Roman Blood (Rome 2010) pbp text game

Free to play, no payments involved!
New player friendly. If you have no idea what is Play-by-post game - the communty will gladly help you to catch up!

Technical requirement: to play you need to have a Discord account.

The game itself is available here:

Short description

  • ROME 2011 welcomes new players!
  • A server V20 VTM based pbp (play-by-post) is looking for players!
  • We're a 18+ venue.
  • Our format: text/PbP with occasional voice (2-4 voice games a month)
  • Game is active 24/7, players worldwide, 150-300 scenes and 12K-21K of RP posts a month!!
  • If you can be often active in your time zone, enjoy creating and sharing stories, and value respect for fellow players, join us in Rome!
  • Anticipate MANY events and XP rewards for active engagement!

>> JOIN US! <<

Long description

Dive into the Eternal City: Rome 2011,

A V20 Vampire: The Masquerade Experience

Hey fellow night wanderers! We're excited to invite you into a unique corner of the World of Darkness, set against the backdrop of Rome in 2011.

Our Discord server hosts a richly detailed play-by-post (PbP) game based on the Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition (V20). Here’s a bit more about what you’ll find in our version of Rome:

  • Ancient Meets Modern: Rome is a city where the old and the new exist side by side. As a vampire, you’ll navigate through centuries-old conspiracies, modern-day politics, and the eternal struggle for power within the Camarilla, the Anarchs, and the Sabbat lurking in the shadows.
  • A Living, Breathing World: Our game is always alive, with players from around the globe contributing to a constantly evolving narrative. Imagine over 15-20,000 RP posts a month, each adding another layer to our shared story.
  • Rich Lore and Deep Politics: Delve into the intricate politics of vampire society, where ancient clans and modern factions vie for control of the Eternal City. Your character could play a key role in shaping the future of Rome, whether through cunning diplomacy, hidden schemes, romance or outright conflict.
  • Engage on Your Terms: While our main stage is text-based PbP, offering the flexibility to contribute, we also host voice sessions to bring certain scenes to life. Whether you're about intense character development or thrilling plot twists, there's a place for you here.
  • Community and Respect: More than just a game, we’re a community of adults (19-52 years old) who value storytelling, creativity, and mutual respect. We’re all about supporting each other in creating a fun and engaging experience. Whether you’re a veteran of the night or new to the shadows, we welcome your stories, your characters, and your imagination.

Together, we'll explore the depths of Vampire lore set against the rich tapestry of Rome, where every alleyway and ancient ruin could hold secrets waiting to be uncovered. Feeling intrigued? We’d love for you to join us and leave your mark on this dark and storied city.


 Let’s weave some incredible tales together under the moonlit Roman sky.