." The water, hot, burned his skin bringing human warmth to his memories. He gazed at his crotch. He closed his eyes, the idea of sexuality emerging again in his mind, long lost in studies and the blood shackles. Reminiscences of senses, of intense scenes erupted into his mind and hence melancholy. "Fuck, even now, I can't except her for who she was, is, a fucking monster." Anger rose in him, remembering past pain, joy and hope. Despair overflowed him. Despair of what could have been, has been said, and the wounds he still boar, even after all those years. "I need to find her, to have closure. Justice for the misery she put us through, me first." He looked at his feet, seeing red blood on the ground, fumes emanating from the mixed Vitae and scorching water. "Stupid Josh" he groaned, jaws clenched, as he hurled his hand into the shower wall. A loud cracked occurred, as several fingers broke in this punch.
He faced the burning rain, letting it melt his body and pain, wash down the flowing Vitae from his eyes.
omg 2
!Your Hyennaes 18-May-22 03:57 PM
Through the sound of falling water there was one that pierced the drama. A phonecall. Too familiar not to pay attention. And probably a reminder that he didn't have an eternity even for grief. One day he heard in the chantry that they don't have enough time. What was that about after all? (edited)
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 18-May-22 10:49 PM
As he heard the punch and listening to the phone ring, Alex picked it up. "Hello?"
!Your Hyennaes 18-May-22 10:51 PM
Kennedy heard the voice of Valerie Lewis. "Good evening again, Alex. I could not reach Montferrier. Is everything allright?" (edited)
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 18-May-22 10:52 PM
"Oh he's taking a shower. How are you doing?" Alex crossed his legs and relaxed a little.
!Your Hyennaes 18-May-22 10:55 PM
"All is well, thank you, I wanted to remind that you don't have a lot of time, please don't be late. And just got the news Prince wanted to see you in Elysium too so I guess you both going together." (edited)
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 18-May-22 10:56 PM
"Oh really now? Well that's nice. I'll be there soon."
!Your Hyennaes 18-May-22 11:06 PM
"Good, so do not play fashion-mongers for a long time please. "
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 18-May-22 11:07 PM
"I won't." Alex gave a malicious giggle. He's absolutely going to. (edited)
!Your Hyennaes 18-May-22 11:08 PM
"Good. Have a good night." She finished the call.
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 18-May-22 11:10 PM
With that call done, Alex waits for the other Alex's cryfest to be done.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 19-May-22 02:32 AM
Montferrier got out of the shower, a placid expression on his face. It has not been long, maybe fifteen minutes, but for him, it has been enough. The phone call had brought him back to his senses, and he got out, a white tower around his loins. He was clean.
"Sorry about the wall. I'll could come back some day and have that fix if you wish. What have you got for me ?" he asked, a forced smile on his lips, and yet seeming to be perplex about something.
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 19-May-22 02:36 AM
"Well seeing as how we are hitting the Elysium to visit the prince." Alex gets up and walks to his room and comes out with a cyan blue suit. "I think this would work for you."
vlip1 2
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 19-May-22 02:40 AM
"Perfect for a introduction to the Prince. Thank you, Kennedy. I appreciate it." he said before grabbing the suit, and going back in the bathroom. A moment later, a new well clade Montferrier got out.
"You think that the mask must go before seeing the Prince?" he asked, before showing of the mask in his hand, all clean.
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 19-May-22 02:51 AM
Rushing off to get dressed Alex like the vain bastard he was had an awful idea as he broke out his bottle of freshly harvested virgin blood and a sprig of mint. Washing his face with the blood and putting the mint in his shoe he did his best to enact the ritual of Impressive Visage... And it worked. It worked so well that he was absolutely angelic in his beauty. Stepping out in a fine black suit he answered. "Keep the mask on while we drive. Once we get to the prince, take it off."
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 19-May-22 03:43 AM
*Montferrier looked Kennedy during his ritual, patient. Nodding to his response, he stepped out, putting his mask again. He took place in the car. When his fellow Tremere stepped in to drive, he turned to him. *"This is a nice ritual you got there. Who teached it to you ?"
cute 1
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 19-May-22 03:45 AM
"It's the Ritual of Impressive Visage. It's the only ritual I know but it's an important one to have when in the Camarilla." Stepping into his car and helping his clan brother into the passenger seat, Kennedy got into the driver's spot and began driving to the Elysium.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 19-May-22 03:47 AM
"Have you been in this for a while ?" Montferrier asked, as he looked back, verifying they were not followed. (edited)
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 19-May-22 03:48 AM
Driving his car and keeping focused on the road, Alex replied. "What do you mean?"
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 19-May-22 03:49 AM
"The whole Kindred and blood magic stuff."
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 19-May-22 03:55 AM
"I've been a kindred since '79. For the most part I was living in Chicago in their Chantry. I was apart of that one Lupine War '93 and lost most of my friends during it. Then I moved here around '99. I've mostly been focusing on social stuff."
ohmy 1
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 19-May-22 03:57 AM
"Sorry for your loss. How do you think LA is ? What can you tell me about the Prince ?"
hyena 1
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 19-May-22 04:00 AM
"LA is fine. It's glamor and glitz covering up lost dreams and broken hopes. The prince is an ok guy. Classic egotistical blonde hair blue eye Ventrue."
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 19-May-22 04:04 AM
"Is there someone I should be wary of ?" he asked, as he grabbed his satchel and took a white ribbon that he put in his inner pocket. (edited)
The movements of Montferrier were quit measured, calculated to do the less effort in the most efficient way. There was a nonchalance in how he moved in space, perfectly aware of his body and what he could do with.
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 19-May-22 04:07 AM
"The city seems to be mostly full of Anarch wretches. Other then the city is your standard vampire owned city." Alex continued to drive and was confused as he looked back and saw Monty swaying around in his seat. "The hell are you doing?"
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 19-May-22 04:12 AM
"Just taking a precaution. Nothing to worry about." he replied, a smile in his voice. (edited)
hyena 1
"Anarch wretches ? You mean communists?"
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 19-May-22 04:15 AM
Alexander just gave a cold reply of "Yes."
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 19-May-22 04:17 AM
Montferrier stared at Kennedy in silence, then looked outside for the rest of the travel.
!Your Hyennaes 19-May-22 04:21 AM
The car went to one of the Elysiums in the city. The main one. Close to the building it seemed there were only a few cars and not necessary of the kindred. Maybe ghouls'? Kennedy knew some of them. No one really important except of the car that belonged to the Chantry - a nice van with dark windows. A few guards were mixed around the area. More the average, as Kennedy knew. The entrance was not locked for the known faces. As the car arrived, Valerie went out of the van and headed towards the theater's door, putting a light glance to the other tremere.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 19-May-22 04:27 AM
Montferrier walked to follow his mentor, bowing his head respectfully, his mind focused on not making an "impair" during this evening.
He took a look behind him, at Alex, and nodded his head, asking if he wanted to follow him by a nod.
Alex/Sofie /Stefan 19-May-22 04:28 AM
Parking his car and getting out, Alex had a look around at the area before glancing at Val. Smiling to her in the Charismatic way of his he began walking towards the entrance.
Maximillian Strauss BOT 19-May-22 04:50 AM
They came inside. The room was huge, but smelled pretty familiar to any tremere: old wood, crackling under their feet, dust, even seemed blood, but just the illusion. Something inside reminded the "twins" by name that here they're just the little details in the mechanism. Dark corridors let to a big hall with seats and stage. No one was here except of one familiar person. Too familiar for both of them. A tall bold man in red trench coat - their Regent. - Good night, - he greeted his blood.
Slinar [Alexander Montferrier] 19-May-22 04:50 AM
Alexander bowed before the Regent, taking off the mask and posing him on the ground before him. He remembered the sinister way he met him the first time, and how it turned out for him. "Master Regent, we are here as you pleased." He stayed inclined, waiting for his command. (edited)
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 19-May-22 04:51 AM
Bowing to the Regent with the other Alex, Alex smiled widely. "It is a pleasure to meet you once more, Master Regent."
Maximillian Strauss BOT 19-May-22 05:05 AM
"Good you're here. Both of you. I think that would be a useful meeting. Kennedy, you'll go first, there's something Prince LaCroix want to speak with you about" He pointed at the dark entrance somewhere on the left. "Montferrier", - there should be probably an ironic smile, but there was not, - you'll stay with me for now, we will wait for his return here.
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 19-May-22 05:09 AM
"Well... This should be interesting." Alex gave that wide smile of his as he went to go talk with the Prince.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 19-May-22 05:11 AM
Alexander stayed put, not moving an inch, except for a nod of acquiescence.
Prince LaCroix BOT 19-May-22 05:16 AM
Dark narrow corridor almost transformed Kennedy into a rat in the landfill. Pieces of wood, some scratches that did not belong to a human, and silence. Total silence, but his own steps. Finally the dimmed light lit the area of a large wooden door. Probably not even close like the thing he was in Ventrue tower while was visiting Prince at his night of arrival.
Maximillian Strauss BOT 19-May-22 05:18 AM
Regent started to speak to Monrferrier first. Maybe it was not very comfortable now, when his mentor was not around in this hall. "So how was your last month of study? What do you feel about your new... existence."
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 19-May-22 05:21 AM
Dark narrow corridor almost transformed Kennedy into a rat in the landfill. Pieces of wood, some scratches that did not belong to a human, and silence. Total silence, but his own steps. Finally the dimmed light lit the area of a large wooden door. Probably not even close like the thing he was in Ventrue tower while was visiting Prince at his night of arrival.
@Prince LaCroix (@!Your Hyennaes) - jump Being extremely careful about what he was walking into and because of his polite nature Alex gently knocked on the door.
Prince LaCroix BOT 19-May-22 05:33 AM
In a few moments the door opened. It was Valerie that let him step inside and closed the door right after Kennedy entered. The room was close to a big office, rather shy and pretty empty, but Prince LaCroix himself made this room much more peculiar. Especially with his famous "Good evening." The first and ever phrase that could promise both good or bad news.
hyena 3
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 19-May-22 05:36 AM
Waltzing inside and looming over a chair the polite Tremere gave a bow. "Good evening my prince. What can I do for you tonight?"
Prince LaCroix BOT 19-May-22 05:50 AM
"I heard you are a frequent guest at our elysiums, and the last one went a few days ago here, I guess you had some of your", - he indefinitely waved his hand, - "magical business", - sounded a bit ironic, - "but I already announced the news. And it is not getting better. Unfortunately. I need to solve the situation. Three! Of our small Elysiums were burnt!" Kennedy could see how his face changed to an angry, indignant grin. "I want it fixed", - he added, - "and I got the best recommendations from your Primogen about yourself to be of our assistance to find out what is happening."
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 19-May-22 05:54 AM
Tapping his chin I'm thought he repeated. "Smaller elysiums being burned, venerable prince wants it fixed. While I have no useful disciplines for tracking or anything magical like that... I do know a little bit of Dominate can go a long way." As he relaxed over he say he crossed his legs. "I may also need to assemble a Coterie for this aswell..."
Prince LaCroix BOT 19-May-22 06:03 AM
Prince waved a hand once again. The 'dominate' made him rise a brow as the sign of interest. "Yes... Yes. You may try to connect anyone you can, as soon as it helps. I'm still almost sure it is something of an Anarch thing. My Sheriff kept a good work with Sabbat some time earlier. And you know what? The Anarchs have the audacity to claim they have their 'club' suffered from the Sabbat pack. Anyway. I need more hands and ears. Fins out what you can, you can go to those rootless bastards or ask around our... kindred."
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 19-May-22 06:10 AM
"I think I will try and talk with some of the other Kindred to see if I can get a Coterie going. Also is there anything else you'd need me to do?"
Prince LaCroix BOT 19-May-22 06:12 AM
"I think this is pretty enough for now. You can go."
Alex Kennedy [App 4, Deceptive Aura, Blush of Health] BOT 19-May-22 06:19 AM
And with that, Alex leaves to the lobby area.
Maximillian Strauss BOT 19-May-22 06:21 AM
In the hall there are still two kindred - Regent and Montferrier. It looked like they jjust had a little talk.
Alexander Montferrier BOT 19-May-22 07:31 AM
"It seemed that my turn has come." he said, smiling to Alex, before regaining a hard and cold expression. Bowing his head slightly to the Regent and Kennedy, he walked down in corridor.
!Your Hyennaes 19-May-22 05:20 PM
#❌💀labm-d1-introduction-to-court #❌💀labm-d1-heavy-burden
==Sh end scene==
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